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Everything posted by Kong

  1. Kong


    Do you think it would produce another bug after changing that? I'll try and test.
  2. Forum maybe inaccessible for the moment, but they're alive: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commits/master
  3. Do we need to use both the script and the plugin? or just the script will do? because in rathena they only have script
  4. Kong


    Thanks for the help @@AnnieRuru
  5. Kong

    Tree of Savior

    Hahah.. I didn't see that coming. Nice
  6. Kong


    Hi @@Dastgir do you have an update for this plugin? ^^
  7. Aweesooome. was looking for this. hahah thank you
  8. Unfortunately there's a bug with @loadnpc, when you use it to load the broadcaster, 2 broadcaster will simultaneously broadcast news. lol
  9. Hello if there's anyone here who could be generous enough to provide an NPC like this that would be greatly appreciated. So we have a random news broadcaster that looks like this: - script News -1,{OnInit:set .Time,60; // Announce every x Minute.setarray .News$[0], // Random Message to be Announced "Blablablablah", "Jeeejejejejejeeeh"; while( 1 ){ announce .News$[ rand( getarraysize( .News$ ) ) ],bc_all,0x99CC00; sleep ( .Time * 60000 ); }end;} However the problem is that when we have new things to announce to the server (ex. Modified EXP rates event / drop rate / an event to happen in an hour) we'll have to do @reloadscript just to reload this file again everytime you have an update. And we all know the CONS of using @reloadscript in-game.. I have come up with an idea where there would be an NPC (only accessible by admins/gms) where you could store "News / Announcements" and configure the X number of minutes it will randomly show up all the news stored in the NPC. This way we can dynamically manage to 'Add, Edit, Delete' current news/announcement without having to reload the server. So if we have to announce something, we just have to access that NPC maybe through an "@" command and add new announcement. And maybe configure the number of minutes it will randomly show all stored announcements. If possible, there's also a way to show the number of news currently being rolled. For future developments: Maybe we can allow "active/inactive" state of news so GMs/Admins can simply deactivate that announcement (without removing it in the list) Huhuhuu... paging @@AnnieRuru
  10. Everyone seems to be busy or probably on vacation? It's been 3 days and the host is still pending even if I already paid it. My current host will expire in 2 days and I need both hosts UP simultaneously so players can download the IP from the old server. Can you please reply on my tickets or skype messages? I'm begging you. Time is running out for me.
  11. That's going to be hell weird lol. You'll also need to create new floor levels for this. If you can use 'spacebar' while trying to move the character from a cell to another and jumps for like 2-3 cells then it would be cool otherwise, I don't know.
  12. It's possible, but there comes 24 char limit, so if the player name is too long, it might get tripped off. Ahh I see thanks, or maybe a prefix on the pub? idk xD
  13. Is it possible to add a prefix on the name of the cloned player (@market)? ex. [Market] PlayerNameHere so there's a way to depict which one is real or not to avoid any confusion.. thanks
  14. Scenario A server has PVP ON for all MVP MAPS Ofcourse, a map zone for PVP has damage reductions (magic, long range, melee, and some other custom damage adjustments) The problem: PVP Mapzone also affects monsters or MVP monsters in it. It means, your damage also reduced on monsters. Question / suggestion How can we set this up so that only "PLAYER vs. PLAYER damages" is affected by this map zone or a specific setting that will only affect PLAYERS? Thanks
  15. Hahah I don't think this is necessary but great work.
  16. Hahaha brings back Ragnarok the Animation feel. This is sick
  17. Kong


    There's a bug in the latest version of auraset plugin. Unable to use buffs/debuffs to monsters (ex. Lex Aterna, Blessings, Inc Agi, etc). It is being casted but there's no effect
  18. Hi @@Dastgir for some reason one of your plugin is causing this weird problem: Unable to use buffs/debuff to monsters (ex. Lex Aterna, Blessings, Inc Agi) It is being casted to the monsters but no effect I'm using: auraset (confirmed) Fresh copy of latest hercules svn, only with plugins added.
  19. Kong


    Going to test this thanks @@AnnieRuru
  20. I'm sure there were lots of random motd scripts out there
  21. I've tested this and all works fine with 290+ custom hair palettes! Looking forward to seeing more hairstyles added to this collection
  22. Hi zack, is it possible to get this in pre-renewal? It is possible if you take them from the renewal item_db. Since they don't have any effects they should be able to be implemented for pre-renewal too (double check them to be sure though). Currently working on the addition of renewal items to pre-renewal db, it's a horror but someone has to do it. Lol. it sounds easy but it is merged with the item_db at random lines it would be better if it was separated at least and grouped. It is more logical that it's done by order of item ID, which is done now. However a chronological order of implementation wouldn't be bad for purposes like this. However, if you want it, you'll have to just sit those 3-4 hours comparing the two databases and merge changes. I'll be doing the migration for the whole renewal database to pre-renewal and not just the costume items. Just the costume items probably is relatively easy to do, I think it's within the item ID range of like 19k-23k or something? Which is done quite fast. That would be great, and yes I agree with you it is supposed to be on that order.
  23. Hi zack, is it possible to get this in pre-renewal? It is possible if you take them from the renewal item_db. Since they don't have any effects they should be able to be implemented for pre-renewal too (double check them to be sure though). Currently working on the addition of renewal items to pre-renewal db, it's a horror but someone has to do it. Lol. it sounds easy but it is merged with the item_db at random lines it would be better if it was separated at least and grouped.
  24. I experienced getting 'automatically' subscribed when I bought a service from them. I wasn't aware, not to mention, that it is not written on their invoice or checkout info, that you are automatically subscribed. They do not refund this instead they add a credit to your account which is the same as being forced to continue your subscription or use the credit for the next month lol. So for new clients of this service, I would suggest you double check your paypal account if you get a subscription from them if you don't like getting deducted automatically. As far as their service is concern, trinity provides one of the best hosting solution. However post-sales or customer support is not that great anymore compared before. They do not respond professionally on your tickets, no feedback / reply given, they'll just close the issue without knowing the problem. Even on skype, you're lucky to get a reply within the day from recent message. So if your server is down or had a problem, you better create tickets, pm them on forums, and leave a message on skype to catch their attention There is also this strict 'policy' that will prevent you from getting a copy of your server backup (files & database) once your subscription expired, even if the server is still pending on deletion. You will need to either pay for another 'low cost' hosting to transfer your files, or continue your subscription to get your backups or, make sure to get them before your subscription last. Pre-sales, they are great, specially up to the point of setting up their server. After that, you're on your own.
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