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Everything posted by Emistry

  1. @Via ... aw...how come i never thought that was a custom function .. >.< damn.. i keep search the src ..and doc folder ...and failed... @ts you said you get error...what's the error ? navigation only work in 2011 client and above...
  2. does Hercules has this ?? what script command is this ? custom made ? or it's a function in the script ? F_Navi("[Prontera Guide]"); as far as i know...we only got this.. mes "go to <NAVI>[Hat Maker]<INFO>izlude,131,148,</INFO></NAVI> to make hats";
  3. you can create a custom script command to retrieve the group name... something like this i guess BUILDIN(getgroupname){ TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); script_pushstr( sd,pc_group_id2name( pc_get_group_id( sd ) ) ); return true;}
  4. mes .@name$; mes " I can set you up with a Falcon, Cart or Mount for "+ .@price +"z"; next; } // <---------- REMOVE your script doesnt even gave you the option to get these falcon , cart or mount..
  5. OnNPCKillEvent:if( killedrid == 1002 ){ dispbottom "You killed a Poring .."; getitem 512,1;}end;
  6. I would like to suggest that change the mapindex_name2id debug message to add the npc files or npc name that passed an unknown map... just like the picture shown above , sometime when you added alot of npcs..or stuff and loaded it in game....suddenly this error shown... mostly it make you search every single npcs that you added recently since you forget which npcs passed a mapname ?? so i am thinking why dont we add some more useful messages to help other to track the source of the problem ? maybe adding one of these : npc name variable npc file name
  7. change to soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"prontera"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"morocc"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"payon"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"aldebaran"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"geffen"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"izlude"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"louyang"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"eclage"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"amatsu"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"comodo"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"yuno"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"alberta"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"lighthalzen"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"gonryun"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"ayothaya"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"hugel"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"rachel"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"sanctum"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"sl_mall01"; soundeffectall "effectef_angelus.wav",0,"sl_mall02";
  8. // Structure of Database:// MobID,SpriteID{,Equipment}//// 01. MobID Mob ID to change.// 02. SpriteID Mob ID which will be sent to the client instead of MobID.// If 0, the mob becomes unavailable for use.// 03. Equipment Item ID of pet equipment (must be available for pet counterpart, or this will cause problems).// the mob_db part is totally up to you ... i am just showing you the way to create a new mob with existing mob sprite without required clientside modifications...
  9. just duplicate a new mob_id with all the database /setting you want for the mob... then edit the sprite at
  10. i dont understand what you mean by monster description .. /swt there is no such description for every monster .... all you got only monster information or sprite...that's all...
  11. use this https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/db/mob_avail.txt
  12. OnMobKilled: mapannounce .Map$,"We've got a winner: " + strcharinfo(0) + " Congrats!",0; set zeny,zeny+10000000; getitem 7539,500; set .Event,0; end;
  13. you can use *unitwarp <GID>,<Mapname>,<x>,<y>;
  14. Emistry

    R>Runes Giver

    use a npc with location...and not floating npc...
  15. Emistry

    Refine NPC

    prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{while( .@x < 11 ){ if( getequipisenableref( .@x ) && getequipisequiped( .@x ) ) while( getequippercentrefinery( .@x ) == 100 ) successrefitem .@x; .@x++;}end;}
  16. erm... i have some problem .. >.< i downloaded the xDiff from here.. http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/Diffs/2013-07-17cRagexe.xdiff and the 2013 client here http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/2013-07-17cRagexe.exe.zip but when i try to load the diffpatcher...i get this full error message here is there anything that i missed ???
  17. Emistry

    R>Runes Giver

    OnPCDieEvent:if( Class == 4060 ){ if( countitem( xyz ) < 3 ) getitem xyz,( 3 - countitem( xyz ) );}
  18. ACMD(afk){ nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.autotrade == battle_config.autotrade_mapflag ){ chat_createpcchat(sd, "Be Right Back", "", 1, 1); sd->state.autotrade = 1; if( battle_config.at_timeout ) { int timeout = atoi(message); status_change_start(&sd->bl, SC_AUTOTRADE, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, ((timeout > 0) ? min(timeout,battle_config.at_timeout) : battle_config.at_timeout) * 60000, 0); } clif->chsys_quit(sd); clif->authfail_fd(sd->fd, 15); }else{ clif->message(fd, "AFK is not allowed on this map."); } return 0;}
  19. thx thx thx.. wait..that cake..."50" ?? ..omg.. that's too old.. >.< anyway thx.
  20. you can use *setcastledata "<map name>",<type of data>,<value>;
  21. OMG....how come you didnt tell me about this amazing tricks xD Yommy so bad ...
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