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Everything posted by Emistry

  1. try change for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@guildmembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@guildmemberaid[.@i], $@guildmembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@guildmemberaid[.@i]; to addrid( 3,getcharid(2) );
  2. weird...it seem to be no problem by now. yesterday when i tried, it open a new url using the hash value which is not even a valid url. nvm since it's already fixed.
  3. As alway, thx for Hercules and Yommy great effort in pushing the development forward xD and finally, thx for hercules - the Pre-Character Gender is available.
  4. is the git bbcode command ?? it doesnt provide a valid URL link.
  5. prontera,153,152,1 trader TestCustom2 4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{ OnInit: tradertype(NST_CUSTOM); sellitem Red_Potion,2; end;/* allows currency to be item 501 and 502 */OnCountFunds: setcurrency(countitem(Red_Potion),countitem(Orange_Potion)); end;/* receives @price (total cost) and @points (the secondary input field for cash windows) */OnPayFunds: dispbottom "Hi: price="+@price+" and points="+@points; if( countitem(Orange_Potion) < @points || countitem(Red_Potion) < @price-@points ) end; delitem Orange_Potion,@points; delitem Red_Potion,@price-@points; purchaseok(); end;} https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/sample/npc_trader_sample.txt#L24 sample already given in the script.
  6. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/sample/npc_trader_sample.txt
  7. Emistry

    GIT Link

    month ago I suggested Hercules to change it to link to GIT too, and Mysterious did changed it. Few week later, somehow the link return back to the original state again. maybe they prefer like this ? O__O
  8. you can use the ID between 700~900 i think. should be around this range.
  9. next button keep stacking up. script still running even the character no longer attach to the NPC ( ex: @warp during the npc conversation ) message isnt cleared after the "autonext" which make like new page of message. Preview :
  10. Emistry

    OnTimer Script

    like this http://upaste.me/r/913cad
  11. use this https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/db/re/map_zone_db.conf Example : disabled_skills: { WM_LULLABY_DEEPSLEEP: "PLAYER" WM_SIRCLEOFNATURE: "PLAYER" WM_SATURDAY_NIGHT_FEVER: "PLAYER" SO_ARRULLO: "PLAYER" CG_HERMODE: "PLAYER" }
  12. you can view it like this way select( "option 1", // select() return 1 "option 2", // select() return 2 "option 3", // select() return 3 "Cancel" // select() return 4); the IF-ELSE in your case is just used to check which option is selected by the users. the value is determined by the [wiki=select] which return 1,2,3,4......etc ... and, it's easier to view if you using "," to separate each option for the menu.
  13. some browser doesnt really work good with animated stuff .... ex. Safari / Maxthon ...
  14. good server or not.... isnt depend on you're using eamod or not ... tons of server out there arent using eamod...but still a good server =='' it depend on how you manage/handle your server all the times... what kind of emulator you use...doesnt really matter.
  15. Emistry

    Instance System

    anyway ...for the instance with current existing map ... it's available in hercules too ... Example: instance_attachmap("prontera", .@instance_id,1,"via");^ the above creates a instance (or clone) of prontera, on a map called "via" the current existing instance system is way better for customization.
  16. OnEquipScript: <" OnEquip Script (can also be multi-line) ">OnUnequipScript: <" OnUnequip Script (can also be multi-line) ">
  17. Emistry

    Server Wipe

    shut down server and truncate all the sql table.
  18. replace http://herc.ws/wiki/progressbar with this setarray .@cutins$, "cutin001", "cutin002", "cutin003", "cutin004";.@cutin_size = getarraysize( .@cutin$ );for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@cutin_size; .@i++ ){ cutin .@cutin$[.@i],4; sleep2 1500;}cutin "",255;
  19. load all the sql that mention in the error https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/tree/master/sql-files/upgrades
  20. ALTER TABLE `char` ALTER `uniqueitem_counter` SET DEFAULT '0'
  21. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/conf/battle/skill.conf#L25
  22. if not mistaken, there are a few clients are not working with [wiki=announce] font size ??
  23. use TRUNCATE `table_name`; do this for all the table that you want to reset.
  24. just add the <connection> entry in your clientinfo.xml example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="big5" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>korean</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <extendedslot>9</extendedslot> <connection> <display>Server 1</display> <desc>Tes Server 1</desc> <balloon>Unknown</balloon> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>32</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <aid> <admin>20000000</admin> </aid> <registrationweb></registrationweb> </connection> <connection> <display>Server 2</display> <desc>Tes Server 2</desc> <balloon>Unknown</balloon> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>32</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <aid> <admin>20000000</admin> </aid> <registrationweb></registrationweb> </connection><clientinfo>
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