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Everything posted by Yommy

  1. this option does not make it show the damage.. the client does not display damage on woe maps but some people can hex the client to show damage (and gain advantage by knowing) now with this set to yes, the server will not tell the client the damage, so the hex client will not know the value. (also gm will not see the damage, but can see the hp bar under players) ** i think **
  2. mounts already can be used on all jobs o_O use the reins item. @item Boarding_Halter
  3. there should be some notification, "Drops have been disabled on this map" etc otherwise players will be reporting them as bugs
  4. name=사라 - 만18세이상 usercount=239 name=다크로드 usercount=25 name=바포메트 usercount=1417 name=란드그리스 usercount=156 name=타나토스 usercount=222
  5. Classy, Something that annoys me is sprite errors. So it could also sanity check every item To make sure they have the required sprites and images
  6. Yommy

    Web Script Command

    but, there is not any network packet that requests the client open with a specific address. also there is not any packet to force the client to run a client /command
  7. encryption keys in the client are 0
  8. // Whether to enable the official packet obfuscation support (good vs WPE)// 0: disabled// 1: optional (not recommended) -- identifies whether it is required// 2: enabled (recommended)packet_obfuscation: <value> Just some wise words. the default option is 1, which means the encryption is OPTIONAL. which means anyone can patch the client with the 'skip obfuscation' patch, and once connected they can spam with WPE. to get the best protection, set this to 2
  9. either request at rAthena to convert it, or change to using Hercules Hercules devs will not create this for rAthena o_O
  10. Nice project Some ideas of improvement. make it load the ini file with the same name as exe Yomlauncher.exe loads Yomlauncher.ini Add another button far left of the login button called replay. Which launches client with -replay param This will load the hexed client in replay mode, since using that ragnarokreplay.exe will launch the official ragexe Yom
  11. for anyone who requires, the 3 keys are hardcoded to each client, you can search the keys in hex editor and modify for something unique. for those with IDA / OllyDBG, the keys are pushed just before the PACKET_CZ_ENTER reference (not the actual string) .text:007962A7 0F 84 77 FC FF FF jz loc_795F24 .text:007962AD 8B 0D 04 0F 98 00 mov ecx, dword_980F04 .text:007962B3 68 05 22 05 22 push 22052205h // key 3 .text:007962B8 68 05 22 05 22 push 22052205h // key 2 .text:007962BD 68 05 22 05 76 push 76052205h // key 1 .text:007962C2 E8 A9 64 E3 FF call sub_5CC770 .text:007962C7 68 6C 30 89 00 push offset aPacket_cz_ente ; "PACKET_CZ_ENTER" .text:007962CC E8 6F 19 C7 FF call nullsub_1 .text:007962D1 B9 2D 02 00 00 mov ecx, 22Dh .text:007962D6 83 C4 04 add esp, 4 .text:007962D9 66 89 4C 24 48 mov word ptr [esp+3ECh+cp+2], cx
  12. absolutely awesome let us know what information parts you think are missing, maby even pastey the current formulae so others can fill in gaps YomNom
  13. this is because we are adding new code to sections of exe not made for code. we should work on adding a new PE section for custom code to enter
  14. because you are executing from a different directory. do e:cd RO2012-07 blah
  15. Super Awesome next we have some atk to figure out <3
  16. http://forum.asb-sakray.net/index.php?showtopic=37609 although i am against aegis files being public, they should be kept private and shared with devs privately gravity shouldnt know we have them
  17. MStream, would you like svn access to commit them ? require your assembla account <3
  18. what a fine idea. any other topics or questions regarding rAthena downtime will result in bad things they already stated they are restoring from some backup, and are posting updates at http://bit.ly/10FLL14 after this whole episode, their admin abilities should be regarded as questionable.
  19. https://svn.netvor.sk/umage/ ultramage svn has alot of hook work
  20. http://herc.ws/board/topic/262-implement-new-battleground-queue-system/
  21. Yommy


    are you recompiling the source code when you added the edit ?
  22. wait for Hercules new BG, should be released soon
  23. who cares, the only negative is the lost forum information. "Most members ever online in one day was 152, last accomplished on 16 May 2013." Hercules is growing, and rAthena devs are more than welcome to join <3
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