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  1. Upvote
    AnnieRuru reacted to Dastgir in Plugin Collections   
    Hello Community,
     I am feeling like, there's many plugin on forum, but not been actively used, due to out-of-date plugin
    I have updated Shikazu's Plugin first(as it was requested on the thread from 25th April), maybe Shikazu busy on his rl.
    Also I have included My Plugins there.
    I would like to add more plugins there(which are not updated on hercules forum <- please suggest if you find some outdated plugin and want me to update it )
    List of Plugins and Owners:
    Repository: https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins
  2. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from mrlongshen in Poring Summoner problem.   
    you are right, newer scripting engine now strict with end; or close; command
    this one should be bug free, I think ?
  3. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from mrlongshen in PVP rest time   
    hehehe ... 1 of my super old script
    I mean I used in my dota announcement script -> https://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=237765
    prontera,155,187,3 script PVP Warper 1_F_MARIA,{ if ( !agitcheck() && !agitcheck2() ) { if ( pvproom_cooldown + 5*60 > gettimetick(2) ) { dispbottom "You need to rest for 5 minutes."; end; } if ( select("Yes!","No thanks.") == 2 ) close; announce strcharinfo(0) + " has entered the PVP Room.", bc_all; announce "There are ["+getmapusers("guild_vs5")+"/30] players inside.", bc_all; warp "guild_vs5",0,0; deletearray @sitkillid; deletearray @sitkillidtimes; @sitkillsize = 0; end; } end;OnPCKillEvent: if ( strcharinfo(PC_MAP) != "guild_vs5" ) end; while ( killedrid != @sitkillid[.@i] && .@i < @sitkillsize ) .@i++; if ( .@i == @sitkillsize ) // only add new entry if kill new players @sitkillid[.@i] = killedrid; @sitkillidtimes[.@i]++; @sitkillsize++;// dispbottom "You just killed "+ rid2name( killedrid ) +" for "+ @sitkillidtimes[.@i] +" times."; if ( @sitkillidtimes[.@i] == 5 ) { // when kill same player 5 times pvproom_cooldown = gettimetick(2); warp "Save", 0,0; } end;}guild_vs5 mapflag pvp.btw it should be && condition
    either if ( !agitcheck() && !agitcheck2() ) {
    or if ( agitcheck() || agitcheck2() ) end;
  4. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from bWolfie in movespeed mapflag   
    this is useful for certain events when you want your players to move at a fixed speed
    eg: even if the player has agi up, mount peco or using Authoritative Badge,
    all players movement speed are fixed at your desire value
    Download: 1.3
    prontera mapflag movespeed 150 setmf_movespeed "prontera", 150; all players at prontera will move at default speed
    the value capped between 20~1000 
    prontera mapflag movespeed 150 99 setmf_movespeed "prontera", 150, 99; all players except GM99 at prontera will move at default speed
    removemf_movespeed "prontera"; remove the movespeed mapflag in prontera, without using "@reloadscript"
    dispbottom getmf_movespeed( "prontera" ) +""; dispbottom getmf_movespeed( "prontera", 0 ) +""; dispbottom getmf_movespeed( "prontera", 1 ) +""; first 2 lines return the movespeed value, 3rd line return the GM level bypass restriction
    Note: since the minimum value is 20, if the mapflag is off, return 0
  5. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from evilpuncker in fixedaspd mapflag   
    hehehe ... I'm so happy that now mapflag also can be a plugin
    I think I can safely release all my custom mapflags for hercules users
    Download: 1.3
    prontera mapflag fixedaspd 150 setmf_fixedaspd "prontera", 150; all players will have fixed attack speed at 150 speed
    the value capped between 85~199 ... although the maximum may not actually 199,
    it can be battle_config.max_aspd for 1st/2nd jobs, or battle_config.max_third_aspd for 3rd jobs
    prontera mapflag fixedaspd 150 99 setmf_fixedaspd "prontera", 150, 99; all players except GM99 at prontera has fixed attack speed at 150
    removemf_fixedaspd "prontera"; remove the fixedaspd mapflag in prontera, without using "@reloadscript"
    dispbottom getmf_fixedaspd( "prontera" ) +""; dispbottom getmf_fixedaspd( "prontera", 0 ) +""; dispbottom getmf_fixedaspd( "prontera", 1 ) +""; first 2 lines return the fixedaspd value, 3rd line return the GM level bypass restriction
    Note: since the minimum value is 85, if the mapflag is off, return 0
  6. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from mrlongshen in noitem plugin   
    turn this into plugin
    1.3 plugin
  7. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from Begin in noitem plugin   
    Download: 1.9
    tested with
    prontera mapflag noitem 0,4,5 prontera mapflag noitem IT_HEALING, IT_WEAPON, IT_ARMOR disable player from using healing items, and preventing equip weapon and armor.
    prontera mapflag noitem Poring_Card prontera mapflag noitem 4001 disable player from using Poring Card
    Credit to original author -> https://rathena.org/board/topic/59578-mapflags-noitem-and-noskill2/
  8. Upvote
    AnnieRuru reacted to Winterfox in How to delete all cashpoints?   
    You could make that a bit better like that:
    - script CashReset -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if( #CashReset ) end; #CASHPOINTS = 0; #CashReset = 1;} The table you are searching for is acc_reg_num_db where account_id is the account of the user of course, key is #CASHPOINTS and value is the current amount of cashpoints the user has. If there is no entry for a specific user that means he has 0.
    The same applies to kafra points you just have to switch the key to #KAFRAPOINTS.
    Instead of a script you also could use this sql query to delete all cashpoints:
    DELETE FROM acc_reg_num_db WHERE key = "#CASHPOINTS"
  9. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from Easycore in fixedaspd mapflag   
    hehehe ... I'm so happy that now mapflag also can be a plugin
    I think I can safely release all my custom mapflags for hercules users
    Download: 1.3
    prontera mapflag fixedaspd 150 setmf_fixedaspd "prontera", 150; all players will have fixed attack speed at 150 speed
    the value capped between 85~199 ... although the maximum may not actually 199,
    it can be battle_config.max_aspd for 1st/2nd jobs, or battle_config.max_third_aspd for 3rd jobs
    prontera mapflag fixedaspd 150 99 setmf_fixedaspd "prontera", 150, 99; all players except GM99 at prontera has fixed attack speed at 150
    removemf_fixedaspd "prontera"; remove the fixedaspd mapflag in prontera, without using "@reloadscript"
    dispbottom getmf_fixedaspd( "prontera" ) +""; dispbottom getmf_fixedaspd( "prontera", 0 ) +""; dispbottom getmf_fixedaspd( "prontera", 1 ) +""; first 2 lines return the fixedaspd value, 3rd line return the GM level bypass restriction
    Note: since the minimum value is 85, if the mapflag is off, return 0
  10. Upvote
    AnnieRuru reacted to 4144 in movespeed mapflag   
    why not create plugin?
    In plugin possible all except adding new flag to getmapflag/setmapflag.
  11. Upvote
    AnnieRuru reacted to 4144 in movespeed mapflag   
    @@AnnieRuru plugin can introduce own map flags, but they cant be used in functions getmapflag/setmapflag.
    You can see map flag in this example: https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/blob/master/src/plugins/afk.c
    here used map flag "noafk"
  12. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from raPalooza~ in movespeed mapflag   
    this is useful for certain events when you want your players to move at a fixed speed
    eg: even if the player has agi up, mount peco or using Authoritative Badge,
    all players movement speed are fixed at your desire value
    Download: 1.3
    prontera mapflag movespeed 150 setmf_movespeed "prontera", 150; all players at prontera will move at default speed
    the value capped between 20~1000 
    prontera mapflag movespeed 150 99 setmf_movespeed "prontera", 150, 99; all players except GM99 at prontera will move at default speed
    removemf_movespeed "prontera"; remove the movespeed mapflag in prontera, without using "@reloadscript"
    dispbottom getmf_movespeed( "prontera" ) +""; dispbottom getmf_movespeed( "prontera", 0 ) +""; dispbottom getmf_movespeed( "prontera", 1 ) +""; first 2 lines return the movespeed value, 3rd line return the GM level bypass restriction
    Note: since the minimum value is 20, if the mapflag is off, return 0
  13. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from MikZ in Run Or Die event ( aka. Poring Bomb )   
    ok I made the movespeed mapflag (actually I did this for a customer few days ago hahaha)
    so just add
    guild_vs5 mapflag movespeed 150at your script
  14. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from Alexandria in My agit_controller.txt doesnt work   
    did your server make any announcement in the 1st place ?
  15. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from MikZ in Run Or Die event ( aka. Poring Bomb )   
    maybe you use gm account to register, and then teleport out ?
    almost all event script made by me doesn't have this protection
    so make sure only use non-gm account to run this event, and use gm to @warp in
    once haru's queue iterator script commands out, then its SQO_OnMapChange can prevent this from happening
    EDIT: nvm, maybe just add a few lines 1st, doesn't hurt I guess ?
    release 2.2
  16. Upvote
    AnnieRuru reacted to Garr in Change monsters stats and rewards according to size   
    I think there's already a conf option for this? conf/battle/monster.conf
    // Whether or not the size of specially summoned mobs influences experience, drop rates,// and stats. The rates will be doubled for large mobs, and halved for small ones.// This is only invoked under the 'monster' command, @monsterbig, and @monstersmall. (Note 1)// Default: nomob_size_influence: yes
  17. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from Easycore in @pk Plugin?   
    isn't that what the script do ?
    so you can't pk when pk mode off ..
    or maybe I misunderstood what this pk mode is ....
    maybe YOU should explain to me what this modification does
    because I download the original, its bug, so I don't even understand what that topic talking about
  18. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from Legend in *setmobdata & *getmobdata   
    I don't want rathena members come and steal my source edits anymore hahaha
    - remove MOBDATA_NAME field and MOBDATA_DIRECTION field
    - add monster's emote constants (found in src/map/status.h)
  19. Upvote
    AnnieRuru reacted to Anisotropic Defixation in *setmobdata & *getmobdata   
    Didn't rA have this already?
    Seems more complete and people wanted it merged. I also dislike plugins myself.
  20. Upvote
    AnnieRuru reacted to Garr in *setmobdata & *getmobdata   
    This is way so awesome *_* /lv
    ETA: I think you can actually set constants inside plugin_init for less hooking involved. I checked that when I was remaking your pcblock pull request into plugin (my actual Herc version is few months old, and probably not updating until deal with monster.conf is finished).
  21. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from Legend in *setmobdata & *getmobdata   
    need to summon a hp 10,000,000 poring ?
    or you want to make emperium move ?
    yes, this plugin allows you to customize your monsters attribute
    Download : 1.2
    patch <-- rathena fellows, you are welcome to plagiarize this command, since your setunitdata can't change stats LOL
    I experienced in the past that, sometimes when my internet connection reset, my post will looks like rubbish
    this time I will make multiple posts to reduce the risk of my explanation so they wont get edited
  22. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from evilpuncker in *setmobdata & *getmobdata   
    I don't want rathena members come and steal my source edits anymore hahaha
    - remove MOBDATA_NAME field and MOBDATA_DIRECTION field
    - add monster's emote constants (found in src/map/status.h)
  23. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from Garr in *setmobdata & *getmobdata   
    frequently asked questions and example script
    tested with
    prontera,155,185,5 script kdjhfksfdh 1_F_MARIA,{ .@id = monster( "this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1, "" ); // setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_MODE, getmobdata(.@id, MOBDATA_MODE & ~MD_LOOTER);// setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_NORANDOMWALK, 1; setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_MAXHP, 800000000; setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_HP, 800000000;// setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_HIT, 30000;// setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_CRITICAL, 30000; setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_ATK, 607000;// setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_MODE, 70000;// setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_MOVESPEED, 70000; setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_ATTACK_DELAY, 10; setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_ATTACK_MOTION, 10;// setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_DAMAGE_MOTION, 70000; setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_IMMUNE, 70000; setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_ATTACK_RANGE, 14;// setmobdata .@id, MOBDATA_STR, 327678;// dispbottom "GID = "+ .@id;// dispbottom "ID = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_MOBID );// dispbottom "level = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_LEVEL );// dispbottom "hp = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_HP );// dispbottom "maxhp = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_MAXHP ); dispbottom "atk = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_ATK );// dispbottom "matk = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_MATK );// dispbottom "def = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_DEF );// dispbottom "mdef = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_MDEF );// dispbottom "hit = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_HIT );// dispbottom "flee = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_FLEE );// dispbottom "critical = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_CRITICAL );// dispbottom "perfect dodge = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_PERFECT_DODGE ); dispbottom "str = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_STR );// dispbottom "agi = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_AGI );// dispbottom "vit = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_VIT );// dispbottom "int = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_INT );// dispbottom "dex = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_DEX );// dispbottom "luk = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_LUK ); dispbottom "attack range = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_ATTACK_RANGE );// dispbottom "race = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_RACE );// dispbottom "element type = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_ELEMENT_TYPE );// dispbottom "element level = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_ELEMENT_LEVEL );// dispbottom "mode = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_MODE );// dispbottom "movespeed = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_MOVESPEED );// dispbottom "adelay = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_ATTACK_DELAY );// dispbottom "amotion = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_ATTACK_MOTION );// dispbottom "dmotion = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_DAMAGE_MOTION ); dispbottom "map = "+ getmobdata( .@id, MOBDATA_MAP ); end;}the explanation script is not finished, I knowbut I kinda in a rush because my sister is coming to stay over here tonite
  24. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from Garr in *setmobdata & *getmobdata   
    this post reserve to explain in detail what each constant do
    as there are some of them doesn't really work, and some has to work with others
    1st thing that you need to know is, the monsters stats has been calculated the moment the monster is spawned
    so adding modify the monster's agi will not increase its flee, for example
    have to modify its flee instead ...
    damn ... now going out for lunch
    having someone stay over really sux
  25. Upvote
    AnnieRuru got a reaction from Aly in *setmobdata & *getmobdata   
    need to summon a hp 10,000,000 poring ?
    or you want to make emperium move ?
    yes, this plugin allows you to customize your monsters attribute
    Download : 1.2
    patch <-- rathena fellows, you are welcome to plagiarize this command, since your setunitdata can't change stats LOL
    I experienced in the past that, sometimes when my internet connection reset, my post will looks like rubbish
    this time I will make multiple posts to reduce the risk of my explanation so they wont get edited
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