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Everything posted by Aeromesi

  1. Anyone shed some light on this for me?
  2. Will this be a public release @@Mysterious? If this were to be made a default theme instead of the one we know, that would be awesome. I'm interested in this theme.
  3. So I was doing pull updates from hercules on my server then decided to make my own github and apply updates through that, I lost the original server with the github info for hercules and was wondering if there was a way to establish viewing all modifications made from my Hercules git repo on the Official Hercules git repo. So I make sure I don't miss anything while making all my modifications on a new uptodate Revision of hercules.
  4. So I finally got around to uploading the Patch (Small installer) of the PkRO files. Just get a clean kRO (Or simply copy/paste into a COPY of your own servers folder like I did) and you should be able to use this. Now we can work towards translating the client files and the github server files If you're interested I'll find a way so you can add commits and push updates to the github. Just be sure to message me or add me on Skype: itzmichaelmorici PkRO Small Installer link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/447lgvdtj57dhg2/Patch%20PkRO.rar?dl=0 So just to clarify a few people on my skype have been confused about this project. The aim/goal of this conversion is simply this: Take everything from the PkRO Client+Server (Which uses the Cronus emulator) and translate everything to english, as well as add everything from the DB, SRC, as well as make the scripts compatible to hercules, change how the beginning works (When you first login to make a character) and make it a side-play in the game. Like you would go up to Professor Oak and tell him you're ready to start your Journey as a Pokemon Master. It's a big project but once it's finished, people can be free to use it as they will, modify it, even contribute, improve, and have Pokemon in RO!
  5. Curious @@4144 could the removal of this check possibly interfere with other things? Maybe reloading the npc after a warp is mandatory for certain things, or will cause other bugs? Maybe that's why it was coded in eAthena? Not sure but it's just a thought.
  6. What error shows up on map-server @@Keru?
  7. Did you test it in-game? it should be working by all means. options have cases (labels) so everything should work Ill test it on my server really quick o.O
  8. Try this. FishPond,63,46,6 script WarpTest 555 ,{ mes "I Will warp you!"; close2; warp "FishPond",64,42; mes "So what happens here?"; switch(select("Something:Something else")) { //Here seems to be the problemcase 1: //Option 1, which is Something mes "And now?"; close;case 2: //Option 2, which is Something else mes "Menu option 2";close;end;}}
  9. How else would players hear about upcoming servers?
  10. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
  11. @@luan122 Skype: itzmichaelmorici
  12. I have done it before and it worked. It was the green flux cp theme. Some don't work though. You just have to try with a test database
  13. Still looking for people to help me on this project! LET'S GET'R DOOOOOONE!
  14. Well whenever you have the time. I could definitely use some help!
  15. Here's some more updates, after fixing the database issues, obtaining and using your Pokemon works now! Note: This applies ONLY towards the *athena based emulator Cronus. Fixing it up and translating everything to english + getting it workable in the current emulator is my mini-goal, but moving it into Hercules as I (or we in the fact I get help) is the overall goal.
  16. So far Judas and Oxxy might be on the team of helping this project. Anyone else? Github repo can be obtained here: https://github.com/Aeromesi/PkRO_Translation I will upload the client soon also.
  17. Updates: More english translations and finally got the Battle System functioning! I'll post videos of it all later.
  18. @@Zhao Chow so you're saying you're NOT available to help but willing to help once you're available? I can't help translating things for you, but might help you with some sources / scripts, do you have private repo created already? That's one thing I'm looking for. Some @commands error out and there's some db-errors etc. D:
  19. So I almost got everything in english for client/server side of this package and also fixed up a few things. But I can't fix everything alone due to my inexperience. Is anyone willing to help me out? @@Neo @@jaBote @@evilpuncker @@Dastgir @@Mysterious @@mleo1 @@ossi0110 @@Judas @@kyeme @@bgamez23 @@Emistry @@GmOcean @@zackdreaver @@4144 @@Oxxy @@mrlongshen @@TecnoCronus @@Zhao Chow @@Ragnar Lothbrok. I tagged members I think might offer a helping hand. I already have a github to apply updates, I want to see this package move from Cronus to Hercules emu. I hope my dedication lingers off to someone of interest to help me out! This package has a ton of awesome sprites and scripts, it can be made better and needs issues fixed. C'mon lets make something REALLY nice for Hercules
  20. This is a neat idea but Ragnarok Online is meant for the click-and-point movement. I'd like to see this done and test it but a mouse/keyboard is unbeatable
  21. Got skype @@Winterfox? It's the Sub Class System I released on the forums http://herc.ws/board/topic/8972-sub-class-system/
  22. @@Angelmelody, an error about invalid word shows up. And @@Winterfox, the list shows up as NULL D: I fixed it with this: .skill_set$[2] = ""+( ( ( eaclass() & EAJ_BASEMASK ) == EAJ_MAGE ) ? "" : "SP Rec:" ) +"Sight:Napalm Beat:Saftey Wall:Soul Strike:Cold Bolt:Frost Driver:Stone Curse:FireBall:FireWall:Fire Bolt:Lightning Bolt:ThunderStorm"; But it still shows as nulled...
  23. Ilk try this out. Thanks for the support guys.
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