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Everything posted by Aeromesi

  1. Ur welcome @@hannah. Tell me what you think about it
  2. I didn't know that, I tested by putting a lot of numbers as the bet: Example: input "2323320230230230230230" and it would limit it down to a somewhat big number, but I think it was the max integer the input command supports, or MAX_ZENY So should I include a check on if inpuit >= 1billion it would say sorry you can't input over 1b Zeny/Cash points? Logging in to skype I'll give you a message @@Dastgir I just tested what you stated and if I put -"ANY INTEGER" it returns the "Sorry but you entered "0" Zeny, sorry but that is impossible etc" so you will not gain anything if you input anything at 0 or below 0. If you didn't test my script then shame on you! XD
  3. File is ready, please wait until it is approved by @@Mysterious or someone else. Version 1.2 Features: Version 1.2 1.2 Features: Added in Second Chance Option (Edit .S_Chance to Enable/Disable the Second Chance) Second chance only applies if you LOSE the gamble Edit .S_ChanceRate to change the % Rate at which players have the opportunity for a Second Chance. Default is set to 50% for a Second Chance and is enabled by default! Also fixed a bug where users could input 0 Zeny or Cash Points, didn't effect anything but the check for an input of 0 needed to be added in. Enjoy 1.2 Hercules! ~ Aeromesi
  4. Status back to available. Have a new hard drive so my computer is back and functional =]
  5. @@Tio Akima looks really cool. It'd be better if you completely removed the world of Ragnarok and made it a dragon ball mmorpg.
  6. Interesting script idea but man... Why would a player receive random bonus stat points? You should just make it a set variable where the player gets like.. 10 stat points or so or whatever you want it to be. This would cause a lot of unbalancing issues and honestly it would be unfair for every player who maxes out different characters. One player achieves max level and gets 500 stat points but another achieves max level and only gains 300 stat points. They're left with 200 stat points less than the other player. In my opinion you should revise this because this is exploitable in the legit way of playing the game.
  7. Well if they take their time to review. Something should be given in my opinion. Maybe make it so they need to list pros and cons of the server with legitimate information as well as their player name to get the vote points. Otherwise if its like "nice server very nice gm great community" with their player name they would not receive the points. Detailing the pros and cons and their player name would be a sufficient review to give them the points. Glad you made this post because that's how I'll handle my v4p system. Thanks for the idea @@Mysterious
  8. Yep its what I'm going to do @@mrlongshen
  9. Currently unavailable due to my computers hard drive crashing.
  10. We need more awesome releases. Keep me updated @@thanna
  11. I think that can be found in battle.c
  12. Wow so you're going to release this to Hercules @@thanna?
  13. Any update on this guys? @@thanna
  14. you messed with something in the iteminfo. What diffs did you add to your exe?
  15. I think the spirit orb is a non-consumable item @@Anisotropic Defixation. Though someone correct me if I'm wrong. I think they just need to obtain the orb in order to use the skill.
  16. Currently not doing any requests. So my status is Available! If anyone is interested just comment and @Aeromesi me on a comment on this post or send me a Personal Message, aka PM. Thank you
  17. @@Ai4rei I tried InnoSetup and it didn't work o.o how did you manage this?
  18. Yes all of that is possible. You can include a function like if(agitstart && agitstart2) or something like OnAgitStart: or whatever it's called... might be OnAgit: but that agitstart2 and agitstart are for WoE SE and regular WoE. As for the debug, I'm going to check that out @@Kong.
  19. Hey, I have something now that can create installers over 2GB. If you want the file just PM me. I can't post it here . I know many others have found problems finding one and I have the solution P:
  20. Yes I have two versions one that @@vykimo made for me and his old version that my friend Garr helped me recode. I won't release the new version because I paid for it but maybe the old one garr helped me fix
  21. Well renew it and let's start anew together! My friend plays on diablos so I'll be playing with him and you now if you want to. Random question do you remember me on eAthena? I made the [Guide] Adding Custom items to Renewal/Lua and you said it should have been on the wiki. I always looked up to people like you and when you said that to me years ago it really made my day. Never got to say thank you
  22. [On Death Screams] What exactly is On Death Screams? Basically when you die, you scream the painful scream of death! Male has 5 random screams Female has 4 random screams Scream sound effects from my favorite game: S4 League! Change soundeffect to soundeffectall if you want all players to hear the battle cries of their death. Download the Google Drive attachment, install the wav files in your GRF/data folder, and you're good to go! Remember, if you like my scripting it wouldn't hurt to view my scripting services or Rep up my profile! I hope you enjoy this simple yet in my opinion awesome script https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzIqsBG9s19fMGtyVVV6VkFPem8/view?usp=sharing
  23. So I just downloaded and bought FFXIV, I'm pretty excited and really want some friends to play with. Who wants to play with me?
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