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Functor last won the day on September 5 2020

Functor had the most liked content!

About Functor

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  1. hi functor, can send latest rates? thanks.

  2. Gepard License question..


    hello sir

    how much it cost of gepard license? do u accept installments like per month or only one time payment?

    im intrested :D

    1. dev1988


      do u accept crypto payments aswell?

  3. please check inbox

    How can I contact you

  4. Hello! Looking to implement Gepard on my server, but it seems like you have PM's turned off. Can you please message me?



  5. Hi, I want to implement Gepard Shield in a server, I cant send you messages from here and rathena forum, please I need to contact you

  6. Hi Functor, I wish to purchase game shield from you. Do you have discord or whatsapp? How can I contact you

  7. Hey Functor, I sent you a message on RAthena related to some crashes that I've noticed coming up with recent versions of Gepard, would love to work it out when you have some time

  8. Please check you message box thanks


  9. hello pls reply, DM. i need ur gepard service

  10. Hey Functor


    Does  gepard shield work on hercules as well?

  11. What is your real skype ID?

    1. ltheodoro


      I would like to know too

  12. Hi. Please answer df or Nurkz, we need a Gepard Shield on a new server (Chicken RO). we have been waiting a lot of time and we will soon open the server.

  13. Functor

    Nemo patcher

    @San @4144 This is a typo in the script file. Open ../Patches/AllowSpamSkills.qs and change: "3B D8" + // cmp ebx, ebx to: "3B DB" + // cmp ebx, ebx
  14. You should read about "screen". You can start login and char servers with "screen".
  15. You choose the wrong forum to ask it.
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