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Everything posted by Svanhild

  1. Hello @Dastgir What could be the missing client side files? Yeah it only shows etc tab unknown skill. And is there any configuration file for doram? Or maybe you could post a guide how to setup the doram race, guide is nowhere to be found.
  2. yeah i am thinking of that too, i was also thinking of making a new const, so i could just use the readparam maybe? i don't have much time today, but i'll definitely give it a try.
  3. can someone teach me how to use the new list of carts or change the list?
  4. When you type in hello on the input, it would output it as hell, it always lacks one letter at the end. Now if youre going to input one letter, the npc crashes. Idk why is there something wrong with input?
  5. I have a question tho, is the summoner class already implemented? Yeah it works but mine doesn't have any skills at all. Is there a configuration or something?
  6. Yeah I was really so frustrated how to make this thing work, coz I was gonna make a card that it would depend on the target enemy player's vit or hp or other stats. Thana is perfect, but I want something that is more refined, thana only depends on the players def, if its used with grimtooth and tao gunka, thana is almost useless so im trying to build this custom card that would base depending on the enemy's vit, unfortunately..
  7. So i'm making this custom card, that when the enemy has more than 50 Vit, the user of the card will give a bonus of 25% atk, is there a way to do this?
  8. How to customize the floating icons? like the magnifier, etc.
  9. So I've been working on this script for 48 hours now and I can't seem to get it right. The problem is that with npc timers, all players are affected. But with player timers, the problem is that, getnpctimer for player timer doesn't seem to work unless it was triggered by an initnpctimer. So my question is, how to read the current timer ticks for a player timer? My purpose is to make a message that would display how many seconds had passed, minute and hour had passed, to make it informative on how much time does the player have left before being warped out of the room.
  10. can you tell me how did you fix it? Thanks
  11. ah I see, I'll take a look on that, thank you. Edit: It doesn't work.. the compare code works the same thing as the == Take a look at this, mes " "; mes "You need a password to pass."; next; input .@pwd$; if (.@pwd$ == "pass")close; mes " "; mes "Your pass is " +.@pwd$; close; Now this is just a simple script, when i type in pass, it shows pas but when when i type in passs, it closes the dialog. Therefore... there's a bug with the input, like it doesn't capture all the letters inputted, one last letter is always missing. like when I input hello, it outputs hell without the o.
  12. it's actually weird coz it does nothing, Im typing the right fragment but it seems like it's not accepting it. I've spent hours for this @_@
  13. I'm looking for a mod for @who into @who4 without the vendors on @autotrade.
  14. Okay, so I got all the right fragments and I'm entering the right fragment passcodes for each specific npc/monster. But it always tells me, That action had no effect. You'll have to try something else. And nothing works. Im using the default script from the quests folder, can someone confirm this? Thanks.
  15. Use this plugin made by Dastgir: https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/blob/master/src/plugins/afk.c Yes, that seemed to work without errors. Thanks.
  16. Im using the latest herc, and this issue still persists. \src\plugins\../common/HPMi.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'common/hercules.h': No such file or directory
  17. can you demonstrate the code? I don't get what you mean. So would it check if the account haven't been logged in yet?
  18. Svanhild

    ATK Formula

    Thanks for this, I was able to find this before you post and verified it. And yeah it works thanks a lot!
  19. Hi, I would like to request a simple script that a dialog or npc window will popup on first login for every newly registered player just to say something like Hello, welcome to our server.
  20. I'm having problems with 2 npcs using input. It seems like, it's not outputing the right variable/characters inputted. For the case of build manager, the last letter is missing, so if you're gonna input hello, it will show hell, and if you will input a single letter, it shows blank. Im using the build manager sccript by Cretino //===== Hercules Script ====================================== //= Build Manager //===== By: ================================================== //= Cretino //= kerbiii (Found a bug.) //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0b (Added option to check max level of base and job (Can be disabled)) //===== Description: ========================================= //= Saves and loads build saved by the player. (Stats and/or Skills) //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Initial version [Cretino] // TODO: Need revise all script with comments for spelling errors. // Little improvement applied [Cretino] // Fixed typo error in variable '.load_status_cost' (Thanks to [kerbiii]:[Hercules]) // Added option to check max level of base and job (Can be disabled) [Cretino] //============================================================ prontera,210,196,6 script Build Manager 4_M_MINSTREL,{ function check_skills; .@npc_name$ = " "; PROFILE_START_MENU: mes .@npc_name$; if (.check_max_lv == true) { if (NextJobExp > 0 || BaseLevel < MAX_LEVEL) { mes "Sorry ^FF0000" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000,"; mes "but you need reach the max level of Base and Job to use my services."; close; } } mes "Hey ^FF0000" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000, what do you want?"; .@selected = select("Skills profile:Stats profile:Cancel"); switch(.@selected) { next; case 1: if (BaseClass == Job_Novice) { .@eac = eaclass(); if ((.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) != EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE) { mes .@npc_name$; mes "Sorry ^FF0000" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000, but ^FF0000" + jobname(Class) + "^000000 can't use skills profile."; close; } } goto PROFILE_SKILLS_MAIN; break; case 2: goto PROFILE_STATS_MAIN; break; case 3: mes .@npc_name$; mes "Come back whenever you need me!"; close; break; } PROFILE_SKILLS_MAIN: mes .@npc_name$; mes "What do you want?"; .@selected = select("Create new skills profile:See my skills profiles:Reset my skills:Back"); switch(.@selected) { next; case 1: mes .@npc_name$; getskilllist; if (@skilllist_count == 0) { mes "Sorry ^FF0000" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000, but you don't have any skill to create a skills profile."; close; } mes "Input the skills profile name:"; input .@profile_name$; next; .@profile_name$ = replacestr(.@profile_name$, ":", ""); if (.@profile_name$ == "" || compare(.@profile_name$, ":")) { mes .@npc_name$; mes "Invalid skills profile name."; mes "^FF0000" + .@profile_name$ + "^000000"; next; goto PROFILE_SKILLS_MAIN; } for(.@i = 0; .@i < @skilllist_count; .@i++) { if ((check_skills(@skilllist_id[.@i]) == true) || (@skilllist_lv[.@i] <= 0) || (@skilllist_id[.@i] <= 0)) continue; if (@skilllist_flag[.@i] == 0) { .@skilllist_id[.@i] = @skilllist_id[.@i]; .@skilllist_lv[.@i] = @skilllist_lv[.@i]; } } .@size = getarraysize(.@skilllist_id); mes .@npc_name$; if (.@size != 0) { if (Zeny - .create_skills_cost < 0) { mes "You don't have ^FF0000" + callfunc("F_InsertComma", .create_skills_cost, 3, ".") + "^000000z to create your skills profile."; close; } mes "Skills profile: ^FF0000" + .@profile_name$ + "^000000"; Zeny -= .create_skills_cost; .@pos = getarraysize(#skills_profile); #skills_profile[.@pos] = ++#skills_profile_count; // '#skills_profile_count' is used only to generate unique profile id. .@var_name$ = "#skilllist_" + #skills_profile[.@pos]; setd .@var_name$ + "_name$", .@profile_name$; setd .@var_name$ + "_count", .@size; setd .@var_name$ + "_class", Class; setd .@var_name$ + "_cost", skillpointcount() - SkillPoint; for(.@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++) { setd .@var_name$ + "_lv" + "[" + .@i + "]", .@skilllist_lv[.@i]; setd .@var_name$ + "_id" + "[" + .@i + "]", .@skilllist_id[.@i]; } resetskill; deletearray .@skilllist_id; deletearray .@skilllist_lv; last_skills_profile = 0; mes " "; mes "Your skills profile have been created."; } else mes "You don't have any skill to create a skills profile."; next; goto PROFILE_SKILLS_MAIN; break; case 2: mes .@npc_name$; if (getarraysize(#skills_profile) != 0) { PROFILE_SKILLS_SELECT: mes "Choose your skills profile:"; .@menu$ = ""; if (getarraysize(#skills_profile) > .freeloop_size_active) .@free = freeloop(true); for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(#skills_profile); .@i++) { .@menu$ += "^FF0000" + getd("#skilllist_" + #skills_profile[.@i] + "_name$") + "^000000" + ":"; if (.@i + 1 == getarraysize(#skills_profile)) .@menu$ += "Back"; } if (.@free == true) .@free = freeloop(false); .@selected = select(.@menu$); if (.@selected == getarraysize(#skills_profile) + 1) { next; goto PROFILE_SKILLS_MAIN; } .@profile_id = (.@selected - 1); .@var_name$ = "#skilllist_" + #skills_profile[.@profile_id]; next; PROFILE_SKILLS_INFO: mes .@npc_name$; mes "What do you want?"; mes " "; mes "Skills profile: ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_name$") + "^000000"; .@selected = select("Load:Delete:Back"); switch(.@selected) { next; mes .@npc_name$; case 1: if (getd(.@var_name$ + "_class") != Class) { mes "You can't load a skills profile of ^FF0000" + jobname(getd(.@var_name$ + "_class")) + "^000000, because you are ^FF0000" + jobname(Class) + "^000000."; next; mes .@npc_name$; goto PROFILE_SKILLS_SELECT; } if (Zeny - .load_skills_cost < 0) { mes "You don't have ^FF0000" + callfunc("F_InsertComma", .create_skills_cost, 3, ".") + "^000000z to load your skills profile."; close; } if (last_skills_profile != #skills_profile[.@profile_id]) resetskill; else { mes "You're already using this profile."; mes "Skills profile: ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_name$") + "^000000"; next; goto PROFILE_SKILLS_INFO; } if (SkillPoint - getd(.@var_name$ + "_cost") >= 0) { mes "Loading skills profile..."; mes "This may take awhile."; SkillPoint -= getd(.@var_name$ + "_cost"); Zeny -= .load_skills_cost; for(.@i = 0; .@i < getd(.@var_name$ + "_count"); .@i++) { if ((getd(.@var_name$ + "_id" + "[" + .@i + "]") <= 0) || (getd(.@var_name$ + "_lv" + "[" + .@i + "]") <= 0)) continue; if (getd(.@var_name$ + "_id" + "[" + .@i + "]") == RK_HUNDREDSPEAR) { // NOTE: Have any bug in skill 'Hundred Spear'. (ID: RK_HUNDREDSPEAR) mes " "; mes "Failed to load:"; mes "^FF0000Hundred Spear^000000 Lv: ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_lv" + "[" + .@i + "]") + "^000000"; mes "You get back ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_lv" + "[" + .@i + "]") + "^000000 skill points."; SkillPoint += getd(.@var_name$ + "_lv" + "[" + .@i + "]"); } else skill getd(.@var_name$ + "_id" + "[" + .@i + "]"), getd(.@var_name$ + "_lv" + "[" + .@i + "]"), 0; } mes " "; mes "Your skills profile have been loaded."; last_skills_profile = #skills_profile[.@profile_id]; } else { mes "You don't have sufficient skill points to load your skills profile."; mes "You need more ^FF0000" + (getd(.@var_name$ + "_cost") - SkillPoint) + "^000000 skill points."; if (last_skills_profile != 0) { next; mes .@npc_name$; mes "Going back to the previous skills profile."; mes "Skills profile: ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_name$") + "^000000"; resetskill; .@var_name$ = "#skilllist_" + last_skills_profile; if (SkillPoint - getd(.@var_name$ + "_cost") >= 0) { SkillPoint -= getd(.@var_name$ + "_cost"); for(.@i = 0; .@i < getd(.@var_name$ + "_count"); .@i++) { if ((getd(.@var_name$ + "_id" + "[" + .@i + "]") <= 0) || (getd(.@var_name$ + "_lv" + "[" + .@i + "]") <= 0)) continue; if (getd(.@var_name$ + "_id" + "[" + .@i + "]") == RK_HUNDREDSPEAR) { // NOTE: Have any bug in skill 'Hundred Spear'. (ID: RK_HUNDREDSPEAR) mes " "; mes "Failed to load:"; mes "^FF0000Hundred Spear^000000 Lv: ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_lv" + "[" + .@i + "]") + "^000000"; mes "You get back ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_lv" + "[" + .@i + "]") + "^000000 skill points."; SkillPoint += getd(.@var_name$ + "_lv" + "[" + .@i + "]"); } else skill getd(.@var_name$ + "_id" + "[" + .@i + "]"), getd(.@var_name$ + "_lv" + "[" + .@i + "]"), 0; } } else { next; mes .@npc_name$; mes "Fail to back to the previous skills profile."; mes "Skills profile: ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_name$") + "^000000"; last_skills_profile = 0; } } } next; goto PROFILE_SKILLS_INFO; break; case 2: mes "You sure you want to delete the skills profile?"; mes "Skills profile: ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_name$") + "^000000"; if (select("No:Yes") == 1) { next; goto PROFILE_SKILLS_INFO; } next; mes .@npc_name$; mes "Skills profile ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_name$") + "^000000 deleted."; if (last_skills_profile == #skills_profile[.@profile_id]) last_skills_profile = 0; setd .@var_name$ + "_count", 0; setd .@var_name$ + "_cost", 0; setd .@var_name$ + "_class", 0; setd .@var_name$ + "_name$", ""; deletearray getd(.@var_name$ + "_lv"); deletearray getd(.@var_name$ + "_id"); deletearray #skills_profile[.@profile_id], 1; next; if (getarraysize(#skills_profile) != 0) { mes .@npc_name$; goto PROFILE_SKILLS_SELECT; } else goto PROFILE_SKILLS_MAIN; break; case 3: goto PROFILE_SKILLS_SELECT; break; } } else mes "You don't have any skills profile."; next; goto PROFILE_SKILLS_MAIN; break; case 3: mes .@npc_name$; if (Zeny - .reset_skills_cost >= 0) { Zeny -= .reset_skills_cost; last_skills_profile = 0; resetskill; mes "Your skills have been reset."; } else mes "You don't have ^FF0000" + callfunc("F_InsertComma", .reset_skills_cost, 3, ".") + "^000000z to reset your skills."; close; break; case 4: goto PROFILE_START_MENU; break; } PROFILE_STATS_MAIN: mes .@npc_name$; mes "What do you want?"; .@selected = select("Create new stats profile:See my stats profiles:Reset my stats:Back"); switch(.@selected) { next; case 1: mes .@npc_name$; if (Zeny - .create_status_cost < 0) { mes "You don't have ^FF0000" + callfunc("F_InsertComma", .create_status_cost, 3, ".") + "^000000z to create your stats profile."; close; } mes "Input the stats profile name:"; input .@profile_name$; next; .@profile_name$ = replacestr(.@profile_name$, ":", ""); if (.@profile_name$ == "" || compare(.@profile_name$, ":")) { mes .@npc_name$; mes "Invalid stats profile name."; mes "^FF0000" + .@profile_name$ + "^000000"; next; goto PROFILE_STATS_MAIN; } .@last_status = StatusPoint; for(.@i = bStr; .@i < (bLuk + 1); .@i++) { .@value = readparam(.@i); if (.@value > 1) { .@statslist_value[.@j] = .@value - 1; .@statslist_id[.@j] = .@i; .@j++; } } mes .@npc_name$; if (.@j != 0) { mes "Stats profile: ^FF0000" + .@profile_name$ + "^000000"; mes "Stats:"; Zeny -= .create_status_cost; resetstatus; .@pos = getarraysize(#stats_profile); #stats_profile[.@pos] = ++#stats_profile_count; // '#stats_profile_count' is used only to generate unique profile id. .@var_name$ = "#statslist_" + #stats_profile[.@pos]; setd .@var_name$ + "_name$", .@profile_name$; setd .@var_name$ + "_count", .@j; setd .@var_name$ + "_cost", StatusPoint - .@last_status; for(.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) { setd .@var_name$ + "_value" + "[" + .@i + "]", .@statslist_value[.@i]; setd .@var_name$ + "_id" + "[" + .@i + "]", .@statslist_id[.@i]; mes "^00FF00" + .stats_name$[(.@statslist_id[.@i] - bStr)] + "^000000 = ^0000FF" + .@statslist_value[.@i] + "^000000"; } .@j = 0; deletearray .@statslist_value; deletearray .@statslist_id; last_stats_profile = 0; mes " "; mes "Your stats profile have been created."; } else mes "You don't have any spending points in stats to create your stats profile."; next; goto PROFILE_STATS_MAIN; break; case 2: mes .@npc_name$; if (getarraysize(#stats_profile) != 0) { PROFILE_STATS_SELECT: mes "Choose your stats profile:"; .@menu$ = ""; if (getarraysize(#stats_profile) > .freeloop_size_active) .@free = freeloop(true); for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(#stats_profile); .@i++) { .@menu$ += "^FF0000" + getd("#statslist_" + #stats_profile[.@i] + "_name$") + "^000000" + ":"; if (.@i + 1 == getarraysize(#stats_profile)) .@menu$ += "Back"; } if (.@free == true) .@free = freeloop(false); .@selected = select(.@menu$); if (.@selected == getarraysize(#stats_profile) + 1) { next; goto PROFILE_STATS_MAIN; } .@profile_id = (.@selected - 1); .@var_name$ = "#statslist_" + #stats_profile[.@profile_id]; next; PROFILE_STATS_INFO: mes .@npc_name$; mes "What do you want?"; mes " "; mes "Stats profile: ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_name$") + "^000000"; mes "Stats:"; for(.@i = 0; .@i < getd(.@var_name$ + "_count"); .@i++) mes "^00FF00" + .stats_name$[(getd(.@var_name$ + "_id" + "[" + .@i + "]") - bStr)] + "^000000 = ^0000FF" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_value" + "[" + .@i + "]") + "^000000"; .@selected = select("Load:Delete:Back"); switch(.@selected) { next; mes .@npc_name$; case 1: if (Zeny - .load_status_cost < 0) { mes "You don't have ^FF0000" + callfunc("F_InsertComma", .create_skills_cost, 3, ".") + "^000000z to load your stats profile."; close; } if (last_stats_profile != #stats_profile[.@profile_id]) resetstatus; else { mes "You're already using this stats profile."; mes "Stats profile: ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_name$") + "^000000"; next; goto PROFILE_STATS_INFO; } if (StatusPoint - getd(.@var_name$ + "_cost") >= 0) { mes "Loading stats profile..."; mes "This may take awhile."; Zeny -= .load_status_cost; StatusPoint -= getd(.@var_name$ + "_cost"); for(.@i = 0; .@i < getd(.@var_name$ + "_count"); .@i++) { mes "^00FF00" + .stats_name$[(getd(.@var_name$ + "_id" + "[" + .@i + "]") - bStr)] + "^000000 = ^0000FF" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_value" + "[" + .@i + "]") + "^000000"; statusup2 getd(.@var_name$ + "_id" + "[" + .@i + "]"), getd(.@var_name$ + "_value" + "[" + .@i + "]"); } mes " "; mes "Your stats profile have been loaded."; last_stats_profile = #stats_profile[.@profile_id]; } else { mes "You don't have sufficient stats points to load your stats profile."; mes "You need more ^FF0000" + (getd(.@var_name$ + "_cost") - StatusPoint) + "^000000 stats points."; if (last_stats_profile != 0) { next; mes .@npc_name$; mes "Going back to the previous stats profile."; mes "Stats profile: ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_name$") + "^000000"; resetstatus; .@var_name$ = "#statslist_" + last_stats_profile; if (StatusPoint - getd(.@var_name$ + "_cost") >= 0) { StatusPoint -= getd(.@var_name$ + "_cost"); for(.@i = 0; .@i < getd(.@var_name$ + "_count"); .@i++) statusup2 getd(.@var_name$ + "_id" + "[" + .@i + "]"), getd(.@var_name$ + "_value" + "[" + .@i + "]"); } else { next; mes .@npc_name$; mes "Fail to back to the previous stats profile."; mes "Stats profile: ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_name$") + "^000000"; last_stats_profile = 0; } } } next; goto PROFILE_STATS_INFO; break; case 2: mes "You sure you want to delete the stats profile?"; mes "Stats profile: ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_name$") + "^000000"; if (select("No:Yes") == 1) { next; goto PROFILE_STATS_INFO; } next; mes .@npc_name$; mes "Stats profile ^FF0000" + getd(.@var_name$ + "_name$") + "^000000 deleted."; if (last_stats_profile == #stats_profile[.@profile_id]) last_stats_profile = 0; setd .@var_name$ + "_count", 0; setd .@var_name$ + "_cost", 0; setd .@var_name$ + "_name$", ""; deletearray getd(.@var_name$ + "_value"); deletearray getd(.@var_name$ + "_id"); deletearray #stats_profile[.@profile_id], 1; next; if (getarraysize(#stats_profile) != 0) { mes .@npc_name$; goto PROFILE_STATS_SELECT; } else goto PROFILE_STATS_MAIN; break; case 3: goto PROFILE_STATS_SELECT; break; } } else mes "You don't have any stats profile."; next; goto PROFILE_STATS_MAIN; break; case 3: mes .@npc_name$; if (Zeny - .reset_status_cost >= 0) { Zeny -= .reset_status_cost; last_stats_profile = 0; resetstatus; mes "Your stats have been reset."; } else mes "You don't have ^FF0000" + callfunc("F_InsertComma", .reset_status_cost, 3, ".") + "^000000z to reset your stats."; close; break; case 4: goto PROFILE_START_MENU; break; } OnInit: // Cost to reset player stats .reset_status_cost = 0; // Cost to reset player skills .reset_skills_cost = 0; // Cost to create a new stats profile .create_status_cost = .reset_status_cost * 2; // Cost to create a new skills profile .create_skills_cost = .reset_skills_cost * 2; // Cost to load a stats profile .load_status_cost = .reset_status_cost * 2; // Cost to load a skills profile .load_skills_cost = .reset_skills_cost * 2; // Will check if player have max base level and job level to access the npc. (Max Level = 'MAX_LEVEL' constant) // false = Disabled .check_max_lv = false; // ONLY CHANGE IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING !! setarray .stats_name$[0], "Str", "Agi", "Vit", "Int", "Dex", "Luk"; .freeloop_size_active = 128; end; function check_skills { if (getarg(0) == NV_FIRSTAID || getarg(0) == NV_BASIC) return true; if (BaseClass == Job_Swordman) { if (getarg(0) == SM_MOVINGRECOVERY || getarg(0) == SM_FATALBLOW || getarg(0) == SM_AUTOBERSERK) return true; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Mage) { if (getarg(0) == MG_ENERGYCOAT) return true; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Archer) { if (getarg(0) == AC_MAKINGARROW || getarg(0) == AC_CHARGEARROW) return true; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Acolyte) { if (getarg(0) == AL_HOLYLIGHT) return true; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Merchant) { if (getarg(0) == MC_CARTREVOLUTION || getarg(0) == MC_CHANGECART || getarg(0) == MC_LOUD) return true; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Thief) { if (getarg(0) == TF_SPRINKLESAND || getarg(0) == TF_BACKSLIDING || getarg(0) == TF_PICKSTONE || getarg(0) == TF_THROWSTONE) return true; } if (BaseJob == Job_Knight) { if (getarg(0) == KN_CHARGEATK) return true; } else if (BaseJob == Job_Priest) { if (getarg(0) == PR_REDEMPTIO) return true; } else if (BaseJob == Job_Wizard) { if (getarg(0) == WZ_SIGHTBLASTER) return true; } else if (BaseJob == Job_Blacksmith) { if (getarg(0) == BS_UNFAIRLYTRICK || getarg(0) == BS_GREED) return true; } else if (BaseJob == Job_Hunter) { if (getarg(0) == HT_PHANTASMIC) return true; } else if (BaseJob == Job_Assassin) { if (getarg(0) == AS_SONICACCEL || getarg(0) == AS_VENOMKNIFE) return true; } else if (BaseJob == Job_Crusader) { if (getarg(0) == CR_SHRINK) return true; } else if (BaseJob == Job_Monk) { if (getarg(0) == MO_KITRANSLATION || getarg(0) == MO_BALKYOUNG) return true; } else if (BaseJob == Job_Sage) { if (getarg(0) == SA_ELEMENTWIND || getarg(0) == SA_CREATECON || getarg(0) == SA_ELEMENTWATER || getarg(0) == SA_ELEMENTGROUND || getarg(0) == SA_ELEMENTFIRE) return true; } else if (BaseJob == Job_Rogue) { if (getarg(0) == RG_CLOSECONFINE) return true; } else if (BaseJob == Job_Alchemist) { if (getarg(0) == AM_BIOETHICS) return true; } else if (BaseJob == Job_Bard) { if (getarg(0) == BA_PANGVOICE) return true; } else if (BaseJob == Job_Dancer) { if (getarg(0) == DC_WINKCHARM) return true; } return false; } } And also, this thing doesn't work too, can someone correct this? Thanks! input .@Pass$; if (.@Pass$ == "0") { mes " "; mes "Alright, you can always talk me to again if you changed your mind."; close; }
  21. for some reasons, it fails to send on yahoo emails, everything else works fine. Can someone fix this?
  22. Svanhild

    ATK Formula

    I think that's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for something like the calculation for every STR = ATK
  23. Svanhild

    ATK Formula

    I've been looking everywhere but I can't seem to find the most accurate way to modify the atk formula (normal phyiscal damage). It's way too low for my server, I wanna raise the ATK stat globally. Thanks.
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