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Posts posted by Mystery

  1. April Digest 2013
    The following digest covers the month of April 1st - April 30th 2013.


    Team Addition

      [*]jaBote has joined as a Spanish Moderator.

    Development Highlights


    Official Mapflags

      [*]Introducing New/Official Mapflags: (e702cc0)
        [*]weapon_damage_rate [*]magic_damage_rate [*]misc_damage_rate [*]long_damage_rate [*]short_damage_rate

      [*]Introducing New/Official mapflag: noknockback (80e9056) [*]Introducing New/Official mapflag: invincible_time_inc (98b26eb)

    Client Support

    Dropped Updates

      [*]Dropped char_per_account char-server configuration (a4e273d)


      [*]During the period there were 95 commits. [*]Of these 95 commits, 59 included bug-fixes. [*]1 Commit from Pull Request [*]In this month, there were 17,134 Additions and 14,294 Deletions.



    Design looks really good. I hope the functions and resources can be way beyond with what RMS has to offer.

    Which kind of functionality are you looking/hoping for? And resources? We're setting up our own resource sharing in our community board through our download system.


    Server review?

    Yup, we'll have server reviews. In the future, I'm gonna try and get the Latest Server Reviews from the main page loaded onto the boards sidebar as well so that we can have it both on boards and homepage.





    Design looks really good. I hope the functions and resources can be way beyond with what RMS has to offer.

    Which kind of functionality are you looking/hoping for? And resources? We're setting up our own resource sharing in our community board through our download system.


    Server review?


    I was thinking of that since the side project about server reviews of Yusifer for RMS is already dead. The project was called RO First Impressions.

    I actually spoke to Yuki and Yusifer about Midgard-Community combining with First Impressions.

  3. You can't patch rAthena diffs into Hercules so easily. Hercules' Source has gone through some major overhauling and to simply put it in real terms, you can't patch diffs that were made for rAthena automatically towards Hercules. You would need to change the diff a little bit to fit Hercules' source code since Hercules and rAthena has a different source structure.

  4. Actually, it does. It's just hidden :P.


    Take a look here:

    Screen Shot 2013-04-28 at 9.15.50 AM.png

    You'd want to click on "Show Diff Stats". By enabling this, you'll see which files were changed in the commit:

    Screen Shot 2013-04-28 at 9.15.53 AM.png


    Then to not show it anymore, just click "Hide Diff Stats".

  5. Design looks really good. I hope the functions and resources can be way beyond with what RMS has to offer.

    Which kind of functionality are you looking/hoping for? And resources? We're setting up our own resource sharing in our community board through our download system.

  6. @Mysterious - lines and space are not some rare commodity that are running out and need to be saved, simplicity shoud be more important :)

    Yup, I understand that Yommy, but creating more unnecessary lines in the document increases its size. I know that putty it into categories and breaking the items down in lines is good and organized but it's not necessary to really have since you can just categorize the item by commenting the line out.




    // Grape, New Item


    something like that.


    Instead of


    New: {- Item list- Item List- Item List},Rental: {- Item List- Item List- Item List}

    Dunno. It could really go both ways depending how people see it. For me, I just find it fine the way it's organized now.


    Thanks ind knew that you were able to.

    I have a suggestion couldn't use a conf file example.
    New: ({	/* new itens cash shop */		New_itens: {		Item_name1		Item_name2		Item_name3		Item_name4		Item_name5	}



    whats wrong with the one we have now? o_O The file will have less lines and is less crowded. With this new one, you're just crowding the file with un-needed lines and space.

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