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Posts posted by Mystery

  1. This is related to this: http://herc.ws/board/topic/1247-adding-reloadcashshop/


    hence, Ind replied:



    We have received requests to do this when we first introduced cash shop, the reason we didnt do it yet is because its troublesome, the clients request the cash shop data upon char login and never again, if you reload it with players online their data will be off (the client doesnt accept you to send it over to my knowledge), so when they try to request something from it they'll get mismatching responses (e.g. they see a item but the server thinks its another), one way to make this work against this problem would be to either kick everyone upon refresh or to have each player unit assigned when they last received the data, so when they try to request it (e.g. buy a item) and they're off of sync, the server kicks them.

  2. Why is it when I attack , the real picture of the sprite dont show. I mean for example when I @item my custom weapon quincy bow, when I attack the normal picture of bow shows not my sprite.


    18117,Quincy_Bow,Quincy Bow,4,124000,,3500,145,,5,1,0x00080800,7,2,34,4,77,1,11,{},{},{}

    this is sample of my item_db.


    Do I need to put it to item_db2?

    Im confused on what you're saying... are you trying to say the SPRITE doesn't show when attacking/battle stance? Other then that, what image are you referring too? The only image a sprite has would be the collection or item image o_o

  3. Is there a way to reload this config file?

    You can always check with the source: atcommand



    /*==========================================* @reloadatcommand - reloads conf/atcommand.conf conf/groups.conf*------------------------------------------*/void atcommand_doload();ACMD(reloadatcommand) {	config_t run_test;	 if (conf_read_file(&run_test, "conf/groups.conf")) {		clif->message(fd, msg_txt(1036)); // Error reading groups.conf, reload failed.		return false;	}	 config_destroy(&run_test);	 if (conf_read_file(&run_test, iMap->ATCOMMAND_CONF_FILENAME)) {		clif->message(fd, msg_txt(1037)); // Error reading atcommand.conf, reload failed.		return false;	}	 config_destroy(&run_test);	 atcommand_doload();	pc_groups_reload();	clif->message(fd, msg_txt(254));	return true;}

  4. eAmod does have a lot of source edits, if I recall correctly. While some features in there are nice (and some I'd even like the faction system ported to Hercules *wink* *wink*), as Xgear's said, without knowledge of editing source code, it won't work.

    Heh, you can always create that as a Plugin :P

  5. I was thinking to change the game a bit like changing those holy,dark,ghost etc is for PVE purpose and Fire,Water,Wind,Earth for PVP. and removing 4 slot and make it 1 slot for all and rechange the cards adjust the value etc


    i need more idea. for fair pvp and pve etc


    im thinking midrate 99/70

    If you're going to have Third Jobs, I suggest separating PvP between Third Jobs and Trans since Thirds have more power over Trans. 


    Diff your exe using "use plain text description"'s patch


    Same...not working :(


    EDIT : Its working after I try diff another option ^_^

    Another option? Other than "Diff your exe using "use plain text description"'s patch"


    either request at rAthena to convert it, or change to using Hercules


    Hercules devs will not create this for rAthena o_O

    I'll just request at rA i guess :(

    How I wish i could change to rA to Hercules that easily. I had modified my server files quite massively already :(

    Create a diff of your server files, then patch manually to Hercules but of course keeping in mind Hercules' source is different. 

  8. I'm using 07162012 ragexe and if I diff the client with "Disable Nagle Algorithm" I get disconnected at random times or whenever I try to disband my guild. So I would suggest that people uncheck that diff. This maybe an isolated case, but that's how it was for me. Tested with different diff combinations and removing that one along with skip packet obfuscation seems to fix the issue.

    Does this occur on a clean version of Hercules?

  9. Hi,


    I think it will be really intersting to follow some rathena update.


    I have see that lot of npc have been optimized in rathena and we didn't have this on hercules.

    There is also the homunculus S that are not complete in hercules.

    There is also some skill update that would be nice to have.


    I will update this topic with svn revision that need to be implement on hercules.






    There is many other things but this is a start.


    thanks for your great job =)


    Special thanks to malu and ind for the renewal formula and new battleground. Guys I love you.



    http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/16381/rathena We do have this --> https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/22c75b070526de8b103032f5bf13504af81e0095


    But the last two, not yet. We would love to just merge things from rAthena but our Source code are a lot different from one another so we have to be careful when we merge from rAthena. Not to mention, Ind and our Dev team is always on a rampage fixing up a lot of things and adding new content. :P

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