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Posts posted by Mystery

  1. Land Protector doesn't stop the "Cast" of a skill, it simply doesn't allow it to do damage within the area of the land that's protected. Take Stormgust for example, you can still cast it on top of Land Protector, but no one gets hurt/frozen/pushed around, etc.

  2. The host had to transfer my vps to a different IP, so I just corrected that. It should display correctly now. Not a critical error, just a simple IP change in the server.conf files for any server owner who knows the basics.

    Oh I know, just that Flux spits it out as a critical error :>. Anyways, onto the topic! When I read this, I thought this was the other "PokemonRO" which was in development for so long (eAthena's time) but then haven't heard anything more about that PokemonRO. However, from the looks around, you have Several Administrators (forum based) you sure none of them will take it over? 


    Cloth Colour = Dye colour O_o. So I'm confused as to what you would like... but from my understanding Dye Colour changes the colour of the clothes the Mob Player is wearing.

    Thank you, never thought it was for the cloth color....since the first time i use it,nothing changed. What i forgot is my jcurrent job will be different color from other job. Thanks for the heads up!

    Don't forget the the Hair Colour and Dye Colour works based on the already palettes you have in your server through your Stylist. 

  4. thanks for reply :wub:


    thats true... i would like to know that each skill is related to which .wav file.

    i need listen to all the files in data/wav and judge which skill is related? :wacko:

    Pretty much.. if Gravity sometimes fails to label their files properly... xD. Sometimes the skill is named differently from kRO/iRO, but sometimes the file may not even have a proper name.. thus makes you end up going through every file xD

  5. Gosh... you have ancient scripts and the only problem with ancient scripts is well.. they're ancient. They're ancient for a reason... because since those scripts have been released, there has been SOOOO many updates within script functions, etc. throughout eAthena -> rAthena -> Hercules lol

  6. Okay so I got a little bit help since I'm no source expert... With this code:


    sc_start(bl, SC_BANANA_BOMB_SITDOWN_POSTDELAY, 75, skill_lv, skill->get_time(GN_SLINGITEM_RANGEMELEEATK,skill_lv)); // Sitdown for 3 seconds.


    You have to adjust the seconds within your /db/re/skill_cast_db.txt file: 


    //-- GN_SLINGITEM_RANGEMELEEATK2498,0,0,0,3000,0,0,-1


    3000 is 3 seconds. So, change it to 8000 and you'll get 8 seconds :>

  7. sorry sir,i dont have fresh revision.

    the hercules version i use is make by someone..

    i try to get information about my hercules using @version but the emulator say "cannot determine version."



    [13:17:37] <~Ind> but if they get cannot determine version its depends on how the server was obtained

    [13:17:41] <Mystery> ah.

    [13:17:42] <~Ind> e.g. if they downloaded the server from the .zip

    [13:17:53] <~Ind> it cant detect the version because it isnt a git or a svn copy


    According to your video, you are sitting for about 3 seconds which is correct according to iRO Wiki as well: http://irowiki.org/wiki/Item_Sling


    the 75 in the code indicates a 75% chance to work, not 100%.

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