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Posts posted by Mystery

  1. In your /src/map/status.h, it seems that it's been modified to add SC_BANANA_BOMB_SITDOWN_POSTDELAY: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/0395610469ffcd3b71c93ef90861f73e0ab8d16f


    However, in skill.c,

    case 13264:sc_start(bl, SC_BANANA_BOMB, 100, skill_lv, skill->get_time(GN_SLINGITEM, skill_lv));	// Reduces LUK ??Needed confirm it, may be it's bugged in kRORE?sc_start(bl, SC_BANANA_BOMB_SITDOWN_POSTDELAY, 75, skill_lv, skill->get_time(GN_SLINGITEM_RANGEMELEEATK,skill_lv)); // Sitdown for 3 seconds.break;}
    There is a SC start of sitting down for 3 seconds o_o.


    Have you updated your Repo yet?

  2. Have you checked your /src/map/battle.c?


    This is Renewal

    #ifdef RENEWAL_EDP			if( sc->data[SC_EDP] && skill_id != AS_GRIMTOOTH && skill_id != AS_VENOMKNIFE && skill_id != ASC_BREAKER ){			eatk = eatk * sc->data[SC_EDP]->val4 / 100;			damage += damage * sc->data[SC_EDP]->val3 / 100;		}	#endif	}
    And I believe this is Pre-Renewal:
    if( sc && sc->data[SC_EDP] )		ratio >>= 1;		md.damage = (matk + atk) * ratio / 100;		md.damage -= totaldef;
    Not sure what your issue is... we never seem to have an issue with EDP in Pre-Renewal o_o. Have you modified anything else?

  3. if you dont believe that is the info in official ragnarok online its up to you not me, im just sharing what i search and what i try to translate. try to see the original link and translate it using google translate. Next time i will not share anything

    Not hating what you did :P. I appreciate what you did, that's for sure. What you did must've taken a lot of time to do. But, with such a long topic, it wouldn't have hurt to create a brief summary of what it actually was. From reading the two paragraphs, it felt like a Story more than anything else (that's my opinion) though... so that's why I was thrown off and I apologize for that =]


    It set a scene of a Storyline more than a suggestion, but then again everyone's perspective on something is quite different from one another. xD


    To tell you the truth... what the hell is this? o_o. I didnt even read any of it just because of the huge amount of text within 5 posts itself. This isn't a suggestion but more of a story book OR a suggestion towards ADMINISTRATORS of a server lol.


    this happens in official RO, so he posted the info to see if devs can implement it, I didn't read it all, but at least I understood the point of the post without talking non sense :P

    He could of at least made a summary.. So this actually happens in real official kRO? Lol. Their new training ground is like this? Or, I'm I interpreting Training Edition as something else.

  5. rdQOzBx.png


    Hercules is proud to announce the return of the Wiki "Leader" position. However, we feel that "Wiki Leader" wasn't a suitable name for such a position... so, we decided to use the name "Wiki Contributor" instead. We believe that as a Wiki Contributor, you're not in a "Leader" position so adding "Leader" was pointless in this role.




    You can easily apply for this position by submitting a Staff Application through the Staff Application Process. To do so, head on over to the navigational menu { +Others --> + Staff Applications }. Fill out the application in as much detail as possible.








    We highly recommend you have at least some contribution towards the wiki. This way, if we see you have contributions, you're most likely to get picked as a Wiki Contributor fairly quick due to your contributions! However, don't fret! If you have 0 contributions towards our Wiki, but you've contributed to rAthena's or even eAthena's wiki, you are still able to apply. 





    So, with that all said, "Have you contributed to your Wiki lately?"

  6. Indeed it has been! Lets recap shall we?



      [*]During the period there were 103 Commits. [*]Of these 103 commits, 52 included bug-fixes. [*]11 Commits from Pull Requests [*]In this month, there were 25,241 Additions and 15,837 Deletions.





      [*]During the period there were 95 commits. [*]Of these 95 commits, 59 included bug-fixes. [*]1 Commit from Pull Request [*]In this month, there were 17,134 Additions and 14,294 Deletions.




      [*]During the period there were 62 commits. [*]Of these 62 commits 15 included bug-fixes. [*]1 Commit from Pull Request [*]In this month, there were 21,330 Additions and 16,692 Deletions. [*]February's Statistics:
        [*]- 112 Total Commits (merges not included) [*]- 29 Bug Fixes [*]- 21 Commits from Pull Requests

  7. Have you tried using your /db/(pre-)re/map_zone_db.conf?


    Look for this part:

    /* GvG zone is applied to all maps with a gvg mapflag */	name: "GvG" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_GVG_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */	disabled_skills: {		AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER"		AL_WARP: "PLAYER"		WZ_ICEWALL: "PLAYER"		TF_BACKSLIDING: "PLAYER"		RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER"		WE_CALLPARTNER: "PLAYER"		HP_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER"		HP_BASILICA: "PLAYER"		CG_MOONLIT: "PLAYER"		WE_CALLPARENT: "PLAYER"		WE_CALLBABY: "PLAYER"		CR_CULTIVATION: "PLAYER"		NJ_KIRIKAGE: "PLAYER"		CASH_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER"		BS_GREED: "PLAYER"		SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER"		SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER"	}	disabled_items: {		Assumptio_5_Scroll: true		Greed_Scroll: true		Pty_Assumptio_Scroll: true	}


    Add your items under "disabled_items". Keep in mind these items won't be used  in ANY map with the GvG Mapflag on. 





    It was updated a long time before and couldn't track of it. I don't wanna update the recent svn since I only use pre renewal hercules. Mind if you can lead me the way?

    I believe you're looking for this then o_O https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/889a866e92a6c50f8a085e9c99001a9373830f44


    This was a while ago though.. xD




    yeah also the rename change there was also an update for it.



    That was implemented long ago. You should have that working o_O


    how do i add the cash shop item ?

    for now you'd need to add such items using the 'ID' syntax e.g. 'ID2115:70' for valkyrie shield.


    valkyrie shield itemd id is 2115 use ID2115 then the price is 70


    example like this:



    You're able to use the item's constant as well.

  10. There are several different integrated FluxCP (Free) websites you can search for o-O. 



    just to link a couple.



    Finding a "Tutorial" on how to integrate Flux is not common. Nor needless to say, I've never found one myself. I think it's a "If you don't know web coding, you can't do it regardless" type of thing.

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