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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. Changing name is somewhat not recommended, consider some player having really long name(full 23 chars), their name would be cut off...
  2. @@xlaws27 Annie is going to revamp it a little? Also this plugin is not compatible with new Hercules yet..
  3. Dastgir

    Away System

    SRC/map/atcommand.h Find #define MAX_MSG 1500 Change 1500 to 1613
  4. Just comment it from conf/plugins.conf So it won't load anymore.
  5. I don't see jejecap in accname, And you might be using wrong ViewID, thus wrong file
  6. Thats how it is in official servers..
  7. 1) We support item_db.conf and not txt format 2) your msgstringtable might be messed up(thats why the wrong message is displayed)
  8. bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_All,50;if(BaseLevel < 175) { bonus bAllStats,5;}
  9. [Warning]: pc_authok: AnnieRuru (AID:2000000) logged in with unknown group id (100)! kicking...nope, the server kick me{ Id: 501 AegisName: "Red_Potion" Name: "Red Potion" Type: 0 Buy: 50 Weight: 70 Trade: { override: 99 nodrop: true notrade: true } Script: <" itemheal rand(45,65),0; ">},weird, I tested my GM99 can drop and trade items, but normal player can't Change gm level to 100 not group, and it will be bypassed.
  10. In the first post; accname: ACCESSORY_HOLLOWMASK But in accessoryid its in lowercase, so that makes it error, both are case sensitive...
  11. Theres patch called, force Ariel font in nemo? Maybe you used that?
  12. Have you diffed with Increase Headgear ViewID? If not, use it, and set number to really high (~30000) , so you can use view Id as 12001
  13. Dastgir

    Variables timer

    In uncarder script: Setting timer uncarder_time = gettimetick(2)+30*24*60*60; // 30 Days At start of uncarder: if (uncarder_time > gettimetick(2)){ mes (uncarder_time-gettimetick(2))/86400)) +" More days before you can use the uncarder"; close;}
  14. Tbh, client doesn't matter, unless you really want to give old look, new clients with old mechanics works fine too.
  15. Plugin format is much better now, it used to keep changing to remove all the limitations like that of GET_SYMBOL. @@classy5 also if you want to make plugin for old hercules, you need to change #include directory too Example: #include "map/map.h" To #include "../map/map.h" And so on, with other includes too.
  16. Download opensetup and ROExt RoExt: http://forum.ratemyserver.net/ro-graphic-coding-media/roext-mouse-freedom-and-some-tweaks/ Opensetup: http://nn.nachtwolke.com/dev/opensetup/ Extract them on RO folder. Open opensetup.exe On upper menu, there will be ROext, choose that, and under it , you will see codepage selection, just choose proper codepage required for Vietnam
  17. Can you show what all edits you have done? Maybe there might be conflicting id in idnum2resnametable?
  18. Could you upload image somewhere else? Tinypic never works for me(maybe my isp blocks it)
  19. They are up, anyways they just took time to verify ownership, after they renewed it (as of this downtime)
  20. I actualy no experience on plugin or patch... im trying to figure out what i have to do with the info you provided i tried just creating a file name "hercules.h" after that "memmgr.h" then i get error when i start the server Update your Hercules, this plugin is meant for new Hercules.
  21. If want cooldown to not end upon logout, use this http://upaste.me/0812a8
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