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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. Other char sprites are not released yet
  2. It happens when you have many On***Event: labels. Open src/map/map.h Change this to something higher: #define MAX_EVENTQUEUE 2
  3. Btw, the job name is Summoner, and Doram is the kind of race thing
  4. You mean plugin? Or whole new c file? For plugin: http://herc.ws/wiki/Hercules_Plugin_Manager (Check Building a plugin section)
  5. http://herc.ws/board/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=3164 Download that, kRO removed some map, so if you are using old data.grf or too new data.grf, it might show like that , so download file from the link and add it to grf
  6. It's something I was going to do later at Jan, However here's how you can do it, Create structure of item_data containing eexp, append it with original item data, whenever item saves/trades/deleted, don't forget to change the new structure that you made .
  7. Might be new prontera issue, try downloading old prontera and try http://herc.ws/board/files/file/182-old-prontera/
  8. Dastgir


    You should make egg via @makeegg Instead of @item Or might be some typo in eggID in pet_db.txt
  9. Replace space with tab in header prontera,155,185,5<tab>script<tab>kjdshfkjsf<tab>1_F_MARIA,{
  10. Report any issues , if you feel they are bugged.However for 2015-05, we don't support many of its feature, which will be coded soon I guess.
  11. It was fixed few days ago, Update and recompile...
  12. Indeed, replay files stores all the packets received(but no idea if we can retrieve them From replay file, haven't tested that thing yet) I will try to compile list soon. Majorly, we are missing instances ...
  13. http://superuser.com/questions/381160/how-to-install-gcc-4-7-x-4-8-x-on-centos
  14. Old gcc often uses more ram for HPMHook, So you can install new gcc, to overcome this problem.. @BackToTopic, type this make plugin.PluginFileNameSo for itemmap.c, typemake plugin.itemmap Note: security plugin requires HpmHook to be enabled
  15. Because its just stupid msvc, trying to compile as c++(For me, I just lower down the warning level)
  16. Ok, seems problem in repo, commit : https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/9fef13d4d2e0eab3376ea95b3cb8783d48d19dda Should be fixed soon.
  17. Show card script, probably you mixed the fields of race and itemid
  18. I start to think you did something wrong therein the sample.c, it create a new socket sessionSample.c have example of putting some values in player session data, while my plugin shows how to pass value and save it in global variable (like, if you want to pass some config of char-server from map-server, which applies to all players, instead of just 1 player)You can just increase the size of packets and pass as many values or structures as you can... @@AnnieRuru you have a typo for char_receive_packetWhat's the typo?I just wanted to show before actually receiving to packet, the value is 0, and map-char server loads plugin separately. chrif->fd = map-char chr->login_fd = char-login Char-Map : Search map-server Id and then fd, see char_parse_char_select from char.c on how they do it.
  19. As hemagx said, This is temporary solution, till HpmHook is fixed.
  20. For Linux: http://upaste.me/2220e2^ this change is required.
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