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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. If you use phpmyadmin, just select your ro database, and choose import, then select those files.
  2. This not rathena xD @OnTopic You enabled SSO Login Packet(from nemo) But SSO Login Packet needs some kind of launcher to be used and it does not need Restore Login Window, So either 1) disable SSO Login packet Or 2) disable Restore Login Window and use some kind of launcher.
  3. Hello all, You might see we don't have quite a lot npc scripts(from official servers), thats mostly because of lack of info, not due to lack of active scripters.. So what can be done? Well, alot of people does play official servers(iRO,kRO, or any other) and most script matches even if its iRO,jRO,idRO,kRO... So we can boost the development with your help. Someone might wonder if what would happen if some npc/instances are exclusive to jRO only or any other server, well, we might still need those, those may/may not be added to repository, but that will make a nice release over script release section. Almost all servers have Replay System, we can record the gameplay of any official script, so that can help us get all info we want... So I request you (if you want new official scripts), (and if you play ANY official server), that either record a video or start the replay, and share the replay/video file, so we can get it quickly converted, and release it.. Or some of your friends might play those servers?, you can ask them for videos/replays? If you don't want to share the replay/video publicly, you can PM me as well with the file. I bet, that we will try our best to implement it quickly.
  4. Should be compatible with any emulator
  5. Ratemyserver gets its db from rA/Hercules, iROwiki is user contributed. We don't follow any of those, it fully depends on description(by kro) and leaks of db(if any)
  6. There's several times when the irc user of Hercules would disconnect, and making it join again to the channel requires server restart, I guess it would be great if we have some command, to make the Hercules try to join the channel again.
  7. Why you can't do @alootid? @_@ Also to this suggestion, I would not be in favor of this, unless admins have option to specify which one they could use. Since currently, there's many servers whk just allow either alootid or autoloottype or autoloot (only 1 command), it would be frustrating if we do this and no option for admins to manage which one they want to allow
  8. luafiles514 are been used since 2012-04-18+ I guess, they use lua version 5.1.4 thus the name, You don't need luafiles folder if you use the client i mentioned
  9. Can you show screenshot of all 3 consoles when you are trying to login? There will be some more error showing why map server can't connect to char
  10. Possible, yes.. but I dont see a use of it in mapmoblist, because mapmoblist shows output as Poring[1002]: 10 (Name[iD]: Count) , so you want to display each and every co-ordinate?
  11. Maybe you are looking for mobsearch command? Mobsearch shows all monster co ordinates
  12. Explanation: All parameter (in function) for Plugins are pointers, so with pointers, one can change data and that will be changed in original function too.
  13. Maybe you have changed this in old revision Conf/battle/battle.conf // Who can have critical attacks? (Note 3)// (Note that there are some skills that always do critical hit regardless of this)enable_critical: 17// Critical adjustment rate for non-players (Note 2)mob_critical_rate: 100critical_rate: 100
  14. Try changing graphics setting from setup.exe
  15. Then probably you haven't updated the server properly, or haven't compiled the server properly...Because the new Hercules should read .conf no matter pre-re or renewal
  16. Maybe it's reading renewal and they don't have those monsters? Well check the map-server from top to bottom for errors and not bottom to top, Usually the error at db(which is reported before any script error) would cause this chain or errors.
  17. It was fixed a week or two ago
  18. I believe, We never needed it, thus is not there
  19. Use read data folder first..I see you are using your server client, which may already have that diff and thus is failing.
  20. Dastgir


    map_cache isn't meant to be opened/read by user.. However, You can generate new mapcache(server have mapcache tool)
  21. It would be great if you show map/login/char server console, so we can point out the exact problem.
  22. It's possible, but there comes 24 char limit, so if the player name is too long, it might get tripped off.
  23. How do you run replay? And is replay from the same client as when made?
  24. Simple change could make it work.. OnPCDieEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) != .eventmap$ || !getcharid(1) ) end; if ( getcharid(1) != .party_id ) end; getpartymember .party_id, 1; getpartymember .party_id, 2; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .eventmap$ && Hp > 0 ) .@alive++; } }To OnPCDieEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) != .eventmap$ || !getcharid(1) ) end; if ( getcharid(1) != .party_id ) end; .@char = getcharid(0); getpartymember .party_id, 1; getpartymember .party_id, 2; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if (.@char != $@partymembercid[.@i] && isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .eventmap$ && Hp > 0 ) .@alive++; } }
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