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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. We don't have official one,I remember @@OverLord provided me info, but i am too busy to complete it.
  2. @@Alayne goto is depreciated, so thus the menu.. @@Mad Child Here's the Script - script CDR -1,{ //whisper npc:CDR anything to activate the GM Menu,OnWhisperGlobal:if(getgmlevel() < 80){end;}switch(select("Add Monster to System","Change Drop Rate","Cancel")){ case 3: close; case 1: while(1){ next; mes "Please input the Monster ID you wish to add to this system"; input .@id; next; mes "Are you sure you want to add: "+strmobinfo(1,.@id)+" to the system?"; .@j = select("Yes","Input New ID","Cancel"); if (.@j==3) close; else if (.@j==2) continue; menu "Yes",-,"Input new ID",iAddMob,"Cancel",iCancel; set .MobOkay_ID[getarraysize(.MobOkay_ID)+1],.@id; next; mes "The Monster: "+strmobinfo(1,.@id)+" has been added to the system."; close; } end; case 2: next; mes "Current Drop Rate: "+100/.MaxDropChance+"%"; mes "Please input the new drop rate."; mes "*Note - Drop rate is determined by: 100/DropRate %*"; mes "1 = 100%, 10 = 10%, 100 = 1%, 1000 = 0.1%, 10000 = 0.01%"; input .@newdropchance; if(.@newdropchance <= 0){ next; mes "Invalid Number"; close; } set .MaxDropChance,.@newdropchance; next; mes "Drop Rate has been changed."; mes "Current Drop Rate: "+100/.MaxDropChance+"%"; close;}OnInit:setarray .MobOkay_ID[0],1002,1004,1005,1007,1008,1009,1010; //Replace XXXX with the ID's of the monsters you want to be affected by this script. Add more as necessariy. *Note only supports 128 different monsters*set .MaxDropChance,10; // 1 = 100% | 10 = 10% | 100 = 1% | 1000 = 0.1% | 10000 = 0.01% Basically, 100/.MaxDropChance = %end;OnNPCKillEvent: .@j = 0; for(.@i=0; .@i<getarraysize(.MobOkay_ID); .@i++){ if (killedrid==.MobOkay_ID[.@i]){ .@j=1; break; } } if (.@j==0) end; deletearray $@MobDrop_item[0],128; deletearray $@MobDrop_rate[0],128; set $@MobDrop_count,0; getmobdrops(killedrid); set .@MobDrop_count, $@MobDrop_count; copyarray .@MobDrop_item[0],$@MobDrop_item[0],.@MobDrop_count; copyarray .@MobDrop_rate[0],$@MobDrop_rate[0],.@MobDrop_count; freeloop(1); while(1){ set .@i,rand(1,.MaxDropChance); if (.@dropID == .@MobDrop_count){ dispbottom "Success"; break; } if (.@i==1 && .@MobDrop_rate[.@dropID]<=1){ getitem .@MobDrop_item[.@dropID],1; if(.@dropID==8) { announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ]: got [ "+getitemname(.@MobDrop_item[.@dropID])+" ] ( Chance: " + (100 / .MaxDropChance) + "% )",bc_all; } .@dropID++; continue; } if (.@i<=.@MaxDropChance){ .@dropID++; continue; } break; } freeloop(0); end;}
  3. inter-server.conflog_login_db should be loginlog
  4. Currently, we only have RC_DemiHuman, which includes player,But soon, as SCConfigRedesign is done, we would have DemiHuman and Player Seperated(for renewal)
  5. Its not like i dont trust you ..As Mysterious said, random statements don't justify anything without any proof. (Also , all staff gets to know when the report button is used), so surely we need proof of some kind to take action. @@AsaphHoratio It seems @@44RON delivered the work after a month of opening this thread, so any problem now?
  6. Without valid proof, no one would believe anyone, so would be better if you provide some proof, so we( community) may believe you
  7. Wasn't it due to effects in new prontera?
  8. Probably, the previous map-server isn't been down yet..
  9. 2) accept the ones from paid service section.(Kichi not here , I guess, that doesn't matter anyhow) 3) don't give payment first, 4) why give him another project if he didn't completed the first one? Use paid service forum and check which one ha e good amount of feedback(also check who post the feedback, 1 post member should not be considered)
  10. Ohh, that says peek cannot connect.Why you diff the client with PEEK? If you did it, then include DLL provided with PEEK
  11. Because funding is not required xD.It's just my busy time this project progress is slow..
  12. Use screen : http://herc.ws/board/topic/6502-guide-installing-and-using-screen/?hl=%2Binstalling+%2Bscreen
  13. Dastgir


    Server isn't compiled. Try compiling by ./configure make sql If that still doesn't help, please show output of those 2 commands, I am sure there might be error while compilation.
  14. i use the one from zackdreaver in his translation package. I am a real newbie and dont know how to open lua or lub files heheuse notepad ++[5518] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Helm", unidentifiedResourceName = "헬름", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by [Magnifier]." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Large Baphomet Horns", identifiedResourceName = "대형마제스틱고우트", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A headgear made from the horns of Baphomet.", "12% additional tolerance against Demi-Human monsters.", "Increase certain amount of ATK based on wearer's Job lv.", "Class: ^777777Headgear^000000", "Defense: ^77777710^000000", "Location: ^777777Upper^000000", "Weight: ^77777780^000000", "Required Level: ^77777750^000000", "Jobs: ^777777All^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 513 }, this is what i have on my itemlua is it the correct file? Do you have updated kRO?
  15. Maybe show script, something wrong on its side??
  16. Not getting solution is the best part of free tutorials xD. It gives us ability to find the answer yourself, giving better knowledge and understandably , to which we can't forget for long time.
  17. If you can register, surely you can login too.The only problem will be group_Id in login table (Not sure if Ceres reads variables , else that might also be problem) Nothing else that i can recall.. Maybe, show the error so we can tell why you can't login...
  18. if( !(it.equip&EQP_HEAD_TOP || it.equip&EQP_ARMOR || it.equip&EQP_HAND_L || it.equip&EQP_HAND_R || it.equip&EQP_GARMENT || it.equip&EQP_SHOES || it.equip&EQP_ACC_L || it.equip&EQP_ACC_R || it.equip&EQP_HEAD_MID || it.equip&EQP_HEAD_LOW) ) Use this condition
  19. I don't have much info of models, But I have seen in many places, that if there's many polygon in model, it may not load, as RO Client doesn't support it
  20. Why in the world would someone pay to learn this vast c language Tbh, there's many tutorials(even if you google, you would get tons of it)
  21. yup cause we have separate db...while in aegis eggs is like equipment can wear and wear out,,, We need a new command xD
  22. But you need the key file first, For it use keytool http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/solaris/keytool.html Format: keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048-validity 10000 Signing: java -jar signapk.jar key.x509.pem key.pk8 [android_app].apk [signed_android_app].apk Its java application(the signing tool)
  23. I had a talk about this with Haru, and this isn't that simple, There's some other things like pet/combo/status which run this function, and thus need more checking to display what caused the error and display it. Surely this would be implemented soon..
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