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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. Dastgir

    YRO poll

    Same as evilpunker mentioned, Maybe separated list will be good if theres no voting button for them and are categorized by player online and server alive time (or maybe both).
  2. Maybe commenting #define ENABLE_CASE_CHECK From src/map/script.h and recompiling can help. but I highly insist to change the script to case sensitive in near future..
  3. If the packet is so well modified in the bot application, then Yes. and if they have knowledge to modify the bot program(as pf sending mac address,) they can even send fake mac address.
  4. Maybe you are looking on wrong database, or either there's some table structure update, which you havent applied(which should be prompted by any server at the top of console)
  5. Any more info, which os are you using?
  6. Dastgir

    Where is Ind?

    That Curiosity is Killing Everyone!!
  7. Can you tell full client date which you are using? If using any client greater than 2014-02-05, I recommend you to change your client.
  8. I remember some old client having this issue(~2010-2011 clients).
  9. Get a Translated System/ItemInfo.lub https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/tree/master/System
  10. Nice, why not make PR*Pull Request) of this?
  11. Its not SQL data, its compiled .c files, maybe you are trying to "make clean" you can just chmod -R 777 src/map/obj_sql (I don't know what permission are required, I think its 644, but 777 allows all) P.S: Use only if you own the VPS, and is not a shared VPS
  12. Use client dated 2014-02-05 or below 2014-02-05 is last known stable client(atleast for me)
  13. Run the mapcache, and make sure conf/maps.conf and db/(pre-) re/map_index.txt have those entries
  14. I have no problem using the current questid2display.txt at the repo, However if you say its 6 #, and not working for you( I see many of them having > 6#), so I will update the QuestID2Display.txt tomorrow.
  15. You can use an alternative too. *checkquest(<ID>{,PLAYTIME|HUNTING})If no additional argument supplied, return the state of the quest: -1 = Quest not started (not in quest log) 0 = Quest has been given, but the state is "inactive" 1 = Quest has been given, and the state is "active" 2 = Quest completedIf parameter "PLAYTIME" is supplied: -1 = Quest not started (not in quest log) 0 = the time limit has not yet been reached 1 = the time limit has not been reached but the quest is marked as complete 2 = the time limit has been reachedIf parameter "HUNTING" is supplied: -1 = Quest not started (not in quest log) 0 = you haven't killed all of the target monsters and the time limit has not been reached. 1 = you haven't killed all of the target monsters but the time limit has been reached. 2 = you've killed all of the target monsters
  16. It Crashes at what time? Crashed right after started, can not run at all. edit : found some suspicious lines : Isn't it has too many "#" ? Hmm.. ok, I removed that and client starts now(used another file for testing before pushing, *facepalm*) btw can someone explain me questid2display.txt format, I am totally blind for its format, I see several lines having many # which is not considered as Extra, and client runs fine :'(
  17. It Crashes at what time?
  18. Of course, you can. here's a Guide to build plugin in unix: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc
  19. I see no problem with the query, are you sure, that , that query is been executed by the script?Maybe show the part of script that uses that query?
  20. Some scripts too can cause lagg, Example a script which goes on a very big loop, with the player attached.
  21. Seems like you have a highly modified source or very old source.. We can diagnose the problem if you provide us some more info like "gdb core-dump"
  22. Yes, TortoiseSVN should show the reports.
  23. @Mumbles, Updated the script.(I really have overlooked the Quotes Part)
  24. its only 23ms difference, but yet the lag I experience to my server is way toooo worse when I'm playing to others' server. Lagg doesn't only depend on latency(ofcourse, its important, you should choose one with ~200ms). But lag also depends on player's connection(if the latency is drastically increasing/decreasing, it means something wrong on connection of players, or of the servers). Player should have stable connection, fluctuating connection can increase latency. and most players, keep downloads running and play, then complain about lag(how can they experience no-lag, if all connection speed is going to download, and game is not able to send data to the server) It also depends upon player's PC specs, what if a player is playing from low-end pc(rare occasion)
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