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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. 2) What's your Antivirus? if you are using some odd antivirus, I suggest to install AVG. I didn't have occured with any Virus Detecting Issue yet for 2014 clients.
  2. Dastgir

    :) Hi

    Welcome back..
  3. Maybe missing music (.wav) file, usually occur if using outdated grf.
  4. @Litro, sorry to take over, but like this => http://i.imgur.com/GHaYAwZ.png ?
  5. as long as the two servers in the same network or data center it will not hurt anyway it's always better to make SQL server alone without anything else. seems like, I forgot to write that point. so yah, on explaining it, same network/datacenter = would be fast to connect to that SQL, so it would be not that much effect on communication between SQL and Server. @hemagx but it can still affect the server I think, since according to topic_starter, website+database will be on 1 machine, if there's some extensive work given to website, the sql woudl eventually be slow to respond(in case of low-end machines)
  6. conf/inter-server.conf sql.db_hostname: 3306sql.db_username: ragnaroksql.db_password: ragnaroksql.db_database: ragnaroksql.codepage:// MySQL Character SQL serverchar_server_ip: 3306char_server_id: ragnarokchar_server_pw: ragnarokchar_server_db: ragnarok// MySQL Map SQL Servermap_server_ip: 3306map_server_id: ragnarokmap_server_pw: ragnarokmap_server_db: ragnarok// MySQL Log SQL Databaselog_db_ip: 3306log_db_id: ragnaroklog_db_pw: ragnaroklog_db_db: ragnaroklog_codepage:log_login_db: loginlog Although I suggest SQL and server to be on same machine and website on different machine, so that server can communicate with SQL much faster(Server needs to connect to SQL much often)
  7. the monster itself is much weird, anyways, thanks for it, I knoe it is somewhat awkward.. yes the red one is weird, isn't the orginal sprite it self red colored sir ? but its not exactly as that, theres much difference(I think soo...) and you made me inspired to do some recolors... (Looking forward to do some more recolours)
  8. Version 1.0


    My First Recolor Ever with the Ugly Monster.. Please Rate the recolors.
  9. File Name: [Recolor] 6 Amdarais Monster File Submitter: Dastgir File Submitted: 06 Sep 2014 File Category: Sprites & Palettes My First Recolor Ever with the Ugly Monster.. Please Rate the recolors. Click here to download this file
  10. 3999 is the last hardcoded monster id used, if you try to make monster with id greater than 3999, hen it wont work (even updating that monster_last value wont work)
  11. 2) Embed DATA.ini in Client using NEMO Patcher, OR Make a Custom Hook to encrypt the contents of DATA.ini
  12. 7&4 will return 4 7&1 will return 0 Want to try those values yourself? Open your Calculator(provided with windows) and use Programmer Mode for typing & , press "AND" button, "<<" = "LSHFT", ">>" = "RSHFT" Edit: o_O Annie Viewing topic, probably would answer better than me.
  13. Suppose if $WOE_CONTROL[0],1,3,4,7; i=0 that means .@i+3 = 0+3 = 3, it will call $WOE_CONTROL[3](which have value 7 as mentioned on above line) So if .@j = 2 (1<<2) = 4, putting all in the statement , it will look like "7&4" Which will be true, & means that the first value contains second value or not(don't know how to explain if you are not familiar with binary) & Defination on Script_Command: The bitwise operator AND (&) is used to test two values against each other, and results in setting bits which are active in both arguments. This can be used for a few things, but in Hercules this operator is usually used to create bit-masks in scripts. Bitwise Opeartions Defination on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation
  14. Logical bitwise operators work only on numbers, and they are the following: << - Left shift. >> - Right shift. Left shift moves the binary 1(s) of a number n positions to the left, which is the same as multiplying by 2, n times. In the other hand, Right shift moves the binary 1(s) of a number n positions to the right, which is the same as dividing by 2, n times. Example: b = 2; a = b << 3; mes a; a = a >> 2; mes a; The first mes command would display 16, which is the same as: 2 x (2 x 2 x 2) = 16. The second mes command would display 4, which is the same as: 16 / 2 = 8; 8 / 2 = 4. script_commands.txt says it all. P.S: Its not a comparision sign, its shift signs(binary)
  15. For Now its restart server I suppose.
  16. the scriptCommand is not returning false atm, but no idea if the TopicStarter is having some custom mod or using which emulator..
  17. It is because of source, the scriptcommand is returning false instead of true, which is showing that debug.
  18. Learn korean to english and help RO community
  19. You can do like this too, do { next; mes "Insert The Amount";} while (input(@ticket,1,100)!=0);
  20. You and me both. All waiting for this HERCSome Thing to happen.. Lmao! I just laughed out loud on that one ohh seems like I am like jaBote..
  21. conf/login-server.conf // Can you use _M/_F to make new accounts on the server?new_account: yes be sure you have it to "yes"
  22. Or Even Simple:(since you are making an NPC) prontera,150,150,5 script Remove Extra Points 999,{ SkillPoint = 0; StatusPoint = 0; mes "Skill/Stats Points Removed"; close;} NPC Shown above is just an example...
  23. +1 for map_zone support thing and not for mapflag
  24. Custom Sprite? or script for questing custom weapon? (maybe you have posted on wrong section if you are requesting custom sprite)
  25. o_O hire someone from hE or ask out at hE(I am sure there will be atleast one person who would liekd to help if you want @maintenance mod....
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