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Everything posted by Legend

  1. I hope this will be pushed through. It's a good function to be implemented most importantly in making events and instances.
  2. Legend

    Clan System

    I don't know why people keep on saying that "herc is dead". Actually, devs are active on git
  3. Legend

    PvP Room

    Use this instead: //================= Hercules Database ===================================== //= _ _ _ //= | | | | | | //= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___ //= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __| //= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \ //= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/ //================= License =============================================== //= This file is part of Hercules. //= http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules //= //= Copyright © 2013-2015 Hercules Dev Team //= Copyright © 2013 Ind //= //= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //= (at your option) any later version. //= //= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //= MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //= GNU General Public License for more details. //= //= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //= along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //========================================================================= //= Hercules Map Zone Database //================= More Information ====================================== //= http://herc.ws/board/topic/302-introducing-hercules-map-zone-database/ //= (TODO: replace with wiki link and detail the wiki page in a decent format ^) //================= Description =========================================== //= A unlimited number of zones may be created, a zone may be used to create a //= set of disabled items, disabled skills and mapflags to be used by as many //= maps as one chooses. //= Maps can be linked to a specific zone through the zone mapflag: //= '<map name><tab>mapflag<tab>zone<tab><zone name>'. //========================================================================= //= Available types for 'disabled_skills': //= PLAYER, HOMUN, MERCENARY, MONSTER, PET, ELEMENTAL, MOB_BOSS, CLONE, ALL and NONE //========================================================================= zones: ( { /* All zone is a dynamic (very special) zone that is forcebly inherited by ALL maps automatically */ name: "All" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_ALL_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { //both examples below disable napalm beat (id 11) to players //MG_NAPALMBEAT: "PLAYER" //ID11: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { //Both examples below disable apple (id 501) //Apple: true //ID501: true } mapflags: ( ) /* "command:min-group-lv-to-override" e.g. "heal: 70" */ disabled_commands: { //Example Below makes @heal be used in maps within this zone only by those group lv 70 and above //heal: 70 } skill_damage_cap: { //Exemple Below caps firebolt damage in maps within this zone to a maximum 50 damage, // (depends on HMAP_ZONE_DAMAGE_CAP_TYPE in src/config/core.h) // when cast vs players and monsters. //MG_COLDBOLT: (50,"PLAYER | MONSTER") } }, { /* Normal zone is applied to all maps that are not pkable (where players cant fight each other) */ /* However, it wont be applied to maps with its own zones (specified through mapflag) */ name: "Normal" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_NORMAL_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { WM_LULLABY_DEEPSLEEP: "PLAYER" WM_SIRCLEOFNATURE: "PLAYER" WM_SATURDAY_NIGHT_FEVER: "PLAYER" SO_ARRULLO: "PLAYER" CG_HERMODE: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { } mapflags: ( ) }, { /* PvP zone is applied to all maps with a pvp mapflag */ name: "PvP" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_PVP_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { BS_GREED: "PLAYER" CG_HERMODE: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Greed_Scroll: true } mapflags: ( "nocashshop", ) }, { /* PK Mode zone is only used when server is on pk_mode (battle.conf), it applies to all pvp maps that don't have their own zone */ name: "PK Mode" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_PK_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { } disabled_items: { } /* PK Mode Damage Reductions */ /* - weapon_damage_rate -40% */ /* - magic_damage_rate -40% */ /* - misc_damage_rate -40% */ /* - long_damage_rate -30% */ /* - short_damage_rate -20% */ mapflags: ( "weapon_damage_rate 60", "magic_damage_rate 60", "misc_damage_rate 60", "long_damage_rate 70", "short_damage_rate 80", ) }, { /* GvG zone is applied to all maps with a gvg mapflag */ name: "GvG" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_GVG_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER" AL_WARP: "PLAYER" WZ_ICEWALL: "PLAYER" TF_BACKSLIDING: "PLAYER" RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER" WE_CALLPARTNER: "PLAYER" HP_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER" HP_BASILICA: "PLAYER" CG_MOONLIT: "PLAYER" WE_CALLPARENT: "PLAYER" WE_CALLBABY: "PLAYER" CR_CULTIVATION: "PLAYER" NJ_KIRIKAGE: "PLAYER" CASH_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER" BS_GREED: "PLAYER" SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER" SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Assumptio_5_Scroll: true Greed_Scroll: true Pty_Assumptio_Scroll: true } /* 5 second duration increase on GvG */ /* knockback disabled */ /* GvG Mode Damage Reductions */ /* - weapon_damage_rate -40% */ /* - magic_damage_rate -40% */ /* - misc_damage_rate -40% */ /* - long_damage_rate -20% */ /* - short_damage_rate -20% */ mapflags: ( "invincible_time_inc 5000", "noknockback", "weapon_damage_rate 60", "magic_damage_rate 60", "misc_damage_rate 60", "long_damage_rate 80", "short_damage_rate 80", "nocashshop", "gvg_noparty", ) }, { /* Battlegrounds zone is applied to all maps with a battlegrounds mapflag */ name: "Battlegrounds" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_BG_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER" AL_WARP: "PLAYER" WZ_ICEWALL: "PLAYER" TF_BACKSLIDING: "PLAYER" RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER" MO_BODYRELOCATION: "PLAYER" WE_CALLPARTNER: "PLAYER" HP_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER" HP_BASILICA: "PLAYER" CG_MOONLIT: "PLAYER" WE_CALLPARENT: "PLAYER" WE_CALLBABY: "PLAYER" CR_CULTIVATION: "PLAYER" TK_RUN: "PLAYER" TK_HIGHJUMP: "PLAYER" SG_FEEL: "PLAYER" SG_SUN_WARM: "PLAYER" SG_MOON_WARM: "PLAYER" SG_STAR_WARM: "PLAYER" SG_SUN_COMFORT: "PLAYER" SG_MOON_COMFORT: "PLAYER" SG_STAR_COMFORT: "PLAYER" SG_HATE: "PLAYER" SG_SUN_ANGER: "PLAYER" SG_MOON_ANGER: "PLAYER" SG_STAR_ANGER: "PLAYER" SG_SUN_BLESS: "PLAYER" SG_MOON_BLESS: "PLAYER" SG_STAR_BLESS: "PLAYER" NJ_KIRIKAGE: "PLAYER" CASH_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER" SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER" SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Assumptio_5_Scroll: true Pty_Assumptio_Scroll: true } /* knockback disabled */ /* Battlegrounds Damage Reductions */ /* - weapon_damage_rate -30% */ /* - magic_damage_rate -30% */ /* - misc_damage_rate -30% */ /* - long_damage_rate -25% */ /* - short_damage_rate -25% */ mapflags: ( "noknockback", "weapon_damage_rate 70", "magic_damage_rate 70", "misc_damage_rate 70", "long_damage_rate 75", "short_damage_rate 75", ) }, { name: "Aldebaran Turbo Track" disabled_skills: { SM_ENDURE: "PLAYER" AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER" AL_WARP: "PLAYER" AL_CURE: "PLAYER" TF_HIDING: "PLAYER" WZ_ICEWALL: "PLAYER" AS_CLOAKING: "PLAYER" RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER" MO_BODYRELOCATION: "PLAYER" LK_CONCENTRATION: "PLAYER" LK_BERSERK: "PLAYER" HP_BASILICA: "PLAYER" WS_CARTBOOST: "PLAYER" ST_CHASEWALK: "PLAYER" CG_MOONLIT: "PLAYER" SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER" SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER" GN_CARTBOOST: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Wing_Of_Fly: true Anodyne: true Green_Potion: true Panacea: true } }, { name: "Jail" disabled_skills: { TK_JUMPKICK: "PLAYER" TK_HIGHJUMP: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Wing_Of_Fly: true Wing_Of_Butterfly: true Giant_Fly_Wing: true WOB_Rune: true WOB_Schwaltz: true WOB_Rachel: true WOB_Local: true } }, { name: "Izlude Battle Arena" disabled_skills: { RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER" AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER" SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER" SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Wing_Of_Fly: true } }, { name: "GvG2" inherit: ( "GvG" ) /* will import all gvg has */ disabled_skills: { TK_HIGHJUMP: "PLAYER" SA_ABRACADABRA: "PLAYER" } }, { name: "Sealed Shrine" disabled_skills: { MG_SAFETYWALL: "PLAYER" AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER | MONSTER | HOMUN | MERCENARY" RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER | MONSTER" HP_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER" CASH_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER" SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER" SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER" } }, { name: "Memorial Dungeon" /* ETower, Orc's Memory, Nidhoggur's Nest, etc */ disabled_skills: { AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER | MONSTER | HOMUN | MERCENARY" WZ_ICEWALL: "PLAYER" RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER | MONSTER" PF_SPIDERWEB: "PLAYER" NPC_EXPULSION: "PLAYER" SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER" SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER" } }, { name: "Towns" disabled_skills: { AM_CANNIBALIZE: "PLAYER" AM_SPHEREMINE: "PLAYER" CR_CULTIVATION: "PLAYER" BS_GREED: "PLAYER" SC_MANHOLE: "PLAYER" WM_POEMOFNETHERWORLD: "PLAYER" GN_WALLOFTHORN: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Greed_Scroll: true } }, { name: "PKRestrict" disabled_skills: { AL_HEAL: "PLAYER" } } ) Reason: You didn't add a comma at the closing curlys of "towns" mapflag
  4. Packets for 2015-10-29 still ain't encoded therefore, this ain't supported on Herc. Use 2014 clients, I recommend 2014-10-22b if you want a more stable client
  5. Did you load your logs.sql to your database? This contains loginlog table
  6. Legend

    PvP Room

    omg, how did you add the zone? can you show to us your map_zone_db.conf?
  7. thanks @mysterious
  8. Legend

    PvP Room

    You did not load the additional zone on your map_zone_db.conf which i included on the paste.
  9. Legend

    PvP Room

    This works fine on my test server: http://upaste.me/c52f33576f5ee0fa0 Tell me if there's something wrong with the script Note: Instructions are included there, please do follow. Info: I didn't included item restriction on map_zone_db because its a bit redundant to included it since restrictions are already applied on the script itself. Edit the config as much as you like. We need to separate the maps because of the mapflags, if you like to use the same map then duplicate it as what frenzmu06 mentioned above.
  10. but there is so many broken packet when i use old client. What client version are trying to use? and what are the errors have you encountered?
  11. Find this function: function script thqs_trade_token { @type = getarg(0); if( @type == 4 ) close; // 10^0, 10^1, 10^2 @type -= 1; @price = pow(10, @type); // 10^3, 10^4, 10^5 @type += 3; // So we can use pow later to determine the qt of Zeny @prize = pow(10, @type); if( #Treasure_Token < @price ) { mes "You don't have enough tokens!"; close; } if( Zeny == MAX_ZENY ) { mes "You can't add more zeny to your character"; close; } Zeny += @prize; #Treasure_Token -= @price; close; } and replace it with this: function script thqs_trade_token { @type = getarg(0); if( @type == 4 ) close; // 10^0, 10^1, 10^2 @type -= 1; @price = pow(10, @type); // 10^6 * 5 = 5m, 10^7 * 5 = 50m, 10^8 * 8 = 500m @type += 6; // So we can use pow later to determine the qt of Zeny @prize = pow(10, @type); @fnlprize = @prize * 5; if( #Treasure_Token < @price ) { mes "You don't have enough tokens!"; close; } if( Zeny == MAX_ZENY ) { mes "You can't add more zeny to your character"; close; } Zeny += @fnlprize; #Treasure_Token -= @price; close; } and don't forget to change the zeny on menu on this line: select("1000z - 1T","10000z - 10T","100000z - 100T","Nevermind"); Result: Zeny prize would be = 5m, 50m, 500m. Reason: This script uses pow function and I couldn't think of any number that if multiplied by itself makes 5 so therefore, i did that way. Other scripters here might have other tricks to share
  12. This aint compatible either rathena or herc, the file contains different scripting style. Yet, anyone's will to convert it and make it compatible with the latest herc @ts thanks for sharing
  13. Try this out yet im not sure if this is what you are looking for. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/conf/map/battle/monster.conf#L239
  14. Legend

    Please help.

    It seems you're using a different emu, herc item db doesn't look like that But anyways, did you add the spr and act properly? You can always refer to wiki upon adding custom items http://herc.ws/wiki/Custom_Items
  15. Latest commits https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commits/master
  16. Here's the latest client compatible with latest herc files: http://herc.ws/board/topic/9600-2015-05-13aragexe-release/ But i do not recommend this for live server
  17. I don't have any idea on making it as an item script, so i did this NPC script: http://upaste.me/3497327706d02304e
  18. Latest supported client 2015-05-13, packets were already there but not pretty much stable and i dont recommend it for live server
  19. If your server is running with pre-re, it is already set to "All: true" and "Novice: false" which means it can be equipped with by all job except Novice. If your server is running with renewal: Under job, add this: Ninja: true Taekwon: true Star_Gladiator: true Gunslinger: true so, job should looks like this: Job: { Ninja: true Taekwon: true Star_Gladiator: true Gunslinger: true Swordsman: true Magician: true Archer: true Acolyte: true Merchant: true Thief: true Knight: true Priest: true Wizard: true Blacksmith: true Hunter: true Assassin: true Crusader: true Monk: true Sage: true Rogue: true Alchemist: true Bard: true }
  20. Afaik, you need to wait 60 seconds after changes have been done with your guild level since you are sending query to sql
  21. Insert in what line? Thanks man for the help. Add it below this: if ( !getcharid(2) ) { mes "[ Guild Package ]"; mes "you must have a guild"; close; }
  22. Correct me if i did wrong Hope this works *tho, I never tried this one in-game* insert this on your script EDIT: i forgot to attach player id on getcharid query_sql "SELECT `guild_lv` FROM `guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '" + getcharid(2, ""+strcharinfo(0)+"") + "'",.@gldlvl; if (.@gldlvl < 50) { mes "Sorry, your guild level didn't reach it's level requirement."; close; }
  23. The default woe controller has the same principle https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/npc/custom/woe_controller.txt
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