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Everything posted by Nihad

  1. I assume you are using the plugin from here: https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/tree/master/src/plugins Without needing to modify the plugin you could add a simple bindatcmd npc *bindatcmd("command", "<NPC object name>::<event label>"{, <group level>, <group level char>, <log>}) You can find more info in doc/script_commands.txt then when the player does @autoattack check their map using getmapxy. Then do an if statement checking if the map is the one you specified, if not then just end the script, if so then allow them to run the command using *atcommand("<command>") Otherwise someone who feels comfortable can offer advice how to modify the plugin, I am not confident enough to give that advice.
  2. You didn't convert your conf files properly. Same thing happened to me, I didn't pay attention when converting them. Most likely your conf/map/battle/player.conf is configured wrong.
  3. Nihad


    The tradeable part you simply edit in item_db.conf file The part where the skulls drop, as long as you do not need to keep the attached names, it can be very simple. You can use the OnPCDieEvent command, then simply count the skulls in the inventory. Then delete the items from the players inventory and drop that same amount on the floor using the following command: makeitem(<item id>, <amount>, "<map name>", <X>, <Y>) Maybe there is an easier way to do it, but this seems pretty simple to me.
  4. Nihad

    Error help

    dispbottom only works for specific user, if you look in doc/script_commands you can find a lot of really useful information. One of these 2 commands may help you achieve what you are looking for. *globalmes("<message>"{, "<NPC name>"}) This command will send a message to the chat window of all currently connected characters. If NPC name is specified, the message will be sent as if the sender would be the NPC with the said name. --------------------------------------- *channelmes("<#channel>", "<message>") This command will send a message to the specified chat channel. The sent message will not include any character's names. For special channels, such as #map and #ally, the attached RID's map or guild will be used. If the channel doesn't exist (or, in the case of a character-specific channel, no RID is attached), false will be returned. In case of success, true is returned.
  5. Nihad

    Error help

    change "new_1-1", to "new_1-1"; Arrays need to be ended with a ; Also you should convert all those set commands example set .lvltokill, 0; to .lvltokill = 0; Some other minor things, but you can do fast script checks here: http://haru.ws/scriptchecker
  6. Nihad

    Clan System

    You know this really makes the dev team look very organized... not. There really needs to be some organized structure if this emulator is to remain competitive. Thanks to rid and hemag for starting the project, thanks dast for agreeing to help, but if there was proper organization this would have been done a long time ago. And the fault isn't with you guys, not even the slightest. The top needs to get organized and set a proper vision and goal for herc. Perhaps get a person who will take care of planning and communication with the community. Just my observation from what's been going on since the start of the year.
  7. Updated the quest db this morning. I also included a lot of raw quests that I have in the db, that way when I need them I just modify them as needed.
  8. Aw man it cut off for some dumb reason. I'll get it updated soon. Currently working on Sarah vs Fenrir.
  9. Just a heads up I am very limited on time so releases will come slowly. Monster and Item releases will follow. Not all of the instances have been cleaned up yet so I won't add those until that has been done. These instances and quests were either released on Herc or rAthena and then translated and cleaned up by my team. We have invested months of our time in order to compile all of the information. Not much needs to be said here as it is all said in the git. All I ask in return it to encourage sharing in the community. https://github.com/WoonRO/share Monster and item info was gathered from the following websites: http://www.divine-pride.net/ http://ro.gnjoy.com/guide/runemidgarts/ http://kafra.kr/#!/en/KRO/ http://db.123ro.cn/ And: https://github.com/rosfus/cRO Additional Instance information was gotten from forums such as: http://forum.gamer.com.tw/ rAthena: I will not be making an official release topic on rA since I do not feel it is my place to release content that is not ready for you. Though some of you have already contacted me and started converting the instances to rAthena. If you send those to me I will add them to the git under an rAthena folder, don't be jerks and not share. rAthena deserves some love too. Side note: Some of these instances require source edits such as getmobdata, setmobdata, specialeffects3, mobremove. I'm in the process of making these into plugins but my source knowledge is crap. All the information you need for these source edits can be found on the forums and some stuff you will have to search the web. If anyone wants to make plugin versions of these that would be much appreciated. It is possible btw, I know for a fact it is because I have a super messy version of getmobdata, but it works.
  10. Damn that bish, I was wondering why you poofed all of the sudden. I'll hit you up on skype bro, good to have you back.
  11. It's not a crash just a warning when compiling with centos latest GCC. The first one was that the compiler simply wanted ( ), it's not an error it just recommends it, and I don't like having any warnings when I compile. The second is simply an unused variable, there is no need to define it there. Again, neither of these will cause any issues or crashes, they are just warnings by the compiler.
  12. Samuel it says you can't receive PMs on the forums. Anyway : http://pastebin.com/TUu6jj4j
  13. Works like a charm, there were 2 warnings in line 55 and 151 I think but they were easily fixable. Thanks for sharing.
  14. *instance_npcname("<npc name>"{,<instance id>}); Haven't looked at the script in detail just from a quick glance I don't see you listing an NPC name. This also matches the error message you are getting. :/ not sure if that helps any.
  15. You can easily get around that by doing something like this: #accountvar = 1; getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0; warp .@map$, .@x, .@y; end; From the player's perspective it will look like they used @refresh where as in reality they were just warped on top of their current location.
  16. Just make sure to use Zeny instead of zeny http://pastebin.com/htEfmYJy
  17. The script you have is not exactly wrong. It shows the quest icon when you click on the npc. However I assume you want it to show a quest icon when they see the npc. A simple method is to use OnPCLoadMapEvent I have all of my OnPCLoadMapEvent: in a single file and then I link them to npcs to keep it organized. But you can do something like: You can use this with a combination of other things such as on touch or onlogin. Just be careful and make sure it is all organized.
  18. The plugin is created to stop people from killing their own emperium. You can just code it so that when a guild kills the emperium if they already own it their entire guild gets warped out and the owner of the emperium is set to 0. This also forces the owning guild to watch their AoE and play a bit more carefully. It only takes once for a guild to learn from their mistake, since the other guilds can easily take the emperium while they are warped out. By doing this you get to entirely avoid the plugin and source edits, if you have a hard time updating your plugins this is a nice simple alternative. You can just add this bit to OnEmpDead:
  19. Those names still have to be coded in the script though. It would be highly unlikely that the script would use a random generator and have names like that. So you should be able to put your server on github or something and then search for those names if you aren't getting any results on your pc. Though github doesn't always search properly.
  20. Just from a player perspective the method of looting items from the floor as a final reward is kind of unfair. You have certain players that put in a lot of effort and may end up getting no rewards what so ever in the end because they weren't fast enough to the treasure boxes. I understand you wanting to disable autoloot since it will prevent 1-2 players from claiming all of the rewards. But that doesn't solve the core issue. You would be better setting up a Reward NPC that gives each player a reward and then warps them from the map. Ensuring everyone gets the same reward. If you wanted to base it on effort you could also give rewards based on their monster kills. However, that leaves support classes out, you could add some more modifications to detect uses of support skills and then reward based on that, however that is going into too much detail. As stated earlier, a simple blanked reward npc that ensures everyone gets something is still more balanced than picking up loot off the ground. But if you wish to stay with your method of disabling autoloot you could try this: make copies of the treasure chests so you don't edit existing ones, remove their drops then use something like this script to drop items on the floor http://herc.ws/board/topic/3239-item-shower/
  21. You need to fully duplicate the <connection> portion of the clientinfo. If you post your clientinfo it would be easier for someone to help you out.
  22. Hey Dast just wondering are you working with http://adelays.net/ or is this an independent project?
  23. "." - A NPC variable. They exist in the NPC and disappear when the server restarts or the NPC is reloaded. Can be accessed from inside the NPC or by calling 'getvariableofnpc'. Function objects can also have .variables which are accessible from inside the function, however 'getvariableofnpc' does NOT work on function objects. In your herc folder look under doc/script_commands.txt line 438 starts the variable explanation. That script is using .mvpid .itemid and so on. Look in that document for a more appropriate way of setting the variable. A lot of people here could just give you the answer but I think you will find it a lot more rewarding if you figure it out your self, just use replace all in notepad++ If you can't figure it out then let us know, if you do figure it out also let us know
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