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Everything posted by jTynne

  1. Thanks! It's basically a "dark"/"goth" Christmas area. I'm currently running a "Christmas in July" event ("Deathmas in July") on my server, and figured I'd toss all the files up on here so others could do similar if they so pleased. Glad you like it!
  2. Version 1.0 - Final


    Muspelheim is a custom region/extension of my previously released area of Helheim (meant to connect via the west portion of Helheim). Basically, it's a fire region. Yup, that's it. Released originally for my server CasualRO, I'm releasing it for free as a "Herc.ws Exclusive". Package contains a bunch of maps, some NPC sprites, and monster recolors (Orcs among other things). It's suggested that you also release Torturous Redeemer and Skoll in this region as they fit perfectly with the design. I am not providing support for this package, so you're on your own. If you don't know how to implement custom sprites or maps, use Google. Please don't be a mooch! If you use any of these files, PLEASE send $5 via Paypal: [email protected] - I like Starbucks, and it's not free, but this package is, so caffeinate me, kthx. Enjoyyyyyyy
  3. File Name: Muspelheim by Eiphes (jTynne) File Submitter: Eiphes File Submitted: 13 Jul 2014 File Category: Maps & Textures Muspelheim is a custom region/extension of my previously released area of Helheim (meant to connect via the west portion of Helheim). Basically, it's a fire region. Yup, that's it. Released originally for my server CasualRO, I'm releasing it for free as a "Herc.ws Exclusive". Package contains a bunch of maps, some NPC sprites, and monster recolors (Orcs among other things). It's suggested that you also release Torturous Redeemer and Skoll in this region as they fit perfectly with the design. I am not providing support for this package, so you're on your own. If you don't know how to implement custom sprites or maps, use Google. Please don't be a mooch! If you use any of these files, PLEASE send $5 via Paypal: [email protected] - I like Starbucks, and it's not free, but this package is, so caffeinate me, kthx. Enjoyyyyyyy Click here to download this file
  4. 1678 downloads

    Background History: I originally created this region as a Halloween update for my players at UtopiaRO using just one map, however, it became a popular location, and they urged me to continue. It eventually became what it is today; an expansive area to explore and a leveling alternative. This package includes nine maps total, town map, fields 1 through 3, two event versions of field #3 (they are duplicates, with different names used for PK fields), and one small deadbranch arena map. You will need to figure out what you want to do with the files. Be CREATIVE. No, I'm not giving you the coding I wrote for my current server. I've done all the hard work for you, now make something out of it. If you decide to use my files for your server, ESPECIALLY if your server has donations/makes a profit, send me a donation via Paypal. This is a FREE release, but Starbucks isn't, so buy me a coffee. [email protected] -> Send me $5, thanks boo. Don't ask for support, I'll not be giving it. Everything is released "as-is". This is an OLD release. I'm simply uploading my stuff I released on rAthena over here as well (as free downloads, yassss).
  5. File Name: Helheim by Eiphes (jTynne) File Submitter: Eiphes File Submitted: 13 Jul 2014 File Category: Maps & Textures Background History: I originally created this region as a Halloween update for my players at UtopiaRO using just one map, however, it became a popular location, and they urged me to continue. It eventually became what it is today; an expansive area to explore and a leveling alternative. This package includes nine maps total, town map, fields 1 through 3, two event versions of field #3 (they are duplicates, with different names used for PK fields), and one small deadbranch arena map. You will need to figure out what you want to do with the files. Be CREATIVE. No, I'm not giving you the coding I wrote for my current server. I've done all the hard work for you, now make something out of it. If you decide to use my files for your server, ESPECIALLY if your server has donations/makes a profit, send me a donation via Paypal. This is a FREE release, but Starbucks isn't, so buy me a coffee. [email protected] -> Send me $5, thanks boo. Don't ask for support, I'll not be giving it. Everything is released "as-is". This is an OLD release. I'm simply uploading my stuff I released on rAthena over here as well (as free downloads, yassss). Click here to download this file
  6. Version Final


    Background History: I originally created this region as the starting town for the second version of UtopiaRO. As the server is no longer online, I've decided to make these a public release. This package includes 44 Monster Sprites (Recolored), 1 Town Map, 1 Indoors Map (spl_in duplicate), 3 Field Maps, 1 PVP Map, 4 Dungeon Maps, (old/broken) Monster Coding (Stats/Skills), Spawns, Warp Portals, and Map Flags. This is an OLD RELEASE, meaning all the coding is probably botched and no longer works. I already did all the hard work, the least you can do is code stuff yourself, kthxbyefelicia. Donations can be made via Paypal to : [email protected] - Don't be a mooch. Buy me a goddamn coffee if you use this.
  7. File Name: Eden Village & Cavern d'Bastion File Submitter: Eiphes File Submitted: 13 Jul 2014 File Category: Maps & Textures Background History: I originally created this region as the starting town for the second version of UtopiaRO. As the server is no longer online, I've decided to make these a public release. This package includes 44 Monster Sprites (Recolored), 1 Town Map, 1 Indoors Map (spl_in duplicate), 3 Field Maps, 1 PVP Map, 4 Dungeon Maps, (old/broken) Monster Coding (Stats/Skills), Spawns, Warp Portals, and Map Flags. This is an OLD RELEASE, meaning all the coding is probably botched and no longer works. I already did all the hard work, the least you can do is code stuff yourself, kthxbyefelicia. Donations can be made via Paypal to : [email protected] - Don't be a mooch. Buy me a goddamn coffee if you use this. Click here to download this file
  8. 133 downloads

    File Name: RO Seta (Crash Dump Viewer) This tool was recently sent to me by a friend, that converts crash dumps/error handlers into readable content. For example, from one of my Support Tickets I'd received on my server, the following error handler was provided: 0012F46C : 58 61 D9 20 50 B1 C2 2A 58 61 D9 20 73 70 72 690012F47C : 74 65 5C BE C7 BC BC BB E7 B8 AE 5C B3 B2 5C B30012F48C : B2 5F BF E4 C1 A4 C0 C7 B1 CD 2E 73 70 72 00 7F0012F49C : 80 F4 12 00 38 31 14 00 00 00 14 00 A4 45 76 730012F4AC : 90 F5 79 73 50 F5 AB 25 0D 44 76 73 C8 F4 12 000012F4BC : 00 00 00 00 B8 00 91 7C D8 3E A5 25 94 F5 12 000012F4CC : 41 00 91 7C E8 09 14 00 5D 00 91 7C 00 00 00 000012F4DC : 20 33 A5 25 E0 3E A5 25 A8 CE 90 25 00 00 00 000012F4EC : 0D 9A 80 7C 00 00 00 00 C8 B8 AE 25 00 00 00 400012F4FC : 00 00 00 00 10 F5 12 00 00 00 00 00 B8 00 91 7C0012F50C : F0 F4 12 00 DC F5 12 00 68 FA 12 00 D8 9A 83 7C0012F51C : 10 9A 80 7C FF FF FF FF 0D 9A 80 7C 44 0F 78 730012F52C : 70 3F A5 25 D0 F5 12 00 90 00 00 00 20 00 00 000012F53C : C8 B8 AE 25 A8 B9 AE 25 C8 B8 AE 25 EC F5 12 000012F54C : 2B 45 76 73 D0 F5 12 00 A8 B9 AE 25 00 00 00 000012F55C : 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 90 F5 79 73 08 B0 82 25 And when entered into RO Seta, it converts to: XaÙ P±Â*XaÙ sprite\¾Ã‡¼¼Â»Ã‡Â¸Â®\³²\³²_¿ääÀDZÃ.spr.‚¬Ã´.81...¤EvsÂõysPõ«%DvsÈô..¸.€˜|Ø>Â¥%€õA.€˜|È .].€˜|.. 3Â¥%À>Â¥%¨ÎÂ%..š‚¬|..ȸ®%..@..õ...¸.€˜|ðô.Üõ.hú.Øšƒ|š‚¬|ÿÿÿÿš‚¬|Dxsp?Â¥%ðõ.Â.. .ȸ®%¨¹Â®%ȸ®%ìõ+Evsðõ.¨¹Â®%......Âõys°€š% Specifically, sprite\¾Ã‡¼¼Â»Ã‡Â¸Â®\³²\³²_¿ääÀDZÃ.spr Brings notice to the male version of Elven Ears. Some errors will remain garbled, but for the most part, this is an invaluable tool that allows server owners the ability to better pinpoint what's happening in their player's crash dumps. Credits to Skipper, though I have no idea where the file originally came from as again, it was literally sent to a short while ago.
  9. Version 1.0 - Final


    Hi. So, sometimes I make stuff for my server, and release it here for free. This is one of those times. Basically, my boyfriend bought me a bottle of Jaeger Spice, and this is what happened while I drank it. Inside the package you'll find a few maps-- a "Deathmas" version of Prontera (only the center of the map is decorated- I had a use for it, maybe you will as well), Lutie, Lutie field, four identical "arena" maps, and the first floor of the toy factory dungeon. You'll also find a bunch of monster sprites with recolors. Ain't nobody saying you "have" to use them, but they're there in case you're either too lazy to make your own or simply don't know how. I'm not providing support for how to implement custom maps or sprites. A few of the maps experience the disgusting black texture clipping thing. If you know how to fix it, and feel like fixing it/sending the files to me to update this package with, feel free to do so, because I can't be bothered. As an addendum, I suggest you make the following edits for each of the maps to your fogparamtable.txt file for a nice red fog effect: win_pront13.rsw# 0.25# 0.6# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c01.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c02.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c03.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c04.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_dun2.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_dun1.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_n.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_fild1.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# And, I've also taken the liberty of gathering two "christmas in minor mode" songs for you to use for the maps as well, http://www.casualro.com/gm/eiphes/xmnBGM.zip -- You'll have to edit your mp3 table file. Don't know how to do it? Google. If you decide to use this, don't be a fucking mooch, especially if your server has donations/makes a profit. Send me $5.00 via Paypal ([email protected]). Don't redistribute or tweak my files and try to re-release it.
  10. File Name: Deathmas in July by Eiphes (jTynne) File Submitter: Eiphes File Submitted: 13 Jul 2014 File Category: Maps & Textures Hi. So, sometimes I make stuff for my server, and release it here for free. This is one of those times. Basically, my boyfriend bought me a bottle of Jaeger Spice, and this is what happened while I drank it. Inside the package you'll find a few maps-- a "Deathmas" version of Prontera (only the center of the map is decorated- I had a use for it, maybe you will as well), Lutie, Lutie field, four identical "arena" maps, and the first floor of the toy factory dungeon. You'll also find a bunch of monster sprites with recolors. Ain't nobody saying you "have" to use them, but they're there in case you're either too lazy to make your own or simply don't know how. I'm not providing support for how to implement custom maps or sprites. A few of the maps experience the disgusting black texture clipping thing. If you know how to fix it, and feel like fixing it/sending the files to me to update this package with, feel free to do so, because I can't be bothered. As an addendum, I suggest you make the following edits for each of the maps to your fogparamtable.txt file for a nice red fog effect: win_pront13.rsw# 0.25# 0.6# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c01.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c02.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c03.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_c04.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_dun2.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_dun1.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmas_n.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# xmn_fild1.rsw# 0.1# 0.1# 0x22660808# 0.1# And, I've also taken the liberty of gathering two "christmas in minor mode" songs for you to use for the maps as well, http://www.casualro.com/gm/eiphes/xmnBGM.zip -- You'll have to edit your mp3 table file. Don't know how to do it? Google. If you decide to use this, don't be a fucking mooch, especially if your server has donations/makes a profit. Send me $5.00 via Paypal ([email protected]). Don't redistribute or tweak my files and try to re-release it. Click here to download this file
  11. An alternative is to just insert an item and sell that in the cash shop that can either be consumed or turned in to an NPC for Cash Points. Alternatively, and with a bit of adjusting of the default rewards NPC code, it would be possible to make it not give a physical item to the player when redeeming if the ID of the reward(s) match the ID of a specific item sold on the panel and just adjust cash points accordingly. Just an idea.
  12. I hope to see your site's continued development and progress! It is always a joy whenever I see websites that aim to be alternatives to RMS.
  13. Hi, maybe you can test anyways! that requirement of open gl 4.+ is outdated. Recently browedit 2.0 uses very few rendering tools from open gl, and most of them are available since ver 1.3+ if I'm right. Mostly everything is running by using borfs own graphics engine (blib), that he has developed upon the years (with of course, the uses of more than Ragnarok Online) Sadly, doesn't seem to want to work. Something about shader, precision, not sure.
  14. I made mention of it briefly in my response, but I wasn't aware of it happening when relogging. It has the opposite effect for me (makes them appear when I log in), or is that what you meant? XD
  15. Buy me a pizza.

  16. Well, time to buy a new laptop. :'( My ASUS laptop doesn't have a graphics card.. It's an Intel onboard graphics driver thing. I "updated" my graphics driver, and I guess the furthest it goes is OpenGL 2.1 /fml Happy to see such wonderful improvements!
  17. Freebies module also broken. Thread should be removed?
  18. Strangely, addons aren't loading for me? Re-installed and they worked. Whew.
  19. Same issue here. Guessing the author no longer provides support?
  20. This is clipping, and can be fixed by using a Hex editor, opening the .rsw file of your map, and going to the third/fourth columns, changing the values from 02 01 to 01 09. You will have to edit this back to 02 01 if you wish to open the map back up in Brow Edit. Sometimes this doesn't always work, and may cause some objects to disappear. I'm not sure why that is, but 9 times out of 10, it tends to fix my problems. This is especially helpful for maps you have water on and don't want to lose the effect. Source: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=263266 (Search for "Cliping"-- Yes, one "p". Engrish.)
  21. Howdy, I'm wondering if there is a maximum value you can set for the exp.txt file (RE). I'm wanting to increase the exp required for levels 170+, however, despite increasing the values, it doesn't seem to be making much of a difference. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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