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  1. Upvote
    jTynne got a reaction from Daifuku in [Guide] How to Recolor Sprites - by Eiphes   
    Tools/Things You Will Need

      Photoshop CS4 or above (I use CS6 in this tutorial) SprConview GRF Tool WeeThumbnail Viewer (instructions on how to install below) 800mb-1.5gb Available HDD space


      Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7 or GIMP (not included in toolpack.zip below; not necessary)

    Preface/Getting Started
    First and foremost, download my tool package here: http://www.jtynne.co...es/toolpack.zip

      This tool pack contains SprConview, GRF Tool, and other essential programs I use when working on the server (Browedit, various patchers for different official RO servers, etc) Extract the entire tool pack to a location on your computer that you can easily find/return to.

    1. Navigate to your GRF Tool program from the tool pack contents. Open it, click "Open", and find your data.grf (located in your CasualRO install folder):
    http--,,--//justintfields.com/guides/recolors/1.png [/url]]
    2. Let's make sure we have our GRF Tool configured properly. Click on "Settings" and make sure the first option is selected.
    3. Now, we're going to extract ALL of the .spr files from the GRF. Search for .spr and hit enter, or click the button on the right to search. (GO TO STEP 5 TO LEARN HOW TO EXTRACT)
    4. (You will return to do the same as step 3, but after you do the extraction process in step 5)
    5. When you've found all the .spr or .act files, click "Extract", make a new folder, and name it something you'll remember in a location you can easily return to. Then click OK to begin the extraction process.
    6. After you've extracted both .spr and .act files, navigate to where you extracted them. Once you get to the /data/sprite/ folder, you'll see a ton of folders and other files. Refer to the image below to find the drop sprite folder and the headgear folder. These are the only two we will use for this tutorial. I've made note of where monsters and robes are located in case you want to take a gander in them.
    7. Let's dive into the headgears folder.
    8. As you can see above, I can see previews of sprites in my folders. This is important because NOTHING is named in English besides a few of the newer class sprites, so you will also want to be able to visibly see a preview of what each sprite file is of. That said, navigate to you extracted the toolpack.zip, and go into the WeeThumbnail folder, and then into the folder noted in the screencapture below. Double click "Install". Head back into your sprites folder. If you can't see previews still, reboot your computer. Then return to the headgears folder in step 7.
    9. I always work with the female headgear sprites as my bases for recolors because a lot of the female sprites have an extra frame in their .spr file, that the male sprites for whatever reason lack. If you work with male headgear sprites as bases, you'll encounter crashes in-game due to the missing frame, so let's go into the female headgear sprite folder as noted in step 7.
    10. For this tutorial, I've opted to make a recolor of the Racoon Doll Hat. You will want to copy both the .act and .spr file with the same filename.
    11. Now, let's move these into a safe location and set up our folder hierarchy.

      Create a folder on your desktop named "data" Inside of this folder, create two folders, "sprite" and "texture" Go into the "sprite" folder Once inside the sprite folder, create a folder with the following name: ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ While still inside the sprite folder, create another folder with this name: ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸® Go inside of the folder named ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸® and create two folders; one named ¿© and the other named ³² Navigate backwards into the "data" folder again, and enter the "texture" folder Inside the texture folder, create a folder called À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º Go into the folder called À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º and create two folders named "item" and "collection"

    At the end of this hierarchy creation, you should have the following hierarchy created:
    ------- sprite
    ------- ------- ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ
    ------- ------- ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®
    ------- ------- ------- ¿©
    ------- ------- ------- ³²
    ------- texture
    ------- ------- À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º
    ------- ------- ------- item
    ------- ------- ------- collection
    Remember when I told you to copy the .act and .spr in step 10? Locate where you copied those files to, and I recommend placing them within data/sprite/¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®/ for the time being as seen below.
    12. Now, when you double-click .spr files, by default, Windows usually has NO idea what to do with them. So let's assign the default program to open .spr files to be SprConview from the toolpack.zip archive. Right-click the .spr file, go to "Open With", and "Choose default program..."
    13. Chances are high that SprConview won't be in your Recommended Programs list, so if it's not, click "Browse", locate where you extracted the toolpack.zip contents, and locate SprConview inside of that folder. Once you've found it, make sure you check the box on the left so .spr files always open with Sprconview. Then click OK.
    14. Once you've assigned SprConview to open the .spr files, double click the sprite to open it!
    15. Now, let's extract the frames from the sprite file by converting each frame into a .bmp image. Click "Convert" and select "Spr to Bmp"
    16. A new box will appear. Under "Sprite" click the Browse button to the right of the blank field. Select the sprite (use the preview window to confirm it's the file you want) and click "Open".
    17. Next, enter a name in the BMP directory field (no need to click browse; just write a name for a new folder to be created where you're currently located). Click "Convert" to extract the frames.
    18. Navigate into the folder the frames were extracted into.
    19. It's time to open CS4 or above!
    20. Open just the very first file (far left side, usually numbered 001 at the end of the file name) in Photoshop. Once open, go to "Image" -> "Adjustments" -> "Replace Color"
    21. Replace the colors until you achieve a coloration you like! I've opted to make this head all gray (like a real racoon!), but you can easily make it any color(s) you want by playing with the Hue/Saturation/Lightness sliders.
    22. Once you're satisfied with your coloration, save the file.
    23. This is just an aside really, but you only have to edit the first frame of each sprite in order to achieve the recolor effect throughout the entire sprite. This is because later when we convert the bmp back into a .spr, SprConview uses only the first frame to create the palette for the sprite file. Super handy and saves time! I used to edit every single frame, but it's not necessary to do.
    24. Once you've saved the file, you should see the preview image update with your changes in the folder.
    25. It's time to repack these .bmp images into a sprite file! Back in SprConview, click "Convert", and this time select the second option "Bmp to Spr".
    26. A new window will appear. Click "Add" and another box will open. Left click the first image (the one you recolored) then hold down shift and left-click the very last image at the bottom. This will select all of the frames in the correct order. Then click "Open".
    27. Now enter the filename you wish to assign to your recolored sprite. Make sure you include the .spr file extension at the end of the name. I've chosen "racoon_head_recolor.spr" for this demonstration. Uncheck the "Encode" box. We no longer use this option in the clients and leaving it checked will cause your sprite to display incorrectly once in-game. Once you've done the preceeding instructions, click "Convert".
    28. Your newly created sprite will appear in the same folder the .bmp frames are found, so jump back in there if you were elsewhere.
    29. Admire your work! No, actually, make sure all of the frames are there, and that you can't see the background color from the .bmp files. It should include all of the frames you originally extracted from the original sprite. Below, I've opened the sprite in five different windows to see all angles. It's not necessary to do, but helps to see an overview of your work.
    30. Copy and paste your newly recolored sprite up one directory where you pasted the original .spr and .act files. Now, let's tidy things up a bit.. If you have any extra files besides the original .spr and .act, delete those. Keep the female and male folders, AND the default .act as we still need that.
    31. Make a copy of the .act file.
    32. Rename it, and keep the female prefix.
    33. Select the male folder as if to rename it, but just copy the filename into your clipboard (Ctrl+C)
    34. Rename the other .act file, this time with a male prefix.
    35. Make a copy of your recolored .spr file.
    36. Rename the original and the copy to have the same names as the .act files (one male, one female)
    37. Move the male sprites to the male folder..
    38. And move the female sprites to the female folder..
    39. Go into the female folder and copy the .spr file to your clip board. Next, go up two directories so you can get into the drop sprite folder.
    40. Paste the .spr from your clip board inside of the drop sprite folder. It still needs a .act, so let's go grab it!
    41. Navigate to where you extracted files from the GRF in steps 4 and 5.
    42. Find the .act file associated with the headgear you chose to recolor. (Technically any .act in this folder will work fine, but for the sake of consistency in this tutorial, just humor me and do it.)
    43. Paste the .act file into where you have YOUR recolored sprite in your drop sprite folder.
    44. And rename it. Note: Take off any prefix (female or male) your files may have.
    45. Next, go up two directories into the "data" folder. If you've already made a texture folder, ignore this step.
    46. And inside this folder named texture, create the "collection" and "item" folders if you haven't already. (If you've followed this tutorial step by step, then disregard this step as you should have already created them.) We will, however, need to get back into the GRF and pull out the collection and item images belonging to the original sprite.
    47. So, let's re-open GRF Tool and open data.grf back up if you've closed it already.
    48. Search for "item" and then click "Extract", and extract the files to whatever folder you extracted the .spr and .act files to.
    49. Search for "collection" and then click "Extract", and extract the files to whatever folder you extracted the .spr and .act files to.
    50. Navigate to the folder you just extracted all of the item/collection images to (data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/). Inside you will see two folders; collection and image
    51. Inside of the collection folder, find the image associated with your headgear you recolored, copy/paste it into your own collection image folder, and load the copied version into Photoshop.
    52. Inside of the item folder, find the image associated with your headgear you recolored, copy/paste it into your own item image folder, and load the copied version into Photoshop.
    53. Just to clarify,
    54. Now, rename the files to what you named your recolored sprite,
    55. Now, in Photoshop, let's play with Replace color once again!
    56. Replace the colors you need to, and save the image.
    57. Repeat with the second image,
    58. Go to /data/texture/ and if your "item" and "collection" folders aren't already inside of the long filename folder, À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/, then move them into it.
    59. At the end, you should have the following (assuming you did the same recolor as shown above, with the same filenames) files / file heirarchy:
    ------- sprite
    ------- ------- ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ
    ------- ------- ------- racoon_head_recolor.spr
    ------- ------- ------- racoon_head_recolor.act
    ------- ------- ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®
    ------- ------- ------- ¿©
    ------- ------- ------- ------- ¿©_racoon_head_recolor.spr
    ------- ------- ------- ------- ¿©_racoon_head_recolor.act
    ------- ------- ------- ³²
    ------- ------- ------- ------- ³²_racoon_head_recolor.spr
    ------- ------- ------- ------- ³²_racoon_head_recolor.act
    ------- texture------- ------- À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º
    ------- ------- ------- item
    ------- ------- ------- ------- racoon_head_recolor.bmp
    ------- ------- ------- collection
    ------- ------- ------- ------- racoon_head_recolor.bmp
    Additional Notes
    This tutorial only covers creating the sprites. There are still additional steps to get them in-game: Creating the sprites is the most time-consuming part of the entire process, however.
    You may NOT copy/reproduce this guide without providing a link back to a location I've posted this guide to, and you must give me full credit. Thank you!
    A copy of this tutorial's contents can be found at the following address: http--,,--//justintfields.com/gu...or Tutorial.zip It includes the toolpack.zip, and all of the .png images, as well, the files and folders used in the tutorial for recoloring the Racoon hat.
    Please do not bother asking me for support in this thread, as I will not be very active for the next several months due to university. I tried to "dummy proof" this guide as much as possible so that even the most novice of people could understand what's going on here.
    If you found this tutorial useful, PLEASE +1 this thread, rate me five stars, and consider sending me enough money to buy some Starbucks via Paypal: [email protected] -- Thank you and good luck!

  2. Upvote
    jTynne got a reaction from anacondaq in [Guide] How to Recolor Sprites - by Eiphes   
    Tools/Things You Will Need

      Photoshop CS4 or above (I use CS6 in this tutorial) SprConview GRF Tool WeeThumbnail Viewer (instructions on how to install below) 800mb-1.5gb Available HDD space


      Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7 or GIMP (not included in toolpack.zip below; not necessary)

    Preface/Getting Started
    First and foremost, download my tool package here: http://www.jtynne.co...es/toolpack.zip

      This tool pack contains SprConview, GRF Tool, and other essential programs I use when working on the server (Browedit, various patchers for different official RO servers, etc) Extract the entire tool pack to a location on your computer that you can easily find/return to.

    1. Navigate to your GRF Tool program from the tool pack contents. Open it, click "Open", and find your data.grf (located in your CasualRO install folder):
    http--,,--//justintfields.com/guides/recolors/1.png [/url]]
    2. Let's make sure we have our GRF Tool configured properly. Click on "Settings" and make sure the first option is selected.
    3. Now, we're going to extract ALL of the .spr files from the GRF. Search for .spr and hit enter, or click the button on the right to search. (GO TO STEP 5 TO LEARN HOW TO EXTRACT)
    4. (You will return to do the same as step 3, but after you do the extraction process in step 5)
    5. When you've found all the .spr or .act files, click "Extract", make a new folder, and name it something you'll remember in a location you can easily return to. Then click OK to begin the extraction process.
    6. After you've extracted both .spr and .act files, navigate to where you extracted them. Once you get to the /data/sprite/ folder, you'll see a ton of folders and other files. Refer to the image below to find the drop sprite folder and the headgear folder. These are the only two we will use for this tutorial. I've made note of where monsters and robes are located in case you want to take a gander in them.
    7. Let's dive into the headgears folder.
    8. As you can see above, I can see previews of sprites in my folders. This is important because NOTHING is named in English besides a few of the newer class sprites, so you will also want to be able to visibly see a preview of what each sprite file is of. That said, navigate to you extracted the toolpack.zip, and go into the WeeThumbnail folder, and then into the folder noted in the screencapture below. Double click "Install". Head back into your sprites folder. If you can't see previews still, reboot your computer. Then return to the headgears folder in step 7.
    9. I always work with the female headgear sprites as my bases for recolors because a lot of the female sprites have an extra frame in their .spr file, that the male sprites for whatever reason lack. If you work with male headgear sprites as bases, you'll encounter crashes in-game due to the missing frame, so let's go into the female headgear sprite folder as noted in step 7.
    10. For this tutorial, I've opted to make a recolor of the Racoon Doll Hat. You will want to copy both the .act and .spr file with the same filename.
    11. Now, let's move these into a safe location and set up our folder hierarchy.

      Create a folder on your desktop named "data" Inside of this folder, create two folders, "sprite" and "texture" Go into the "sprite" folder Once inside the sprite folder, create a folder with the following name: ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ While still inside the sprite folder, create another folder with this name: ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸® Go inside of the folder named ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸® and create two folders; one named ¿© and the other named ³² Navigate backwards into the "data" folder again, and enter the "texture" folder Inside the texture folder, create a folder called À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º Go into the folder called À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º and create two folders named "item" and "collection"

    At the end of this hierarchy creation, you should have the following hierarchy created:
    ------- sprite
    ------- ------- ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ
    ------- ------- ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®
    ------- ------- ------- ¿©
    ------- ------- ------- ³²
    ------- texture
    ------- ------- À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º
    ------- ------- ------- item
    ------- ------- ------- collection
    Remember when I told you to copy the .act and .spr in step 10? Locate where you copied those files to, and I recommend placing them within data/sprite/¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®/ for the time being as seen below.
    12. Now, when you double-click .spr files, by default, Windows usually has NO idea what to do with them. So let's assign the default program to open .spr files to be SprConview from the toolpack.zip archive. Right-click the .spr file, go to "Open With", and "Choose default program..."
    13. Chances are high that SprConview won't be in your Recommended Programs list, so if it's not, click "Browse", locate where you extracted the toolpack.zip contents, and locate SprConview inside of that folder. Once you've found it, make sure you check the box on the left so .spr files always open with Sprconview. Then click OK.
    14. Once you've assigned SprConview to open the .spr files, double click the sprite to open it!
    15. Now, let's extract the frames from the sprite file by converting each frame into a .bmp image. Click "Convert" and select "Spr to Bmp"
    16. A new box will appear. Under "Sprite" click the Browse button to the right of the blank field. Select the sprite (use the preview window to confirm it's the file you want) and click "Open".
    17. Next, enter a name in the BMP directory field (no need to click browse; just write a name for a new folder to be created where you're currently located). Click "Convert" to extract the frames.
    18. Navigate into the folder the frames were extracted into.
    19. It's time to open CS4 or above!
    20. Open just the very first file (far left side, usually numbered 001 at the end of the file name) in Photoshop. Once open, go to "Image" -> "Adjustments" -> "Replace Color"
    21. Replace the colors until you achieve a coloration you like! I've opted to make this head all gray (like a real racoon!), but you can easily make it any color(s) you want by playing with the Hue/Saturation/Lightness sliders.
    22. Once you're satisfied with your coloration, save the file.
    23. This is just an aside really, but you only have to edit the first frame of each sprite in order to achieve the recolor effect throughout the entire sprite. This is because later when we convert the bmp back into a .spr, SprConview uses only the first frame to create the palette for the sprite file. Super handy and saves time! I used to edit every single frame, but it's not necessary to do.
    24. Once you've saved the file, you should see the preview image update with your changes in the folder.
    25. It's time to repack these .bmp images into a sprite file! Back in SprConview, click "Convert", and this time select the second option "Bmp to Spr".
    26. A new window will appear. Click "Add" and another box will open. Left click the first image (the one you recolored) then hold down shift and left-click the very last image at the bottom. This will select all of the frames in the correct order. Then click "Open".
    27. Now enter the filename you wish to assign to your recolored sprite. Make sure you include the .spr file extension at the end of the name. I've chosen "racoon_head_recolor.spr" for this demonstration. Uncheck the "Encode" box. We no longer use this option in the clients and leaving it checked will cause your sprite to display incorrectly once in-game. Once you've done the preceeding instructions, click "Convert".
    28. Your newly created sprite will appear in the same folder the .bmp frames are found, so jump back in there if you were elsewhere.
    29. Admire your work! No, actually, make sure all of the frames are there, and that you can't see the background color from the .bmp files. It should include all of the frames you originally extracted from the original sprite. Below, I've opened the sprite in five different windows to see all angles. It's not necessary to do, but helps to see an overview of your work.
    30. Copy and paste your newly recolored sprite up one directory where you pasted the original .spr and .act files. Now, let's tidy things up a bit.. If you have any extra files besides the original .spr and .act, delete those. Keep the female and male folders, AND the default .act as we still need that.
    31. Make a copy of the .act file.
    32. Rename it, and keep the female prefix.
    33. Select the male folder as if to rename it, but just copy the filename into your clipboard (Ctrl+C)
    34. Rename the other .act file, this time with a male prefix.
    35. Make a copy of your recolored .spr file.
    36. Rename the original and the copy to have the same names as the .act files (one male, one female)
    37. Move the male sprites to the male folder..
    38. And move the female sprites to the female folder..
    39. Go into the female folder and copy the .spr file to your clip board. Next, go up two directories so you can get into the drop sprite folder.
    40. Paste the .spr from your clip board inside of the drop sprite folder. It still needs a .act, so let's go grab it!
    41. Navigate to where you extracted files from the GRF in steps 4 and 5.
    42. Find the .act file associated with the headgear you chose to recolor. (Technically any .act in this folder will work fine, but for the sake of consistency in this tutorial, just humor me and do it.)
    43. Paste the .act file into where you have YOUR recolored sprite in your drop sprite folder.
    44. And rename it. Note: Take off any prefix (female or male) your files may have.
    45. Next, go up two directories into the "data" folder. If you've already made a texture folder, ignore this step.
    46. And inside this folder named texture, create the "collection" and "item" folders if you haven't already. (If you've followed this tutorial step by step, then disregard this step as you should have already created them.) We will, however, need to get back into the GRF and pull out the collection and item images belonging to the original sprite.
    47. So, let's re-open GRF Tool and open data.grf back up if you've closed it already.
    48. Search for "item" and then click "Extract", and extract the files to whatever folder you extracted the .spr and .act files to.
    49. Search for "collection" and then click "Extract", and extract the files to whatever folder you extracted the .spr and .act files to.
    50. Navigate to the folder you just extracted all of the item/collection images to (data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/). Inside you will see two folders; collection and image
    51. Inside of the collection folder, find the image associated with your headgear you recolored, copy/paste it into your own collection image folder, and load the copied version into Photoshop.
    52. Inside of the item folder, find the image associated with your headgear you recolored, copy/paste it into your own item image folder, and load the copied version into Photoshop.
    53. Just to clarify,
    54. Now, rename the files to what you named your recolored sprite,
    55. Now, in Photoshop, let's play with Replace color once again!
    56. Replace the colors you need to, and save the image.
    57. Repeat with the second image,
    58. Go to /data/texture/ and if your "item" and "collection" folders aren't already inside of the long filename folder, À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/, then move them into it.
    59. At the end, you should have the following (assuming you did the same recolor as shown above, with the same filenames) files / file heirarchy:
    ------- sprite
    ------- ------- ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ
    ------- ------- ------- racoon_head_recolor.spr
    ------- ------- ------- racoon_head_recolor.act
    ------- ------- ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®
    ------- ------- ------- ¿©
    ------- ------- ------- ------- ¿©_racoon_head_recolor.spr
    ------- ------- ------- ------- ¿©_racoon_head_recolor.act
    ------- ------- ------- ³²
    ------- ------- ------- ------- ³²_racoon_head_recolor.spr
    ------- ------- ------- ------- ³²_racoon_head_recolor.act
    ------- texture------- ------- À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º
    ------- ------- ------- item
    ------- ------- ------- ------- racoon_head_recolor.bmp
    ------- ------- ------- collection
    ------- ------- ------- ------- racoon_head_recolor.bmp
    Additional Notes
    This tutorial only covers creating the sprites. There are still additional steps to get them in-game: Creating the sprites is the most time-consuming part of the entire process, however.
    You may NOT copy/reproduce this guide without providing a link back to a location I've posted this guide to, and you must give me full credit. Thank you!
    A copy of this tutorial's contents can be found at the following address: http--,,--//justintfields.com/gu...or Tutorial.zip It includes the toolpack.zip, and all of the .png images, as well, the files and folders used in the tutorial for recoloring the Racoon hat.
    Please do not bother asking me for support in this thread, as I will not be very active for the next several months due to university. I tried to "dummy proof" this guide as much as possible so that even the most novice of people could understand what's going on here.
    If you found this tutorial useful, PLEASE +1 this thread, rate me five stars, and consider sending me enough money to buy some Starbucks via Paypal: [email protected] -- Thank you and good luck!

  3. Upvote
    jTynne got a reaction from Slicer in [Guide] How to Recolor Sprites - by Eiphes   
    Tools/Things You Will Need

      Photoshop CS4 or above (I use CS6 in this tutorial) SprConview GRF Tool WeeThumbnail Viewer (instructions on how to install below) 800mb-1.5gb Available HDD space


      Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7 or GIMP (not included in toolpack.zip below; not necessary)

    Preface/Getting Started
    First and foremost, download my tool package here: http://www.jtynne.co...es/toolpack.zip

      This tool pack contains SprConview, GRF Tool, and other essential programs I use when working on the server (Browedit, various patchers for different official RO servers, etc) Extract the entire tool pack to a location on your computer that you can easily find/return to.

    1. Navigate to your GRF Tool program from the tool pack contents. Open it, click "Open", and find your data.grf (located in your CasualRO install folder):
    http--,,--//justintfields.com/guides/recolors/1.png [/url]]
    2. Let's make sure we have our GRF Tool configured properly. Click on "Settings" and make sure the first option is selected.
    3. Now, we're going to extract ALL of the .spr files from the GRF. Search for .spr and hit enter, or click the button on the right to search. (GO TO STEP 5 TO LEARN HOW TO EXTRACT)
    4. (You will return to do the same as step 3, but after you do the extraction process in step 5)
    5. When you've found all the .spr or .act files, click "Extract", make a new folder, and name it something you'll remember in a location you can easily return to. Then click OK to begin the extraction process.
    6. After you've extracted both .spr and .act files, navigate to where you extracted them. Once you get to the /data/sprite/ folder, you'll see a ton of folders and other files. Refer to the image below to find the drop sprite folder and the headgear folder. These are the only two we will use for this tutorial. I've made note of where monsters and robes are located in case you want to take a gander in them.
    7. Let's dive into the headgears folder.
    8. As you can see above, I can see previews of sprites in my folders. This is important because NOTHING is named in English besides a few of the newer class sprites, so you will also want to be able to visibly see a preview of what each sprite file is of. That said, navigate to you extracted the toolpack.zip, and go into the WeeThumbnail folder, and then into the folder noted in the screencapture below. Double click "Install". Head back into your sprites folder. If you can't see previews still, reboot your computer. Then return to the headgears folder in step 7.
    9. I always work with the female headgear sprites as my bases for recolors because a lot of the female sprites have an extra frame in their .spr file, that the male sprites for whatever reason lack. If you work with male headgear sprites as bases, you'll encounter crashes in-game due to the missing frame, so let's go into the female headgear sprite folder as noted in step 7.
    10. For this tutorial, I've opted to make a recolor of the Racoon Doll Hat. You will want to copy both the .act and .spr file with the same filename.
    11. Now, let's move these into a safe location and set up our folder hierarchy.

      Create a folder on your desktop named "data" Inside of this folder, create two folders, "sprite" and "texture" Go into the "sprite" folder Once inside the sprite folder, create a folder with the following name: ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ While still inside the sprite folder, create another folder with this name: ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸® Go inside of the folder named ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸® and create two folders; one named ¿© and the other named ³² Navigate backwards into the "data" folder again, and enter the "texture" folder Inside the texture folder, create a folder called À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º Go into the folder called À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º and create two folders named "item" and "collection"

    At the end of this hierarchy creation, you should have the following hierarchy created:
    ------- sprite
    ------- ------- ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ
    ------- ------- ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®
    ------- ------- ------- ¿©
    ------- ------- ------- ³²
    ------- texture
    ------- ------- À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º
    ------- ------- ------- item
    ------- ------- ------- collection
    Remember when I told you to copy the .act and .spr in step 10? Locate where you copied those files to, and I recommend placing them within data/sprite/¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®/ for the time being as seen below.
    12. Now, when you double-click .spr files, by default, Windows usually has NO idea what to do with them. So let's assign the default program to open .spr files to be SprConview from the toolpack.zip archive. Right-click the .spr file, go to "Open With", and "Choose default program..."
    13. Chances are high that SprConview won't be in your Recommended Programs list, so if it's not, click "Browse", locate where you extracted the toolpack.zip contents, and locate SprConview inside of that folder. Once you've found it, make sure you check the box on the left so .spr files always open with Sprconview. Then click OK.
    14. Once you've assigned SprConview to open the .spr files, double click the sprite to open it!
    15. Now, let's extract the frames from the sprite file by converting each frame into a .bmp image. Click "Convert" and select "Spr to Bmp"
    16. A new box will appear. Under "Sprite" click the Browse button to the right of the blank field. Select the sprite (use the preview window to confirm it's the file you want) and click "Open".
    17. Next, enter a name in the BMP directory field (no need to click browse; just write a name for a new folder to be created where you're currently located). Click "Convert" to extract the frames.
    18. Navigate into the folder the frames were extracted into.
    19. It's time to open CS4 or above!
    20. Open just the very first file (far left side, usually numbered 001 at the end of the file name) in Photoshop. Once open, go to "Image" -> "Adjustments" -> "Replace Color"
    21. Replace the colors until you achieve a coloration you like! I've opted to make this head all gray (like a real racoon!), but you can easily make it any color(s) you want by playing with the Hue/Saturation/Lightness sliders.
    22. Once you're satisfied with your coloration, save the file.
    23. This is just an aside really, but you only have to edit the first frame of each sprite in order to achieve the recolor effect throughout the entire sprite. This is because later when we convert the bmp back into a .spr, SprConview uses only the first frame to create the palette for the sprite file. Super handy and saves time! I used to edit every single frame, but it's not necessary to do.
    24. Once you've saved the file, you should see the preview image update with your changes in the folder.
    25. It's time to repack these .bmp images into a sprite file! Back in SprConview, click "Convert", and this time select the second option "Bmp to Spr".
    26. A new window will appear. Click "Add" and another box will open. Left click the first image (the one you recolored) then hold down shift and left-click the very last image at the bottom. This will select all of the frames in the correct order. Then click "Open".
    27. Now enter the filename you wish to assign to your recolored sprite. Make sure you include the .spr file extension at the end of the name. I've chosen "racoon_head_recolor.spr" for this demonstration. Uncheck the "Encode" box. We no longer use this option in the clients and leaving it checked will cause your sprite to display incorrectly once in-game. Once you've done the preceeding instructions, click "Convert".
    28. Your newly created sprite will appear in the same folder the .bmp frames are found, so jump back in there if you were elsewhere.
    29. Admire your work! No, actually, make sure all of the frames are there, and that you can't see the background color from the .bmp files. It should include all of the frames you originally extracted from the original sprite. Below, I've opened the sprite in five different windows to see all angles. It's not necessary to do, but helps to see an overview of your work.
    30. Copy and paste your newly recolored sprite up one directory where you pasted the original .spr and .act files. Now, let's tidy things up a bit.. If you have any extra files besides the original .spr and .act, delete those. Keep the female and male folders, AND the default .act as we still need that.
    31. Make a copy of the .act file.
    32. Rename it, and keep the female prefix.
    33. Select the male folder as if to rename it, but just copy the filename into your clipboard (Ctrl+C)
    34. Rename the other .act file, this time with a male prefix.
    35. Make a copy of your recolored .spr file.
    36. Rename the original and the copy to have the same names as the .act files (one male, one female)
    37. Move the male sprites to the male folder..
    38. And move the female sprites to the female folder..
    39. Go into the female folder and copy the .spr file to your clip board. Next, go up two directories so you can get into the drop sprite folder.
    40. Paste the .spr from your clip board inside of the drop sprite folder. It still needs a .act, so let's go grab it!
    41. Navigate to where you extracted files from the GRF in steps 4 and 5.
    42. Find the .act file associated with the headgear you chose to recolor. (Technically any .act in this folder will work fine, but for the sake of consistency in this tutorial, just humor me and do it.)
    43. Paste the .act file into where you have YOUR recolored sprite in your drop sprite folder.
    44. And rename it. Note: Take off any prefix (female or male) your files may have.
    45. Next, go up two directories into the "data" folder. If you've already made a texture folder, ignore this step.
    46. And inside this folder named texture, create the "collection" and "item" folders if you haven't already. (If you've followed this tutorial step by step, then disregard this step as you should have already created them.) We will, however, need to get back into the GRF and pull out the collection and item images belonging to the original sprite.
    47. So, let's re-open GRF Tool and open data.grf back up if you've closed it already.
    48. Search for "item" and then click "Extract", and extract the files to whatever folder you extracted the .spr and .act files to.
    49. Search for "collection" and then click "Extract", and extract the files to whatever folder you extracted the .spr and .act files to.
    50. Navigate to the folder you just extracted all of the item/collection images to (data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/). Inside you will see two folders; collection and image
    51. Inside of the collection folder, find the image associated with your headgear you recolored, copy/paste it into your own collection image folder, and load the copied version into Photoshop.
    52. Inside of the item folder, find the image associated with your headgear you recolored, copy/paste it into your own item image folder, and load the copied version into Photoshop.
    53. Just to clarify,
    54. Now, rename the files to what you named your recolored sprite,
    55. Now, in Photoshop, let's play with Replace color once again!
    56. Replace the colors you need to, and save the image.
    57. Repeat with the second image,
    58. Go to /data/texture/ and if your "item" and "collection" folders aren't already inside of the long filename folder, À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/, then move them into it.
    59. At the end, you should have the following (assuming you did the same recolor as shown above, with the same filenames) files / file heirarchy:
    ------- sprite
    ------- ------- ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ
    ------- ------- ------- racoon_head_recolor.spr
    ------- ------- ------- racoon_head_recolor.act
    ------- ------- ¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®
    ------- ------- ------- ¿©
    ------- ------- ------- ------- ¿©_racoon_head_recolor.spr
    ------- ------- ------- ------- ¿©_racoon_head_recolor.act
    ------- ------- ------- ³²
    ------- ------- ------- ------- ³²_racoon_head_recolor.spr
    ------- ------- ------- ------- ³²_racoon_head_recolor.act
    ------- texture------- ------- À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º
    ------- ------- ------- item
    ------- ------- ------- ------- racoon_head_recolor.bmp
    ------- ------- ------- collection
    ------- ------- ------- ------- racoon_head_recolor.bmp
    Additional Notes
    This tutorial only covers creating the sprites. There are still additional steps to get them in-game: Creating the sprites is the most time-consuming part of the entire process, however.
    You may NOT copy/reproduce this guide without providing a link back to a location I've posted this guide to, and you must give me full credit. Thank you!
    A copy of this tutorial's contents can be found at the following address: http--,,--//justintfields.com/gu...or Tutorial.zip It includes the toolpack.zip, and all of the .png images, as well, the files and folders used in the tutorial for recoloring the Racoon hat.
    Please do not bother asking me for support in this thread, as I will not be very active for the next several months due to university. I tried to "dummy proof" this guide as much as possible so that even the most novice of people could understand what's going on here.
    If you found this tutorial useful, PLEASE +1 this thread, rate me five stars, and consider sending me enough money to buy some Starbucks via Paypal: [email protected] -- Thank you and good luck!

  4. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to Nameless2you in [Guide] How to Recolor Sprites - by Eiphes   
    I demand an in-game picture of the recoloured Racoon Hat.
    Good guide btw.
  5. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to Mystery in December Digest 2013   
    December Digest 2013
    The following digest covers the month of December 1st - December 31st 2013.
    Team Changes

      Dastgir Pojee has joined as a Community Contributor . Mhalicot has been moved from Community Contributor to Filipino International Moderator. Mumbles has been moved from Support Leader to Global Moderator. Beret has been moved from Community Contributor to High Council.

    Development Highlights

      Fixed an issue with items accidentally made equippable for every class (671d61a) Whitespace fixes in script.c (a9156de) Added support for string vars on commands that require a string (fefaf39) Christmas Patch! Gift'o (cf19b26) (Topic) Implementation of #define DEVOTION_REFLECT_DAMAGE (36d0c78) As requested by the community. Modified Xcodeproj, removed global tab/indentWidth override (46a9906) Fixed several compiler warnings (15a0f6d) Added support for non-aborting assertion (a23d072) Nullpo cleanup (853c5a3) Added Apple Xcode project files (4d13474) Introducing HPM Support for custom battle confs (0e25c60) Modified second 'infinity loop!' error (f19fb90) HPM mapindex interface (d4a58d2) Questlog fixes (6f55c00) Corrected Steal Coin formulas and battle log message (470ab15) Added Windows batch file for 'db2sql' plugin (9f210e1) Changed item Aegis ID and Mob Sprite ID lookups to case sensitive (6e9c385) Changed variables, labels, functions, and commands to case sensitive (c6c2ad1)

    Scripting Highlights

      Correctly removed persistent database entries for disabled NPC Market (c2f6086) Improved script builtin function parser (4d1f7cc) Changed builtin keywords in the script engine (49d2dff)

    Build System Highlights

      Improved plugins Makefile (3462866)

    NPC & Database Highlights

      Modernized syntax and fixed errors in sample scripts (21fa090) Update mob spawns in 13.1 quest to aegis info (16f474b) Bard Quest constant fix (9e22313) Different item bug fixes (0fd5a42)

    Skill Highlights

      Fixed crashing of GN_SPORE_EXPLOSION in certain systems (c3c5e31) Fixed Cell Basilica (Which was broken for 5 years) (813908c)

    FluxCP Branch Highlights

      Security Patch (86ba82d) Added Rebellion Job (7cf9d09)

    December Statistics

      During the period there were 49 Commits. Of these 49 commits, 13 included bug-fixes. 3 Commits from Pull Requests In this month, there were 60,318 Additions and 53,489 Deletions.

  6. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to kisuka in Ragnarok Episode Timeline   
    We don't have it yet ^^; We are missing most of the stuff from episode 14.1 and onward. This list was made as a way to figure out what all we're missing, and work on getting back on track to matching official like we used to in the glory days.
  7. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to kisuka in Ragnarok Episode Timeline   
    This is a work in progress. Parts will be added as they are organized.
    This topic will list out the major episode releases of kRO and the updates under them. This is to keep track of what episodes had which updates. This will assist us in making sure we aren't missing anything in Hercules. The dates below are for Main server release, not RE/Sakray testing period.
    * Note: Official Hercules Developers and High Council members have permission to add or modify this list.
    2002.08.03: Episode 1.0 : Start of the Adventure
    2002.12.17: Episode 2.0 : Lutie
    2003.02.04: Episode 3.0 : Comodo
    2003.05.02: Episode 4.0 : War of Emperium
    2003.07.15: Episode 5.0 : Yuno
    2003.10.07: Episode 6.0 : Global Project
    2003.10.11 : Amatsu 2003.10.11 : Kunlun / Gonryun 2003.11.25 : Weddings/Marriage 2004.01.13 : Super Novice 2004.01.30: Episode 7.0 : Umbala ~ Village of the Utan Tribe
    2004.02.02 : 2-1 and 2-2 class in Sakray 2004.02.24: Episode 8.1.1 : Niflheim ~ City of the Dead
    2004.12.23: Episode 8.1.2 : Louyang & Jawaii
    2004.12.23: Episode 8.2 : Ayothaya
    2005.01.18: Episode 8.3 : Payon Remodelling
    2005.05.12: Episode 9.0 : Rebirth
    2005.09.21: Episode 10.1.1 : The Sign & Geffenia Dungeon
    2005.09.22: Episode 10.1.2 : Einbroch
    2006.02.24: Episode 10.2 : Lighthalzen
    2005.08.16: Episode 10.3 : Noghalt
    2006.12.28: Episode 10.4 : Hugel
    2007.04.20: Episode 11.1 : Rachel
    2007.09.10: Episode 11.2 : Veins
    2007.04.10: Episode 11.3 : Nameless Island
    2007.04.10 : Mercenary System 2007.10.17: Episode 12 : Satan Morroc
    2007.10.17 : Moscovia 2007.11.21 : WoE: SE (Schwaltzvald) 2007.11.21 : WoE: SE (Arunafeltz) 2007.12.05 : World Map System 2007.12.10 : Battlegrounds 2007.12.12 : Endless Tower & Sealed Shrine 2008.06.25 : Episode 13.1 : Ash Vacuum
    2008.08.25 : Poring Wars 2008.11.19 : Improved Pet System 2008.12.17 : Episode 13.2 : Encounter
    2008.12.23 : New Pets 2009.02.25 : Hidden Slot Enchantment 2009.03.11 : Endless Tower Fixes 2009.04.08 : New Hairstyles 2009.06.17 : Renewal Release (3-1 Jobs) 2009.08.19 : Brasilis 2009.10.14 : 3-2 Jobs 2009.12.23 : Episode 13.3 : El Dicastes
    2010.03.17 : Party Recruiting System 2010.03.31 : Baby 3rd Jobs 2010.05.12 : Purchasing Shops. Sorcerer Spirit System 2010.06.30 : Episode 14.1 : Bifrost
    Memorial Dungeon, Misty Labyrinth Forest. 2010.07.28 : Equipment Synthesis, Costume System. 2010.08.18 : Search Vending Shops 2010.09.29 : Indonesia Localized Map, Dewata 2010.11.24 : Cat Hand HQ / Malangdo Island Item Mall Icon Level 86~99 Eden Group Quests on 2nd Floor Floor 6 added to Izlude Dungeon (Only available to Gold Netcafe Users) Grave Markers (MVP or major monster dies, it leaves a grave marker that shows the time of death and who killed it. The gravestone will remain until the monster respawns.) New Mounts
      2010.12.29 : Super Novice Expansion 2011.03.09 : Replay System 2011.03.30 : Biolabs 4th Floor 2011.05.25 : Thanatos Tower Changes. 2011.06.29 : (WoE1 Renewal) Number of forts reduced from 5 to 4 in WoE1 castles. Guild Investment System (Hall of Abyss). New Guild Dungeon
      2011.08.17 : 7x7 Padding around NPCs. 2011.08.31 : (Class Balance + Homunculus S) Large number of class balancing improvements. Homunculus S
      2011.09.28 : Philippines localized map, Port Malaya. [1] [2] 2011.11.02 : Kagero and Oboro Job Classes [1] [2] 2011.11.16 : New Alberta. 2011.11.30 : Eden Quests for levels 100~110. 2011.12.07 : Nightmare mode for Pyramid Dungeon. 2011.12.14 : Party System improvements. 2011.12.21 : Episode 14.2 : Eclage
    2011.12.27 : Battlegrounds Queue System 2012.02.08 : New Carts for Mechanics & Genetics. 2012.02.08 : Guild Creation system to no longer allow blank space(s) in the name. 2012.03.21 : Eden Quests for Level 111 ~ 120. 2012.03.21 : Falcon Flute 2012.03.28 : Navigation System. 2012.03.28 : New Izlude + Novice Training Academy + New Character Creation Method (5 copies of Izlude) 2012.04.04 : HP Bars added to Monsters. 2012.04.18 : Changes to Enchanting on Malangdo 2012.04.25 : WoE: Training Edition 2012.04.25 : Transcendent quest to waive the cost of transcending. 2012.05.30 : Old Glastheim memorial dungeon 2012.06.13 : Monster Shadow Size 2012.07.11 : Headgear Synthesis Quests 2012.07.25 : WoE:TE Mini God Item quest + guild and daily quests in siege areas. 2012.08.14 : Job EXP increased from Monsters with lvl 100+. 2012.08.22 : Heroes' Trails (Part 1) Faceworm Nest, Memorial Dungeon. Sarah's Memory, Memorial Dungeon.
      2012.08.22 : Memorial Dungeon, Wave. Added new Eden quests for level 121 ~ 130 range Max base level changed from 150 to 160/50. Skill Timers
      2012.09.19 : Champion Mobs. 2012.10.10 : Ranger Falcon changed to Owl. 2012.10.17 : Heroes' Trails (Part 2) Devil's Tower Memorial Dungeon Cursed Knight Memorial Dungeon Geffen Magic Tournament Memorial Dungeon
      2012.10.31 : Eden Quests for levels 131~140. 2012.12.18 : Horror Toy Factory Memorial Dungeon 2012.12.18 : Shadow System 2012.12.28 : Episode 14.3 : Decisive Battle (Part 1)
    2013.02.20 : Equipment Comparison System 2013.03.13 : 'Clock Tower Dungeon' Nightmare Mode. 2013.03.20 : Episode 14.3 : Decisive Battle (Part 2)
    2013.03.20 : Level Increased to 175 / 60. 2013.03.20 : New Third Class Skills 2013.05.22 : Max Zeny Vending Price = 1 Billion Zeny. 2013.06.12 : Bank System 2013.06.26 : Clan System (Golden mace Guild, Sword Guild, Crossbow Guild and Rod Guild) 2013.07.03 : Episode 15.1 : Fantasmagorica
    Lots of NPC placement changes. 5 New Quests Memorial Dungeon, Charleston Factory New Items 2013.07.31 : Rebellion Class 2013.08.02 : Rebellion Weapons 2013.08.14 : New Clothing Dyes for Kagerou & Oboro classes. 2013.08.21 : Max HP Limits (lvl 99 = 330k, 150 = 660k, 175 = 1.1m) 2013.09.25 : Heroes' Trail Part (Part 3) Fenrir and Airship Assault Memorial Dungeons.
      2013.12.17 : Nightmare Biolabs 2013.12.23 : Episode 15.2 : Memory Record
    2014.01.08 : New World Map. 2014.01.22 : Shop History (Buy/Sell Log) 2014.03.12 : Eden Group Market Hall 2014.04.16 : Summons & Homunculus S Update 2014.08.06 : Monster EXP Increased (Base 75% & Job 100%) 2014.08.06 : Monster HP/ATK Adjustment 2014.09.16 : WoE TE Items 2014.10.07 : Lucky Roulette 2014.10.07 : Pet Evolution 2014.10.28 : Infinite Space 2014.11.05 : Clan System 2014.11.11 : RoDex (Revamped Mail System) 2015.02.25 : Episode 16.1 : Banquet of Heroes
    2015.02.25 : Achievement and Title System Added 2015.02.25 : Banquet Preparation 2015.02.25 : New Dungeon 2015.02.25 : Honor Tokens and New Enchant Item 2015.07.01 : Infinite Space Dungeon Improvements 2015.10.07 : Item Link System (show your items via PM) 2015.10.07 : Eden Group Revamp (missions changed) 2015.10.14 : Reputation System 2016.01.26 : Styling Shop Interface 2016.03.09 : Episode 16.2 : Terra Gloria
    2016.05.10 : Rebellion Class Changes 2016.08.30 : Card Removal System Update 2016.09.06 : Eden Group Changes (100-140) 2016.12.07 : Rock Ridge 2016.12.13 : Marriage System Update (Doram x Human) 2016.12.27 : New Dungeon : Illusion of Moonlight 2017.01.03 : Glastheim Changes 2017.01.25 : New Dungeon : Illusion of Vampire 2017.02.21 : New Dungeon : Illusion of Frozen 2017.04.18 : New Dungeon : Illusion of Abyss 2017.05.23 : Party System UI Update 2017.06.07 : Autotrading / Vending Overhaul 2017.06.21 : Equipment Replace System 2017.06.21 : Orc Memory Changes 2017.06.27 : Monster Racing Revamp 2017.09.26 : Moscovia Card Updates 2018.03.09 : New Dungeon : Illusion of Teddy Bear 2018.05.04 : New Dungeon : Illusion of Luanda 2018.06.27 : World Map Improvements 2018.07.18 : Episode 17.1 : Illusion
    2018.08.09 : Max Level Increased to 185
  8. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to Yommy in Tree of Savior   
    im going to hack the shit out of this game
  9. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to PokemonRO in ROTD request :)   
    Could you post the error here, the debug itself
  10. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to Yommy in Item_DB and Mob_DB   
    their will be a huge update this month
  11. Upvote
    jTynne got a reaction from hemagx in Harmony Patch 3.3.12 30 MAI   
    You and the others are amazing and I love you. Please have my children.
    On a serious note, thank you. That Sirius no longer provides support for a $200 product is disappointing, but that's the internet for you. Renewable liscences would have been more preferred than having to wait for members from a different project all together to make someone else's paid product work on their software. That said, the commitment to ensuring end-users like myself without the coding knowledge necessary to accomplish such feats is greatly appreciated.
  12. Upvote
    jTynne got a reaction from Xgear in Harmony Patch 3.3.12 30 MAI   
    You and the others are amazing and I love you. Please have my children.
    On a serious note, thank you. That Sirius no longer provides support for a $200 product is disappointing, but that's the internet for you. Renewable liscences would have been more preferred than having to wait for members from a different project all together to make someone else's paid product work on their software. That said, the commitment to ensuring end-users like myself without the coding knowledge necessary to accomplish such feats is greatly appreciated.
  13. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to ossi0110 in Harmony Patch 3.3.12 30 MAI   
    Hercules Harmony Patch - 30 MAI
    Made Possible Thanks to
    This is a Diff Patch for the Latest Hercules Version ( Cloned for arround 30 Mins) ,   All Harmony Functions are working , and no server crashe etc.
    I Only Provide a Diff file for the Harmon Version 3.3.12 .
    This Diff only Contains the Harmony SRC Part .  you will have to add your own .BIN files from your harmony Package.
    the diff got tested on Linux / Mac and  WIN7/WIN8 with VS 2010 , no patch error or compiling error.
  14. Upvote
    jTynne got a reaction from Neo-Mind in Christmas Smokey Recolors by jTynne   
    File Name: Christmas Smokey Recolors by jTynne
    File Submitter: jTynne
    File Submitted: 30 Nov 2013
    File Category: Sprites & Palettes
    Simple monster sprite recolors for inclusion in various Christmas themed events. Includes the original red Gift and Sock Smokey, and four recolors of each in Green, Purple, Blue, and Icey (powder blue). See screenshot for recolors.
    I don't provide support on how to implement custom monsters or how to get the sprites to work in your game client. Look around the forum or google spriting guides. I simply am sharing some recolors I've made for my own use.
    Click here to download this file
  15. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to Yommy in VendSQL Plugin Crash - With Coredump   
    i guess its something to do with extra data in equips, that bindonequip collumn was added, and other changes, etc
    anyway the whole plugin is coded crappy, and using the new plugin hooks it could be made much more efficiently
    currently it loops every vender every few minutes and empties the vend sql and refills it..every few minutes O_O
    it should be rebuilt with hooks of the create_vend, close_vend, sell_vend functions, (not sure of actual function names from my head)
    and update the vend table from these hooks, so there is only a small sql update when something happens, instead of flooding every minutes..
    however i lack the time to do this
  16. Upvote
    jTynne got a reaction from humble in Wandering Poring v1.0   
    This is a very simple event script I created for the GM's of my server.
    Basically, you type one command and it spawns 5 "Wandering Porings" on the map of your choosing.
    You will want to customize the prizes that you receive from the event (it gives Red/Yellow/Orange/White/Blue Potions by default). It's also extremely easy to add in additional prizes.
    // Syntax: Item ID / Quantity
    if(.@prize == 1) { getitem 501,1; }
    if(.@prize == 2) { getitem 502,1; }
    if(.@prize == 3) { getitem 503,1; }
    if(.@prize == 4) { getitem 504,1; }
    if(.@prize == 5) { getitem 505,1; }
    // 25 Poring Coins Base Prize
    getitem 7539,25;
    Below is the code; After you change the values noted above in red, you should be able to just save this as a .txt, load it in-game, and voila.
    Questions, comments? Post as a response to this thread! If you find it useful, please +1 this thread and rate me five stars. Thanks!
    - script poringbind -1,{OnInit: unbindatcmd "poring"; bindatcmd("poring","poringbind::OnAtcommand",20,90); end; OnAtcommand:if(getgroupid() < 20) { end; }set @map$,.@atcmd_parameters$[0]; if(@map$ == "") {dispbottom "Syntax: @poring <mapname>";dispbottom "Five Porings will spawn on the map you choose. Recommended usage for this event is 3-5 times per day.";dispbottom "NOTE: Do NOT use capitals in the map name otherwise no Poring will spawn!";end;} monster @map$,0,0,"Wandering Poring",1002,5,"poringbind::OnKill";announce "[Wandering Poring] : 5x Wandering Porings have been sighted on the map: "+@map$+". The first person to find and kill each will receive an award!",0;end; OnKill:// Update Here!set .@prize,rand(1,5);announce "[Wandering Poring] : "+strcharinfo(0)+" has captured a Wandering Poring on the map "+strcharinfo(3)+"!",0;// Syntax: Item ID / Quantityif(.@prize == 1) { getitem 501,1; }if(.@prize == 2) { getitem 502,1; }if(.@prize == 3) { getitem 503,1; }if(.@prize == 4) { getitem 504,1; }if(.@prize == 5) { getitem 505,1; }// 25 Poring Coins Base Prizegetitem 7539,25;end; }
  17. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to Yommy in Post your Picture!   
    Yommy in scrubs with daughter Freyja.
  18. Upvote
    jTynne got a reaction from gaurav787 in Wandering Poring v1.0   
    This is a very simple event script I created for the GM's of my server.
    Basically, you type one command and it spawns 5 "Wandering Porings" on the map of your choosing.
    You will want to customize the prizes that you receive from the event (it gives Red/Yellow/Orange/White/Blue Potions by default). It's also extremely easy to add in additional prizes.
    // Syntax: Item ID / Quantity
    if(.@prize == 1) { getitem 501,1; }
    if(.@prize == 2) { getitem 502,1; }
    if(.@prize == 3) { getitem 503,1; }
    if(.@prize == 4) { getitem 504,1; }
    if(.@prize == 5) { getitem 505,1; }
    // 25 Poring Coins Base Prize
    getitem 7539,25;
    Below is the code; After you change the values noted above in red, you should be able to just save this as a .txt, load it in-game, and voila.
    Questions, comments? Post as a response to this thread! If you find it useful, please +1 this thread and rate me five stars. Thanks!
    - script poringbind -1,{OnInit: unbindatcmd "poring"; bindatcmd("poring","poringbind::OnAtcommand",20,90); end; OnAtcommand:if(getgroupid() < 20) { end; }set @map$,.@atcmd_parameters$[0]; if(@map$ == "") {dispbottom "Syntax: @poring <mapname>";dispbottom "Five Porings will spawn on the map you choose. Recommended usage for this event is 3-5 times per day.";dispbottom "NOTE: Do NOT use capitals in the map name otherwise no Poring will spawn!";end;} monster @map$,0,0,"Wandering Poring",1002,5,"poringbind::OnKill";announce "[Wandering Poring] : 5x Wandering Porings have been sighted on the map: "+@map$+". The first person to find and kill each will receive an award!",0;end; OnKill:// Update Here!set .@prize,rand(1,5);announce "[Wandering Poring] : "+strcharinfo(0)+" has captured a Wandering Poring on the map "+strcharinfo(3)+"!",0;// Syntax: Item ID / Quantityif(.@prize == 1) { getitem 501,1; }if(.@prize == 2) { getitem 502,1; }if(.@prize == 3) { getitem 503,1; }if(.@prize == 4) { getitem 504,1; }if(.@prize == 5) { getitem 505,1; }// 25 Poring Coins Base Prizegetitem 7539,25;end; }
  19. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to jaBote in Introducing rAthena to Hercules database converters.   
    * jaBote switches on @Ind mode *
    rAthena to Hercules database converters
    Hello~! What?!
    I've observed a big rise of rAthena to Hercules database conversion requests this week, so I've just revised again the converters I made before and will be releasing on the repository so that people can find them more easily. What does that do?
    We have two new .SQL files on our repository that make the conversion easy. One is for applying on the main ragnarok table (sql-files/rathena-main-upgrade.sql) and the other is for the logs one (sql-files/rathena-logs-upgrade.sql).Please remember to make a backup prior to converting the database, just in case something goes wrong. This is meant to convert a fully upgraded rAthena to a fully upgraded Hercules. If you have some uninstalled rAthena upgrades please install them first. Avoid using it if there has been an upgrade posted in rAthena newer than the date of the converter or, at least, you didn't apply it or know how to undo the changes (remember that main.sql is usually fully upgraded both in Hercules and in rAthena). Some data (especially the data we don't use here on Hercules may be lost on the conversion). We'll not be resposible for this. How does it work?
    Plain and simple: just load them on the respective databases you have in rAthena, as if they were the original main.sql or logs.sql. Obviously enough, they won't work if you don't have CREATE, ALTER, INDEX and DROP permissions (and maybe others too) for the user(s) you'll be running this. These converters will NOT work if you changed the table names. Special thanks
    rAthena staff for their database structure and upgrades. Hercules staff for the database structure and upgrades. All the users that requested the converters in their respective topics. for suggesting this to be committed to the repository. @Haru for last minute corrections. Disclaimer
    As I warned before, there may be some intended or unintended data loss. Please make a backup before applying. This may get outdated quite quicly without me noticing about that. If that's so, please make a pull request or ping me to update the converter when I have time. I've avoided to name the files as "upgrades" here on the topic, but I've named them like that to make them have the name structure as the eAthena upgrade. This is NOT an offense to rAthena staff by any means. People are requesting this, so I made the conversion process easy for them, much like rAthena made a converter from eAthena and nobody got offended. Just that. Links~u!
    Main database converter commit. Logs database converter commit. * jaBote switches off @Ind mode *
  20. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to pr3p in IPB Forum registration to Ragnarok   
    Yes its possible Use your ragnarok database for IPB login.


    1. Disable forum registrations so that the only way to register is via your server’s registration.(There a setting to redirect IPB’s registration link to your CP’s registration page)   2.  Use IPB’s built in merge account feature to merge your users’ existing account to the new account.   3. Disable IPB’s internal login. Using two databases would be messy, really messy don’t even try!     Credits to: clydelion
  21. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to Ind in Implement The Shadows System   
    There we go https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/baef78f7954fa4e6fa2449f2c7de92a901c7f5f3 this is the base of the feature, which allows for shadow gear to be created (the item db entries)
  22. Upvote
    jTynne got a reaction from Aegiskore in Wandering Poring v1.0   
    This is a very simple event script I created for the GM's of my server.
    Basically, you type one command and it spawns 5 "Wandering Porings" on the map of your choosing.
    You will want to customize the prizes that you receive from the event (it gives Red/Yellow/Orange/White/Blue Potions by default). It's also extremely easy to add in additional prizes.
    // Syntax: Item ID / Quantity
    if(.@prize == 1) { getitem 501,1; }
    if(.@prize == 2) { getitem 502,1; }
    if(.@prize == 3) { getitem 503,1; }
    if(.@prize == 4) { getitem 504,1; }
    if(.@prize == 5) { getitem 505,1; }
    // 25 Poring Coins Base Prize
    getitem 7539,25;
    Below is the code; After you change the values noted above in red, you should be able to just save this as a .txt, load it in-game, and voila.
    Questions, comments? Post as a response to this thread! If you find it useful, please +1 this thread and rate me five stars. Thanks!
    - script poringbind -1,{OnInit: unbindatcmd "poring"; bindatcmd("poring","poringbind::OnAtcommand",20,90); end; OnAtcommand:if(getgroupid() < 20) { end; }set @map$,.@atcmd_parameters$[0]; if(@map$ == "") {dispbottom "Syntax: @poring <mapname>";dispbottom "Five Porings will spawn on the map you choose. Recommended usage for this event is 3-5 times per day.";dispbottom "NOTE: Do NOT use capitals in the map name otherwise no Poring will spawn!";end;} monster @map$,0,0,"Wandering Poring",1002,5,"poringbind::OnKill";announce "[Wandering Poring] : 5x Wandering Porings have been sighted on the map: "+@map$+". The first person to find and kill each will receive an award!",0;end; OnKill:// Update Here!set .@prize,rand(1,5);announce "[Wandering Poring] : "+strcharinfo(0)+" has captured a Wandering Poring on the map "+strcharinfo(3)+"!",0;// Syntax: Item ID / Quantityif(.@prize == 1) { getitem 501,1; }if(.@prize == 2) { getitem 502,1; }if(.@prize == 3) { getitem 503,1; }if(.@prize == 4) { getitem 504,1; }if(.@prize == 5) { getitem 505,1; }// 25 Poring Coins Base Prizegetitem 7539,25;end; }
  23. Upvote
    jTynne got a reaction from p!\/aT3 in Wandering Poring v1.0   
    Very welcome! Please be kind and award me a +1 at the bottom right of the thread if you use or find the script useful-- thanks! ^^
  24. Upvote
    jTynne got a reaction from Chemical Crush in [Showcase] Cherry Blossom Vending Map   
    Me gusta!
  25. Upvote
    jTynne reacted to Chemical Crush in [Showcase] Cherry Blossom Vending Map   
    Hey Guys!

    Thought I'd show off a map i just finished today.  Its a vending map that was requested of me by a customer.
    Lemme know what you guys think!

    The customer wanted something similar to my Novice Grounds and Ilyo Kwan map.
    Its a map for vendors, so the center of each island is pretty bare for ease of vending.
    Also I didn't want to take away from the fact thats its a vending map, so I kept the decorations simple.


    Lemme know what you guys think!  =]
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