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Everything posted by Ridley

  1. Ridley

    failed to load

    You added it to plugins.conf and makefile.in?
  2. For dmg and caps you can simply use our map_zone db
  3. try tokei's grf editor, he added support for lzma libraries
  4. got to disagree partwise. Most content can't be pushed atm because the emulators simply do not support them. We currently work on updating a lot of script commands (thx to KirieZ and BiO). And yes, it is difficult to gather info from kro, and even more difficult to translate it. I actually had a paid translator for it but she suddenly vanished :'(
  5. another issue was here fixup 285e1fc Adds a protection to 1st Barricade line on WoE SE maps to avoid splash damage without destroying Guardian Stones previously. pick 9450be2 Arrays improvement. Thanks Emistry! where it should be pick 285e1fc Adds a protection to 1st Barricade line on WoE SE maps to avoid splash damage without destroying Guardian Stones previously. fixup 9450be2 Arrays improvement. Thanks Emistry! fixup = squash without message and yes, thhen :wq and git push -f
  6. I assume you want to go for pre-re. I think both emulators have some issues with pre re so I don't see much of a difference here (but I'm honestly no pre renewal player and don't know the exact differences) . Else content wise for renewal rA is ahead. As stated here, Herc works a lot more efficient and is cleaner. But it's biggest advantage is of course the plugin feature which basically works like an import folder for source code. The mana world is running Hercules with a plugin on steroids, so you can see with plugins you basically can build a whole new game around the emulator. https://www.themanaworld.org
  7. Just saying I got this (and most up to episode 16) already done and waiting for some other pr's to be merged to make it as official. I can't tell exactly when I go to do the pr's, I also plan to do a server where I can test first. But I can assure you everything I do will go to Herc.
  8. yes, 2, while there are more than 60k downloads already. what software do you use? Is there any error? Can you send screenshots?
  9. this is right in the main.ini [Patch] //use CheckSum tool, hash for client & patcher // used to make sure exe is up to date // (leave empty to disable this feature) ClientSum= PatcherSum= //This is compressed file for patcher & client update // To make these work, ClientSum and/or PatcherSum can't be empty // Note: these files should put same place as patch file (file_url in internal config) //Relative address, not FULL URL! ClientPath= PatcherPath= // _sum - checksum, use CheckSum tool. //client1_sum= // _Name - Filename of exe //client1_Name= // _Path - Path for file [Compressed] //client1_Path=
  10. I don't get it. Unbreakable is an absolute word. 50% unbreakable is same as 50% immortal
  11. Ridley


    i hope to see a PR for this too, this is required for some official behavior. Not lying - I put you in my harem +1 for you for all your work, thank you a lot
  12. Stunning as always Adel. I specially love everything related to the extended Poring family.
  13. I see. Did you try this plugin? https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/blob/master/src/plugins/pk.c
  14. well, there is no list or smth, but if you check packets.h you can see last entry is for #if PACKETVER >= 20151216
  15. this was fixed here https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/308
  16. Uhm what do you mean by this? xD i mean, if you want ALL classes to use it, remove the "Job" part entirely because by default, all can use. In your case the UPPER was the issue btw. but this can be removed too { Id: 2423 AegisName: "Variant_Shoes" Name: "Variant Shoes" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 500 Def: 3 Loc: 64 EquipLv: 85 Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,20-getrefine(); bonus bMaxSPrate,20-getrefine(); bonus bDef,getrefine()/2; "> },
  17. i am not exactly sure what are you trying to do. About strings setarray(.@type$[0], "Whatever", "Words", "Going ", "Here"); strings you use for words and letters, for items you want an array, but not a string setarray(.@item[0], 501, 502, 503); but for items, you can also use it's aegis name (constant) setarray(.@item[0], Red_Potion, Orange_Potion, Yellow_Potion); this would call the related id, so even tho using the names here, it is still considered variables. To say it simple: strings = words, variables = numbers about your script: OnInit: setarray $@type1,501,502,503,504,505; setarray $@type2,506,507,508,509,511; You store it as a global, temporary variable, which isn't needed at all here. Neither it is required to call it oninit, better call it when it is actually needed. I would do it when that part of the script is called. }else ; this is... well.. remove it set .@randType$, "$@type2"; this is your actual problem. Your setting a string to a variable, also it's not specified which value of the array should be called. I think you want people to get 1 item out of 1 of those 2 random groups? There is actually no need to store them in arrays, i thin F_Rand comes in hany here prontera,50,50,3 script seller 50,{ .@i = rand(1) // sets .@i randomly to either 0 or 1 if (.@i) getitem(callfunc("F_Rand", Red_Potion, Orange_Potion, 503)); // if .@i has a value get 1 random item, you can use constants or ID's else getitem(callfunc("F_Rand", Green_Potion, Red_Herb, 508 )); // and these if .@i is 0 end; } This would pretty much do what you want. Note: Even i use constants here for item id's, these are still considered variables (id's) Now back to your question regarding strings. .@i$ = "This is a string"; or in an array setarray(.@i$[0], "We", "are", "all", "strings"); in an array you can store several informations, strings or variables. note: in an array, the index starts at 0, not at 1, this means .@i$[0] = We .@i$[1] = are .@i$[2] = all .@i$[3] = strings you can also return the whole array like implode(.@i$, " "); //this retuns all entries of the array, so its "We are all strings" Pick a random string .@i$[rand(3)] // because index starts at 0, and rand(3) means random 0, 1, 2, or 3 Note: i use .@ as temporal npc variables, this means they got deleted again once the npc finished and you don't waste memory to perm save it Note 2: .@i$ is just an example, you can use any name you want for your strings or variables about name of items, you can use getitemname. This works either with the ID or with the constant getitemname(501) or getitemname(Red_Potion), you can also youe it for your arrays setarray(.@items[0], Red_Potion, Yellow Potion, Orange Potion); .@r = rand(2); // .@r is either 0, 1, or 2 getitem(.@items[.@r]), 1; // you get your item from the array mesf("Congratiulations, you got a %s", getitemname(.@r)); //it receives the name of the item mesf is how we use it if you want do it with huld, you put %s as a placeholder for strings, %d as placeholder for variables, then after the comma you call them. If you want to do it the old way, you do mes("Congratulations, you got a "+getitemname(.@r)+""); same applies for arrays with variables, so if you really want to store them setarray .@items[0], 501, 502, 503, 504, 505; // .@items[0] is 501 and .@items [4] is 505 getitem .@items[rand(4], 1; // random item 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 .@items[rand(4)] // because index starts at 0, and rand(3) means random 0, 1, 2, or 3
  18. if you want it for all jobs you don't need to add it here (defaults to all job if no statement is given)
  19. Its one of his paid maps :l https://rathena.org/board/topic/86280-new-reborn-a-starterjob-changerevent-map/ apparently it's not available anymore, so you might need to pm him
  20. 204 downloads

    I did this a while ago. In order to use this script you need Olrox new_reborn map This script is no physical job changer. instead each spike of the star shaped map represents a path of the classes. You walk up there to change your job. Extended Job's are available from a normal npc in the middle. Important: This script uses Euphys default herc job changer as a base. - the script gives out a +7 novi weapon for each of the base classes (check line 355 to 392) - it has some fancy warp portals, feel free to edit it to default - even more fancy, ressource eating rotating waiting rooms for exit and entrance (default prontera) which can be disabled as well (line 502 and 530) - autobuff inc agi +10 for 1 minute each time you walk directly through the middle (or spawn) - you can NOT skip rebirth. 1st job -> 2nd -> rebirth -> trans ->3rd - it also has support for rebellion, but rebellion is not yet added on herc so you might want to disable it This script was already tested live and worked fine. I did some edits tho but never optimized it since I lost interest in it. However, I think its something different from default Job Masters Note: I really recommend to read through it and check for all options. Some Screenshots
  21. File Name: "New Reborn" integrated job master File Submitter: Ridley File Submitted: 22 Feb 2017 File Category: Utility I did this a while ago. In order to use this script you need Olrox new_reborn map This script is no physical job changer. instead each spike of the star shaped map represents a path of the classes. You walk up there to change your job. Extended Job's are available from a normal npc in the middle. Important: This script uses Euphys default herc job changer as a base. - the script gives out a +7 novi weapon for each of the base classes (check line 355 to 392) - it has some fancy warp portals, feel free to edit it to default - even more fancy, ressource eating rotating waiting rooms for exit and entrance (default prontera) which can be disabled as well (line 502 and 530) - autobuff inc agi +10 for 1 minute each time you walk directly through the middle (or spawn) - you can NOT skip rebirth. 1st job -> 2nd -> rebirth -> trans ->3rd - it also has support for rebellion, but rebellion is not yet added on herc so you might want to disable it This script was already tested live and worked fine. I did some edits tho but never optimized it since I lost interest in it. However, I think its something different from default Job Masters Note: I really recommend to read through it and check for all options. Some Screenshots Click here to download this file
  22. This was an old bug. I guess you use some outdated ro hosting?
  23. You can do this in map_zone_db using adjust_skill_damage mapflag, you don't need to touch src for this
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