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Everything posted by Ridley

  1. use search function there are plenty of plugins/custom scripts
  2. I once did a jailer which logs reason and such into a sql table. The times you could also set easily, never liked the default jail command. If you wanna try it let me know
  3. Could compile fine with VS15, your compiler is 5 years old you maybe should think of using a new one.
  4. i like this suggestion but 4144 already posted in october about this So you could do if (Sex) mes("Bienvenido a Prontera"); else mes("Bienvenida a Prontera");
  5. Snow is clearly due to some sprite edit of the grf u're using
  6. delitem(Blue_Potion, countitem(Blue_Potion));
  7. The 2015 clients were added already and were available in a separate branch for 9 months
  8. Yes, exactly. It's specially cool because it allows mouse control or even export for Android/iOS You can also use plugins in json format which allows pretty awesome things. Monsieur Panda already told me he wants to join this so once there are updates of actual gameplay I will post about it
  9. Well, not much done yet but I thought I can already show some progess :x Goal is a Ragnarok Online RPG, for this I started with the maps. (Nothing else done yet). For the initial step I want to do Prontera and Prontera Inn. Maybe followed by the field around it. In case I (hopefully) ever finish this, I don't want to talk about the story yet As the Title screen I used kRO's login screen, ingame the related BGM's are played. I use a custom code for the lights, but I think it's becoming quite good already (even if there is still room for improvement). Once the maps are done I want to work on a fighting/battle system which comes closer to the Ragnarok Online one. Long talking, I show you what is ready right now.
  10. moved to script requests on topic: you can find plenty if you search a bit
  11. Thanks. Its work. Buy I want add many item in there. Like 4 item i set, then random item will give. Example Apple, Oren juice, banana juice and watermelon juice. So when I kill monster I will get random of this item. you can use f_rand function - script dropnpc FAKE_NPC,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if (rand(1000) > 50) // 5% end; dispbottom("Happy Halloween!"); getitem(callfunc("F_Rand", Apple, Banana, Red_Potion, Orange_Potion), 1); end; } edit: asheraf was faster
  12. On phone but this should do it - script dropnpc FAKE_NPC,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if (rand(1000) > 50) // 5% end; dispbottom("Happy Halloween!"); getitem(Apple, 1); end; }
  13. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/1404
  14. Yes, either import to your main database or read this https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/global_configuration.txt
  15. Hello Ridley, does this mean if I use the client with no broken keys based on the website(which I forgot) and enabled packet obfuscation on both client and the server without changing anything in the packets, packet obfuscation would work? Unless I want to use custom keys then I need to diff the client with it and put it as well on src(which I cannot make it to work after several times) If using the client with default keys there is no edit needed. It is enabled on server by default, and the server knows the client is using by default (ofc you need to set your clientversion in mmo.h)
  16. It is, this was introduced by another recent update of the packets.
  17. why should there be a problem? resetting skills is resetting skills, if you want to spare some skills (example the plat skills) you need to edit that command to your linking. Another option would be to move the reset to the label and then trigger it via bindatcommand (replace normal @skreset)
  18. The client has it's keys set by default, if you change them you need to set them. You have 3 options. 1. Disable Packet Obfruscation in both, your client and your server config 2. Keep the Packet Obfruscation on both enabled 3. Use the Diff Samuel mentioned to set custom keys From what you wrote it sounds like you had the obfruscation enabeld on your server, but diffed the client to disable them
  19. Copied from custom/resetnpc.txt and platinum_skills.txt careful: this doesn't check if the player did the quest/had the platinum skills before. It just applies all the related plat skills. //===== Hercules Script ====================================== //= Reset NPC //===== By: ================================================== //= Hercules Dev Team //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.3 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Resets skills, stats, or both. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First Version //= 1.1 Optimized for the greater good. [Kisuka] //= 1.2 Cleaning [Euphy] //= 1.3 All statuses removed upon skill reset. [Euphy] //============================================================ prontera,150,193,4 script Reset Girl 4_F_TELEPORTER,{ set .@ResetStat,5000; // Zeny for stat reset set .@ResetSkill,5000; // Zeny for skill reset set .@ResetBoth,9000; // Zeny for resetting both together mes "[Reset Girl]"; mes "I am the Reset Girl."; mes "Reset Stats: "+ .@ResetStat +"z"; mes "Reset Skills: "+ .@ResetSkill +"z"; mes "Reset Both: "+ .@ResetBoth +"z"; mes "Please select the service you want:"; next; switch(select("^FF3355Reset Skills:Reset Stats:Reset Both^000000:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .@ResetSkill) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } Zeny -= .@ResetSkill; sc_end SC_ALL; resetskill; callsub L_Reset; mes "There you go!"; close; case 2: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .@ResetStat) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } Zeny -= .@ResetStat; resetstatus; mes "There you go!"; close; case 3: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .@ResetBoth) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } Zeny -= .@ResetBoth; sc_end SC_ALL; resetskill; callsub L_Reset; resetstatus; mes "There you go!"; close; case 4: close; } L_Reset: skill 142,1,0; switch(BaseClass) { case 0: if (Class !=23) skill 143,1,0; return; case 1: skill 144,1,0; skill 145,1,0; skill 146,1,0; return; case 2: skill 157,1,0; return; case 3: skill 147,1,0; skill 148,1,0; return; case 4: skill 156,1,0; return; case 5: skill 153,1,0; skill 154,1,0; skill 155,1,0; return; case 6: skill 149,1,0; skill 150,1,0; skill 151,1,0; skill 152,1,0; return; default: return; } switch(BaseJob) { case 7: skill 1001,1,0; return; case 8: skill 1014,1,0; return; case 9: skill 1006,1,0; return; case 10: skill 1012,1,0; skill 1013,1,0; return; case 11: skill 1009,1,0; return; case 12: skill 1003,1,0; skill 1004,1,0; return; case 14: skill 1002,1,0; return; case 15: skill 1015,1,0; skill 1016,1,0; return; case 16: skill 1007,1,0; skill 1008,1,0; skill 1017,1,0; skill 1018,1,0; skill 1019,1,0; return; case 17: skill 1005,1,0; return; case 18: skill 238,1,0; return; case 19: skill 1010,1,0; return; case 20: skill 1011,1,0; return; default: return; } }
  20. It should remain unlimited (item type 11) This is only consumed if you use itemskill command
  21. This was fixed 2 days ago https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/b75799528a1394919fd5eb4c8763a96ee80a9325
  22. Syouji's Guides are great for this
  23. On phone and not having the script here, usually in raw very first line of the npc
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