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Posts posted by Ridley

  1. 1. both of your questions can be solved by taking a single look at the wiki('s)

    2. if you want it for rA maybe you should ask the rA community and not the other way around

    3. i think all of the instances are already available for rA

  2. I've found a lot of the mini-maps in this file are corrupt (they have colors where they should not be). If you want, I can upload the correct ones from an older grf for you.


    Edit: I think it is an issue with compression. In an old GRF I have mini-maps are all 512x512 size.


    Yes I am already aware of this and fix it in a future update :]


    download counter hit the 40k :D


    edit: uploaded new version

  3. If it's not in program files folder and ran as admin, all I can think of is you use one of those clients where it was bugged in general. @.@ but I'm not exactly sure.

    Some clients also required UAC to be disabled.

  4. replace 

    function SaveToFileCmdOnOffValueEx(nID)
      if nID == 0 then
        saveFile = io.open("SaveData\\OptionInfo.lua", "w")
        saveFile = io.open("data\\OptionInfo.lua", "w")
      if saveFile ~= nil then
        for k, v in pairs(CmdOnOffOderList) do
          local value = c_GetCmdOnOffValue(v)
          if value ~= -1 then
            saveFile:write(string.format("CmdOnOffList[\"%s\"] = %d\n", v, value))



    function SaveToFileCmdOnOffValueEx(nID)
      if nID == 0 then
        saveFile = io.open("SaveData\\OptionInfo.lua", "w")
        saveFile = io.open("data\\OptionInfo.lua", "w")
      if saveFile ~= nil then
        saveFile:write("CmdOnOffList = {}\n")
        saveFile:write("OptionInfoList = {}\n")
        for k, v in pairs(CmdOnOffOderList) do
          local value = c_GetCmdOnOffValue(v)
          if value ~= -1 then
            saveFile:write(string.format("CmdOnOffList[\"%s\"] = %d\n", v, value))

  5. I still have the problem  :unsure:


    in your grf, in luafiles514\lua files\optioninfo open the optioninfo_f.lub

    look for the function SaveToFileCmdOnOffValueEx(nID)

    tell me what it contains (or provide the whole code of it)

  6. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=270

    File Name: Zodiac of the months

    File Submitter: Ridley

    File Submitted: 24 Jul 2016

    File Category: Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms


    //===== Description: =========================================================//= Rotates each month. January (Capricorn) to December (Sagittarius)//= Counts and displays required items and how much you miss//= Player can choose to make diadem or crown//============================================================================


    the sprites of the zodiac crowns/diadems are not in kro's data.grf, so I uploaded them here too.


    Click here to download this file

  7. just use BaseLevel in an itemscript. like

    raise level by one

    Id: 12345
    AegisName: "Level1"
    Name: "+1 Level Thing"
    Type: 0
    Buy: 12345
    Weight: 12345
    Script: <" BaseLevel = BaseLevel+1; ">

    Or by 5 (or anything)

    Id: 12345
    AegisName: "Level5"
    Name: "+5 Level Thing"
    Type: 0
    Buy: 12345
    Weight: 12345
    Script: <" BaseLevel = BaseLevel+5; ">

    or random


    Id: 12345
    AegisName: "Levelrandom"
    Name: "Random Level Thing"
    Type: 0
    Buy: 12345
    Weight: 12345
    Script: <" BaseLevel = BaseLevel+rand(1,10); "> // 1-10 levels
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