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Posts posted by Ridley

  1. open your client with a Hex Editor. 

    Find the first case of:


    and replace by


    note: this only disables the visual part of it, if you move your mouse there it will still be clickable




    edit: i just noticed this also removed checkbox for sound settings :|



    Id: 12345

    AegisName: "Refined_Wing_Of_Butterfly"

    Name: "Refined Butterfly Wing"

    Type: 11

    Trade: 9

    Script: <"

    sleep2 75; warp "SavePoint", 0, 0;




    Id: 23456

    AegisName: "Refined_Wing_Of_Fly"

    Name: "Fly Wing"

    Type: 11

    Trade: 9

    Script: <"

    sleep2 75; warp "Random", 0, 0;




    Try 1, america, anyway you can type tildes or 18

    | int | enum SERVICETYPE       | "servicetype" tag |
    | 0   | SERVICETYPE_KOREA      | korea             |
    | 1   | SERVICETYPE_AMERICA    | america           |
    | 2   | SERVICETYPE_JAPAN      | japan             |
    | 3   | SERVICETYPE_CHINA      | china             |
    | 4   | SERVICETYPE_TAIWAN     | taiwan            |
    | 5   | SERVICETYPE_THAI       | thai              |
    | 6   | SERVICETYPE_INDONESIA  | indonesia         |
    | 7   | SERVICETYPE_PHILIPPINE | philippine        |
    | 8   | SERVICETYPE_MALAYSIA   | malaysia          |
    | 9   | SERVICETYPE_SINGAPORE  | singapore         |
    | 10  | SERVICETYPE_GERMANY    | germany           |
    | 11  | SERVICETYPE_INDIA      | india             |
    | 12  | SERVICETYPE_BRAZIL     | brazil            |
    | 13  | SERVICETYPE_AUSTRALIA  | australia         |
    | 14  | SERVICETYPE_RUSSIA     | russia            |
    | 15  | SERVICETYPE_VIETNAM    | vietnam           |
    | 17  | SERVICETYPE_CHILE      | chile             |
    | 18  | SERVICETYPE_FRANCE     | france            |
    | 19  | SERVICETYPE_UAE        | uae               |


    1 wouldn't support special characters, from my experience 10 and 11 are the most universal ones

  4. This is an update to the intro, to be more specific, to the spawning location and everything happening before the Crituria Academy

    • New spawning location for RENEWAL is iz_int 18 27
      • New outerior is int_land. You have to do a small quest here. This is optional, you can also go directly to Izlude.
    • The additinal poring drop is fully handled by our quest_db.conf and you do not need to edit anything. 
    • In order to fully support this change, you need the latest translation files for navigation and iteminfo. You can find them here:


    The confusion about iz_int


    We saw question about a black iz_int quite often. Is is also simply why this happens. The map was changed on official, and the small ship was turned into a ship interior. The old coordinates were a black spot on this "new" map, and to fix it, you simply had to put in the "old" iz_int map files.

    For this change, you now need the new map, the one. 

    I once uploaded both to hercules. In case you need it, you can download it here.


    The new iz_int is included in any recent kro from the back to december 2015. If you used the old iz_int, you just have to replace it.




  5. Hey Ridley, What is divine pride and how do you use it? Also, let me know when your able to send me the link to that public packet comparing repo. Sounds interesting! You might have to help me capture some packets, too. If you're able.


    Haru, That packet information on the wiki is definitely helpful. Thank you for that! Would you also be willing to share your vim configurations & plugins? Would be cool if someone has keyword highlighting for herc scripts in vim.


    Also what's the story on HMP Hooks dependency on Doxygen? I saw that in the README and found it a bit peculiar.





    Both pretty self explaining :)

  6. Mhh I think there are several tools. For scripting I still prefer np++ with a custom syntax highlighter.

    I think many databastools doesn't work atm due to the recent changes of db structures and libconfig format.

    Replays I most check on divine pride or do them by myself. 4144 has a public packet comparing repo on gitlab (don't have the link on my phone)

    Haru provides a script checker here http://haru.ws/scriptchecker/ but it is compiled to pre-renewal

    Maybe one of our core devs can answer the remaining questions


    I'm having problems with translations plugin. This is the npc:


    prontera,50,50,0	script	NPC_TEST	PORING,{
    	mes "A little " + (Sex == SEX_MALE ? "boy" : "girl") + ". Who are you?";
    	mes "Oh! you are " + strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + ", nice to meet you.";


    mesf("A little %s. Who are you?", Sex == SEX_MALE ? "boy" : "girl");
    mesf("Oh! you are %s, nice to meet you.", strcharinfo(PC_NAME));

    to include functions, variables, strings or whatever you need to use mesf (mes+sprintf)

    you can find some examples in my recent commits

    reference sprintf

  8. I'm not exactly sure what you want to be not loaded/removed.

    Add(1 adds items to the first shop

    Add(2 adds items to the second shop

    The duplicates will load those shops

    - shop hatmaker1 -1,909:-1


    And why do you have sleep in between adding items?

    It makes sense when there is a huge ammount of items to be loaded at once.
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