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Everything posted by Garr

  1. I'd say get a clean copy of your eA, diff all you additions, and then reimplement them revising the code. Also, Hercules moved ahead quite a bit, so you'd need to check out new features that Hercules has to see if you like/don't like them, and adjust those too. Also, inspect the config files to see every possible option, and set it right. By personal experience almost EVERY script will need an update. Especially now, with set/goto deprecated, so if you were using those you'll be better off revising the scripts to get rid of them. (I used regex to change all set to direct assignment for lazy mode). Direct assignment is awesome, by the way And then again since Hercules is case-sensitive to variables/functions, you may get some errors from that. Not to mention that there are quite a few new constants in town, so if one of your variables matches them it could be a bit of a problem. Also, I'd say create a test server first to check out most features/scripts to see if they still working as intended. Would be nice to convert a piece of actual server info for testing as well, to see if there are any conflicts that can't be seen with just clean start (like, as I said, already used variables that match constants).
  2. Change for (set .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i++ ) { into for (.@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) {
  3. Ahem. And if you'll edit your post no one will. From the title I can suggest two possibilities: conf/battle/monster.conf // Defines various mob AI related settings. (Note 3)// 0x008: If set, when a mob loses track of their target, they stop walking// immediately. Otherwise, they continue to their last target tile. When// set mobs also scatter as soon as they lose their target. Use this mode// to make it much harder to mob-train by hiding and collecting them on a// single spot (ie: GrimTooth training) Or src/config/core.h /// Uncomment to enable the Cell Stack Limit mod./// It's only config is the battle_config cell_stack_limit./// Only chars affected are those defined in BL_CHAR (mobs and players currently)// define CELL_NOSTACK You have that one uncommented ^
  4. And what's wrong with that? Seems like a normal MATK for pre-re 100 int calculation, possibly one extra point from job or something? Formulas: MinMATK = ( INT / 7 )^2 + INT MaxMATK = ( INT / 5 )^2 + INT Division results are rounded down.
  5. Uhh, I think using db/sc_config.txt would be a tad easier ^_^'
  6. Garr

    [help] Browedit

    Sure, I can try if you'll send me the files.
  7. Garr

    [help] Browedit

    Recalculate lightmaps (Generate->Calculate (Selected) Lightmaps). You can select part of map in F2 mode. That is if you have the browedit extra file for that map if it's not yours. Otherwise add some lightbulbs via F10 mode and ctrl+RMB, make it similar to the lighting the map uses on that part, and then recalculate lightmaps.
  8. I think this topic should help.
  9. http://herc.ws/board/topic/2124-help-me-with-this-soul-linker-npc/#entry14328 I thik this one should do.
  10. I'd pull the fix, but my experience with github is very... limited at best >.> For the alternative, (!battle_config.hom_rename && hd->homunculus.rename_flag ? 0x1 : 0x0) Should work too, as if it's false the outcome will rely on rename flag, if it's true it should always be false anyways
  11. Imo change the #VIP_Lasttime + $VIP_Cooldown - gettimetick(2) == 0 to (#VIP_Lasttime - gettimetick(2) + $VIP_Cooldown <= 0) Otherwise you're asking this check to work at the exact second the title should be lift off only.
  12. Garr


    Well, with small SQL queries adjustments it should work, but without editing you may run into troubles.
  13. void clif_hominfo(struct map_session_data *sd, struct homun_data *hd, int flag) {... // Bit field, bit 0 : rename_flag (1 = already renamed), bit 1 : homunc vaporized (1 = true), bit 2 : homunc dead (1 = true) WBUFB(buf,26)=(battle_config.hom_rename && hd->homunculus.rename_flag ? 0x1 : 0x0) | (hd->homunculus.vaporize == HOM_ST_REST ? 0x2 : 0) | (hd->homunculus.hp > 0 ? 0x4 : 0); WBUFW(buf,27)=hd->homunculus.level;... } The one on 26th offset; When battle_config.hom_rename is false, first expression is always false, so it always thinks that homun is NOT YET RENAMED. I'd replaced it with (battle_config.hom_rename?0:hd->homunculus.rename_flag) And now it works fine.
  14. Garr

    Custom Mob

    Did you edit this setting in src/map/mob.h? If not, then increase it and recompile, or decrease the id of mob to under 4000 :3 // Change this to increase the table size in your mob_db to accommodate a larger mob database.// Be sure to note that IDs 4001 to 4048 are reserved for advanced/baby/expanded classes.// Notice that the last 1000 entries are used for player clones, so always set this to desired value +1000#define MAX_MOB_DB 5000
  15. Garr

    Custom Mob

    When you launch server, does it give you any warnings about the line where that fabre is? Did you do server restart/@reloadmobdb?
  16. Replace all .global_reg_value with one of the following: .acc_reg_num_db - account wide points, you probably want this.global_acc_reg_num_db - also account wide, but across all map/char servers if there are many Also, replace WHERE `str` with WHERE `key` I think that should do it. ETA: For the last, where setting points first time if (!$this->cashRecords[$accountID]) { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->server->charMapDatabase}.global_reg_value "; $sql .= "(`str`, value, type, account_id, char_id) "; $sql .= "VALUES (?, 0, 2, ?, 0)"; $sth = $this->server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(array($this->pointsType, $accountID)); } replace it with if (!$this->cashRecords[$accountID]) { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->server->charMapDatabase}.acc_reg_num_db "; $sql .= "(`key`, `value`, `account_id`) "; $sql .= "VALUES (?, 0, ?)"; $sth = $this->server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(array($this->pointsType, $accountID)); }
  17. Ever tried to add ?module=install&action=reinstall to the end of your cp URL? I think it's a tad easier than deleting and redownloading files ^_^'
  18. pc.c if( battle_config.bone_drop==2 || (battle_config.bone_drop==1 && map->list[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp) ) { struct item item_tmp; memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid=ITEMID_SKULL_; item_tmp.identify=1; item_tmp.card[0]=CARD0_CREATE; item_tmp.card[1]=0; item_tmp.card[2]=GetWord(sd->status.char_id,0); // CharId item_tmp.card[3]=GetWord(sd->status.char_id,1); map->addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } Replace all cards setting to 0;
  19. Since it's ingame day/night and we don't know when they trigger, I think it's better to make a warp that checks isnight() and warps accordingly? (It might be isday(), I forgot which one got driven off). Something like: premap,x,y,0 script MapWarp 45,1,1,{end;OnTouch:if (isnight()) warp "nightmap",x,y;else warp "daymap",x,y;end;} Albeit warping players back and forth on automatic day/night change might be tricky. Custom label perhaps? :3
  20. Umm, just by quick view, I think you add the actual name to the prefix file, but if you want that to be postfix you add its number to postfix file? Like this: Prefixtable: 20595#Of killing things# Postfixtable: 20595#
  21. Seems like a conf error to me, I get that happen when I try to connect to my test server from outside, but my IP has changed and due to dns resolving my test server is still using previous IP >.<
  22. It's a bit better in Hercules, imo. Check out db/sc_config.txt
  23. - script PcLogin -1,{OnPCLoginEvent: if (!<variablename>) <variablename> = <variablevalue>; end;} Where <variablename> is name of the variable, in the format of just name, without any prefixes or suffixes, and <variablevalue> is desired value, since it's a flag 1 should go here, mainly. Run this script at the start of server via npc/scripts_custom.conf
  24. Why not use char-based variables? Those will be easier to set ingame, and they can be found in SQL as well via charID/name of variable.
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