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Posts posted by raPalooza~

  1. I'm back again,

    Looks like before the item option feature the #MAX_SKILL 1910 was working just fine, but with the latest it's giving the

    "[Error]: chrif_authok: Data size mismatch!" when char logs in.

    any thoughts?

    I am indeed recompiling all three servers, and using MSVB2012...

  2. Sup Herc PPL, I know it's a delicated topic and usually not given much attention due to the fact that it is custom stuff development but.... ;o


    So, i'm messing arround with custom skill and the client power to handle them and found out that from skill id 3036 foward, it does handle it pretty well, so i changed the index formula to.


     //[Ind/Hercules] GO GO GO LESS! - http://herc.ws/board/topic/512-skill-id-processing-overhaul/
    else if( skill_id > 1019 && skill_id < 8001 ) {
    if( skill_id < 2058 ) // 1020 - 2000 are empty
    skill_id = 1020 + skill_id - 2001;
    else if( skill_id < 2549 ) // 2058 - 2200 are empty - 1020+57
    skill_id = (1077) + skill_id - 2201;
    //else if ( skill_id < 3036 ) // 2549 - 3000 are empty - 1020+57+348
    else if ( skill_id < 3436 ) // 2549 - 3000 are empty - 1020+57+348
    skill_id = (1425) + skill_id - 3001;
    else if ( skill_id < 5044 ) // 3436 - 5000 are empty - 1020+57+348+435
    //skill_id = (1460) + skill_id - 5001;
    skill_id = (1860) + skill_id - 5001;
    ShowWarning("skill_get_index: skill id '%d' is not being handled!\n",skill_id);
    So in the end i would have 400 skill ids to play with... It did work on last year's revision, but not in this year's.


    Look's like only changing

    //#define MAX_SKILL 1510
    #define MAX_SKILL 1910
    Is printing out "[Error]: chrif_authok: Data size mismatch!"


    Any thoughts on what could be the problem here?


    This may also create an option for people trying to create custom skills and are not happy on being locked to skills id gaps all arround. x_X



  3. welcome back rapalooza!

    Well, i was never gone ;p I'm just quietly researching stuffs




    hahahaha sick right? it's a shame that it consumes a bunch of skill effects and would be in-viable in a normal ragnarok scenario,

    maybe a custom effect_id with lua or dll, does any one knows if it is possible?(i know it is not T-T)

  4. I'm currently working on a Sword Art Online project and figured it would be cool to hear some feedback on this new map i just finished.

    Its is a central town on the anime and also in the server, so a lot of things will be going on there. ;D


    Made a video introduction to the town and its squares. And also a bit of the visual effects modifications of the server on the video.(like sao like HP bar)







  5. Sup everyone!

    I am really curios to know when/if this feature will ever show up on Hercules , i do not have the knowledge myself to do the conversion from rAthena to Herc, but would love to have a chance of playing with it in the future.

    Here's what i'm talking about

    We have plugins and whatnot to work with, so i think is a good feature to have.
    As a enthusiastic of new stuff, would love to see more options to work with items without having to screw the whole card system up.

    Cya ;]

  6. So i was trying some options on adding the wind effect to the mesh, but unfortunately i was unable to simulate the animation with bone structures (the conversor uses 3dmax2007 that sucks on simulating gravity and forces)... but its a work in progress i'll keep you guys updated.

    but i'm not sure it's going to work, since the official flag has the wind animation already built in but it seems that gravity opted by having it static instead, maybe they disabled the client animation on the flag. Have to test it out.

  7. Not sure if it's sprite and pallete related but it's an NPC so.... I think I'm posting in the right place XD
    I was doing some research on .gr2(3dmobs in ro) files and while learning about importing and exporting files i came up with the idea of changing the old flag that holds the clan emblems.

    I've started by 3d modeling based on 2D "flagholder" sprite already in ragnarok. Also used some textures from ragnarok so it doesn't go to far from the game theme.


    Creating this afterwards



    So this is only a showcase for now because i want to hear some feedback on design ideas for the flag. The main problem atm is the loading time even with low poly-counts.
    But i'll will release it as soon as possible for sure.

    Hope you guys like it ;D

    I'll not go in details about on howto because it's a pain in the xxx and it's prety easy to find Orlox guide about 3D conversion for Ragnarok. ;]

  8. @topic
    Thank you all for the nice comments, you guys give me more and more steam to start new projects related to improving Ragnarok experience.

    I made the "lag" by design, see, the animation itself is very short and to reduce the amount of "screen noise/pollution" I've set a frame to hold for a sec before looping again.
    Downloading a program called ActEditor you can easily cut of the frame delay by editing the cursors.act file. I strongly encourage modifying and exploring with my releases \o/

  9. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=263

    File Name: raPalooza's Cursor

    File Submitter: raPalooza~

    File Submitted: 24 May 2016

    File Category: Sprites & Palettes


    This is a cursor modification I made for ragnarok, following the thoughts and feeling of my past works,

    I've created this with the intention of innovating the feeling of the game without letting the design break the game visual with a big gap in style.


    Some pieces are made from other mmos such as maplestory for example ( and some others I cant remember right now )


    I've got some files backed up and lost others due to lost data on my old computer(it's an old project) so it's a little hard to deal modifications from the feedback, but i'll do my best.


    A lot of people came asking for this cursor over PM and Posts, glad you guys asked for it, otherwise I would let this project on the shelf, enjoy guys ;]





    Click here to download this file

  10. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=262

    File Name: Savior Damage Font

    File Submitter: raPalooza~

    File Submitted: 24 May 2016

    File Category: Sprites & Palettes




    I've been trying hard to create content that bring a fresh new look to our old and loved Ragnarok Online.

    After lot's of failures(like my old font upload '^^) I end up with this design, that was actually based on the game Tree of Savior.( btw a very good game )


    It comes with some other little things like a better resolution sprite to the critical hit background, as it was kinda glitchy with the new font.


    I know it is all experimental and yes, I still love the old pixelated font of RO but feel free to use it in your server, i'm getting used to it and it's giving me a feeling of nostalgia(as seeing something new things on old stuffs) ;D


    Hope to hear some feedback to improve it as much as I can.



    link: MEGAlink


    Click here to download this file

  11. It sucks that the client doesn't handle the TGA overlapping very well. I,m trying to think of an alternative to fix it, perhaps reverse engineering the client shadow, but it is beyond my knowledge.


    I,m so frustrated that the modification doesn't work properly ;/, looks so great on towns and non TGA floor maps, giving ragnarok a modern fresh look.


    Well let's hope to find a fix :D

  12. @@spinzaku
    I was aware that some clients and some graphic cards could not work properly with the shadows under some circumstances, like the glitch of the .tga of the shadow completely overcoming the water .tga.  Most problems comes from how the client handle the .tga file replacing a .spr file, and unfortunately i have no clue on how to fix those problems. So in that case i think is more like a CONS you have to accept while using the PROS of the modification. ;/

    @@melv0 and @@spinzaku
    The cursor i use, it's a custom cursor i made months ago while trying to give ragnarok a fresh look, i was ready to release it but i found out some bugs in the cursor file and had to postpone the release. As i've lost some focus on ragnarok development because of real life duty i've to still fix those sprite problems prior to releasing the file. Hope you guys understand.

  13. Released Version 2.0
    Some Screenshots of the new updated shadow. Using .tga as a base for the .act ;]


    I am very very very excited to share this modification, as I felt a very good new feeling while playing with this shadow, like ragnarok got 3D revamped(as seen in the new mobile version) Check it out BOYZ!


  14. Fish Fish Fishing

    Lately i went back on Scripting and testing ideas around ragnarok, and decided to develop a series of professions, but as i'ma well known lazy ass :o so i'll be releasing the "raw" script as soon as possible as it is probably full of bugs and memory problems.

    Starting with Fishing! here is a sneak peak of the progress so far. ;D

    -I'm also using .tga shadows, and custom damage font.

    Right now it works as follow:
    - First runs a loop with percentage of breaking it so the fish bites de bait.
    - Then a "mini-game" starts, where you need to choose the right random placed option, an bait animation ocours, and that minigame start over, guider by a random number rand(2,4) in the video.
    -Fish/Item Catched! Loot Animation, start over.

    -Random placement on water cells (also control on how much you can "fish" from one node, till it unspawn or warp away)
    -General Configuration for easy using (If item needed, how many minigames tries, loot selection(i hear that there are good functions scripts that base drop % in arrays.)
    -And so on.

    Hope you guys enjoy it.

    Want to hear some thoughts on other profession! and feed back about that one as Well!
    (already thinking about a lumberjack minigame where you will need to time the hit)

  15. Man! I strongly advice a sneek peak on their blog posts, a lot of screens of the game towns, and you can see some engine features, like real time sun flare, or even some kind of weather like rain.


    RUN FOR THE HYPE! (also hope this comes to PC in some way... dunno.)

  16. Nice idea, but why not use a normal map??? If your planning on instancing the whole ragnarok world like, an alternate "channel" that would be extremily dificult (keeping in mind that npcs dont get cloned automatcly if you instance a map. Also you would have to clone every single map to instancelike names like prontera to 1@prt and clone every single world warp, spawn, etc etc etc...x_x)

    You have to think of instance like an single map multiplicator for partys.

    You can also warplock the maps you want to make your swordart's world in and make it accessible only through an item. Maybe 2 savepoints variables linked character's VR item scripts equip and unnequip. So you could track where you equiped and teleport to last unequiped... and so on...

    Good luck with the project ;]


  17. Found a missleading information on the script commands xD
    Don't know if it meant to say that when the scripts runs it attaches the RID as it was clicked by the player or it means that the "::OnRun" supposedly runs the npc script as it was clicked (from the start);

    Righ now the "OnRun" is just a misleading interpretation, because it doesnt work ;[

    *addtimer <ticks>,"NPC::OnLabel";*deltimer "NPC::OnLabel";*addtimercount "NPC::OnLabel",<ticks>;These commands will create, destroy, and delay a countdown timer - 'addtimer' to create, 'deltimer' to destroy and 'addtimercount' to delay it by the specified number of ticks. For all three cases, the event label given is the identifier of that timer. The timer runs on the character object that is attached to the script, and can have multiple instances. When the label is run, it is run as if the player that the timer runs on has clicked the NPC.

    When the label is run, it is run as if the player that the timer runs on
    has clicked the NPC.

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