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About MoGuri

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  1. I think he means that with gepard shield, you cant play on robrowser , because of the encription and stuff...
  2. See my reply in page 6 Yeah, just use windows' boxes, just be aware there are 2 boxes, one plain and another type password
  3. Yes Aeomin, i was asking for loader like rocred. If you can make it, will be nice
  4. Aeomin, do you plan to integrate the loader in the patcher on 3.0?
  5. Actually i made the woestats work on Herc, vBrenth, can you send me that code for the adaptation (BG)
  6. Remove the last bar. http://www.limit-ro.net/ROChargen/avatar/Anxiety Its working fine
  7. And malufett is MIA Dont be mean
  8. The system was being done by malufett, guys
  9. I am on the same here. I really want this system to be on Herc.
  10. Lol, so its cumbersome to use a plugin? In a nice scenario you should have all the source edits on plugins, so the changes wont collide on the updates.
  11. Te lo pusieron en el foro ingles, pero parece que no lo quieres leer xD Aplicalo en el formato viejo y luego lo conviertes, de momento no hay ninguna herramienta
  12. Or use the one from Dastgir, since its better? :/
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