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Everything posted by anjasoleil0

  1. Does anyone have the HP table up to 255?
  2. A little help please, I'm using the latest version.
  3. Uhm... How do I do that?
  4. Hi~ I wanna hide the 'group' name for one specific group. but I don't wanna use hide_session for I want them to appear on the @who command, I just want them to look like other players~ and not display the groupname: Quake (Police)
  5. Site's still down? Any other link for the howto guide?
  6. I wanna skip the 'server selection menu' at the very start of the client. There's no skip server selection on NEMO, how do I skip it? is it even possible? 20130807 is my client.
  7. Hello people! As we all know this is the main function Now, My server doesnt 'drop' unidentified items, so there is no means for the unidentifiedDisplayName, unidentifiedResourceName, unidentifiedDescriptionName, variable. Now the question is, What should be the 'code' be for the main_function? is this even possible? Why am I doing this? To save space + for easier addition/editing of items! Thanks in advance for the help! Hercules truly has a great community! -Anjo
  8. Hi! Is there a way to make plants immune to both magic and neutral skills like acid demo and stuff? Thanks in advance!
  9. YOU DID IT! If you wanna try out my server! I'll be sure to give you something extra! THANKS ALOT! you're epic mr. Garr! +1 ALL AROUND!
  10. Okay! I've disabled auto respawning after 2nd death and/or death inside WoE Maps Now, I need to enable resurrection on woe maps. Any thoughts? Also! I couldn't resurrect my allies after their second death. Thanks in advance!
  11. It works! But, after my second respawn, I cannot get resurrected, Also i'd like to enable resurrection inside WoE Maps. Is it possible?
  12. Hi, is there a way to change the mvp's size without their slaves inheriting it?
  13. Hi, Is there a way we can disable the auto re-spawn on death (when being killed twice) on pvp maps? and can we also disable the auto re-locate on GVG maps?
  14. No luck. mate. Whats up with that?
  15. No luck. mate. Whats up with that?
  16. I see.. Thanks for the reply guys!
  17. I wanted to use the npc #10005 but when I use it i turn in to a poring. I've use that model/sprite before in rathena. Howcome it doesnt show up here? any thoughts? http://nn.nachtwolke.com/dev/npclist/?qq=all
  18. { Id: 20000 AegisName: "Shadow Armor" Name: "Shadow_Armor" Type: 5 Weight: 10 Loc: 65536 Script: <" "> }, Am i missing something? I'm using 20120418 client. I can't equip the shadow item.
  19. Hey dastgir! Long time no see I see! Thanks for the reply, but I gotta ask, should I just ignore this error? or should I wait for them to fix it before I get my server hosted?
  20. Hi, I'm using the latest git from Hercules as of Nov 7 2014 Here's what I get when I recompile Here's my HPMHooking.H and the HPMHooking.c (lines 183 to 207) Any thoughts? Thanks in advance! -Anjo
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