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Posts posted by Echoes

  1. Hello,

    Lately I was trying to create some passive skills for my server, and followed the guide on the wiki, but that one is for active skills that the player must level up. I am looking for a way to create passive skills that level up when reaching some condition (not the player leveling up them).

    I am still googling ways to do it but found nothing yet.


    Any help will be appreciated.

  2. 4 hours ago, lllaaazzz said:


    1388,Arc Angeling@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE,attack,196,7,10000,700,60000,no,self,slavele,3,1443,1246,1742,1743,1744,18,
    1388,Arc Angeling@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE,idle,196,7,10000,700,60000,no,self,slavele,3,1443,1246,1742,1743,1744,18,


    I recall this way of sorting used by rAthena, but for Herc is different:


    nvm just found that in another skill, not callslave but summonslave, lol...

  3. Hello,

    I was wondering where I can look for the IDs of the monsters bosses and mini ones summons.
    I tried looking on the mob_skill_db and skill_db but found nothing about the IDs recalled.

    For example, I know Arc Angeling does summon Cruisers, but I want to know which ID of those monsters is the one recalled.

    Any help will be appreciated.

  4. Is there a way to create a / command? Or, where do I can look at the / commands code to see how they work and try to mimic their way of operation, I would like to add some / commands to my server.

    I am hoping this has nothing to do with hexing, but with src editing.


    Thank you!

  5. 1 minute ago, CarlosHenrq said:

    The "secret" is here:

    //Send to char-server for character selection.
    chrif->charselectreq(sd, sockt->session[fd]->client_addr);

    This sends the packet to char-server and char-server should respond with OK or NOT OK.

    If OK, map-server should disconnect the character and the client'll popup the character selection.

    Ah, yeah, I understand that part, but how do I make the command to read that line instead of the kicking to login one Dx

  6. @CarlosHenrq Weird, I have the same code:

    static void clif_parse_Restart(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd)
    	switch(RFIFOB(fd,2)) {
    		case 0x00:
    		case 0x01:
    			/* Rovert's Prevent logout option - Fixed [Valaris] */
    			if (!sd->sc.data[SC_CLOAKING] && !sd->sc.data[SC_HIDING] && !sd->sc.data[SC_CHASEWALK]
    			 && !sd->sc.data[SC_CLOAKINGEXCEED] && !sd->sc.data[SC__INVISIBILITY] && !sd->sc.data[SC_SUHIDE]
    			 && (!battle_config.prevent_logout || DIFF_TICK(timer->gettick(), sd->canlog_tick) > battle_config.prevent_logout)
    			) {
    				//Send to char-server for character selection.
    				chrif->charselectreq(sd, sockt->session[fd]->client_addr);
    			} else {
    				clif->disconnect_ack(sd, 1);


    What do you mean by use that portion of the code? How can I use only that portion? o.0

  7. Thank you for the replies @Kubix, @Dastgir.


    May I ask then, how can I update the value of something (ingame) without making the invoking character to relog?

    With my example, I erased 2 Iron Ores found in the storage of the character, and I can see that data update in the database, but ingame there are still that 2 Iron ores in the storage. Relogging fix this issue.

  8. Hello,

    I was wondering, is there a way to use somethin alike countitem() but for storage items instead of the inventory items?

    For example, I want to count how many Iron ore does the invoking character has in their storage, and return the number to the dialog the NPC is having; I think something with query_mysql() may be useful.


    Thank you in advance.

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