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Everything posted by mofo

  1. mofo

    Locator NPC

    Thanks jabote, I'll test it in a bit and give you feedback. Thanks again
  2. mofo

    Locator NPC

    I'd like to request for an NPC that any player can use to locate another player by name. It would give the map name and coordinates for a cost (50k zeny?).I tried scripting my own, but I'm still lost as to how to properly code getmapxy. I'm still trying right now, but I figured I'd post here to speed up the process. Thanks to anyone who would take the time to help.
  3. I'll try that method. It's weird because if I disable plugins, I don't need to run the map server separately.
  4. Well the screenshot is partial, it doesn't show the entire file or all the maps that were removed according to your console. You're gonna have to compare and check the maps (might have to do this manually) being removed if they are all in the mapcache. 919 maps is close to the original number of maps in the default hercules mapcache. Based on your console screenshot you have 22 maps for each "rentin". That means you have about 154 custom rentin. You can warp to some of the maps because they loaded properly seeing as they are listed in the mapcache. If you have rentinf17 in your map_index/maplist, you need to have rentinf17 in your mapcache as well.
  5. That screenshot means you don't have the maps in your mapcache.dat.
  6. She's right next to the Mercenary Manager. Her name is Mercenary Merchant.
  7. I used the Sample.c plugin and this happens. The terminal just stays like that. When I try to login I get rejected by server. No disconnect or error message on terminal.
  8. Quite a few, like anti-demon shield, foot ring, neo skull ring. Those items have a description on my old iteminfo file but I don't have your vellum descriptions. So I just ended up merging 2 iteminfo files manually little by little.
  9. Any updates to iteminfo.lub? I downloaded the most recent version and I ended up with some blank translations on a few items.
  10. Find the new SC in const.txt and replace SC_SpeedUp1. That also happens if you still use SC_INCREASEAGI via buffer npcs.
  11. prontera,146,174,5<tab>cashshop<tab>Simple Shop<tab>82,909:5,717:10 item id 909 jellopy costs 5 cashpoints item id 717 blue gemstone costs 10 cash points edit as you please.
  12. @topic starter It sounds like you don't have the map in your grf. Double check the map files, resnametable and other related client-side files.
  13. I think he's referring to the auto-mute system that was recently applied. Some of my players spammed their autoloot command where they ended up with the red mute icon. haha
  14. All you have to do is try it. Add the maps the same way you would add any other custom map and load the scripts included. If you encounter errors, you can post the errors here and people can help you figure it out.
  15. I can't open obbs, weapon boxes, anymore. Is there like an sql update I should've applied? When I try to open an old blue box it says "any work in progress(NPC dialog manufacturing...) quit and try again. If I relog/character select, I can open them again. But after if I use the "Change Cart" skill, i get the same message and can't open boxes or talk to npcs anymore.
  16. What you need requires some src edit. Alot of people here can help you code it if you let them see the the actual mod.
  17. What do I change in the combo script if I want one of the items to be refined to +8 before getting the combo bonus? I try not to mess with the default settings to make way for future updates so I'm kind of wishing for item_combo_db2.txt hehe. Example: 1775:18114,{ bonus bLongAtkRate,50; } How do I code this so that the bonus would only take effect if item 18114 is refined to +8 or higher? NVM, i figured it out. =)
  18. happens to me too. even when using @go with safety wall onscreen. using 20120716 ragexe.
  19. Hmm, I may have to retract my previous statement. I'm testing the skills now on a 20120716 ragexe and they're working. Can't add them via normal means but my gm char can use them if I give the right permissions. So I guess it's just a matter of adding the skills to their respective job skill trees.
  20. They say most if not all 2013 clients are stable. I don't use one so I can't be 100% sure about that.
  21. The new skills are only supported by 2013 clients and up.
  22. I lost my screenshot but what happens is I can see it saying 1 plugin loaded. After that it looks ok then more lines, until it stalls at "awaiting maps from map server". If I disable the plugin or if I don't enable PK, it goes on without a hitch.
  23. I don't know if my issue is solely plugin related since it also happens when I enable PK. I can see the plugin being loaded after I managed to compile it. It always stops at "awaiting maps from map server". I'm on centos and I really couldn't figure out why that happens even with a clean version of the emulator.
  24. Yeah, I hope someone from the devs can try to replicate the issue and be able to do something about it.
  25. I'm using 20120716 ragexe and my client errors when there is a fur seal around. So far only fur seal does this to me, I checked the kRO grf and even patched my own grf with fur seal act/spr files but I still error out. Am I the only one suffering from this?
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