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Aethelingaeg last won the day on July 16 2020

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About Aethelingaeg

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  1. Hi, i cannot reproduce your problem. The command show a message as dispbottom, in green. Maybe you are in the wrong chat? Have you tried equiping your items? The command works as you reequip them to make them disappear, so only those that you reequip become invisible. @UPDATE: I added the bElementDamage bonus! Please check the main post to see what it does.
  2. Thank you for your feedback! It was a encoding problem. I updated it and replaced it with a english message.
  3. Hello Community, This is the official topic for my plugin collection. Here's the changes: Initial: * @hatless (hide at will your headgear) Added later: bonus bLastStand (allow player to survive killing blow at a given chance) bonus bCopycat (allow player to auto-cast the last skill used on him back to the caster) bonus bAtkEmoticon (allow player to automatically use emoticon when attacking, being attacked or both) @mobalive (simplification of mobsearch that only shows if mob is alive or dead) bonus bAreaSkill (y% chance for skill (skill_id) n to be AoE in y*y cells) bonus bHealAttack (gives the player the ability to cast healing attacks on enemies regardless of undead element, causing damage) bonus bSCDamage (Increase damage on enemy inflicted with status effect n by x%.) bonus bSCExchange (This bonus gives the player a chance to instead of being inflicted by a status (SC_BLIND, SC_FREEZE, etc) to a new one.) bonus bDeathKeepBuffs (Allow for status to remain when player is killed.) bonus bAvoidTrap (N% chance to avoid activating a trap when stepping on it.) bonus bNoAreaMagic (Reduce area target magic damage in n%.) bonus bNoSingleMagic (Reduce single target magic damage in n%.) bonus bElementDamage (Increase player damage of element n by x%) Repository: https://github.com/yanpitangui/HPM-Plugins I plan to add more conversions from Epoque Expansion Pack as plugins. Thanks.
  4. Hello Community, I have adapted a bonus from Epoque Expansion Pack, bSCExchange, to HPM format. This bonus gives the player a chance to instead of being inflicted by a status (SC_BLIND, SC_FREEZE, etc) to a new one. Repository: https://github.com/yanpitangui/HPM-Plugins I plan to add more conversions from Epoque as plugins. Thanks.
  5. Hello Community, I have adapted a bonus from Epoque Expansion Pack, bSCDamage, to HPM format. This bonus increase damage on enemy inflicted with status effect n by x%. Repository: https://github.com/yanpitangui/HPM-Plugins I plan to add more conversions from Epoque as plugins. Thanks.
  6. Hello Community, I have adapted a bonus from Epoque Expansion Pack, bHealAttack, to HPM format. This bonus gives the player the ability to cast healing attacks on enemies regardless of undead element, causing damage. Repository: https://github.com/yanpitangui/HPM-Plugins I plan to add more conversions from Epoque as plugins. Thanks.
  7. Hello Community, I have adapted a bonus from Epoque Expansion Pack, bAreaSkill, to HPM format. This bonus gives a y% chance for skill (skill_id) n to be AoE in y*y cells. There is still no support for Skill name as parameter on this version because I didn't find a way to hook on script -> buildin(bonus). Repository: https://github.com/yanpitangui/HPM-Plugins I plan to add more conversions from Epoque as plugins. Thanks.
  8. Hello Community, I have adapted a very old command, @mobalive, to hpm format. This command is a simplification of mobsearch, that only shows if the mob is alive or dead on current map. Repository: https://github.com/yanpitangui/HPM-Plugins I plan to add more plugins, including a convesion of Epoque Expansion Pack to hpm format. Thanks.
  9. Hello Community, I have adapted a bonus from Epoque Expansion Pack, bAtkEmoticon, to HPM format. This bonus gives a chance to use emoticon when attacked, attacking or both. Repository: https://github.com/yanpitangui/HPM-Plugins I plan to add more conversions from Epoque as plugins. Thanks.
  10. Hello Community, I have adapted a bonus from Epoque Expansion Pack, bCopycat, to HPM format. This bonus gives chance to auto-cast the last skill used on you back to the caster. Repository: https://github.com/yanpitangui/HPM-Plugins I plan to add more conversions from Epoque as plugins. Thanks.
  11. Hello Community, I have adapted a bonus from Epoque Expansion Pack, bLastStand, to HPM format. This bonus allow a player that have this status to survive a killing blow with the given chance. Repository: https://github.com/yanpitangui/HPM-Plugins I plan to add more plugins as conversions from Epoque. Thanks.
  12. Hello Community, I have adapted a very old command, @hatless, to hpm format. Repository: https://github.com/yanpitangui/HPM-Plugins As of now, this repo only contain hatless. I do plan to add more plugins, including a convesion of Epoque Expansion Pack to hpm format. Thanks.
  13. Hexed: 2018-04-18bRagexeRE The following skills are not showing any effect when casted: Ignition Break King's Grace The damage is applied correctly. Cloud kill visual effect is bigger than expected. Where can i change this? Also, elemental shield is not working at all. I'm using the last version of stable branch (hercules). Can you help me find where my problem may be? Which lua files should i look for to fix this?
  14. I found a bug in costumeitem. The skulls dropped from players on pvp appear as anonymous. The name of the killed player is no longer attached in it, or the charid is messed up, idk.
  15. I can only use Tetra Vortex and WL_RELEASE(not sure about the english name since i'm from BR) when the target of the skill summon the spheres themselves. Why is that happening?
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