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Posts posted by kyeme

  1. No I am not sir.





    /*--------------------------------------------------------------* * Enable or disable extended vending system? (Yes / No)	    * *--------------------------------------------------------------*/extended_vending: yes/*--------------------------------------------------------------* * Show currency's name in vending board? (Yes / No)	         * *--------------------------------------------------------------*/show_item_vending: yes/*--------------------------------------------------------------* * Show more info about buying? (Yes / No)                        * *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ex_vending_info: yes/*--------------------------------------------------------------* * Item ID for Zeny. Set to 0 if you don't want use Zeny.        * *--------------------------------------------------------------*/item_zeny: 24998/*--------------------------------------------------------------* * Item ID for Cash. Set to 0 if you don't want use Cash.        * *--------------------------------------------------------------*/item_cash: 24999




    // Specific items for Vending System// Format: ItemID// Max items is equal MAX_INVENTORY ( 100 by default )// TCG Card7227501502

    Mine works fine..

    Its working fine now, weird problem  :(  

    Thanks again. :)

  2. Please add the logs for Cash Shop. Thankssss!



    CREATE TABLE `cashlog` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  `time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',  `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  `type` enum('T','V','P','M','S','N','D','C','A','E','I','B','$') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'S',  `cash_type` enum('O','K','C') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'O',  `amount` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  `map` varchar(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),  INDEX `type` (`type`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1; 


  3. I suggest that we should have a config. in WOE that we can Invite/Expel players while inside the Guild Castle (because in the official server this is the Old settings - I'm not sure if it is the actual settings now.) But if it is the official behavior, I suggest we should have a config just like the Old one.
    // <msg>// <msg>castle_member_invite: yescastle_member_expel: yes



  4. There could be places where you dont want the Cashshop to be opened and vice-versa. 

    That's exactly what i mean :)

    Example: RWC Training Room, rwc maps , limited items on the NPC and you can't get out on this map

  5. No problem in the image of item

    The chemical protection box NAME is very too long thats the reason why you cant see the items image, hmmm tjust swap/change the item position on cashshop_db.conf

  6. attachicon.gifnocashshop.patch


    or for pvp and gvg




    void clif_parse_CashShopOpen(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {+    if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg || map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp )    {+  	 clif->message(fd,"You cant open cash shop");+  	 return;+   }    WFIFOHEAD(fd, 10);    WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x845;    WFIFOL(fd, 2) = sd->cashPoints; //[Ryuuzaki] - switched positions to reflect proper values    WFIFOL(fd, 6) = sd->kafraPoints;    WFIFOSET(fd, 10);            }




    I am not really good with src.


    Wow its working! :)

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