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Posts posted by kyeme

  1. If the character still has valuable  items in his inventory, he will not be able to delete his character.
    For special cases. Like for example: the character has a GODLY (Megingjard) item and he tried to delete his character, this is when the suggestion will act.
    //Item ID, Group-Level Override2629,99 //Megingjard


    What do you think? :D




    Example from char-server.conf:

    // Restrict character deletion by BaseLevel// 0: no restriction (players can delete characters of any level)// -X: you can't delete chars with BaseLevel <= X// Y: you can't delete chars with BaseLevel >= Y// e.g. char_del_level: 80 (players can't delete characters with 80+ BaseLevel)char_del_level: 0

  2. Hello there,


    I really need this command for my new ro server, i come from DOTA and i really loved this command.


    how should it work? when an user types "@rickroll" a random phrase will show up like @me does.


    Username's Never gonna give you up

    Username's Never gonna let you down

    Username's Never gonna run around and desert you

    Username's Never gonna make you cry

    Username's Never gonna say goodbye

    Username's Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you




    Like this?

    -	script	atcmd_rickroll	-1,{OnInit:	bindatcmd "rickroll",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand";	end;OnAtcommand:	set .@msg,rand(1,6);	if (.@msg == 1) atcommand "@me Never gonna give you up";	if (.@msg == 2) atcommand "@me Never gonna let you down";	if (.@msg == 3) atcommand "@me Never gonna run around and desert you";	if (.@msg == 4) atcommand "@me Never gonna make you cry";	if (.@msg == 5) atcommand "@me Never gonna say goodbye";	if (.@msg == 6) atcommand "@me Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you";	end;}


    PS: Since this is applicable in script I will be moving this in script section. (Peace :D)

  3. Try this



    //===== Hercules Script ======================================//= Card Removal NPC//===== By: ==================================================//= TyrNemesis^//===== Current Version: =====================================//= 1.2a//===== Description: =========================================//= Removes cards from equipped items.//===== Additional Comments: =================================//= 1.0 First version. [TyrNemesis^]//= 1.2 Optimized and fixed getequipname menu. [Kisuka]//= 1.2a Added 'disable_items' command. [Euphy]//============================================================prt_in,28,73,4	script	Wise Old Woman#eAcustom	78,{	set .zenycost,200000; // Set base cost in zeny of the card remover services	set .percardcost,25000; // set cost per card of the card remover services	set .faildestroy,1; // Should the card remover have a chance of failure that destroys items? 1 = Yes, 0 = No.	disable_items;	mes "[Wise Old Woman]";	mes "Good day, young one. I have the power to remove cards that you have compounded onto your equipment. Does this idea please you?";	next;	switch(select("Yes, it does.:What do you charge?:No thanks.")) {	case 1:		mes "[Wise Old Woman]";		mes "Very well. Which item shall I examine for you?";		next;		setarray .@position$[1], "Head","Body","Left hand","Right hand","Robe","Shoes","Accessory 1","Accessory 2","Head 2","Head 3";		set .@menu$,"";		for( set .@i,1; .@i <= 10; set .@i,.@i+1 )		{			if( getequipisequiped(.@i) )			set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@i) + "]";			set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":";		}		set .@part,select(.@menu$);		if(!getequipisequiped(.@part)) {			mes "[Wise Old Woman]";			mes "Young one... Your not wearing anything there that I can remove cards from.";			close;		}		if(getequipcardcnt(.@part) == 0) {			mes "[Wise Old Woman]";			mes "Young one... There are no cards compounded on this item. I can do nothing with it, I'm afraid.";			close;		}		set .@cardcount,getequipcardcnt(.@part);				if (!checkweight(1202,(.@cardcount+1))) { 			mes "^3355FFJust a minute!";			mes "I can't offer any of my";			mes "services to you because";			mes "you're carrying too much";			mes "stuff. Put your extra items in";			mes "Kafra Storage and come again~";			close;		}		mes "[Wise Old Woman]";		mes "This item has " + .@cardcount + " cards compounded on it. To perform my magic, I will need " + (.zenycost+(.@cardcount * .percardcost)) + " zeny, a ^0000FFStar Crumb^000000, and a ^0000FFYellow Gemstone^000000.";		next;		if(select("Very well. Do it.:Nevermind.") == 2) {			mes "[Wise Old Woman]";			mes "Very well. Return at once if you seek my services.";			close;		}		if((zeny < (.zenycost+(.@cardcount * .percardcost))) || (countitem(1000) < 1) || (countitem(715) < 1)) {			mes "[Wise Old Woman]";			mes "You do not have all the items I require to work my magic, child. Come again when you do.";			close;		}		mes "[Wise Old Woman]";		mes "Which is more important to you: The cards, or the item?";		next;		switch(select("I changed my mind about this.:The item.:The cards.")) {		case 1:			mes "[Wise Old Woman]";			mes "Very well. Return at once if you seek my services.";			close;		case 2:			set .@failtype,1;			break;		case 3:			set .@failtype,2;		}		mes "[Wise Old Woman]";		mes "Very well. I shall begin.";		set zeny,zeny - (.zenycost+(.@cardcount * .percardcost));		delitem 1000,1;		delitem 715,1;				// Replace the constants in the next 3 lines with failure chance values defined in refine_db.txt		// First value = Total failure chance (item and cards destroyed)		// Second value = Partial failure chance (one or the other is destroyed, player decides which one is safe)		// Third value = Harmless failure chance (all that's lost is your investment)/*		set .@failchance,rand(100);		if (.faildestroy==1) {			if(.@failchance < 2) {				next;				failedremovecards .@part,0;				mes "[Wise Old Woman]";				mes "The process was a total failure. I am afraid the item and the cards were destroyed.";				close;			}			if(.@failchance < 8) {				if (.@failtype == 1) {					next;					failedremovecards .@part,1;					mes "[Wise Old Woman]";					mes "While I have managed to remove the cards from the item, they were destroyed in the process. The item, however, is okay.";					close;				}				if (.@failtype == 2) {					next;					failedremovecards .@part,2;					mes "[Wise Old Woman]";					mes "Most unfortunate. I succeeded at removing the cards, but the item itself was destroyed in the process.";					close;				}			}		}		if(.@failchance < 10) {			next;			failedremovecards .@part,3;			mes "[Wise Old Woman]";			mes "I have failed to remove the cards. Luckily, however, both the item and the cards are still okay.";			close;		}*/		next;		successremovecards .@part;		mes "[Wise Old Woman]";		mes "The process was a success. Here are your cards and your item. Farewell.";		close;	case 2:		mes "[Wise Old Woman]";		mes "I charge a flat fee of "+.zenycost+" zeny, plus "+.percardcost+" zeny for each card I remove from the item. In addition, I need a star crumb and a yellow gemstone to work my magic.";		close;	case 3:		mes "[Wise Old Woman]";		mes "Very well. Return at once if you seek my services.";		close;	}}



    I removed the failchance using /* */ 




    		set .@failchance,rand(100);		if (.faildestroy==1) {			if(.@failchance < 2) {				next;				failedremovecards .@part,0;				mes "[Wise Old Woman]";				mes "The process was a total failure. I am afraid the item and the cards were destroyed.";				close;			}			if(.@failchance < 8) {				if (.@failtype == 1) {					next;					failedremovecards .@part,1;					mes "[Wise Old Woman]";					mes "While I have managed to remove the cards from the item, they were destroyed in the process. The item, however, is okay.";					close;				}				if (.@failtype == 2) {					next;					failedremovecards .@part,2;					mes "[Wise Old Woman]";					mes "Most unfortunate. I succeeded at removing the cards, but the item itself was destroyed in the process.";					close;				}			}		}		if(.@failchance < 10) {			next;			failedremovecards .@part,3;			mes "[Wise Old Woman]";			mes "I have failed to remove the cards. Luckily, however, both the item and the cards are still okay.";			close;		}





    Is it possible that in a certain map all the players will get buffs like Agi and Bless every 1 min?


    -	script	autobuffs	-1,{OnPCLoginEvent:	addtimer 60000,"autobuffs::OnBuffs";	end;OnBuffs:	sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,10;	sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10;	specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY;	specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING;	addtimer 60000,"autobuffs::OnBuffs";	end;}

    where to put the map? like for example   prontera,izlude

    Ok here:

    -	script	autobuffs	-1,{OnInit:	setarray .@map_name$, "prontera","izlude";	.@size_map = getarraysize( .@map_name$ );	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size_map; .@i++ )		setmapflag .@map_name$[.@i], mf_loadevent;	.map$ = implode( .@map_name$, "|" );	end;OnPCLoadMapEvent:	if (!compare(.map$,strcharinfo(3))) end;	addtimer 60000,"autobuffs::OnBuffs";	end;OnBuffs:	sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,10;	sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10;	specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY;	specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING;	addtimer 60000,"autobuffs::OnBuffs";	end;}

  5. Is it possible that in a certain map all the players will get buffs like Agi and Bless every 1 min?


    -	script	autobuffs	-1,{OnPCLoginEvent:	addtimer 60000,"autobuffs::OnBuffs";	end;OnBuffs:	sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,10;	sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10;	specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY;	specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING;	addtimer 60000,"autobuffs::OnBuffs";	end;}

  6. Hi!  I saw this in aegis files:



    Do we have commands like this right now? If none, do you have any plans on implementing it?


    ~kyeme  :)

  7. As far as I understand :D
    level from group.conf


    groups: (
    id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */
    name: "Player"
    level: 0
    inherit: ( /*empty list*/ )
    commands: {
    /* no commands by default */
    permissions: {
    /* without this basic permissions regular players could not 
    trade or party */
    can_trade: true
    can_party: true


  8. Well let me, ask and point out the obvious, I haven't checked the rest.

    Are you using Hercules or rAthena or eAthena? Because getgmlevel only works with eAthena, unless they changed it recently.

    getgmlevel() doesn't exist anymore. It's been replaced by getgroupid(), levels were replaced by groups, which allow for more variety and control. So basically use getgroupid() but that doesn't mean it has to be above 90, unless you set it that way.


    Now 2, which I found quite odd looking at it is, who is supposed to even be able to talk to this npc? It appears normal users should, because of it's name, but only, lets use the term admins, can talk to it.


    'Won't start' is also very vague, care to expand on that?

    getgmlevel() is still working..  :D 

  9. @Shakto:

    Do you have plans to work on ForceClientHashPacket in the future? :)

    Working :@ Chat FixAllow Chat Flood (X lines)Allow Space In Guild NameArial on All LangtypesChange Gravity Error HandlerChat Color GMChat Color GuildChat Color MainChat Color Party OtherChat Color Party YouChat Color Player OtherChat Color Player YouCustom Window TitleDisable 4 letter charname limitDisable 4 letter username limitDisable 4 letter password limitDisable Nagle AlgorithmDisable Ragexe Filename CheckDisable rag1&sak1Disable Hallucination Wavy ScreenDisable HShieldDisable Packet EncryptionDisable Quake Skill EffectDisable Swear FilterEnable AsciiEnable Custom 3D BonesEnable Multiple GrfEnable Official Custom FontsEnable Title Bar MenuEnable 64k HairstyleEnable DNS SupportEnforce Official Login BackgroundExtended Chat BoxExtended Chat Room BoxExtended Npc BoxExtended PM BoxFix Camera Angles (Full, Less, Recommended)HKLM to HKCUIncrease Headgear View ID to 5000Increase Zoom Out (50% - 75% - Max)Increase Screenshot QualityIgnore Missing File ErrorIgnore Missing Palette ErrorKorea Service XML FixOnly First Login BackgroundOnly Second Login BackgroundPackets Keys ChangeRead Data Folder FirstRead lua before lub (ItemInfo.lub)Read msgstringtable.txtRead questid2display.txtRemove GM SpritesRemove Gravity AddsRemove Gravity LogoRemove Hourly AnnonceRemove Serial DisplayRestore Login WindowShared Body PalettesShared Head PalettesSkip Licence ScreenSkip Ressurection ButtonTranslate Client in EnglishUse Custom Aura SpritesUse Normal Guild BracketsUse Plain Text DescriptionsUse Ragnarok IconUse SSO login packet for all LangtypeMissing (todo) :Disable Multplie Windows 


    RO Cred has this



    ; Provides miscellaneous client information to the server as part of; the password/hash data. The password/hash is provided as 'key'.; Bitmask:;	   &1: Hardware address of the network adapter (mac).;		   Internet-bound adapters are searched first, otherwise;		   the first available is picked. If the MAC address cannot;		   be retrieved, '000000000000' is passed.; Note: The user receives an agreement prompt the first time they;	   provide the data to the server.; Note: The server must be modified to support the data format.;	   Example: mac=112233445566&key=mypwd123; Note: Password is always the last key-value pair and is not;	   urlencoded.MiscInfo=0

    Isee! Its working now. Thanks for the info :)

    So, If I don't use any 3rd party tools (Rolex,ro cred etc.), is there no chance for last mac to work?

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