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Posts posted by kyeme



    By Ryuuzaki



    Since the original thread got into "rejected", I decided to put it here for those who want to apply this! on hercules behalf! no rep needed :P



    NOTE, do backups of your src folder AND your login mysql database.


    1. Download the file I attached.

    2. Place mac_check.patch into your hercules folder and apply the patch via GIT (or add it manually if you got problem with GIT).

    3. Recompile the server, do NOT start the server yet!

    4. Open your mysql tool (or phpMyAdmin) and select your ragnarok (server) database.

    5. Copy the below text into the query window


    ALTER TABLE `login` ADD COLUMN `last_mac` VARCHAR(18) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''  AFTER `pincode_change` ; 


    6. Click run / apply to add the new last_mac to your login database.


    You are set serverwise!!


    What do you need to send the mac?


    1. Your client must have the "SSO login" enabled. (i suggest R.O.L.e.X http://herc.ws/b...opic/930-rolex/ as the login system of your choice)

    2. That's all.

    3. Enjoy!






    Thanks :)


    rentitem2 -> http://rathena.org/board/topic/90918-emistrys-rentitem2-be-added-to-svn/?p=243967


    equip2 -> http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=278129


    add all 3 of them !

    ~and the "successremovecards" command must not be enabled when the card is on the rented item(s) to avoid cheating or abusement of the said NPC. :)

    you also need getequipexpiretick ?


    Yes, exactly :D <3

  3. Old Revision (rAthena time ~ March 2013) I dont know what the exact date = No Asura - Body Reloc Crash

    Latest Hercules = Asura - Body Reloc Crashed

    Tested on 2010-07-30ragexeRE with RWC2012 MVP Hat (item ID: 18729) PKJuoGY.jpg


    Im unable to test the 2013 client in OLD Server because its not supported..


    ~So the issue here thats why I created the topic because I found out that the Asura-BodyReloc was not an error on the OLD Server.


    @Rytech, Blue Poring Bubble (18844) , Pink Angeling Bubble (18858) I forgot the others..

  4. Have you experienced this kind of problem? Here's how to reproduce the Body Relocation Error:
    1. Equip items like RWC2012 MVP Hat (item ID: 18729)
    2. Asura Strike a monster.
    3. Don't move, then use Call Spirit Skill or Dangerous Soul Collect.
    4. Use Body Reloc to any location.
    Voila! Client Crashed!
    Im using 2013-08-07 ragexe
    Am I the only whose experiencing this problem? Help please~

  5. Hello~ I would like to suggest this to be implemented it here in Hercules. 
    *rentitem2 <item id>,<time>, <identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>;*rentitem2 "<item name>",<time>, <identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>;


    ~and the "successremovecards" command must not be enabled when the card is on the rented item(s) to avoid cheating or abusement of the said NPC. :)


    On official settings, Zen + Vigor + Zen is already spammable but here in Hercules, we can't remove the delay of the said skills (by default). Others said its client side issue..

    I'll make a bug report regarding this. :)

    i got it now sir.. it is spammable now.. but the thing is i need to bypass the reused of asura after one to another.. so it will look like the champion is on fire ( or using rpe but its so cool :D ) only for high ratess / super high rates with high lvl :D

    How did you do that?




    That's a good idea, and it wouldn't be difficult to implement either. I've changed the names of those config options.
    Open src/map/battle.c and find:

    { "case_sensitive_aegisnames",          &battle_config.case_sensitive_aegisnames,       1,      0,      1,              },
    Add below:
    { "guild_castle_invite",				&battle_config.guild_castle_invite,				0,		0,		1,				},{ "guild_castle_expulsion",				&battle_config.guild_castle_expulsion,			0,		0,		1,				},
    Open src/map/battle.h and find:
    int case_sensitive_aegisnames;
    Add below:
    	int guild_castle_invite;	int guild_castle_expulsion;
    Finally open src/map/guild.c and find (@guild_invite):
     	if( tsd->status.guild_id > 0 	 || tsd->guild_invite > 0	 || ((map->agit_flag || map->agit2_flag) && map->list[tsd->bl.m].flag.gvg_castle)
    Replace it with:
     	if( tsd->status.guild_id > 0 	 || tsd->guild_invite > 0	 || ((map->agit_flag || map->agit2_flag)		&& map->list[tsd->bl.m].flag.gvg_castle		&& !battle_config.guild_castle_invite)
    Find (@guild_leave):
     	if( sd->status.account_id != account_id 	 || sd->status.char_id != char_id 	 || sd->status.guild_id != guild_id	 || ((map->agit_flag || map->agit2_flag) && map->list[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg_castle)
    Replace it with:
     	if( sd->status.account_id != account_id 	 || sd->status.char_id != char_id 	 || sd->status.guild_id != guild_id	 // Can't leave inside castles	 || ((map->agit_flag || map->agit2_flag)			&& map->list[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg_castle			&& !battle_config.guild_castle_expulsion)
    Find (@guild_expulsion):
     	if ((tsd = map->id2sd(account_id)) 	 && tsd->status.char_id == char_id	 && ((map->agit_flag || map->agit2_flag) && map->list[tsd->bl.m].flag.gvg_castle)
    Replace it with:
     	if ((tsd = map->id2sd(account_id)) 	 && tsd->status.char_id == char_id	 && ((map->agit_flag || map->agit2_flag)			&& map->list[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg_castle			&& !battle_config.guild_castle_expulsion)
    In your conf/battle/guild.conf add:
    // Can guild members invite/expel members inside guild castles in WoE/GvG? (Note 1)// default noguild_castle_invite: noguild_castle_expulsion: no




    Please add to the main repo. Thanks <3

  8. I am using PRE-RENEWAL.

    I've noticed that after i switched from rathena to the latest hercules revision Sonic Blow Damage has been reduced. it really weakened its damage. even a non equipped enemy cannot be killed by sonic blow. Is this really part of Hercules update? if it is, can anyone help me to bring back the old damage of sonic blow?



    My players also complaining that they cannot do the tag weapon anymore. for example, you cast a sonic blow using a infiltrator then suddenly switch into a status weapon like quadruple stormy knight card, enemy will take the damage from infiltrator and still get frozen. but in updated hercules status weapon switch does'nt work anymore. it also works in asura, Finger offensive and some other skills. Can you also help me bring back the tag weapon?


    Please help me with these. My players are complaining couple of days now.

    Thanks in advance!

    Hi! Fixed in https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/ac45ebca3e9537eca665ba042412ddc1e65e9f73


    ...and the GD_LEADERSHIP will not work even if you are beside the Guild Master.

    I believe this would belongs to disabled_skills:

    The Passive Skills like GD_LEADERSHIP is not working in "disabled_skills"


    interesting...I wonder, would it be the same result if instead of a removed_status column we instead checked what status are inflicted by a skill and then cancel these on warp? e.g. MG_ENERGYCOAT is blocked in prontera, so if you warp in prontera with SC_ENERGYCOAT it cancels it -- item-inflicted status would still the proposed column however since there is current way to tell what status a disabled_item inflicts

    In my opinion, Its not applicable to set the disabled_skill as removed_status, because it will affect the Official behaviour like the skill Assumptio.
    Official: Its not possible to use or cast HP_ASSUMPTIO in the castle but the SC_ASSUMPTIO is possible while you're still in the castle.

  10. Hi, I'd like to add the suggestion:

    @who commands where in when you use it, you can view the all players online and the players @at vendor
    Name: kyeme (admin) | Party: 'HELLO' | Autotrade......11 Players found. (10 Players and 1 Autotrade)


    and script commands:


    getusers(<type>)	0 - Count of all characters on the map of the invoking character.	1 - Count of all characters in the entire server.	8 - Count of all characters on the map of the NPC the script is		running in.	? - Count of all vendors (@at) in the entire server. 

    Thanks :D

  11. Suggestion regarding map zone debuff flag.
    This is to remove the EFFECT inside of a map that have Zone Flag.
    Example: When you enter the map, the Energy Coat Buff (like SC_END SC_ENERGYCOAT) will be removed, and the GD_LEADERSHIP will not work even if you are beside the Guild Master.
    	removed_status: {		MG_ENERGYCOAT: true		HP_ASSUMPTIO: true		GD_GLORYGUILD: true		GD_LEADERSHIP: true		GD_GLORYWOUNDS: true		GD_SOULCOLD: true		GD_HAWKEYES: true	}


    Thanks :D

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