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Posts posted by kyeme

  1. 1.


     136,-1,8,1,-1,0,0,10,-8,no,0,0,0,weapon,0, AS_SONICBLOW,Sonic Blow

      change to

     136,-1,8,1,-1,0,0,10,8,no,0,0,0,weapon,0, AS_SONICBLOW,Sonic Blow



      maybe  the weapon switching behavior was not allow in official ,so hercules fix that bug :)

    Hi, is this the fix for Sonic Blow bug?

  2. I am using PRE-RENEWAL.

    I've noticed that after i switched from rathena to the latest hercules revision Sonic Blow Damage has been reduced. it really weakened its damage. even a non equipped enemy cannot be killed by sonic blow. Is this really part of Hercules update? if it is, can anyone help me to bring back the old damage of sonic blow?



    My players also complaining that they cannot do the tag weapon anymore. for example, you cast a sonic blow using a infiltrator then suddenly switch into a status weapon like quadruple stormy knight card, enemy will take the damage from infiltrator and still get frozen. but in updated hercules status weapon switch does'nt work anymore. it also works in asura, Finger offensive and some other skills. Can you also help me bring back the tag weapon?


    Please help me with these. My players are complaining couple of days now.

    Thanks in advance!


    Sonic Blow Bug:



    Weapon Switch (Working as intended)



    if its pre its a bug but its re its working as intended...




    Any solution on how to solve for pre-re? 


    Do you mean that you didn't see your MATK go up whenever you use Amplify Magic on your ALT+Q? For pre-renewal setting, base on my experience as a High Wizard @official server, you can't really see the changes on ALT+Q when you use Amplify Magic skill.

  4. *mapannounce "<map name>","<text>",<flag>{,<fontColor>{,<fontType>{,<fontSize>{,<fontAlign>{,<fontY>}}}}}};This command will work like 'announce' but will only broadcast to characters currently residing on the specified map. The flag and optional parameters parameters are the same as in 'announce', but target and source flags are ignored.


    mapannounce "bat_a01", "Group [1] has taken the work shop, and will now respawn there.",bc_map,"0xFFCE00"; 



    Or use strcharinfo(3)

    3 - The name of the map the character is in.

    mapannounce ""+strcharinfo(3)+"", "Group [1] has taken the work shop, and will now respawn there.",bc_map,"0xFFCE00";

  5. prontera,151,188,5    script    Soul Linker    719,{    mes "^0000FF[ "+strnpcinfo(1)+" ]^000000";    mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+"";    mes "Do you want me to Soul Link you?";    next;    switch(select("Yes:No")) {    case 1:        if(Zeny < .Zeny) || (Class < 7)  {                mes "^0000FF[ "+strnpcinfo(1)+" ]^000000";            mes "First jobs aren't allowed to use my service. or";            mes "You need "+.Zeny+" Zeny for a Soul Link.";            close;        }        set .@basejob$,strtoupper(jobname(BaseJob));        if (jobname(BaseJob) == "Super Novice") set .@basejob$,"SUPERNOVICE";        if (jobname(BaseJob) == "Star Gladiator") set .@basejob$,"STAR";        if (jobname(BaseJob) == "Soul Linker") set .@basejob$,"SOULLINKER";        if (jobname(BaseJob) == "Assassin") set .@basejob$,"ASSASIN";        if (jobname(BaseJob) == "Bard" || jobname(BaseJob) == "Dancer" ) set .@basejob$,"BARDDANCER";        npcskill "SL_"+.@basejob$+"",5,99,99;        set Zeny,Zeny - .Zeny;        close;    case 2:        mes "^0000FF[ "+strnpcinfo(1)+" ]^000000";        mes "Okay,goodbye!";        close;    }OnInit:    set .Zeny,100; //Amount of zeny here    end;} // --------------------------------------------------//    Duplicates:// --------------------------------------------------geffen,124,69,4    duplicate(Soul Linker)    Soul Linker#geffen    719 

  6. do you know how to make edp works on grimtooth?


    In src/map/battle.c

    Find #ifndef RENEWAL_EDP

    Comment the case AS_GRIMTOOTH: with //


    #ifndef RENEWAL_EDP            if( sc->data[SC_EDP] ){                switch(skill_id){                    case AS_SPLASHER:                    //case AS_GRIMTOOTH:                    case ASC_BREAKER:                    case AS_VENOMKNIFE:                    case ASC_METEORASSAULT: break;                    default:                        ATK_ADDRATE(sc->data[SC_EDP]->val3);                }            }
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