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Found 40 results

  1. Hello all, I am running a LAN Private Server for my wife & I to play on a Raspberry Pi 3b+. I wanted to install a new script, YProject, which contains new maps. The steps I took, so I am not sure if I am missing anything: The NPC doesn't auto load, but I am sure this is because I do not have it set to start up, which I am sure I can figure out. However, when I load it and try to use the NPC to warp to the special maps that the person designed, I get the following & the client hangs: I appreciate any help! Thank you
  2. Is there anyone here who can help me on how to add new custom item? Can you Team viewer me or help me pleasee. I have the sprite of runes of power and i want to add it on my server
  3. Como faço pra meu cliente ler a act/spr do monstro custom, ex: nas scripts da luafile/datainfo, amostra as scripts e os id dos monstros, mas eu quero por um monstro com act/spr, já esta na minha pasta data a act/spr, só nn sei como faço pra script ler a act/spr custom
  4. Hii! This is a map I finished back in May, after months of working on it. It's also the very first map that I've made. As the title says, it's based on the Hakurei Shrine from Touhou! Although with some variations to make it even more explorable! It has several custom retextured objects, as well as many places to explore! Specially thought for romantic or relaxing purposes ^^ It has a touristic area, an Onsen or Thermal Open Bath, and much more! (As you can see in the previews. Previews ☆○o 。Ver 1.5 。o○☆ The map is currently in Ver. 1.5. It has had several fixes and improvements since it was first showcased in Rathena, such as some wrong shadows and objects positions fixed. Also, now it has ground colouring, so certain parts now look better: Any comment is appreciated, thank you! x3 [SOLVED] Known issues: For some reason, if you have certain NVidia Graphic Cards, using "Direct3D" option in the setup can cause glitched graphics on the map. This is a known issue in certian maps, but to fix it you can do the following:
  5. Hello, I added some custom quests and they were ok, but the sprites and the count(how many monster or item left) didnt work. I added by following some topics here but they were very old so Im not sure if its rigth. I did it by modifying these files: - quest_db.conf: { Id: 20017 Name: "Treinamento Inicial" }, - questid2display.txt: 20017#Treinamento Inicial#SG_FEEL#QUE_NOIMAGE# Prove que voce e capaz de ser treinado por mim, mate 10 Esporos e volte para falar comigo!# Mate 10 Esporos.# - ep_141quest_list.lub (data\luafiles514\lua files\quest): { name =[[Treinamento Inicial]], scrfilename = [[epsoid141Quest]], questID = 20017, }, - epsoid141_list.lub (data\luafiles514\lua files\quest\questinfo): [20017] = { NPCToName = "Tayen", NPCToMap = "payon", NPCToSpr = "F_ORIENT_03", NPCToX = 166, NPCToY = 101, NPCFromName = "Tayen", NPCFromMap = "payon", NPCFromSpr = "F_ORIENT_03", NPCFromX = 166, NPCFromY = 101, Item = "", PrizeItem = "", Title = "Treinamento Inicial", Info = "Prove que voc??capaz de ser treinado por mim, mate 10 Esporos e volte para falar comigo!", Hunt1 = "< link = \"ESPORO\">Esporo<\\end> x 10 ", Hunt2 = "", Hunt3 = "", Time = "0", LV = "0", }, Here is the result: (missing sprite and the count of how many esporos I need to kill) https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qvZjAaEsSQA/W25wj6qtcQI/AAAAAAAAlAU/Aniv9kZUvPoo94JXoi8R2c6kjQRynwG8QCLcBGAs/s1600/sprite.png Did I do it rigth? Is it missing any file? How can I add the sprites? Thanks
  6. Hello guys, i'm making a custom hp bar system for mob units. The command show the HP of the mob for all players in the map. I am using the cutin command, the problem is that I do not think so many files are necessary. In the case 1 image for each percentage of hp I would like your opnion and help to improve this system and make it lighter. Test yourselves :). HP Bar System: payon,147,229,4 script Test#HPbar 1_F_MARIA,{ if (.HP_Bar == 0) { .HP_Bar = 1; .mobGID = monster ("payon",148,226,"[T] HP Test",POPORING,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDie"); setunitdata .mobGID,UDT_MAXHP,4000; setunitdata .mobGID,UDT_HP,4000; .@count = getunits(BL_PC, .@units, false, "payon"); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@count; .@i++) addtimer(0,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnHPBar", .@units[.@i]); } end; OnDie: .HP_Bar = 0; end; OnHPBar: .U_MAXHP = getunitdata (.mobGID,UDT_MAXHP); while (.HP_Bar != 0) { .U_HP = getunitdata (.mobGID,UDT_HP); .P_HP = (.U_HP*100)/.U_MAXHP; cutin(""+.P_HP+"", 1); sleep2 100; } cutin("0", 1); sleep2 5000; //Delay to hide HP Bar cutin("", 255); end; } Donwload of the data folder files: HP Bar System (2018-06-26).rar
  7. Criei um item que dá uma classe custom com todas as skills do jogo ( não coloquei allskill e nem criei uma nova skill tree , mas sim , coloquei skill uma por uma no script hehe), como essa classe é vip , eu queria colocar ela sem restrição de skill use como no permissions skill_unconditional: true, mas queria apenas para o char que estivesse usando o item e não para a acc toda. Tentei até o: Nouse: { skill_unconditional: true } Alguém saberia como fazer isso? Agradeço... hahaha xD
  8. Sup Herc PPL, I know it's a delicated topic and usually not given much attention due to the fact that it is custom stuff development but.... ;o So, i'm messing arround with custom skill and the client power to handle them and found out that from skill id 3036 foward, it does handle it pretty well, so i changed the index formula to. //[Ind/Hercules] GO GO GO LESS! - http://herc.ws/board/topic/512-skill-id-processing-overhaul/ else if( skill_id > 1019 && skill_id < 8001 ) { if( skill_id < 2058 ) // 1020 - 2000 are empty skill_id = 1020 + skill_id - 2001; else if( skill_id < 2549 ) // 2058 - 2200 are empty - 1020+57 skill_id = (1077) + skill_id - 2201; //else if ( skill_id < 3036 ) // 2549 - 3000 are empty - 1020+57+348 else if ( skill_id < 3436 ) // 2549 - 3000 are empty - 1020+57+348 skill_id = (1425) + skill_id - 3001; else if ( skill_id < 5044 ) // 3436 - 5000 are empty - 1020+57+348+435 //skill_id = (1460) + skill_id - 5001; skill_id = (1860) + skill_id - 5001; else ShowWarning("skill_get_index: skill id '%d' is not being handled!\n",skill_id); }So in the end i would have 400 skill ids to play with... It did work on last year's revision, but not in this year's. Look's like only changing //#define MAX_SKILL 1510 #define MAX_SKILL 1910 Is printing out "[Error]: chrif_authok: Data size mismatch!" Any thoughts on what could be the problem here? This may also create an option for people trying to create custom skills and are not happy on being locked to skills id gaps all arround. x_X ;]
  9. I'm currently working on a Sword Art Online project and figured it would be cool to hear some feedback on this new map i just finished. Its is a central town on the anime and also in the server, so a lot of things will be going on there. ;D Made a video introduction to the town and its squares. And also a bit of the visual effects modifications of the server on the video.(like sao like HP bar) Video:
  10. i have added the .spr and .act in the npc folder on my grf, then i edited jobentity.lub JT_4_F_GENEROSITYWORKDONE = 10500, jobname.lub [jobtbl.JT_4_F_GENEROSITYWORKDONE] = "4_F_GENEROSITYWORKDONE", and npc.identity.lub JT_4_F_GENEROSITYWORKDONE = 10500, ive added it in const.txt 4_F_GENEROSITYWORKDONE 10500 but when i try to load it in game , it dosent show. Any steps im missing? also ive edited max npc in server side to 30000
  11. Hi guys , thanks for coming i need ur help , i have done editing custom headgear upper and lower with no more error . but when i using that custome , nothing appears in my display what should i do ? see attatch Please Help mee already fixed
  12. File Name: raPalooza's Cursor File Submitter: raPalooza~ File Submitted: 24 May 2016 File Category: Sprites & Palettes This is a cursor modification I made for ragnarok, following the thoughts and feeling of my past works, I've created this with the intention of innovating the feeling of the game without letting the design break the game visual with a big gap in style. Some pieces are made from other mmos such as maplestory for example ( and some others I cant remember right now ) I've got some files backed up and lost others due to lost data on my old computer(it's an old project) so it's a little hard to deal modifications from the feedback, but i'll do my best. A lot of people came asking for this cursor over PM and Posts, glad you guys asked for it, otherwise I would let this project on the shelf, enjoy guys ;] RAN OUT OF IDEAS FOR THE NAME! cYA Click here to download this file
  13. Version 1.0


    This is a cursor modification I made for ragnarok, following the thoughts and feeling of my past works, I've created this with the intention of innovating the feeling of the game without letting the design break the game visual with a big gap in style. Some pieces are made from other mmos such as maplestory for example ( and some others I cant remember right now ) I've got some files backed up and lost others due to lost data on my old computer(it's an old project) so it's a little hard to deal modifications from the feedback, but i'll do my best. A lot of people came asking for this cursor over PM and Posts, glad you guys asked for it, otherwise I would let this project on the shelf, enjoy guys ;] RAN OUT OF IDEAS FOR THE NAME! cYA
  14. File Name: Savior Damage Font File Submitter: raPalooza~ File Submitted: 24 May 2016 File Category: Sprites & Palettes SaviorDamageFONT modification I've been trying hard to create content that bring a fresh new look to our old and loved Ragnarok Online. After lot's of failures(like my old font upload '^^) I end up with this design, that was actually based on the game Tree of Savior.( btw a very good game ) It comes with some other little things like a better resolution sprite to the critical hit background, as it was kinda glitchy with the new font. I know it is all experimental and yes, I still love the old pixelated font of RO but feel free to use it in your server, i'm getting used to it and it's giving me a feeling of nostalgia(as seeing something new things on old stuffs) ;D Hope to hear some feedback to improve it as much as I can. cYA link: MEGAlink Click here to download this file
  15. Version 1.0


    SaviorDamageFONT modification I've been trying hard to create content that bring a fresh new look to our old and loved Ragnarok Online. After lot's of failures(like my old font upload '^^) I end up with this design, that was actually based on the game Tree of Savior.( btw a very good game ) It comes with some other little things like a better resolution sprite to the critical hit background, as it was kinda glitchy with the new font. I know it is all experimental and yes, I still love the old pixelated font of RO but feel free to use it in your server, i'm getting used to it and it's giving me a feeling of nostalgia(as seeing something new things on old stuffs) ;D Hope to hear some feedback to improve it as much as I can. cYA link: MEGAlink
  16. Hey there.. I want to learn Spriting and create Custom mob Sprite. I'm a starter on this and I'm not sure where do I start. Can you guide me on the things that I need like what Guide Tutorial or recommended Softwares should I use in creating or modifying .SPR & .ACT files? Thanks a lot. I hope I can contribute something here.
  17. Hello, based on topic title. I'm using nemo patcher. I try to use the Custom Aura Limits and getting error upon login. May I know why this happen ? My server running 255, currently my aura is level 99. I want to display aura on level 255. Besides that, someone can explain what is this ? C:\Users\Client\NEMO-master\Input\auraSpec.txt ############################################################################## # # Format # --------- # <jobid ranges>: # <level_l>-<level_h> => index, # # jobid ranges is a comma seperated list of id ranges and/or single ids. # ############################################################################# 0-30,4001-4052,4114-4119,4121-4126,4128,4130,4131,4133-4139,4141,4142,4144-4147,4149,4150,4152-4172,4181,4183-4196,4199,4200,4203,4204,4207,4210-4217: 99-255 => 1, 4053-4113,4120,4127,4129,4132,4133,4140,4143,4148,4151,4173-4180,4182,4197,4198,4201,4202,4205,4206,4208,4209: 99-149 => 1, 150-159 => 2, 160-255 => 3, Should I modified it or not ? Hope someone will help me. Thanks you.
  18. HeRO ~ A Heroic Experience of Ragnarok Main Page Forum Control Panel to register an account Download Links Pre-Renewal Base Exp - 5x Job Exp - 5x Drop Rates - 3x Quest Exp - 5x Regular pre-renewal Max levels (99/70 for trans, 99/50 for 2-1 and 2-2) Homunculus Intimacy - 2x Max Attack Speed - 190 Instant Cast - 150 DEX Resetter - Free until Lv. 40 Healer - Free until Lv. 50 Max Party Limit - 18 Extra 50% Exp per party member when in share Custom Headgears, Haircuts (100+), Hair Colors (10+) and Dyes (150+), Town & Dungeon Warper (Dungeon warps are to outside the entrance, or to the first floor. Players must visit the locations to unlock the warp. Unlocking towns is free.) Multiple Public or Private DB/BB Rooms Various PVP Rooms 5 Churches (Prontera, Lutie, Hugel, Rachel Sanctuary, Glast Heim Abbey) Same-sex Wedding supported Balanced Customs: No overpowered items. We take care to balance our customs, be it monsters or gears. Super Stable: HeRO has been up for 10 years, with no wipes ever. Nice, active staff and support ticket system always available! Wednesday Vanilla WoE - 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM (EST GMT-5) Sunday Vanilla WoE - Sunday 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (EST GMT-5) Sunday Retro WoE (Only non-trans classes allowed) - Sunday 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM (EST GMT-5) Commands: @rates, @autotrade, @exp, @me, @partyoption, @iteminfo, @ii, @help, @homtalk, @noask, @pettalk, @breakguild, @join, @@Main, @@whosell, @ws, @reject, @autoloottype, @alootid, @@who, @@who2, @changeleader, @time, @uptime, @channel, @showexp, @showdelay, @accept, @whereis, @@whodrops, @leave, @hominfo, @invite, @commands, @jailtime, @autoloot, @font, @homstats, @duel, @mobinfo, @mi Light vs Dark system: There is ongoing war and conflict between the followers of the light and the forces of darkness. The Light Allegiance is lead by Lady Thea, while the Dark Allegiance is Lead by Sir Melot. You can swear your allegiance to either of them and by completing certain quests, you'll earn allegiance points and unique gears. The Chronicle of The Heroes: The server's storyline! Watch as it unfolds with you as the characters! The Trial of Heroes: A monthly event where heroes gather to participate in a variety of trials: Monster Fighting, Item-Hunting, PVP, and Trivia. In the end, Light and Dark Allegiances clash in a mass battle. Those who obtain a certain score receive special rewards. Mission Board System: With this fully automated system, you can post the item you want and how much you're paying, and other players can hunt the item for you! Fishing System: By fishing, you can obtain bass, trout, salmon, etc, which heal HP/SP. Sometimes, you can even fish out other items. You You can earn points for fishing, as well as play a mini-game for items. Mining System: Mine for useful rocks and ores! You can obtain Oridecon, Elunium, and Lv 4 Weapon stones, among many others. You can earn points for mining, as well as play a mini-game for items. Nobility: The Kingdom of Rune-Midgard is running low on funds, and King Ernst is willing to grant noble titles on heroes who bring him gold. Nobles are rewarded with a special mid-headgear gem that boost a stat of their choosing. They also receive monthly rewards from the King. Orphanage System: Create a baby class without the need to be adopted! Seasonal content: We have many custom seasonal quests and different looks for Prontera and other parts of Midgard, depending on the season. Custom Dungeons: We have various custom dungeons such as Thanatos' Basement, Fairy Paradise, Warzone and True Poring Island, among others! Modified Renewal Locations: We have some renewal areas that are rebalanced to fit pre-renewal, such as Manuk Field, Splendide Fields, Scaraba Hole, and more!! Custom Monsters: HeRO is home to several unique monsters such as: Snow Bunny, Eralia, Autumn Leafcat, Selkie and Eye of Surtur. We also have many poring-types, like Sapling, Pandaring, Teddyring, Nekoring, Whispering and God Poring. In addition, we also have awesome custom MVPs, like Skoll, Surtur, Midnight Jack, Levia Lusca, Orcus, and many more! Custom Quests: There are countless quests to keep heroes busy and entertained. Sisterly Affection, Zodiac Gate, Wandering Spirit, Thanatos Party Quest, Guild Quest, Monthly Monster Extermination, Homunculus Quest and much more! Pets: HeRO has several custom pets, such as Teddy Bear, Siroma, Galapago, Aliot, Mavka, Violy. They drop their own tame and usually, their food as well. Light/Dark pets, such as Angeling, Deviling, Retribution and Observation, can be obtained via Allegiance Quests. Headgears: We have many custom headgears! They can be obtained from monsters, quests, events, vote for points or Mr. Hatter! Donations: Our donations are balanced. No over-powered items are obtained through donation. They are mostly chance items or items already available in game (OPB, Hat Voucher, Rough Enriched Ore, Allegiance Token) or GM Services (which can also be voted for) used to change name, gender or transfer locked items. GM Hosted Events: GMs host many different events, such as Monster Invasion, Hide & Seek, Trivia, PVP for Items, Flower Maze, and many more! Automated Events: In addition to GM-hosted events, if you have an Event Bag, you can start an automated event and have fun! There's different events, such as Poring Smash, Fabre Tame, Zombie Run, etc. Community: HeRO has the nicest people around, always answering questions on #main chat and willing to help newcomers get started. What are you waiting for? Join us and become a hero!
  19. File Name: Smooth Shadow File Submitter: raPalooza~ File Submitted: 13 Oct 2015 File Category: Sprites & Palettes SmoothShadow By raPalooza Version 2.0 - This new version of SmoothShadow I tried to recreate the smooth shadow seen in Tree of Savior, so I used the .tga format to draw the shadow of monster and characters. The result I got was amazing, it gave ragnarok a fresh look! Try it out! ps;not sure if with huge mob density the client suffers. Click here to download this file
  20. Version 2.0


    SmoothShadow By raPalooza Version 2.0 - This new version of SmoothShadow I tried to recreate the smooth shadow seen in Tree of Savior, so I used the .tga format to draw the shadow of monster and characters. The result I got was amazing, it gave ragnarok a fresh look! Try it out! ps;not sure if with huge mob density the client suffers.
  21. I'm looking to start a new long term programming project, and I would like some assistance on where to start. What I want to know how to do is to add more exp systems into the game. There is currently are base exp and job exp systems, I would like to add in a player exp system. I would post a wall about what the details of this system are but the I would like help with the mechanics more than a discussion about the uses. When a player kills a monster, the player gains base and job exp. What I would like to add is that when a character kills a monster, the character gains exp in a separate variable for the other characters around. Example: Party of 3 novices named A, B, and C kill a poring. Each novice gains 1 base and 1 job exp. Novice A gains 1 "character B" exp and 1 "character C" exp Novice B gains 1 "character A" exp and 1 "character C" exp​ Novice C gains 1 "character A" exp and 1 "character B" exp​ "character *" exp won't be used for base or job exp in any way. Completely independent, their effects will be handled with their own set of mechanics. I understand that this could result in up to (N^2 - N) new exp bars for the server to track (N being the number of characters), but storage capacity isn't an issue, for me at least.
  22. Hello all, I am in need of a refine which can be configured with a certain item and percentage. Like where you can set the required item id along with the percentage of refining chance it will increase. let say i set magic stone with 20% chance in increase of refining rate. something like that. Please help me out
  23. File Name: Modern DamageFont File Submitter: raPalooza~ File Submitted: 19 Aug 2015 File Category: Sprites & Palettes Modern DamageFont The ugliness of the original ragnarok font cannot be described...(screen shot for comparison) And after years of playing and messing with ragnarok, i havent seen a single sprite edit of the damage font... So here it is!!! By modificating the resolution of the damage sprite and sizing it down in the act file, we are able to get better resolution ;OO and with that work on detailed effects on the ragnarok font Feel free to use the modification. Hope to inspire more damage modifications! *It goes very well with my last two uploads, I know it has been a while since I show up, so.... **Try it out it look Beautiful! raPzLight Skin Renewal 1.0 Category: Other Graphics Last Updated Jul 14 2014 02:57 AM Modern Prontera [ Free Clean Map ] 1.0 Category: Maps & Textures Last Updated Jul 12 2014 12:15 PM Click here to download this file
  24. Version 1.0


    Modern DamageFont The ugliness of the original ragnarok font cannot be described...(screen shot for comparison) And after years of playing and messing with ragnarok, i havent seen a single sprite edit of the damage font... So here it is!!! By modificating the resolution of the damage sprite and sizing it down in the act file, we are able to get better resolution ;OO and with that work on detailed effects on the ragnarok font Feel free to use the modification. Hope to inspire more damage modifications! *It goes very well with my last two uploads, I know it has been a while since I show up, so.... **Try it out it look Beautiful! http://herc.ws/testboard/files/file/148-%7B%3F%7D/ http://herc.ws/testboard/files/file/142-%7B%3F%7D/
  25. I tried to create a skill which mimics an effect like bragi where the wierd symbols/letters follow the character as they walk, and who ever enters the area gets damaged. I know I setup everything correctly but I encountered a problem, while the skill area that damages everyone who enters follow my character, the visual effect stays on the ground where I first casted it as shown in this vid. And also the skill does not seem to end at the set amount of time limit either, here are the important skill information: skill_db.txt 1026,0,6,4,-1,0x41,0,1,1,no,0,0,0,weapon,0, CS_GRUESOME_ZONE,Gruesome Zone skill_cast_db.txt //-- CS_GRUESOME_ZONE1026,0,3000,3000,10000,0,0,0 skill_unit_db.txt 1026,0xa3, , -1, 0, 500,enemy, 0x000 //CS_GRUESOME_ZONE map.c at map_moveblock if (sc->data[SC_GRUESOME_ZONE]){ skill->unit_move_unit_group(skill->id2group(sc->data[SC_GRUESOME_ZONE]->val4), bl->m, x1-x0, y1-y0); }
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