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Found 93 results

  1. Hi! First of all, sorry for my english. I have some questions that I couldn't resolve it. I hope that you can help me because I'm newbie with this. The first question and the most important for me. I don't know what is it (something about the quest?), but how can I remove it or translate it? (I attached an image). I guess if something about the data folder. The second is, I can't see the correct names and the icons in the shops (attached an image). And the last one: How I can remove the icons that show up over the npcs? Thanks so much! EDIT: I attached another image when I open the shop.
  2. Ive updated the packet version in hercules to match the date of whatever kRO installation im using. The crash always happens when I click to create a character. Ive tried tons of combinations of patches and clients and its the same result. As lots of these guides are so outdated, is it even possible to get the version hecules is last updated for ( 20221019 ) according to github. Nemo site doesnt have this version but ive tried various combos from there. Ive even made sure to have the dll file that the guard thing needs when disabled. The errors are stakc traces so i dont assume they are any help in figuring it out. My thoughts is there is missing things in the grf data file, which doesnt make sense because the only thing ive addedd to it is clientinfo. Ive tried so many different kRO installs that I am very sad. Any suggestions since most this information is very old and so many links are dead?
  3. Hello! Does anyone have these files, my client always has this error when creating an summoner. I can't find these files, I've checked on several clients.
  4. We currently have a rAthena server and we are planning to migrate to Hercules. We need the following: Client side modifications/Client SRC/Script/Plugin developer Proxy/Server Setup Database Migration from rAthena to Hercules. PM me or message here for your pricing and expertise.
  5. Bom dia, pessoal! Eu sou novo nesse "lance" de criar servidores de Ragnarok, e estou com algumas duvidas. 1 - Por que existem lua/lub files dentro da pasta data, e também dentro da pasta System? 2 - Qual a diferença da pasta luafiles e luafiles 514? 3 - Mesmo tendo arquivos lua/lub dentro da System e data, também existem dentro da grf. Tem necessidade disso mesmo? 4 - Por que existem diversos arquivos praticamente com o mesmo nome; exemplo_true.lua, exemplo_Sak.lua, exemplo_Sakray.lua, exemplo_Custom e etc? 5- Todos esses arquivos lua/lub poderiam estar todos centralizados apenas dentro de uma unica pasta? Estou fazendo essas perguntas porque eu quero fazer o meu próprio client-side, porém estou com muitas duvidas referente a esses tipos de arquivos espalhados e "poluindo" toda a estrutura. Baixei diversos servidores, e varias grf e as extrai para encontrar um padrão, mas não obtive exito no mesmo. Existe algum tutorial atualizado de como se criar do zero seu client-side? Quero fazer isso para criar uma base mais limpa e sem tantos arquivos desnecessários, e futuramente quando adquirido esse conhecimento fazer um tutorial detalhado para toda a comunidade. Desde já, muito obrigado!
  6. Hi all, Thank you for this awesome project and all related to this. Currently I'm trying to setup new server for my personal use with my friends. I almost completed the setup, from the server, client, translation project (thanks to people who has contributed to this project). But I can't made the mob in the navigation menu got translated like image attached. I created the with the navigation directory in LuaFiles514/Lua Files/navigation with lub files Navi_f_krsak navi_link_krsak navi_linkdistance_krsak navi_map_krsak navi_mob_krsak navi_npc_krsak navi_linkdistance_krsak navi_picknpc_krsak navi_scroll_krsak all those files I get from the translation project. PS: I'm using 20190530aRagexeRE patch Does anybody knows what did I do wrong here ? Thanks !
  7. Hi, Anyone has the same observation? Noticed that the height of input field is incorrect for character name in UI. (2019-01-16cRagexe to be exact) How to fix this?
  8. Having trouble making 2019 client to work. Saying that my connection is delayed like the issue encountered by one of the commentor of this post => I'm also using 2019-01-16cRagexe to be exact. I did: Patched gameguard disable Copy and paste the dll generated by nemo Comment RE packet in mmo.h But still no luck. Note: Everything's fine when using 2018 ragexe. And I just want to try barter shop if you're asking. Also I'm using latest commit.
  9. Been trying to make my own server work, however after tweaking it a bit, I now can't log-in due to these errors Would appreciate help so that I could play this wonderful game already Thanks in advanced
  10. Am I missing a translation somewhere? I know that one of these is related to the client, but not sure if both are. I am getting a unidentified quest for Endless Tower. Logout confirm box is not translated Login window is not translated Town names in the 'splash screen' are not translated Get a RED message upon selecting my character in the chat box. The NPC box in the back is not translated. I applied all updated translation files I could find, I am using 02-05-2020 client.
  11. Hello, have an issue for my client when right after character selection where it crash [suddenly shutdown]Can someone help me? Please enlighten me. 😓 Rathena2018-06-20eRagexeRE.exe [Using Nemo v2.6 23/09/2019 4114 ] KRO_20190818 Client Ai4rei KRO Patcher lite [Both kro ragnarok lite & kro renewal lite] Translation: ROenglishRE-master opensetup NEMO Setting @Bug fix(Recommended) cancel to Login Window(Recommended) disable 1rag1 type parameter (Recommended) disable Help Message on Login (Recommended) disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended) disable Ragexe Filename Check (Recommended)enable /showname enable /DNS support enable Multiple GRFs(Recommended) Fix Camera Angles(Recommended) Hide build info in client(Recommended) Hide packet from peek(Recommended) Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo.lub (Recommended) [Basically i rename into iteminfo.lua from iteminfo_sak.lub] Read mgstringtable.txt (Recommended) Remove Gravity Ad Remove Gravity Logo Remove Hourly Announce Remove Serial Display Restore Login Window Translate Client (Recommended) Use Ascii on All langtypes(Recommended) Use Normal Guild Brackets(Recommended) Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended) Translate Client Use Ragnarok Icon Always load KoreaExternalSetting lua file Option resolve that i have use include: Rebuild client with PACKETVER 2019-10-02dRageRE [Korean Setup problem triggered and keep spam]
  12. Hello, I'm trying to keep my client all in portuguese and I almost got it with ROExt. My problem is: When i choose on ROExt to character encoding to UTF-7, my itens looks like perfect with all latin accents but my client interface got messed like this picture: and when i change character enconding to UTF-8, my itens looks like this: I'm using Hercules last version with item_db.conf without changes in english, hexed 2014 03 05 and this diff options like: 53 Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended) Someone know why this is happening ? Thanks,
  13. I trying to write a script with non-English text. currently with Japanese. My script here. has save as with UTF-8 encode mes "あひひ start the event ?"; My clientinfo. used <langtype>2</langtype> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <desc>Ragnarok Client Information</desc> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <connection> <display>Ragnarok</display> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>55</version> <langtype>2</langtype> <registrationweb>www.ragnarok.com</registrationweb> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> <image>loading01.jpg</image> <image>loading02.jpg</image> <image>loading03.jpg</image> <image>loading04.jpg</image> <image>loading05.jpg</image> <image>loading06.jpg</image> </loading> </connection> </clientinfo> But when I start the client, the text display incorrect like this: Do I miss anything here? 😭 ** Update My client version it 2017-06-14bRagexeRE.exe
  14. 20180621a exe + Nemo 2019-04-22 Recommended patches + data folder first + ragnarok icon 9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended) 23 Enable /who command (Recommended) 24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended) 290 Hide build info in client (Recommended) 34 Enable /showname (Recommended) 291 Hide packets from peek (Recommended) 35 Read Data Folder First 36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended) 38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended) 39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended) 40 Restore Login Window (Recommended) 41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended) 44 Translate Client (Recommended) 46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended) 47 Use Ragnarok Icon 48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended) 49 Enable Multiple GRFs (Recommended) 53 Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended) 64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended) 65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended) 73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended) 84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended) 90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended) 97 Cancel to Login Window (Recommended) 213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended) 244 Disable Cheat Defender Game Guard (Recommended) Updated rdata + data If open skill tab - game crash
  15. I'm try download new hercules client (2018-12) for test but don't work this is my steps in windows 10 1º download and install phyton2 (version 3.7.2) 2º download two archives get2.exe and get2.py for test both methods 3º download refer hexed files 4º Try open archive, but the file no work check in screenshot: sorry my bad english
  16. I'm not sure if I'm right to post here, I hesitated a lot by fear of being reprimanded. But I'm convinced the project worths to be known and don't be lost in oblivion... So that's why I venture to post, so please forgive me if crowdfunding is not allowed. I try to be fair as much in this demarche. So, now let's explain the project : XPRO https://intro.vykimo.com/ I. PRINCIPLE Based on the project RoBrowser by KeyWorld (a RO client on web browser). XPRO is the project to update RoBrowser and to bring it into Mobile devices. XPRO goal is to fully support this following exe version (latest version supported by rAthena): 2018-06-20aRagexe. This project is very huge and it's currently the most advanced custom RO client ever made. And it has the main advantage to be cross platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android supported) and very lightweight (ressources can be downloaded only when needed by the game engine). II. MORE INFOS You can find more infos on progress on my personnal website : https://vykimo.com/ (menu : zerobrowser) Screen Example : Watch it live - Playthrough in Orc Dungeon : UPDATE 10/12/2019 BETA TEST : I made 3 days of "real condition" tests with a team of 3 advanced players. It was successfull, feedbacks were great and they only reported a few bugs in order to play "normally" on a RO server. What a good step ! In parallel, I talked with @Functor about possible Gepard Shield support in XPRO. But as you probably know, including Gepard Shield into Robrowser/AndRO opens a door in your server for bots. And we don't want to break his shield, so I'll work on my own encryption method. It'll be available later on... UPDATE 03/01/2020 iOS version is out ! For the first time ever, you'll be able to play Ragnarok on iPhone and iPad ! Infos will come asap, stay tuned
  17. Need Help i search and change many thing on the config of the emulador and keep getting error when login! can't pass to character selection! when i login i even see the login_log on login-server but that it! nothing else. above all configs! please need help! my client is the one here: 2018-06-20d_RagexeRE.exe My clientinfo.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <desc>Ragnarok Online Client Information</desc> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>sakray</servertype> <connection> <display>Local</display> <address>ipragnarok.myrag.com.br</address> <port>8040</port> <version>46</version> <langtype>0</langtype> <registrationweb></registrationweb> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> </loading> <yellow> <admin>2000000</admin> </yellow> </connection> </clientinfo> char-server_log.txt login-server_log.txt map-server_log.txt map-server.conf packet.conf subnet.conf char-server.conf client.conf inter-server.conf login-server.conf
  18. Oi, Estou com um servidor rodando só que está com o cliente na versão 2014-10-22 de hexed. Estou querendo atualizar para utilizar o "Item Option System" e para isso é necessário uma versão superior que 2015-02-26, conforme no tópico: Teriam como disponibilizar um hexed e uma pasta data compatíveis e de preferência qual RO utilizar para tal! Ou um passo-a-passo de como fazer a parte do Client-side mais atualizado pois não encontro mais nada sobre o assunto. Agradeço a colaboração.
  19. Bom dia galera, Primeiro post aqui na comunidade e já venho logo com dúvidas kkkk Vamos lá. Consegui fazer toda a parte do server side seguindo a Wiki (e que BELEZA de wiki heim?! Completinha!). Agora estou com uma dúvida em questão de qual data e hexed devo utilizar pro meu servidor Pre-Re. Podem me indicar alguma que seja legal na opinião e experiência de vocês? Muito obrigado seus lindos.
  20. Hi, after i select my character my client will sudden force close (no error prompt and no error on server side). client used: 2018-05-30 hercules version: latest already changed my PACKETVER and then recompiled. Thanks
  21. Hi guys, I got a server and now I am looking for a stable client that can be use on my server. Can you guys recommend me some client between 2017 and 2018 clients? Thanks a lot. PS: it's a Renewal server.
  22. Im using client 20180307, with translation of https://github.com/Asheraf/Translation I can login and i see almost everything ok except ... i cant see items, any item, i even try with normal knife weird thing i dont have problems with monstersbut when i launch my client i get 3 errors (attached) Can anyone guide me to fix this? Thanks When i doubleclick the eexe i get this 3 errors Then i can login normally but... (bunny is thee null.bmp) if i create a knife... i get with no description, or image, i get the null img
  23. Yesterday y finally get all to make my local server, (is only for me, i enjoy code and test on my free time) However i notice something weird, before (on 2014 LOL) when i try login i normally see on login screen (console) the attempt of login even if the password is worng. The weird thing here is i cant reach my local login i change the normal parameters (plz let me know if i miss something) define PACKETVER 20180523 -> src/common/mmo.h packet_obfuscation: 0 -> conf/map/battle/client.conf //Uncomment the following line if your client is zero ragexe instead of normal kro clients #define ENABLE_PACKETVER_ZERO -> src/common/mmo.h My server compile and run normally, but client cant reach it my clientinfo.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <desc>Ragnarok Online Client Information</desc> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <hideaccountlist></hideaccountlist> <extendedslot></extendedslot> <readfolder></readfolder> <connection> <display>Fofys Lap</display> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>56</version> <langtype>12</langtype> <registrationweb>www.ragnarok.com</registrationweb> <loading> </loading> <yellow> </yellow> </connection> </clientinfo> and im using 2018-05-23aRagexeRE_patched.exe (herc.ws/board/topic/15348-kro-unpacked-clients-releases/ )with nemo patch (recomended only + read data folder first) as before move anything i need reach my server My server is a clean one, (herc emu) and the data and translations are the ones founded here https://github.com/Asheraf/Translation Any idea what im doing wrong PD.- I also try use sclientinfo.xml but there it breeaks (see second img) and send attempt to call nil value x_x and closes after like 100 msgs Thanks
  24. Good day people! How are you all? I just want to ask for a Site, Download Link, etc. for me to have the Latest Full kRO Client? and please Feel free to recommend something better / alternative Client. Thanks and Best regards!
  25. Hello friends. Help me with the addition of maps. I already looked through these topics: http://herc.ws/board/topic/15817-adding-a-custom-map-cache-file/ http://herc.ws/board/topic/2800-how-to-add-custom-map/ I'm using this GRF: http://herc.ws/board/topic/6801-release-the-data-grf-project/ I have .gat .gnd .rsw .bmp map files inside (for expample "lasagna") I made a mapcache with a new plugin and added them to "hercules\maps\re" I added all of them to map_index.txt on server and mapnametable.txt on client. I tried to add a separate GRF. When I use "warp" command. (@warp lasagna) Client says "map not found. Warp failed". What I'm doing wrong? BR.
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