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Everything posted by Ind

  1. THANKS!SUCCESS http://herc.ws/board/blog/1/entry-26-2013-char-select-packet-update/ Also a plus: with this you no longer need to double click characters in order to log-in. (ENTER WORKS AGAIN o/)
  2. THANKS!SUCCESS http://herc.ws/board/blog/1/entry-26-2013-char-select-packet-update/
  3. 1>clif.c(570): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'int16' to 'char', possible loss of data1>clif.c(571): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'int16' to 'char', possible loss of dataThis warning is still there.that was fixed in the latest revision
  4. I've been trying to help malufett on getting 0x82b to work but I failed, I guess there is some random padding like 0x6b does, would it be possible for any of you to provide a wpe report on the char select packet? (from a official server that uses it e.g. kro maybe iro does too) with that I should be able to get 0x82b to work properly and thus make 2013 clients be able to create chars, etc.
  5. Ind

    PacketDB Overhaul

    just change your packetver to 20120410, that simple, that easy.
  6. Let the fun begin o/ https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/4d89aa6e1c733618b720170a0979d895689b1d1e
  7. We'll be implementing this (I have one already coded from my last server, should not take long to adapt it to Hercules)
  8. There we go https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/57b5943b55e8b8bcede9b4aa944ff855687a366a
  9. Hercules Channel System Update New Commands Explained [*]@channel [*]Bans a specific character from a channel @channel ban <#channel name> <character name> [*]Lists all banned characters from a channel (groups with channel system admin permission can also see their account id) @channel banlist <#channel name> [*]Unbans a specific character from a channel @channel unban <#channel name> <character name> [*]Changes a channel's options (for now, channel message delay and announce-when-someone-joins) @channel setopt <#channel name> <option name> <option value> Other stuff [*]Groups with channel admin permission can bypass the channel message delay Special Thanks [*]to Frost for proposing the per-channel message delay limitation [*]to Fatalis for proposing what'd end up as the @channel ban, @channel unban and @channel unbanall [*]to Zopokx for proposing an improvement to how the map/local channels function
  10. Hercules Renewal: Phase Two Hello~! - What?! "but phase one isn't complete yet!"its alright, we have been able to manage parallel projects and goals, we surely can take care of this one too and effort required on this one is pretty much less than on phase one "So whats this phase two about?"one of my favorite things: user friendliness Goal: user-friendliness This aims at rewriting all of our server-client packet building, making it much more user friendly to modify and add new ones. We'll be starting with map server <- -> client (clif.c) and then will move to char server <- -> client and later login server <- -> client Before void clif_authok(struct map_session_data *sd) { #if PACKETVER < 20080102 const int cmd = 0x73; #else const int cmd = 0x2eb; #endif int fd = sd->fd; WFIFOHEAD(fd,packet_len(cmd)); WFIFOW(fd, 0) = cmd; WFIFOL(fd, 2) = gettick(); WFIFOPOS(fd, 6, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, sd->ud.dir); WFIFOB(fd, 9) = 5; // ignored WFIFOB(fd,10) = 5; // ignored #if PACKETVER >= 20080102 WFIFOW(fd,11) = sd->user_font; #endif WFIFOSET(fd,packet_len(cmd)); } After void clif_authok(struct map_session_data *sd) { struct packet_authok pack; pack.PacketType = authokType; pack.startTime = gettick(); pack.PosDir[0] = sd->bl.x; pack.PosDir[1] = sd->bl.y; pack.PosDir[2] = sd->ud.dir; pack.xSize = 5; //not used pack.ySize = 5; //not used #if PACKETVER >= 20080102 pack.font = sd->user_font; #endif clif->send(pack,sd->fd,blabla,SELF); } Special Thanks To Yommy for bringing this up!
  11. try to open it via terminal see what error it says when you try to launch it from it ( ./login-server )
  12. well there shouldn't be a .exe in the linux to beginw ith ehm well as for your current issue, did you run configure? before? ( ./configure )
  13. what do you mean you can't open them? what message/error/ you get when you try to launch them?
  14. there is no txt server, these exe are the ones you want (login-server/char-server/map-server)
  15. hmmm yes its possible and indeed that is a disturbing thing
  16. Hercules Download Section Where?!! [*]Here~ The rules [*]None exclusive to this download section as of yet, all our forum rules extend to our download section -- e.g. no warez. Probably not for long, our moderators surely will think of some as issues show up. Why so few categories [*]Since we're starting from scratch we thought it'd be best if we didn't have a high number of empty categories, we'll be creating new categories as we see necessary, example: if the sprites & palettes section gets crowded (i.e. with different types of sprites) we'll create a new subcategory section for said type, and so on as more files come in. In short, we'll be expanding as necessity comes. Upcoming Modifications [*]JayPee came up with a very interesting idea we'll be implementing soon, making downloads on certain areas (e.g. control panels) be capable of having their download link be their respective repository's latest zip file ( e.g. from a github project ), as to allow users to always download the latest version as opposed to having to rely on the files' author to update their file on our system. [*]We are not yet sure whether we'll be implementing paid file support, however if we do we already have a few modification ideas from our staff whos got frustrated by similar systems' inability to counter frauds (for example introduction of measures on first-time buyers)
  17. Ind

    Font Type

    I understand that in officials the user's custom font is saved/persistent-through-relog, however I don't know where it is saved -- is it per character or per account? and when you use a different font-change item, the previous one is deleted/gone?
  18. barely announced it and already heard some stuff, nevermind them -- I'll clear this point tho The "Community Participation Badges" (they didn't even mind to rename it) was introduced by me to them while I was in their staff last year. Yeah, such a surprise! (not)
  19. Hercules CC Program Hello~! - What?! We're changing how the CC Badge works, making it a position that actually makes sense with it's name: a position given to community members who've contributed to Hercules. Badge Requirement Any of the following will make you elegible to receive the title, be aware the position is not automatically-granted, the staff who oversees the section in question will appoint you to receive the title. Outstanding presence in the bug report section Outstanding presence in the wiki Outstanding presence in the support sections (helping others) Outstanding presence in the downloads sections (sharing your stuff) Help the development by providing key information Any other outstanding effort to contribute to Hercules not necessarily listed here (we'll add more items as we see fit) Position Benefits We have plans/intentions to implement specific benefits depending on why each title was given (e.g. if its because you're active in the bug reports section you may receive pseudo-moderation-powers on that section), however at this point in time the title is only a title -- there are no benefits to it yet.
  20. please fill us a bug report thank you for testing the feature
  21. yup its in our todo (a new log type for cash shops), if you could provide us with one it'd be even better
  22. ooh my bad I didn't think that was what the value was XD
  23. I thank you for pointing out what the unknown field was (6-10), but now that I know it I don't think we'll be using it (i wouldn't trust the packet/client to tell us the kafra value -- would rather measure it ourselves on the server end)
  24. +1 since all international servers don't have the same category in their cash shops... alright, will put it on my list.
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