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Everything posted by Ind

  1. capture and do what with it?
  2. seu sql ou nao ta ligado ou vc ta com as credenciais erradas no /conf/inter-algo.conf
  3. the party size check is made when the request is made on: int party_invite(struct map_session_data *sd,struct map_session_data *tsd) ARR_FIND(0, MAX_PARTY, i, p->party.member[i].account_id == 0); if( i == MAX_PARTY ) { clif_party_inviteack(sd, (tsd?tsd->status.name:""), 3); return 0; }you just would need to change max_party with your custom limit
  4. Thank you all for the feedback, I've mistakenly mentioned @mapflag instead of @mapinfo in the notes, modified post to reflect that. whops o.o looks like I missed that, thanks for bringing it up. I'll add it back but as a skill_db inf2 flag. unfortunately not, libconfig does not allow setting keys to consist only of numbers.
  5. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/889a866e92a6c50f8a085e9c99001a9373830f44
  6. Introducing Hercules' Map Zone Database Hello~! - What?! 1st, it is a merge from item_noequip.txt and skill_nocast_db.txt functionality. 2nd, it is a major improvement on what these features did in both performance and usability. map_zone_db.txt format sample { name: "My Zone" inherit: ( "My Other Zone" ) disabled_skills: { AL_HEAL: "PLAYER | MONSTER | ELEMENTAL" AL_TELEPORT: "MONSTER" MG_FIREBOLT: "NONE" //MG_NAPALMBEAT: "PLAYER" //ID11: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Assumptio_5_Scroll: false //Apple: true //ID501: true } mapflags: ( "adjust_skill_damage MG_FIREBOLT 250", "adjust_unit_duration PR_SANCTUARY 50" ) /* "command:min-group-lv-to-override" e.g. "heal: 70" */ disabled_commands: { //Example Below makes @heal be used in maps within this zone only by those group lv 70 and above //heal: 70 } skill_damage_cap: { //Exemple Below caps firebolt damage in maps within this zone to a maximum 50 damage, // (depends on HMAP_ZONE_DAMAGE_CAP_TYPE in src/config/core.h) // when cast vs players and monsters. //MG_COLDBOLT: (50,"PLAYER | MONSTER") } } Notes on the format In disabled_skills the var following the name (: "PLAYER | MONSTER | HOMUN | MERCENARY | ELEMENTAL | PET | CLONE | MOB_BOSS") is what allows a zone to know what unit types should have this skill disabled. In the sample above, for example, in My Zone, player, monster and elemental unit types are unable to cast heal, while only monsters are unable to cast teleport. this variable may also be used to ignore skills from inheritance, for example if My Other Zone disabled a number of skills, including MG_FIREBOLT, in My Zone all of them will be disabled as well, except for MG_FIREBOLT since it is set as NONE. In disabled_items the var following the name (: true or : false) is what allows a zone to override what it inherited, for example if My Other Zone disables a number of items, including Assumptio_5_Scroll, in My Zone all of them will be disabled as well, except Assumptio_5_Scroll since it is as false. A zone may enforce an unlimited number of mapflags on all its maps, by using this sample all maps under My Zone will have Fire Bolt damage increased by 2.5x and Sanctuary will have its duration halved. A unlimited number of maps may be linked to a specific zone through a mapflag '<map name><tab>mapflag<tab>zone<tab><zone name>' Changes The mf_restrict (restrict) was dropped. item_noequip.txt and skill_nocast_db.txt were dropped, replaced by map_zone_db.txt. setmapflag script command was modified to support the new zones. @mapinfo was modified to support the new zones, also modified the formatting and made it include the amount of vendings. Improvements As opposed to item_noequip.txt and skill_nocast_db.txt, map_zone_db.txt supports an unlimited number of zones. map_zone_db.txt implementation surpasses the ones from item_noequip.txt and skill_nocast_db.txt, making item equipping (pc_useitem/status_calc_pc) and skill using (previously skillnotok, now status_check_skilluse) processing much faster and efficient. @mapinfo performance was improved (was doing chat room dbmap lookups without even checking if player was on the map in question) Special Thanks to Muad_Dib <3. to lighta for discussing the feature with me and helping design the unit-based restrictions on skills to Bahmut and Emistry for ideas on how to format the file. to kyeme for feature ideas. Links~! Commit Commit 2 (update) Map Zone Database File
  7. Ind

    Hello Guys

    Hello and Welcome to Hercules! You're the first member to actually write a introduction.
  8. Ind


    oh clever o-o indeed that'd be much much much much much...much more efficient
  9. Ind


    this could be troublesome, its perfectly doable but the all the data on the map cells would have to be refreshed for the players which could cause the server to stay frozen for like 5-10 seconds -- maybe minutes for big servers... maybe this could be avoided by sending all characters to loading screen to re-load their current maps hmmmmm
  10. the skill data in skill_db for that skill tells the server its stuff will be found in skill_castend_nodamage_id -- that warning says that altho pointed there, the skill id 6000 isnt there. if you added skill 600 code to skill_castend_damage_id then you have to modify skill_db.txt to make it read as a damage instead of nodamage skill
  11. i see o-o should be easy to implement, I just need one of these clients to be able to test it
  12. what if you're not near the chat room in question o-o even so?
  13. I find it depressing. They're able to modify anything in the game in any manner they wish, and what they do? they replicate the existent effect in a 3x3 cell area
  14. Ind

    inter server

    the inter-server functionality is handled by the char server, has made multi map server available since eAthena. The feature is not stable (some features are not available/incomplete in it), and we're not sure whether we'll discontinue/drop the feature or not.
  15. I can't think of any queries in the game server that would do this, can you track (and post here) what are the most used queries? -- also, are you sure this isn't being caused by something other than the game server, e.g. a control panel?
  16. Ind

    Hercules Renewal

    it should make no big difference when doing that really, for example, before:if (battle_check_target(target, bl, BCT_ENEMY) > 0)now:if (battle->check_target(target, bl, BCT_ENEMY) > 0)as for creating functions, its up to you whether you want to place them in the interface or not.
  17. MOB_TOMB.act/.spr I believe.
  18. yes you're missing hercules' upgrade files (run them in date order)
  19. There you go: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/7436a70cde2220c42cd249cee6368d308b0bd040 (update your working copy and it'll be in the upgrades folder as eathena-upgrade.sql) -- be aware your sql structure must be up to date with eathena's e.g. if you're using a old eathena go through their upgrade files before using this one.
  20. We're re-introducing console input ( hercules renewal'd ), and whats this? it's the ability to type commands into login/char/map server console/terminals, that are then interpreted and acted upon. This feature was once available through a long-deprecated plugin, we're re-introducing it as a built in feature and far more efficient than the previous version. Currently, the old commands are being used, we'll be replacing them in the coming days and adding new ones, besides improving the functionality (so that if you use a gm command through console it wont require you to type gm position more than once, among other stuff). By the way, typing 'shutdown', 'exit', 'quit' or 'end' will replicate the effect of @mapexit. It's a optional feature, can be disabled in src/config/core.h by commenting the following line: #define CONSOLE_INPUT
  21. this is a planned feature to be built in into hercules, should be added soon.
  22. That will be fixed with the thing from this http://herc.ws/board/topic/185-mapflag-in-all-maps/ I apologise for the delay, got carried away with other features.
  23. this feature is not available to the clients supported. We'd need to add support to the main client, but in order to do that we need to know all the packets -- and they're unknown to us at this time
  24. what exactly you dont get? I can not put slot as reserved, does it have to do with the langtype ? maybe, I haven't really tried that. what exactly you dont get? how to make a normal account can open other six premium slots, if GM make her account character_slot limit to 3 must edit character_slot to 9, no other way around it (unless i misunderstood the question)
  25. the packets used by this feature are still unknown to us
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