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Everything posted by Ind

  1. ops D: failed to read. I should warn you in advance I'm not sure the cash shop button will work on that o-o (i dunno if its packets were the same in 2012-04-18, the client i tested in (2013 march) is almost a year older than it)
  2. http://herc.ws/board/topic/38-latest-kro-installation-small-client-package/?p=137 here o-o (i use it when not doing stuff in the 2013 client)
  3. FIXEEEED THE CART PROBLEM! SPECIAL THANKS TO JUDAS STREUSEL <3 will be in the repository within the hour
  4. do any of you know where this thing reads its msgstringtable from? I tried adding a custom one with numbered lines (so i could know what line is where instead of all "NO MSG") -- but it didn't change anything.
  5. Cash Shop Support Hello~! - What?! 1st, getting this together has only been possible thanks to Yommy 2nd, really, without Yommy's help this wouldn't have worked 3rd, did I already mention Yommy made this possible? screenHercules006.jpg cashshop_db.conf format //==================================================== //= _ _ _ //= | | | | | | //= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___ //= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __| //= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \ //= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/ //= //= http://herc.ws/board/ //==================================================== //= http://herc.ws/board/topic/367-introducing-cash-shop-support/ cash_shop: ( { cat_0: { //New Apple:100 ID531:250 } cat_1: { //Popular ID513:100 Banana_Juice:250 } cat_2: { //Limited Grape:100 ID533:250 } cat_3: { //Rental ID515:100 Carrot_Juice:250 } cat_4: { //Permanent Green_Herb:100 ID510:250 } cat_5: { //Scroll ID501:100 ID502:250 } cat_6: { //Usable White_Potion:150 Blue_Potion:500 } cat_7: { //Other ID909:400 ID907:500 } } ) Is it ready?! The packets work, you can buy, list, etc. BUUUUT I wouldn't bet it is 100% complete -- I'm not very aware of how the cashpoint stuff works, I'd guess the behavior is not 100% -- BUUUT getting the packets to work was the toughest part, just drop us a bug report and we sure will fix any broken formulas instantly. I'm not aware of what the official servers have in it being sold either, I've put random garbage with absurdly high prices in the db (so we all can debug). BTW This only works on ragexe (not ragexere!) clients, e.g. : http://herc.ws/board/topic/289-2013-ragexe-area/ Special Thanks Yommy Yommy ...Yommy! malufett Judas Beret kLabMouse And everyone whos helped us get the 2013 client to work, Thank you All! to Beret and Yommy for the new file format suggestion! Links~! Commit cashshop_db.conf file
  6. The cart problem might be related to one of these HEADER_ZC_CART_ITEMLIST_NORMAL = 0x902,HEADER_ZC_CART_ITEMLIST_EQUIP = 0x903,HEADER_ZC_SELECTCART = 0x97f,but I can't tell without seeing the structures (if any of you have it please do share :3) -- I guess the first 2 are related to filling the cart data.
  7. making character is a langtype issue, change it and you can create characters what lang type can be used here? Also, what diff did you apply? I'm having problem with it. I'm using langtype 0 atm, i didn't diff it myself -- I've downloaded the one already diffed from the first post.
  8. making character is a langtype issue, change it and you can create characters
  9. Hello~! Welcome to Hercules
  10. Fixed in https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/d5b354f1babc72bc8f1b74f0d1e584d0a55c569a Thank you
  11. Something about it is indeed broken, I'll get to work on it
  12. PacketDB Overhaul Hello~! - What?! 1st, not a overhaul as much as...well we purged the poor thing completely 2nd, adding and maintaining packets is now much easier Changes packet_db.txt was dropped packet_ver was dropped in its entirety, the server has never been able to maintain multiple packet versions at once stably packet_ver_flag setting in conf/battle/client.conf was dropped packets are now stored at src/map/packets.h packets.h format for outgoing packets: packet(packet_id,length)/* example */packet(0x006a,23); for incoming packets: packet(packet_id,length,function,offset ( specifies the offset of a packet field in bytes from the begin of the packet ),...)/* example */packet(0x0072,19,clif->pWantToConnection,2,6,10,14,18); Improvement Users no longer have to touch packet files when changing their client versions, PACKETVER in src/common/mmo.h is now enough. With the map server not having to maintain packets for so many versions at once, its ram usage was reduced by 7MB Credits Feature Design by GreenBox Special Thanks to mkbu95 for bringing this topic up! (reworking the packetdb) Links~! Commit packets.h file
  13. It's nice if you add a @channel ban <channel name> <name of char> and @channel banall <name of char> [ he will get ban all channels and can't create a channel also] ofcourse @channel unbanall/unban Very interesting. indeed it lacks the ability to kick/ban, that'd be nice. is the channel system is now fully working? no crash? cuz last time i use it it getting my server crash we have no knowledge of any unfixed crashes, if you crash let we know through a bug report.
  14. Thank you~ here we go https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/267eb1f2b9223dc0c0cd66bc48f5116223d974d9
  15. getting this wrapped up, will be in the repository soon. Thank you for bringing this up
  16. indeed o-o sorry for the delay +_+ i did read when you posted but i forgot to reply since then ._. a must eh o-o will get this sorted soon, thank you
  17. I still couldn't guess whats the issue here, Frost has pmed me about having a similar problem with @fontcolor as well
  18. It's nice if you add a @channel ban <channel name> <name of char> and @channel banall <name of char> [ he will get ban all channels and can't create a channel also] ofcourse @channel unbanall/unban Very interesting. indeed it lacks the ability to kick/ban, that'd be nice.
  19. Thank you all for the feedback, its much appreciated. We could (when I first designed this I wanted to know how much I could create, and I did 16k online at once at constant 80% cpu usage on my old dual-core) but I don't think that much are needed, as it goes live if we feel more are necessary we'll just raise the amount.
  20. hum @_@ I used 2012-04-18, logged in, typed @fontcolor Orange, said something -> overhead. D: I'm not sure what other condition could be causing it not to work for you hmm o_o (look screenshot below)
  21. what color are you using by the way? @fontcolor <what>?
  22. something your char does might be causing that -- when I tested before committing the fix it was displaying over my head for me and for others, anything special/different your character did/was doing?
  23. Moving to "Dev Discussion -> Needs More Info" section.
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