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Everything posted by Ind

  1. added http://herc.ws/board/topic/470-hercules-april-22-patch
  2. Hercules April 22 Patch Hello~! - What?! 1st, most of these things were meant to be released separately but as I started to work with them one thing hooked up to another and I ended up deciding to get all out at once No second today! The all-long, all-mighty list New Map Zone DB Updates Added New "All" Zone, easy way to add modifiers to all maps in the game. Automatically inherited by all existent zones. Added new zone setting disabled_commands, can disable any command in any zone "command-name: min-group-lv" also supports min group level to override, to enable back a command disabled by inheritance just use "command-name: 0" Added new zone setting skill_damage_cap (as requested by the community), can cap any skill damage to any range of unit types, and also a new core config "HMAP_ZONE_DAMAGE_CAP_TYPE" that controls how the cap is applied (before or after modifiers) New target-type support (used by skill_damage_cap and disabled_skills): PET (special thanks to frenzmu06 for bringing it up!), CLONE and MOB_BOSS Added support to ids! item and skill ids may now be employed in all sections of the file in the place of item/skill names Detailed Map Zone DB Update Hercules Channel System Update Added a IRC bridge as requested by the community, allows users outside of the game (but in a irc network e.g. thru mobile/cel app) to communicate with anyone in-game that is within a specific #channel, and vice-versa Detailed Channel System Update Added Beret and Yommy's suggestion on cash shop file format, also added support for item ids Added Ryuuzaki's kafra point support to the new cashshop Updated map-server's save_setting, added new option: 128, to save buyingstore transactions on the fly Revisited bindatcmd feature, dropped level support, added group level support and added a new flag capable of deciding whether calls to that command should be logged in the atcommand log. Performance Improvement Added a in-memory list to store existent shops (saves iterating through all online players) Modified searchstore to use said db above, making its queries faster Improved pc_groups processing, decreased runtime ram usage by a about 1mb. Improved @command log processing through groups, now caching the state (no longer does dbmap lookup). Improved atcommand.conf file processing (was doing a extra lookup instead of using atcommand_exists already-performed lookup result) Improved atcommand's help file processing (no more lookups! string is now cached directly in the atcommandinfo struct of each command) and data management Improved @help's processing: dropped the huge config file lookup and replaced by using the caches. Improved atcommand logging, added option to not log specific commands (so you dont waste log room with stuff such as @iteminfo/@mobinfo/etc) -- atcommand.conf nolog group Sightly improved zone inheritance processing. Speeded up mvp drop processing Speeded up item log processing Speeded up mob item drop processing Misc With map_zone_db's new clone support, flag 0x8000 (no-clone-use) in the skill db was dropped With map_zone_db's new way to block commands, mapflag nogo was dropped. Fixed a number of discrepancies between unsigned and signed variables in many packets. Fixed loading messages for exp_db, attr_fix, statpoint, mob_chat_db, mob_pouch, mob_branch, mob_classchange, mob_boss, mob_poring and item_group_db pets from gms who cant drop items no longer can loot items (prevents exploit where gm kills something, pet loots, then drops and action is not logged nor blocked). Fixed combo bonuses that used getrefine on weapons/cards that affect weapons. Added @searchstore as to offer same availability to gms as @auction/@mail does Improved 2013 client charselect procedure, all thanks to Yommy! Links~! Commit
  3. Hercules Map Zone DB Update [*]Added New "All" Zone, easy way to add modifiers to all maps in the game. Automatically inherited by all existent zones. [*]Added new zone setting disabled_commands, can disable any command in any zone "command-name: min-group-lv" also supports min group level to override, to enable back a command disabled by inheritance just use "command-name: 0" [*]Added new zone setting skill_damage_cap (as requested by the community), can cap any skill damage to any range of unit types, and also a new core config "HMAP_ZONE_DAMAGE_CAP_TYPE" that controls how the cap is applied (before or after modifiers) [*]New target-type support (used by skill_damage_cap and disabled_skills): PET (special thanks to frenzmu06 for bringing it up!), CLONE and MOB_BOSS [*]Added support to ids! item and skill ids may now be employed in all sections of the file in the place of item/skill names Format Sample /* All zone is a dynamic (very special) zone that is forcebly inherited by ALL maps automatically */ name: "All" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_ALL_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { //both examples below disable napalm beat (id 11) to players //MG_NAPALMBEAT: "PLAYER" //ID11: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { //Both examples below disable apple (id 501) //Apple: true //ID501: true } mapflags: ( ) /* "command:min-group-lv-to-override" e.g. "heal: 70" */ disabled_commands: { //Example Below makes @heal be used in maps within this zone only by those group lv 70 and above //heal: 70 } skill_damage_cap: { //Exemple Below caps firebolt damage in maps within this zone to a maximum 50 damage, // (depends on HMAP_ZONE_DAMAGE_CAP_TYPE in src/config/core.h) // to players and monsters. //MG_FIREBOLT: (50,"PLAYER | MONSTER") } New core.h config/// Uncomment to switch the way map zones' "skill_damage_cap" functions./// When commented the cap takes place before modifiers, as to have them be useful./// When uncommented the cap takes place after modifiers.//#define HMAP_ZONE_DAMAGE_CAP_TYPE Link~u! [*]Hercules April 22 Patch [*]Commit
  4. Hercules Channel System Update IRC Bridge [*]New Settings /* "irc_channel" is a special channel connected to a specific chat room in any irc network */ irc_channel_enabled: false irc_channel_name: "irc" /* available as #irc */ irc_channel_color: "Light_Green" irc_channel_network: "irc.rizon.net:6665" /* network to connect to (:and port) */ irc_channel_channel: "#Hercules" /* channel in the network above to join */ irc_channel_nick: "Hercules_chSysBot" /* nick the bot will use */ irc_channel_nick_pw: "" /* password to this nick (if any) to identify to nick server on the irc network */ [*]allows users outside of the game (but in a irc network e.g. thru mobile/cel app) to communicate with anyone in-game that is within a specific #channel, and vice-versa Special Thanks [*]to Frost for bringing this up Link~u! [*]Hercules April 22 Patch [*]Commit
  5. Cash Shop Update~! What~! [*]Added Ryuuzaki's kafra point support [*]Updated file format to reflect Beret and Yommy's suggestions cashshop_db.conf format sample cash_shop: ({ cat_0: { //New Apple:100 ID531:250 } cat_1: { //Popular ID513:100 Banana_Juice:250 } cat_2: { //Limited Grape:100 ID533:250 } cat_3: { //Rental ID515:100 Carrot_Juice:250 } cat_4: { //Permanent Green_Herb:100 ID510:250 } cat_5: { //Scroll ID501:100 ID502:250 } cat_6: { //Usable White_Potion:150 Blue_Potion:500 } cat_7: { //Other ID909:400 ID907:500 }}) Special Thanks [*]to Beret and Yommy for the new file format suggestion! Links~! [*]Hercules April 22 Patch [*]Commit
  6. sorry for the delay on getting back to you on this issue.except for the nomenclature, what is wrong? I've gone over the code you posted and I see no difference in functionality
  7. hum o.o that'd explain why the client doesn't like when i tell it to display auction stuff, do any of you know the date this happened? perhaps a kro changelog mentions the auction stuff being disabled? with a date we can put a packetver limitation on the feature
  8. focusing on bugs atm: http://herc.ws/board/blog/1/entry-27-bug-hunting-week/
  9. indeed i have o.o i cant test it properly atm though
  10. ooh o.o i think i stumbled by this while working on the 2013 client charselect stuff hmmm
  11. oooh o-o thank you very much getting that fixed; tested and that fixed, thank you very much https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/64c7629080d5a872bd4dd615a06c1eae75d5d629
  12. As reported in http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-6466-fortune/ cutins with names such as "µå·ÓÇÁ½ºÄ«µå" are not being displayed and I'm not really sure whats being done wrong any information on the issue is most welcome, and if anyone can provide a network report/packet dump from talking with the npc in question in a official server it'd be most welcome.
  13. Ind


    769 is top,mid and lower o-o
  14. Ind


    its supported o-o im mostly sure some headgears already do this...i just can't think of any
  15. I've tried to fix the auction feature, which has a number of stuff broken e.g. - "sell list" doesn't display proper item icon/name - "product list" "buy now" sends wrong value to the server (negative) I've tried to take a go at it but I have no fucking idea whats wrong. I've tried to go over the packet that lists stuff in the window but I didn't find anything wrong with it either. More Info: http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-5221-bidding-on-auction-not-working/ On another note, if anyone could provide a network report/packet dump of accessing the auction window / listing stuff in a official server, it'd be most welcome.
  16. o-o indeed this is usually a highly requested feature
  17. *skill script command update/fix Hello~! - What?! This is me telling you I screwed up when I fixed bug #5018 (script-granted skills not being persistent), and how you can fix it. Whats it about The code I committed for #5018 is perfectly fine, the screw up was that I totally didn't think of all the scripts out there that were using the function as it performed instead of what its description said (the function behavior had been broken since it was first implemented back in j/eAthena) Fixing it It's very simple to fix. Update to latest Hercules and run the 2013-04-16--01-24.sql upgrade file, it'll update the skill flags accordingly Changes With this update, in order to achieve the "skill permanently granted through script" effect, you need to use flag 3 instead of 0, 0 will mimic the effect prior to the fix on #5018 as to keep backwards compatibility with the scripts Special Thanks akinari1087 from rAthena. Link Commit Upgrade File
  18. I did indeed forget about your reply, sorry for that. as for it not being yet fixed we share blame on that XD <3 I, because I forgot and you, for you didn't make the bug report which would have made other developers aware of the issue.
  19. jaBote has great willingness to help others as he has demonstrated on several posts of his. jaBote has recently applied to lead the newly created Spanish Community and we've accepted his application. Please join me on welcoming the latest addition to Hercules Staff.
  20. Ind


    /me joins the trend, in c.int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char* peepz[17] = { "Jezu","dastgirpojee","JayPee","nanakiwurtz","hemagx","malufett","pr3p","nndsl","Zopokx","Vali","Virtue","M45T3R","Michieru","Judas","Beret","Yommy","Jman" }; int i; for(i = 0; i < 17; i++) { if( i != 16 ) printf("%s & ",peepz[i]); else printf("%s , ",peepz[i]); } printf("I'm Ind"); return 0;}
  21. thank you all for providing info
  22. T___T and i spent so many hours on this =~ I would've saved the time if I had gone after you instead ;___:
  23. its already in the repository
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