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Everything posted by Ind

  1. I don't know the mechanics of it either.
  2. you use screen to launch map server in a different virtual console, so you can keep it while not locking yourselfscreen -S mapthat creates a screen called map, then typegdb ./map-serverrit'll launch map server, now leave the screen so you can do anything else in the meantime. to leave current screen:CTRL+A+Dleave it there o: now you can do anything else you like.when you want to go back to the map server console/screen: screen -r mapnow you can type bt full or whatever else you like. (when you're done using a screen e.g. have nothing else running in it and just want to delete it, type 'exit' while inside the screen)
  3. There we go~! https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/79ab86b005e6f12ddddd5a4a11774a13933bfcb8 Thank you all
  4. oh i know why o-o i'll test the fix and commit right away, thank you all for the info o-o
  5. anything else different your character could be doing? I used 2012-04-18 when I made that command and it was working, something else must be acting with it.
  6. it should already do it (as displayed in the sample), whats your client date?
  7. Introducing Hercules' Stress Test Server Hello~! The "Stress" Part Over 1.000 IndAI units (equivalent to +1k online players) will be in the server playing 24/7, farming, going to pvp, doing woe, playing battlegrounds, doing anything a player does, this will create a perfect scenario for us to debug and test Hercules. The Development Benefits We'll be able to keep track of performance usage 24/7, making us able to detect whenever a update increases a server's usage, allowing us to further optimise said update in order to take the processing down. With the AI characters doing stuff non-stop 24/7 we'll be able to identify and fix any crashes existent. Hercules will gain a super stability boost thanks to this. How to connect / Moving in and out This is the fun part. No new clients, and no sclient/clientinfo/blablabla edits will be required. get to the test server by typing '@hercules warp', test whatever you like, and go back to your server with '@hercules leave'. This technology *might* also be employed in the future by us to create hercules-hosted inter-server events. Entirely Secure The only data your server will pass to our test server upon warp is the name of the character (and maybe hairstyle vals). The test server is unable to modify (or even access) any data on your server, it is entirely secure and damage-free. Unique to Hercules The ability to connect through your ordinary client will be made possible by our custom server hosted over at herc.ws, the code won't be made public. Coming I felt inspired to write about this feature, which is why this announce is out before the feature itself. This is one of the features to be powered by our Hercules Plugin Manager and will be made public once the HPM implementation reaches the level capable of sustaining it. FAQ what if i dont want my players to go to the test server?@hercules is a command like any other, you can restrict access by groups.conf (by default only gms will be able to use it) what if i dont have a test server to use as a gateway to the hercules stress test server?we will also provide clients for those who don't have/want to use a server as the gateway
  8. I've identified a issue that makes swapping zones that have mapflags (uses the mapflag:( ) param) during runtime (e.g. by setmapflag) troublesome. I'm already working on designing a solution to this and it should be out soon. I apologise for the trouble. here is a temporary fix that will make gvg/bg/gvg2 zones work smoothly in the meantime: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/e702cc0ab6dccfd0a10b5a1881841452c326affc
  9. good point pets should also be a available option. clones/summons however are not their own unit types (since they're monsters), adding clones/summon option would slow down the processing to all the other types... i don't think its worth it/fair (since the option is already available through a different mean, as you said yourself, skill_db.txt)
  10. this was changed recently when we found out that it was how official servers were doing it (nullify effect instead of unequip) i think we added a config to choose between the two hmmm....edit: aah no we added the setting only for the item-use behavior that was also changed with it... // Will disabled consumables (disabled by map_zone_db.conf) be consumed when trying to use them?// 1 (official): yes// 0: noitem_restricted_consumption_type:1
  11. jaBote is correct, these are the discrepancies between the database structures (you should be fine after applying his sql code). we should get a .sql file in our repository to convert from rathena just like we have the eathena one
  12. certou em cheio o-o tenho certeza (pelo 112 q o client mostrou) que falta editar o src/common/mmo.h PACKETVER pra bater com o numero do client
  13. your client may be too old for the font-color packet, what date is it?
  14. you dont add it, its already there.
  15. aegis has a mapflag capable of enforcing /effect, I tried to implement it but I failed to get the packet that is supposed to notify the client about it to do anything. // packet 0x21estruct PACKET_ZC_LESSEFFECT { /* this+0x0 */ short PacketType /* this+0x2 */ int isLess}The feature consists of two packets, the one above, and the following (which works)// packet 0x21dstruct PACKET_CZ_LESSEFFECT { /* this+0x0 */ short PacketType /* this+0x2 */ int isLess}which receives a notification from the client when the /effect state is toggled (this one works)
  16. Updated first reply, added support for unit-type-based skill restrictions, new sample and descriptions are now available in the first reply of this topic. Special Thanks [*]to Muad_Dib <3. [*]to lighta for discussing the feature with me and helping design the unit-based restrictions on skills Links~! [*]Commit (update)
  17. you can type 'help' in the console and it'll be displayed (the format is quite confusing and will be replaced soon)
  18. Positive. the structure data is out of sync between char and map servers, run a 'make clean && make'
  19. it makes use of the existent config on chat delay if (battle_config.min_chat_delay) { if (DIFF_TICK(sd->cantalk_tick, gettick()) > 0) { return; } sd->cantalk_tick = gettick() + battle_config.min_chat_delay; }as for your other suggestion im not sure the benefits, can you elaborate o-o?
  20. Ind

    mob with variable

    you mean like allies?
  21. has not been disregarded, we still have a topic in dev forum discussing this -- and if added, it can be integrated with the channel system
  22. se vc nao tiver atraz de alguma opção especifica e soh queira um 2012 pra simplismente usar, recomendo o que o judas colocou aqui: http://herc.ws/board/topic/38-latest-kro-installation-small-client-package/ (segundo post, entitulado "Small Client Package ~2012-04-18~")
  23. the game server doesn't register accounts (unless the _M/_F method is enabled, but most people dont use it), what you want (log when a account is registered) would be up to a control panel software
  24. T_T~ wow that one wasnt even related to the channel stuff, i failed to clean it up before starting to work on it .__. (on a side note such good eyes O_O). that one is getting out DX there we go, out: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/b52b15589ccf98ed496344da4f2d976d8fd2f660 thank you again <3
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