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Everything posted by Ind

  1. I suggest to add a VIPuntil column to be more flexible. If it's DBNULL you are not a VIP, otherwise you are VIP until that date is reached. oh right. I totally didn't think of the expiration part.
  2. what exactly you dont get?
  3. It's rather a question of who wants it really rather than if it's script or source.And how it would work. Because with it would be the required web part where you need to pay to continue playing. I think its like 'state' in login table: ban, block, etc. New state : premium xD i think that, maybe, it'd be more flexible if they were to be group-dependent settings (e.g. group y has x drop boost, etc) -- that way we don't need a new column too.
  4. Added support in https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/0241d0195558b7e57d2181f2f097cf774a1ef463
  5. I see~ should not be hard to implement. I'll move it to the feedback forum
  6. in char.c there are these: #if PACKETVER >= 20100413 WFIFOB(fd,4) = MAX_CHARS; // Max slots. WFIFOB(fd,5) = MAX_CHARS; // Available slots. WFIFOB(fd,6) = MAX_CHARS; // Premium slots.#endifI've never played with it though, I'm not sure how it works.
  7. Ind

    2 suggestions

    what do you mean by quick edit?
  8. forgot to update this here. Yes it was applied, thank you very much.
  9. we're still discussing it, apologies for the delay
  10. Starting today we'll be going throughout all of our source code to modify how functions are called. so what? Benefit With this new implementation chances to have custom source modifications conflict when you update hercules will be drastically reduced. How? Instead of modifying existing functions users will be able to create a new version of them elsewhere, e.g. in a custom file, and have it replace the original one. How? very simple. battle->check_target = my_new_check_target_function; PluginsThis change opens the possibility for a new plugin implementation in the future. Project Vision We understand this move will conflict with some points in our project vision, we'll be modifying it soon. More We want Hercules to stand out, with that in mind we've been planning features exclusive to Hercules, features other projects won't be able to merge. And how is that even possible? features that will integrate with our forum is one example of them. For example a feature capable of automatically looking for new updates in scripts/modifications downloaded from our upcoming downloads section.
  11. its currently being voted by the developers to decide whether to implement this or not, another day or two and we should have an answer
  12. to my knowledge, by default the game client doesn't have any packet that is capable of telling it to open the browser
  13. I *think* the client does this for baby jobs using the default sprite, if my assumption is true then if you resize the original the baby ones will be even smaller
  14. Git Troubleshooting Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.Aborting.Git doesn't update modified files even if they don't conflict unless they're properly "committed" in your local working copy, to do so is simple and advantageous (it will keep a log of your changes for yourself; so you can always go back and check what was changed and when) - On Unixgit commit -am "your log message, anything at all" - On Windows 1. Right click your folder -> Git Commit -> "master" 2. (optional) type the log message 3. Hit 'OK'
  15. I'm not a windows user so I dont really know, however I remember that the reason we purged that plugin was because it would create false positives (e.g. a crash actually happened but depending on the case it'd blame the wrong section)
  16. we're in the process of overhauling skill_nocast_db functionality and I think this will just fit in that revised feature
  17. Interesting o-o yes its possible
  18. We at Hercules want to provide our users with as many international communities as we can, however in order to create a international community we first need someone to oversee it. Do you speak a language other than English that we don't have a community for? Be the first, join our team Do you speak a language other than English that we have a community for? Help us moderate it, join our team Notice however that our guidelines for wannabe moderators applies
  19. I've got back to this today, but I encountered a setback: http://herc.ws/board/topic/179-packet-needed-for-slot-change-feature/
  20. I got back to this http://herc.ws/board/topic/153-system-change-slot/ a couple hours ago, and I wrote the remaining part..and then I just realized afterwards I was missing a key part of it...I don't know whats the packet to notify the client the operation was successful T_T at the current stage it receives the request, processes it, but the change isnt noticeable till you refresh/relog D:< Do you know this I'm looking for?
  21. Ind

    compile error

    use your apt-get/aptitude/yum equivalent to update your gcc, most likely outdated.
  22. nevertheless that behavior screws up any player who had mvp death times and gives advantage to those who noticed the reload to then go kill the mobs on reloadtime+mobspawntime
  23. Thats wrong clif_skill_nodamage has nothing to do with the invincibility, it doesn't check for any timer either. Whats responsible for teleport invincibility is clif_parse_LoadEndAck which is run when a player teleports or changes map if(battle_config.pc_invincible_time > 0) { if(map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m)) pc_setinvincibletimer(sd,battle_config.pc_invincible_time<<1); else pc_setinvincibletimer(sd,battle_config.pc_invincible_time); }
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