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Everything posted by Ind


  2. Ind

    Bug fixes

    that is correct
  3. Obtaining Hercules through Git on Linux CentOS Step 1: rpm -Uvh http://repo.webtatic.com/yum/centos/5/latest.rpm Step 2: yum install --enablerepo=webtatic git-all Step 3: yum install --enablerepo=webtatic --disableexcludes=main git-all Debian/Others Step 1: apt-get install git Obtaining a Working-Copy Type the following to create a Hercules working copy in your home (~) directory git clone https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules.git ~/Hercules Updating a Working-Copy Type the following when inside your working copy git pull
  4. Obtaining Hercules through Git on Windows Downloads Download and Install MSysGit Download the latest TortoiseGit Installation Alright, first go through MSysGit installer and just set it up (its used as a base for TortoiseGit). then once you install MSysGit, launch the installer you just downloaded for TortoiseGit, you'll be prompted by a window similar to the following The next window is "Choose SSH Client", select "TortoisePLink", hit Next. The next window is "Custom Setup", do not change anything unless you know what you're doing, hit Next. We're done with the installation, that was easy, wasn't it? Obtaining Hercules Go to the folder where you want Hercules to be placed, right click and select "Git Clone..." in the URL field, type the following: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules.git ensure the 'Directory' field is as desired, and hit 'OK' Now Hercules is being downloaded Just wait for it to complete the download of your working copy and you'll be good to go. Updating Hercules Right-Click the folder where you downloaded your working copy and within the TortoiseGit menu, select "Pull..." as shown below On the following window just hit 'OK', and your working copy will update.
  5. Update2: Fixing this requires a change in a area we're currently discussing in improving, we're currently working on a mysql table/column update functionality and adding this requires adding a new column to a table, if i release the fix for this before we complete the updater thing there'll be a conflict. I apologise for the delay, should be fixed within a couple days.
  6. The item itself isn't implemented, we have yet to receive information on how it should work, but the feature itself can be manually enabled In src/char/char.c find WBUFL(buf,132) = 0; // change slot feature (0 = disabled, otherwise enabled)change to 1. UPDATE: ahm i just noticed a small part of it isn't functioning properly, I'll get it fixed
  7. Obtaining Hercules Hercules is available through GitHub, a web-based hosting service for software development projects that use the Git revision control system. Obtaining Hercules through Git on Windows Obtaining Hercules through Git on Linux Git Troubleshooting Support Looking for assistance on getting Git to work? Post here Alternatively... GitHub also provides a SVN Mirror. We won't officially work to support many branches or repository-features in SVN, but it should remain in-sync with the latest stable release, based on master branch in git. Windows You need to download TortoiseGit The address is http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules Linux Typing the following creates a working copy of hercules at your home directory svn checkout http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules ~/Hercules
  8. if that were the case one of the servers would have error messages in their consoles
  9. glad you got it sorted. yes its ready for use.
  10. Alright, moved to client side support.
  11. what is Hercules.exe? our repository has nothing that makes a 'Hercules.exe'
  12. means your lib doesnt have atoll (it was introduced in 2011 for most libs i think) -- altho i dont think it would be necessary, can you try to open src/char/int_guild.c and replace atoll with atol, then recompile and reply here if it worked?
  13. 1. TortoiseGit (the menu) -> Switch/Checkout -> select 'Commit' and in the field enter the hash you want to rollback to.2. TortoiseGit (the menu) -> Log Messages -> in the top right there is a search field, type whatever you want and hit enter/return.
  14. Thank you for taking the time
  15. that is a network error, make sure you have no anti-virus or firewall software blocking the client
  16. Ind

    Infinity Loop

    yes thats exactly what it does, if you know you'll loop for long you can usefreeloop(1);to disable the infinity loop fail-safe.
  17. nope, i merely linked to them so that you could check whats their langtype/servicetype etc and see if you could get it to work on yours, hercules doesn't have support for that sort of client.
  18. You should try downloading the official http://ro.tahadi.com/ and check what langtype they use (they have 2 clients; dont get the english one)
  19. can you elaborate on the requirement? what do you need to connect there on their irc channel in web for? i'm still waiting for your reply on this, you linking to them didn't answer my question at all
  20. no, its hercules fault. either the repository or the client used are not maintaining line endings in a os-friendly fashion
  21. In order for a character to be able to use the rename functionality you have to change its `rename` column in the `char` table from 0 to 1.
  22. Ind

    Compiling Error

    wooo a char encoding issue due to no reason i'm aware of, i'll ask our staff whos experienced at this kind of issue to take a look
  23. can you elaborate on the requirement? what do you need to connect there on their irc channel in web for?
  24. eh thats not what the original bot does (but its not hard to do anyway ), so besides the functionality from the original one you also want it to be a bridge between a #channel and a chat ingame (e.g. @main)?
  25. Hercules supports both (You can switch between them with a single edit on /src/config/renewal.h)
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