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    akbare reacted to NoOne in send item in all players in map   
    hello can i ask for script
     i want to send 10pcs ESB and 10pcs Bubble Gum Box in all player in Geffen?
    then a command @gatheringON to trigger it or a NPC that only lvl 99 GM can trigger?
    thank you in advance
  2. Upvote
    akbare reacted to Ai4rei in RO Credentials (ROCred), v1.10.0 - last updated 2017/12/31   
    RO Credentials

    Simple and tiny client launcher+login. Has no prerequisites and runs on all Windows versions. Known Issues
    [aavc] This tool is not safe for computers running Avast Anti-Virus. Download
    binary, reference source Q & A Is it customizable?
    Yes. How?
    With resource editing tools, such as ResourceHacker. All text and icons can be customized. Settings can be edited in an INI file, instructions on how to do that are provided in the example files together with the launcher. What is "reference source"?
    You cannot compile it (unless you provide the missing components), but see what functionality the latest binary contains. I want it to be xyz.exe, but it does not read the INI file. Why?
    You have to match the INI name to the EXE name. rocred.exe -> rocred.ini mytest.exe -> mytest.ini  
    How can I embed an INI file into the EXE?
    Add the INI file as RCDATA resource named CONFIG with ResourceHacker. How do I use background skinning?
    Create a file named bgskin.bmp (magenta #ff00ff is considered transparent). You can also embed the file as BITMAP resource with the name BGSKIN. Window size is adjusted to the bitmap size, position of controls must be set in the INI. Buttons can be skinned as well, see the INI for names.
    Can I add custom buttons, if so, how many?
    Yes, see the INI template for details. There is no defined limit on how many, the only constraints are available memory, GDI resources and INI size limit on some platforms. By the way, custom buttons can be skinned as well. Why does the client not auto-login when I press "Start" / Why do I have to login twice?
    The client must be 2010-08-04aRagexeRE or newer and must not have the "Restore Login Window" patch and should have the "Use SSO Login Packet" patch.
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.
  3. Upvote
    akbare reacted to Rebel in Cant understand new Hercules configration system   
    In import/inter-server.conf
    inter_configuration: { // Log configuration log: { // [LOGIN, MAP] Log database SQL connection sql_connection: { db_hostname: "" // Change this to your hostname db_port: 3306 db_username: "root" // Change this to your mysql username db_password: "your_password" // Change this to your mysql password db_database: "db_logs" // Change this to your log db name } } } In that way your main and log db is separate.
  4. Upvote
    akbare reacted to IndieRO in Http support in hercules (merged to hercules)   
    I'll try to donate this month be waiting
  5. Upvote
    akbare reacted to fiction in Http support in hercules (merged to hercules)   
    Oh bad news...Personally i don't use any kind of crypto, maybe herc need a section for crowdfunding, like rathena does.
    I'll like to support this projet, because is a benefit for all the hercules users, but the actual currency is a limitation for me
  6. Upvote
    akbare reacted to 4144 in Http support in hercules (merged to hercules)   
    For long time i worked on incomplete yet project for add http support into hercules.
    And this is funding page for this project.
    What parts this project contains already:
    new server with http support (named api-server). missing packets for guild emblems. http guild emblems (bmp, gif). hotkeys. emotes. adventurer agency (without search). basic plugins support for all this. basic plugins support for custom urls. extend plugins support for inter server packets. add support for api to login, char, map packets. protection against different attacks on servers. sample http plugin. Add support for emblems bigger than 64k bytes. Add shared configs support between login/char/map/api. Add configuration with default emotes for new chars.  
    What need to add
    adventurer agency search. extend service urls support. add support for browsers and web panels api for control servers. twitter like messages support for old clients. support for vending shops load/save. other different small things.  
    Now this project merged to hercules.
    Merged pull request: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/3198
  7. Upvote
    akbare reacted to Ai4rei in Elurair, v2.15.0.393 - last updated 2024/05/14   
    Elurair Patching Launcher
    (RO Patcher Lite+ROCred Merge)

    Universal auto-patcher for all your updating needs combined with a launcher, which is fully skinnable, highly customizable and easy on resources. It is free of any cost and works on every 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft* Windows* platform. How this came to be: Future of ROCred and RO Patcher Lite
    Known Issues
    Q: Does the patcher support encrypted GRFs?
    A: Yes, common GRF encryption schemes are supported.
    Q: Can I use the Patcher part without the Launcher part?
    A: Yes, the Launcher mechanics and UI can be disabled in configuration.
    Q: Can I use the Launcher part without the Patcher part?
    A: Yes, remove all Patcher sections from the configuration.
    Download & Website
    http://ai4rei.net/p/skal (discord available for real-time support)

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License.
  8. Upvote
    akbare reacted to anacondaq in Ragnarok Offline Newbie Pack 2022 | Make your RO server in less then 5 minutes   
    Pack v2022:
    Current Version: 27 December 2021
    Update 2023-10-01 - latest versions can be found there: 
    Download Links (~4.5GB):
    Download from Mirror #1 or Download from Mirror #2 or Download from Mirror #3  
    Important: Please make someone mirror these files. Or make a donation to me and I will make a mirror by myself.

    What is that?

    This is a newbie package that contains 1 click solution for launching Hercules emulator with a single click.
    This package only for education. Do not use this package anywhere in production.

    This package good demonstration of how everything should be configured by yourself to make it work.
    We can find here a good guide on how to configure everything by yourself:

    What inside the package?

    You have 7 folders:
    01_emulator = here emulators (pre-compiled and pre-configured) for RENEWAL or classic PRERE mechanics 02_client_side = here is your client-side what need to copy-paste to your clean kRO client 03_openserver = here is Open Server (MySQL server where stored your game database and which required by the emulator) 04_useful_tools = here are different useful tools that you usually will need when will work with the emulator or databases 05_misc_repos = here are repositories from which it has built the client-side, and exe patched. 06_cmder = this is a tool will be good for you to update the emulator to the latest version (and other files in misc_repos) 07_clean_kRO_client = this is a clean kRO client (2018 somewhere in march updated), need for you to run your own RO copy.
    How to use all of this?
    extract files inside 01_emulator, 02_client_side, 03_openserver, 07_clean_kRO_client Now, what emulator version do you need? Latest (current official servers) (renewal mechanic (suras, dorams, etc classes)) or classic PRE-re (champion, high wizard, high priest)? Now if for example, you use PRERE mechanic (where is high wizard class, paladin, lord knights, and no 3rd classes) your steps are next: a.) go to 02_client_side\FOR_PRERE_EMULATOR\ b.) select all files in this folder (FOR_PRERE_EMULATOR) and copy (CTLR+C) c.) now go to 07_clean_kRO_client/clean_kRO_client/ folder and copy files here (overwrite if windows explorer will ask to do that). d.) now you need to run OpenServer (it's a server that stores all your player's data inside the database, required by the emulator) and run it. e.) Click on Red Flag -> Run the server, make sure in your tray you got Green Flag. f.) Now go to 01_emulator\hercules_PRERE\ and run: run-server.bat g.) Now go to your 07_clean_kRO_client/clean_kRO_client/ and run: 2018-04-18bRagexeRE_patched.exe Your emulator, your database, and the client are running. Now you can try to login into the game.
    About Accounts:

    How to make a GM account or how to access the database?
    For that, you need to click on Green Flag -> Advanced -> PHPMYADMIN
    In the login field of PHPMyAdmin enter: "root", in the password field enter nothing. (no password)
    Press enter or login, and you will be in the database.
    Databases well structured, so mostly always you need not edit too much there.
    How to make a GM account?
    You opened PHPMYADMIN.
    Now select your database, and find in this database table called: "login"
    Open this table, and find your account name, and you will see column "group_id".
    Edit number in this column (group_id) to 99.
    0-99 = your GM level. 99 = super admin with all privilegies, 0 = simple player with no privieleges.

    Okay, everything working for me, what can I do next?
    My short answer: http://herc.ws/board/ Read all topics, read different guides, read info about NPCs Read info how to add NPCs, how to enable them, how to disable them Read /doc/ folder files inside your emulator folder Read wiki pages: https://herc.ws/wiki/Main_Page Do experiments and do not afraid to destroy everything or remove them.
    Just do mistakes and errors, it's how people learning something new, through mistakes.

    DO not afraid to do a lot of mistakes and ask questions.
    People will help you if you will try to help yourself first and will make good questions with some research before posting messages.

    What tools can I use for making everything much easier for me?
    Tools that you MUST have:
    - Grf Editor - Server Database Editor - VSCode / Notepad++ / Sublime Text / Atom  (any of these editors and select always C syntax highlight for opened files)
    I want to play with my friends on my server
    The solution that you will find by the link below is a terrible solution.
    But usable for a small group of people who for education only want to launch their server ONLINE (for others).
    This is SUPER bad, and never do that, (it's weird, after the only time you will understand why).
    But if you still asking here is the link: https://gist.github.com/anacondaq/3eae8e4afb5d3c3880d08b95b2c54b78

    I want make a donation as a gesture of goodwill:
    Ask administrators here: http://herc.ws/board/
    If they accept donations or not, I found no donation link.
    Optionally you can always support the next guys:
    4144 for massive help to the current RO scene at all by his hard work. AnnieRuru for a lot of scripts, helping newbies on the forums http://herc.ws/board/staff/ - all these guys zackdreaver for a lot of efforts on a translation project and to all guys, scripters, mappers, etc players who spend their time, their efforts just for you to make everything free what you see here. Sorry if I didn’t mention someone.
    I need help with <something>
    There are a lot of talented developers, software developers, scripters, mappers, spriters, and many other people in this community.
    Check the link: https://herc.ws/board/forum/49-paid-services/
    Also, I accept all questions related to the basic newbie stuff on the topic.
    Do not hesitate to ask even super stupid questions.
    But before asking something, try to do a very simple thing: 
    Open google, in the search bar enter: "site:herc.ws" Then write your question or problem Hit enter and check all links that you see, maybe someone already solved your problem earlier.  
    Alternatively: if you will not be annoying, and will be respectful, I can help with some newbie stuff in the discord channel about the package: https://discord.gg/p2kvabm
    - 2021-04-10 - build from scratch new version with everything new (2020 game client, latest translation, fixed bugs, tons of features and improvements)
    - 20200419 - upgraded emulators, fixed problems with emulators, SQL files, and so on, upgraded full kRO, tools, misc Repos, client-files not touched. Added Discord channel for newbies support.
    - 20200307 - updated emulator, recompiled, uploaded to google drive. Client or db-server files not changed.
    - 20200203 - updated emulator, rest files not touched, if you want to upgrade your emulator, just download the 01_emulator.rar folder, and use it instead of your old one.
    I'm Ukrainian in Ukraine. Russia has begun a war against my country, and doing right now is genocide. Destroying cities, even mine own, killing thousands of people, civil people, burning to the ground cities. If you wish to support me in this challenging time (I will try to re-route part of this money to people I know to help them under these awful conditions).
    You can donate personally for me for my needs by the link: https://nowpayments.io/donation/anacondaq (crypto).
    Alternatively, you can send money to help Ukraine citizens to the official fond https://www.comebackalive.in.ua/ or 
    to: https://help.gov.ua/
  9. Upvote
    akbare reacted to AnnieRuru in [Suggestion] displaybottom & message colors   
    ok, I'm noob
    lilith's post is the correct answer
    hercules/rathena already have clif_colormes
    so just need to tweak the script command a little bit and it shall be done
    BUILDIN_FUNC(dispbottom2) { TBL_PC *sd; if ( script_hasdata(st,4) ) { if ( data_isstring( script_getdata(st,4) ) ) sd = map_nick2sd( script_getstr(st,4) ); else sd = map_id2sd( script_getnum(st,4) ); } else sd = script_rid2sd(st); if ( sd ) { unsigned int colorcode; if ( script_hasdata(st,3) ) colorcode = script_getnum(st,3); else colorcode = 0xbbffbb; clif_colormes( sd, colorcode, script_getstr(st,2) ); } return 0;} huh ? why not ? it looks cool ! xD 
    I have tried to do message2 which display color message overhead your character
    however I have found no known way to display a color message on top of your own head
    it seems possible for other players to see your color message, but not by your own
  10. Upvote
    akbare reacted to AnnieRuru in [Suggestion] displaybottom & message colors   
    OMFG !!totally forgotten about channel system
    you are right, NO LIMITATION
    I used rathena emulator to get this working fine
    BUILDIN_FUNC(dispbottom) { TBL_PC *sd; if ( script_hasdata(st,4) ) { if ( data_isstring( script_getdata(st,4) ) ) sd = map_nick2sd( script_getstr(st,4) ); else sd = map_id2sd( script_getnum(st,4) ); } else sd = script_rid2sd(st); if ( sd ) { const char* msg = script_getstr(st,2); unsigned short msg_len = strlen( msg ) +1; unsigned int colorcode; if ( script_hasdata(st,3) ) colorcode = script_getnum(st,3); else colorcode = 0xbbffbb; WFIFOHEAD( sd->fd, msg_len + 12 ); WFIFOW(sd->fd,0) = 0x2C1; WFIFOW(sd->fd,2) = msg_len + 12; WFIFOL(sd->fd,4) = 0; WFIFOL(sd->fd,8) = colorcode; safestrncpy((char*)WFIFOP(sd->fd,12), msg, msg_len); WFIFOSET( sd->fd, msg_len + 12 ); } return 0;} BUILDIN_DEF(dispbottom,"s??"),it works !prontera,162,180,5 script kjsdfhksdjf 100,{ dispbottom "test color"; dispbottom "test color", 0xff0000; dispbottom "test color", 0x0000ff; dispbottom "test color", 0xffffff; dispbottom "test color", 0xff00ff; end;}
  11. Upvote
    akbare reacted to Aeromesi in [Utility Instance] Create your own Farm Zone Instance IN-GAME 2021 NEW!   
    unfortunately no because they have instance_db and cant create instances directly when the server is online, hercules have this feature
  12. Upvote
    akbare reacted to Aeromesi in [Utility Instance] Create your own Farm Zone Instance IN-GAME 2021 NEW!   
    Hello Herc, I hope you enjoy testing out my Farm Zone Instance creator script.

    Here's some information about the script:

    It is a Beta Build. I will be updating this script frequently. So be on the lookout for my GitHub updates.

    Player cannot access until you setup and enable farm zones
    Edit .GMList$ array for certain GM names to use GM menu
    When creating Farm Zone instance you:
    1) Create total amount of Farm Zones you want
    (Say you make Elunium, Oridicon, Dead Brach, Bloody Branch, and EXP Farming) when clicking [First Click] in npc Menu you would make 5. This is just an example
     2) Type out names of instances
    2) Input delay time (this was working and now it's randomly not)
    3) Input item ID
    4) Input Max amount of items
    5) Input rate at which you want player to receive item

    You can either download it directly from an upload I did on Hercules, or download directly from my GitHub.

    GitHub Link:
  13. Like
    akbare reacted to loong in [SHOWCASE]Loong's SPR   
    Hello,Every body,long time no see!

  14. Like
    akbare reacted to `Azhul in Gacha with announce   
    Hello everyone, i have this working gacha script of Capuche
    I want a little modification on it,  npc will announce when a player got the rare item from 1% to 3% chance.
    i hope this is the right place to post this and hope you guys could help me. Thanks in advance
    tavern,66,37,3 script Gacha 562,{ mes .npc_name$; mes "Hello, do you want to play the Gatcha??"; next; switch( select( "Play !", "More Informations", "Leave" ) ) { case 1: break; case 2: while( getd(".p"+ .@j ) ) { mes .npc_name$; mes "Item required: ^FFCC00"+ getitemname( getd(".p"+ .@j ) ) +"^000000"; mes "Chance to gain something: ^CC0000"+ getd(".p"+ .@j +"[1]" ) +"%^000000"; mes "Possible gains:"; for( .@i = 3; .@i < getarraysize( getd(".p"+ .@j ) ); .@i += 3 ) mes "^0000FFx"+ getd(".p"+ .@j +"["+ .@i +"]" ) +"^000000 "+ getitemname( getd(".p"+ .@j +"["+ (.@i -1) +"]" ) ) +" (^CC0000"+ getd(".p"+ .@j +"["+ (.@i +1) +"]" ) +"%^000000)"; .@j++; next; } break; case 3: mes .npc_name$; mes "Bye!~"; close; } mes .npc_name$; mes "Which item do you want to use ?"; next; for( .@j = 0; getd(".p"+ .@j ); .@j++ ) { .@size = getarraysize( .@menu$ ); .@menu$[ .@size ] = getitemname( getd(".p"+ .@j ) ); .@sel[ .@size ] = .@j; } .@s = .@sel[ select( implode( .@menu$, ":" ) ) -1 ]; while (1) { if ( countitem( getd(".p"+ .@s ) ) < 1 ) { mes .npc_name$; mes "it seems you have ran out of "+ getitemname( getd(".p"+ .@s ) ); close; } mes .npc_name$; mes "Here we go..."; delitem getd(".p"+ .@s ), 1; if( rand(100) > getd(".p"+ .@s +"[1]" ) )// lose mes "You got nothing"; else { .@rand = rand( getd(".totalchance"+ .@s ) ); .@r = 1; while ( ( .@rand = .@rand - getd( ".p"+ .@s +"["+ (1+ 3 * .@r) +"]" ) ) >= 0 ) .@r++; getitem getd( ".p"+ .@s +"["+ (1+ 3*.@r -2) +"]" ), getd( ".p"+ .@s +"["+( 1+3*.@r -1 )+"]" ); mes "You got ^FF00CC"+ getd( ".p"+ .@s +"["+( 1+3*.@r -1 )+"]" ) +" "+ getitemname( getd( ".p"+ .@s +"["+ (1+ 3*.@r -2) +"]" ) ) +"^000000"; } mes " "; mes "wanna try again ?"; next; if ( select( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; } close; OnInit: // (item ID need) (chance), (reward 1) (number of reward 1) (chance to gain), (reward 2) (number of reward 2) (chance to gain)... setarray .p0, 32130,100, 31731,1,1, 20255,1,2, 31320,1,3, 6320,1,14, 32044,1,14, 7776,1,14, 32041,1,80, 32091,1,80, 32092,1,80, 32093,1,80, 32040,10,80; // Mithril Coin setarray .p1, 32131,100, 19827,1,1, 5335,1,1, 32041,1,28, 32091,1,28, 32092,1,28, 32093,1,28, 32040,1,28, 7517,1,70; // Gold Coin while ( getd(".p"+ .@j ) ) { for( .@i = 4; .@i < getarraysize( getd(".p"+ .@j ) ); .@i += 3 ) setd ".totalchance"+ .@j, getd(".totalchance"+ .@j ) + getd(".p"+ .@j +"["+ .@i +"]" ); .@j++; } .npc_name$ = "[ "+ strnpcinfo(1) +"]"; end; }  
  15. Like
    akbare reacted to Neo-Mind in WARP - A successor to NEMO   
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Since I couldn't get the turkey, I thought I would bring this instead. 
    Without further ado, Let me introduce...

    WARP (Windows Application Revamp Package)
    Why this name?
    Because I like using acronyms and this name sounded apt. Plus it's the function & features that matter more.
    And no, I am not gonna change the name.
      Why not just fix up NEMO?
    The codebase for NEMO is pretty much ancient at this point. So rather than fixing it up, I decided to go the route of creating it fresh from scratch. The end result is a far superior product. 
      OK, but what if you end up AFRO (Away From RO)again?
    Well, I can't promise that I will be around forever. However, this time around, I am releasing the source code for the tool as well.
      So, exactly what has changed?
    Well, quite a few things. Let's start off with how the GUI looks now.

      As you can see, the GUI is much more modern and aesthetically pleasing thanks to @Haziel & @Hadrias.
      The package comes with 3 tools - Console version (for simple patching), Main GUI, and Tester GUI (for batch testing).
      A big salute to @4144  for keeping NEMO alive while I was AFRO 😄.
    Ok, jokes aside, I discussed with him about the changes he made and I have incorporated almost all of them but with some differences. 
      Language & Styles are now on the bottom as you can see. All the remaining menus have now been shifted to drawers (moving side panels). To reveal them you can either swipe from the respective edge or click the button at the top. 
      The right side drawer houses all the Extensions (Used to be called 'Addons' in NEMO).
    They are now loaded independently of the client. This avoids unnecessary redefinitions and now you can also use Extensions for activities that don't need a loaded client.
      All the common functions have been added to the 'Quick Actions' group and all the remaining ones are in the left drawer, which is not many. If you have suggestions for more features let me know.

    Moving on to the Back end (This is of no use to the regular user. So you can skip this part if you want)
      It was high time for us to have a proper input file format. Enter YAML. Love it or hate it but it's here to stay.
    Frankly, I like it more than libconfig and INI. You would be seeing YAML being used for almost every file in WARP.
    This includes input files for Patches & Extensions, Files defining those two, Session files, etc.
      Writing patches is far more flexible now. Say goodbye to PTYPE_HEX and \xAB. Now we can do wild card searches with the actual wild cards inside hex codes. Of course, we still need to have some well-defined characters for that.
    Currently, we have 2 forms of wildcards - Nibble wise - For e.g. => A?, ??, ?3 Bit wise - For e.g. => [1.0...01] 
      If you have any suggestions about it let me know.
      Speaking of writing hex code, I have provided functions looking almost identical to Assembly instructions for generating their equivalent hex code. This helps in making the hex code more human-readable and adds a little more flexibility.
      User inputs have a few more types and little more flexibility in specifying constraints now. 
      Scripts have proper segregation now. Please follow them when adding your own.
    Only the scripts inside the 'Init' folder gets reloaded each time the client is loaded. This avoids unnecessary reloads.
      exe has now become 'Exe'.  But in addition to this, you get 2 more objects - System (for filesystem activities) & Warp (whatever is outside the scope of the other two)
      Many of the functions used for retrieving some constant information in the 'Exe' have become properties now. For e.g. PEoffset, ImageBase, BuildDate, etc.

      During patching, the Diff section is only added if you have inserted any code using one of the 'Add' functions. Also, the Diff section now grows dynamically as per requirement (in increments of Section Alignment of course).
      In addition to the Patched Exe, The tool also generates an (Extra Patch Info) file with the suffix '.epi'. It holds just enough info for the tool to recognize existing patches in an exe from a previous patch session. 
    So how is it useful? Let's say you have a patched client and its EPI file. But you don't have the original anymore.
    Now you can remove 1 or 2 patches and keep the rest OR even restore the original from the patched exe.
      Last, but not least, I am providing documentation about everything including the API. But bear with me for a bit, as I am still working on the documentation part.
      I probably forgot more points to add here, but I think this pretty much covers the important stuff. Anyway, the documentation would be pretty comprehensive.
      Is it ready to be used now? The tool is definitely ready. I have added most of the patches but not all just yet.
      But I was not able to test all the patches in-game. So please don't attack me if something failed.
    I would appreciate a Bug Request in Github instead.
      Also note, that some patches are still failing for new clients, and some failing for old ones. However, I saw the same behavior in NEMO, so that would be part of the next stage of operations - Updating Patch scripts.
      So, where do I get it from?
      How to use it?
    There is a User Guide in the git repo (best viewed from Github itself). Everyone is used to NEMO by now, so it shouldn't be difficult to use this even without the guide. Plus the Github wiki is pretty detailed. 
      Any last words before we close this?
    Just like in the case of NEMO, my intention with WARP is to create a common tool for patching without being restricted to RO or which OS you use it in. For this reason, you will be seeing multiple branches in the Git repo.

    If you are planning to use WARP for patching some other application, Create a branch using the 'win32' branch as a starting point.

    That's about it from me for now.

  16. Like
    akbare reacted to lowkey in 2021 emulator differences   
    So as far pre renewal is concern. herc is the way to go right.
  17. Like
    akbare reacted to SinjiPrasetio in 2021 emulator differences   
    For me, Hercules is have a really clean code, although use C language instead of C++, rAthena is more updated and closer to the officials and they are using C++ language, although  I choose Hercules because Hercules still can use 2020++ C;lient with older Renewal Formulas, which I don't like Episode 17++ formulas with script only updated until episode 16.2 Terra Gloria. where the world in game and the formulas did not match, for me it was unbalanced.

    Hercules has feature Bartershop work, which is not working at rAthena right now, maybe soon they will add it. In terms of modification, Hercules it's very easy as long you have C language basic.

    When you compile in rAthena you will find a lot of warnings appears althought the emulator still run, but it was unstable.

    So in simple.
    Stability, Cleaner code, Memory Usage, Client feature support, Easy Modifications, and Formula and World match, and Compile Speed Hercules win.
    Updates, and Frequent updates, Advanced Modifications (Because rAthena use C++) still rAthena wins.

    In terms of source structure It has very similar structure.

    So, for me there is pro and cons between this two. But still it came back to your server specification needs.
  18. Like
    akbare reacted to WhiteEagle in Client Error: IsHelmRobe   
    Hey guys,
    Does anyone know how to fix this error?
    Client Version: 2019-12-24_5aRagexe_zero
    Compiled with: ./configure --enable-packetver=20191224 --enable-packetver-zero
    Zero Client downloaded and patched.
    Translated Files tested: Zackdreaver and Asheraf (original files too)

  19. Upvote
    akbare reacted to Strow in Autopatch RBS - Freebies 01 (Code + PSD)   
    View File Autopatch RBS - Freebies 01 (Code + PSD)
    Hi guys
    I am posting an autopatch (Code + PSD).
    I hope you all like it. =D
    If you need support contact us.
    Support: https://facebook.com/ragnarokbrasilservice
    Submitter Strow Submitted 10/29/20 Category Client Resources  
  20. Upvote
    akbare reacted to Ai4rei in Search by image in NPC list   
    For various reasons an idea came up, to have a reverse search (or search-by-image) function in the NPC list.
    The question is, would there be general demand for such a function, or not?
  21. Upvote
    akbare reacted to L1nkZ in RPatchur, a customizable patcher   
    A few days ago I released the first version of an open-source patcher I've been working on. The project has been developed in Rust and the UI is based on the webview project.
    The project also includes a cross-platform, command-line THOR patch generator.
    The patcher's current features are the following:
    * Customizable, web-based UI
    * Cross-platform (Windows 7/8/10, Linux, macOS)
    * Configurable through an external YAML file
    * HTTP/HTTPS support
    * GRF file patching (version 0x101, 0x102, 0x103 and 0x200)
    * THOR patch format support
    * Drop-in replacement for the Thor patcher
    * SSO login support (i.e., can act as a launcher)
    * Manual patching
    * Can use multiple patch mirrors
    The project's repository can be found here: https://github.com/L1nkZ/rpatchur (and documentation can be found here). Contributions are welcome!
    v0.3.0: https://github.com/L1nkZ/rpatchur/releases/tag/v0.3.0
    v0.2.3: https://github.com/L1nkZ/rpatchur/releases/tag/v0.2.3
    v0.2.2: https://github.com/L1nkZ/rpatchur/releases/tag/v0.2.2
    v0.2.1: https://github.com/L1nkZ/rpatchur/releases/tag/v0.2.1
    v0.2.0: https://github.com/L1nkZ/rpatchur/releases/tag/v0.2.0
    v0.1.0: https://github.com/L1nkZ/rpatchur/releases/tag/v0.1.0
  22. Upvote
    akbare reacted to Hyvraine in Botong-ui | FluxCP Theme   
    View File Botong-ui | FluxCP Theme
    Hi! This is kind of my "sorry for appearing and disappearing, please accept my apology" beta release.
    It's not exactly a theme, there are changes to some of the library files as well as changes to the configuration files. Very minor, really. You can see all the changes here: https://github.com/marqroldan/FluxCP
    There are also fixes that support the changes to the structures of the tables, if I missed any please notify me.
    Note that this is currently for Hercules version of FluxCP and not compatible with rAthena's.
    This theme is based on Bootstrap 4 (so it still includes jQuery). It is responsive.
    What you see on the main page isn't something I created. It's just a random Bootstrap 4 template that I downloaded.
    That Bootstrap 4 Template Details:
    Theme Name: Rapid
    Theme URL: https://bootstrapmade.com/rapid-multipurpose-bootstrap-business-template/
    Author: BootstrapMade.com
    License: https://bootstrapmade.com/license/
    Video Preview: 
    Why is the file so big? Yeah normally it's less than 20MB but it's due to the inclusion of the item icons and thumbnails. Where are the images? You can get them from here: https://github.com/marqroldan/FluxCP/tree/dataImages or http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2509-item-images/ It's not working! Nani? Well it should be working fine (if you've installed all the necessary and required tables). Should you encounter any bugs or problems feel free to reply on this topic so I could patch it on the repo. Will you update your Stellar FluxCP skin? No. It will forever stay that way and will not provide any support. This Botong-ui theme however will be updated from time to time. How frequent is the update to this theme? Always check the repository for recent changes, not this forum's download section. For faster updates. How to change to another theme? Simple, open your browser's developer tools and go to the console and type: updatePreferredTheme("[themename]") where you replace the bold text to the name of the theme you want to switch to. Can I contribute? Of course! Just make a pull request on the repo Your repository is so messy. I have no valid excuse for this. I'm still learning how to properly use Git / version control system and would greatly appreciate it if you have tips.  
    Thank you!
    Submitter Hyvraine Submitted 07/12/19 Category Web Resources  
  23. Upvote
    akbare reacted to 4144 in [ASK] plugin compile centos 6 x86_64   
    you have syntax error in src/plugins/Makefile.in and make said about it. See how other plugins added
    in other way you can not change make file, but use separate make command.
    for example:
    make plugin.@afk  
  24. Upvote
    akbare reacted to Maple in [Showcase] Template FluxCP   
    I wanted to show you my beautiful FluxCP template 😍
    Just a pity that I ended up giving up opening my server. 😶

  25. Upvote
    akbare reacted to Sora in Sloth Patcher   
    View File Sloth Patcher
    This patcher is public so don't try to sell it or make it your property.
    All the necessary files.
    English and French version.
    The PSD.
    You can found me on discord : Sloth#6226
    Github : https://github.com/SlothBM/
    Want to support my work ?

    Submitter Sora Submitted 05/23/20 Category Client Resources  
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