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Posts posted by mleo1

  1. HERC mobdb


    // ID,Sprite_Name,kROName,iROName,LV,HP,SP,EXP,JEXP,Range1,ATK1,ATK2,DEF,MDEF,STR,AGI,VIT,INT,DEX,LUK,Range2,Range3,Scale,Race,Element,Mode,Speed,aDelay,aMotion,dMotion,MEXP,MVP1id,MVP1per,MVP2id,MVP2per,MVP3id,MVP3per,Drop1id,Drop1per,Drop2id,Drop2per,Drop3id,Drop3per,Drop4id,Drop4per,Drop5id,Drop5per,Drop6id,Drop6per,Drop7id,Drop7per,Drop8id,Drop8per,Drop9id,Drop9per,DropCardid,DropCardper
    // Note: Keep the Sprite_Name field as it is in the game client.


    EATHENA mobdb



    // ID,Sprite_Name,kROName,iROName,LV,HP,SP,EXP,JEXP,Range1,ATK1,ATK2,DEF,MDEF,STR,AGI,VIT,INT,DEX,LUK,Range2,Range3,Scale,Race,Element,Mode,Speed,aDelay,aMotion,dMotion,MEXP,ExpPer,MVP1id,MVP1per,MVP2id,MVP2per,MVP3id,MVP3per,Drop1id,Drop1per,Drop2id,Drop2per,Drop3id,Drop3per,Drop4id,Drop4per,Drop5id,Drop5per,Drop6id,Drop6per,Drop7id,Drop7per,Drop8id,Drop8per,Drop9id,Drop9per,DropCardid,DropCardper
    // Note: Keep the Sprite_Name field as it is (in the game client). You may change Name,JName field tough


    expper whats that lel, 


  2. @@Litro
    Thank you for your time, I'm gonna tweak your code and remove the timer and use below code

    if you try to equip armor with above refine in the map, it will not equip

    I lazily lurk around the code, dunno c, here's what I added

    on PC.c's pc_equipitem

    if (sd->mapindex == mapindex->name2id("pvpizlude") && sd->status.inventory[n].refine > 7)	{		clif->equipitemack(sd,n,0,EIA_FAIL); // fail		return 0;}

    It looks working but did I do wrong? (I dont wanna crash the shit)


    query_sql( "SELECT `x` FROM `y` WHERE `char_id` = '"+escape_sql( getcharid(0) )+"'",.@status);






    I want to show all items sent by the character in a npc dialogue.


    you need to look at

    picklog table: type field

    mysql limit, you need to offset to show them all

    Not Tested Sample

    query last 20 items that you sent in storage sample

    set .@nb, query_logsql("SELECT nameid, amount FROM picklog WHERE type='R' AND amount<0 AND char_id=150000 ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 20",.@item,.@amount);
    for(set .@i,0; .@i < .@nb; set .@i,.@i+1)
    mes .@item[.@i] +" "+ .@amount[.@i];
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