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Everything posted by bWolfie

  1. How did you fix this error? I just updated to the latest revision and I have no idea what to do.
  2. Maybe you put them between /* */ comments
  3. Firstly, you would need to set the mapflag 'loadevent' for your map in question. map_name mapflag loadeventNext, you need to create a script to register the last player on that map using the 'OnPCLoadMapEvent' function.- script Last Player ID FAKE_NPC,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) == "map_name") { .@charid = getcharid(3,"" + strcharinfo(0) + ""); $last_char_name = " + rid2name(.@charid) + "; end; } else end; } The above script asks the following:.@charid asks for the charid type 3, which is the Account ID. $last_char_name, converts .@charid into a name using the command 'rid2name'. Note: rid2name only displays the current online character of that account. Next you need a script which you'll be able to easily access the above value. For this post, we'll use an atcmd using 'bindatcmd'. All in all, it turns out like this: - script Last Player ID::last_player_id_001 FAKE_NPC,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) == "prontera") { .@charid = getcharid(3,"" + strcharinfo(0) + ""); $last_char_id = .@charid; end; } else end; OnCommand: .@own_id = getcharid(3,"" + strcharinfo(0) + ""); detachrid; attachrid($last_char_id); .@pleb_id = strcharinfo(0); detachrid; attachrid(.@own_id); message strcharinfo(0),"The last player to load map prontera was " + .@pleb_id + "."; end; OnInit: bindatcmd "charid","last_player_id_001::OnCommand",96; end; } prontera mapflag loadevent With a level 96 GM or above, you can use the command '@charid' to view the last player who loaded prontera.Not sure if this is what you were after!
  4. Hello Hercules! I am interested in removing this button from my client. Does anybody know how? Thank you in advance.
  5. I hired RagnaGFX (now Paroxysm) to make a patcher skin, a login screen and login interface. The experience was great. He has great customer skills and is very polite. It took a while to make, but he was very open to trying and creating your ideas. I recommend hiring Paroxysm for your RO graphical needs!
  6. Okay so, when you start your server via putty, you get access to all the things going on your servers. But how do I re-access them without having to restart my server? Thanks!
  7. Hi, I want to make a script to open command prompt (or Run -> Cmd in old windows) so players can check their ping. → Player types @ping → Client forces a cmd open and automatically runs the command 'ping mydomain.com'.
  8. You need to use the setcell script command. Imagine the square you drew as coordinates. Bot left corner = coord1 Top left cnr = coord2 Bot right cnr = coord3 Top right cnr = coord4 OnInit: setcell "prontera",coord1,coord2,coord3,coord4,cell_nochat,1; end;
  9. make sure you open all ports required to connect
  10. bWolfie

    Please help.

    If it's showing 'Unknown Item', that's an itemInfo.lub/lua problem, meaning you probably haven't matched its ID with that in your item_db.conf.
  11. I think this is a client diff? In nemo's patcher you should be able to make it go above 32k...I think.
  12. Because it provides 150-200 ping for SEA players, without locking out Americans.
  13. What do you need? I don't understand lol.
  14. Using 2014-10-22 client, in the alt+a stats windows, accessory is spelled "accessary". Unsure if this affects other clients.
  15. Maybe it is possible through an app like Discord. It already supports IRC relay (although its fucking confusing to setup).
  16. You need to remove the "Upper: 2" bit. Upper type 2 means only rebirth jobs can equip IRRC. From: http://herc.ws/wiki/Custom_Items
  17. Actually this often happens to servers who have iptables or a firewall active. You need to enable them to listen to the ports listed in your conf files.
  18. It's cause you have their type set as 4, Weapon. You should use type 5, Armor. View IDs for weapons have to be these listings here:
  19. bWolfie

    3rd job npc

    It needs a close like I mentioned in my post edit. Also, change all cases of BaseClass to BaseJob
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